Thursday, October 30, 2008

Maria Duval - Wealth And The Pursuit Of Financial Freedom

Wealth And The Pursuit Of Financial Freedom
Is Financial Freedom for the Masses? Financial freedom Has different meanings for different folks. What does it mean too you? Does it mean being free from a job that is going nowhere, credit cards, house payments or just the burden of making ends meet? To some it means giving more to the Church, School, community, or where ever a need lies. Or, it may simply mean freedom from a particular burden? Just think, no more financial worries, or anxieties. But wait - why aren’t you wealthy now? What has been holding you back? Perhaps you are not willing to do what is necessary for wealth? What price are you willing to pay? What are you willing to do now that you were not willing to do yesterday? What has changed? Are you more desperate, mature, willing, when you woke up this morning? Why do you believe you can do it now, when you didn’t in times past? Hogwash! You’re not ready! Until you can stand and make a declaration of independence Self-Help Programs Don’t Work I have seen and you have also, there thousands of self-help programs, articles, books, magazines, conferences and so on available to the public. I bought several programs myself in my youth. It doesn’t matter how much information is available, people won’t listen or pay attention. They may have good intentions and truly want to change, but unless there is some sort of stimulus, they won’t change. Many people say, “Yes, I will do what I have to do" but when the going gets tough, they fold like a wet rag. They have no imagination; their attitude doesn't match their mouth. They can’t handle nor do they want to face change. They are comfortable in what they do. Day in and day out they follow their self made, hollow avenues of mediocrity. They look at the person of wealth and claim it’s beyond their grasp, so they don’t even try. What if, what if . . . I fail! Everyone would laugh and jeer, I, I wouldn’t be able to face them �" my family, friends, co workers. I would loose face, everyone would think I was a joke. Who’s Paying the Bills? When was the last time your friends offered to pay your bills? When was the last time your friends put something in the offering plate . . . in your name? Chances are, the answer is �" never. You are responsible for you, not your friends, family or co workers. They might come to the rescue if you were drowning but I assure you, they will turn away at the mere mention of money. Your success is in your hands, alone. You must be stimulated The pursuit of Wealth is not so much in having the right information as it is in personal ambition. All the information in the world will not help a person with no ambition. It takes an internal stimulus to change the outside character. You must have internal desire, for whatever reason, but it must come from the heart. Why should you make a change at this particular time in your life? Family, spouse, God, self improvement; why should you change? Why should you pursue and dedicate yourself to a principle you didn’t believe in before? Another thing, don’t let outside influences become your driving force, they won’t last. I can’t say that to be true one hundred percent of the time. There are many stories of people who excelled in their fields because of a very influential Grandmother. Unless you have a supportive person in your life, you will have to do it on your own. You must be able to dream Dreams are good, they excite the soul. Once your dreams are stimulated, you can then assess what changes that must be made within you so you can accept them as yours. Then and only then is when you can begin to focus on the process of application, as you set them into your personal foundation for success. Without a foundation, a hard rock starting point, you will always be in danger of slipping back into oblivion. You must know why you are willing to sacrifice for wealth and be willing to take the first step. . You must define your ambition First, define what wealth means to you. Wealth has a different meaning for different people. As we discussed before, you must believe in your rationality. Don't make the mistake of making your spouse's or your parent's ideas of success, your own. Success is a personal commitment. It's what moves you, inspires you, triggers your emotions, motivates you, and brings out the true you. It’s between you and a deeper principle within your soul guiding, prodding, and coxing you toward your destiny. It wakes you from the dead and stimulates life into your inner being so you may pursue greatness. What matters is what is your most personal desire, what sets you on fire? Do you awake each morning with a new, invigorating purpose for being and can’t wait to get started? The day is yours and it is high time you clamed it. Your must be focused You can’t see the goal if your not focused. Oh you might know it’s there, but you won’t have a clear picture of it. You have been looking at the target through a fog. You must clear the air and get focused on the task at hand. That’s why higher learning facilities get paid so much, they teach people how to focus. You can’t hit the target without first focusing on it. "Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grief’s which we endure help us in our marching onward." - Henry Ford Until the next time . . . Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. See How To, Run Your Car On WATER
Self Employment

The Power of Mind State
The power of mind state is critical in determining your success when starting a home based business. It will be the foundation on which your empire stands. The majority of people who want to start a home based business online or offline fail to do so mainly because they don't have the right type of mind state power to overcome the obstacles associated with completing such a task. The biggest hurdle you will ever face is fear. Fear is the number one thing that holds people back from not only achieving their dreams but from even attempting them in the first place. The power of mind state when mastered erases the fear of failure and the doubt of a successful outcome.

Another big obstacle of the mind when dealing with venturing out into unknown territory is anxiousness. Anxiousness related to business usually comes in the form of worrying about how fast you will make any money, especially the amount of money that was required for you to start your business in the first place. This is known as seed money or start up capital. It is extremely important to give yourself a reasonable amount of time to break even and or make a profit from your new found venture. If you are familiar with the secret movie at all then you know about affirmations. Without getting to detailed, for those of you who don't know about affirmations, it is simply a positive statement that you say to yourself or read out loud to build your level of positive thinking. The real significance of this practice is to train and reprogram your subconscious mind to approach life in a positive outlook rather than a negative thought process. For example, when you believe that failure has little to no chance of happening and success happens easily and frequently, you have done a very successful job of reprogramming your subconscious.

Most people tend not to think positive on a regular basis. There is always a what if or worst case scenario mind state when most people think about something that is challenging. This is especially true for an aspiring entrepreneur. Affirmation is one way to change your belief into that which operates as ones spiritual belief. Regardless of denomination, when it comes to spiritual belief, most are able to possess as well as express their faith easily. Faith is believing in that which you can not see. Meaning even though you haven't any physical evidence, you still believe without doubt that your perception of the spiritual aspects of this world are correct and without flaw. Sadly, the opposite is true when pertaining to things outside of the spiritual realm. Many approach things in a see to believe mentality which automatically causes you through subconscious action to put less effort into it. I mean why do something if you don't believe their will be a positive outcome or if you don't have a positive outlook that the results of your efforts will pay off. This is why those who don't play lottery or gamble choose not to do so. They don't believe they will win and therefore participating is pretty much a waste of time and money.

While logically gambling and lottery do have a certain risk aspect to it, we all have seen or heard of people who gamble as a profession. Well why can one person see it as extremely risky to gamble while another can actually do it as his or her profession and earn a living through it. The simple answer is mind state. The professional simply doesn't look at it the way the non gambler does and just do to this different mind-state the professional has enough success with it that they're able to earn a living with it. If you go back and look at starting a business you will see the similarities here because their is risk associated with starting a business as well. Although the risk level does vary between gambling and starting a business, the simple fact that there is even a risk is what stops a person from starting a business the same way it keeps them from gambling. Therefore the level of risk plays very little role and it is really the individuals mind state towards risky things that is the real factor. Some people just aren't capable of taking risk so they play it safe or what I should say is perceived a safe to them, which is normally getting a job.

However is important to recognize that all this is nothing more than the outcome of each individuals thinking. If you were to go around and survey people asking them what they would do if they knew they couldn't fail, you'd find that almost everyone will give you an answer that is completely different from what it is they are currently doing. Thus meaning that one of the only reasons that don't attempt or are not doing that very thing now is because they think they will fail at it. We are all people so what makes an actor, musician, athlete or businessman so popular. It is merely because a lot of people look at that actor, athlete, musician, or businessman as someone who is able to do things that they don't feel they could do in their own life. However, most of these that are performed can be taught and learned. Sure there is natural talent and abilities. There is also different levels of ability but if you look in the yellow pages I am pretty sure you will find acting schools, music schools, numerous colleges and places to learn different skills and trades.

The power of mind state in a quick sum up is basically a theory that goes if a person doesn't believe, they usually don't succeed and a lot of times they don't even try to begin with. It is not that your thinking causes mysterious positive things to happen. It is that your thinking controls your action and your action creates the life you have. Thinking in a certain matter will change your actions and behaviour to that which will bring you prosperity rather than that of a person who believes they can't. Look around you. The car, the plane, train, space shuttle, telephone, light bulb, computer, television, Internet and more all exist because someone believed they could create it. Through that belief they took action to create it and through that action it now exist. If they didn't think they could do it, they never would have. The funny thing is that while they were busy creating, there was someone right there telling them that it couldn't be done. There is always those people who say it can't be done but numerous times throughout history, that which was suppose to be unable to be done was indeed done. This is still happening today. So what are you? Are you a naysayer who goes against everything only to see it still transpire before your very eyes or are you the one who uses the power of the mind state to create that which others believe can't be done?

Either way, the power of the mind state is at work and I hope from reading this that you have come to recognize this. To master control of mind and change your subconscious level of thinking is a task that takes dedication and commitment. It is not easy to reprogram yourself to go against everything you have been taught, exposed to and believe. The first key is to believe in yourself. By trusting yourself it will make it easier to allow yourself to reprogram yourself. I'm pretty sure you have heard the phrase that your own worst enemy is yourself. Well the reason that is true is because we tend to fight ourselves and not get out of our own way in life. It's not anyone else holding you back. It is just your own doubt that you can do it that keeps you from going for it. You don't want to go out of your comfort zone. You don't want to face your fears but this is necessary to become the a true master of your own mind. Your power lies within your state of mind and when you learn how to control your mind, you will really understand how much power you possess. I will leave you with this: whatever you believe is true is true for you. Regardless of if anyone else believes, practices or follows it, it is still true for you. So until you are able to believe in yourself, you can believe in those that are like and where you want to be. That is team. That is community. Leverage the belief of others until your own belief is in a place where you need it to be.

I am an Internet marketer and I use the power of mind state within my life to have success not only in business but in all aspects of my life.

If you have found this article helpful or which to learn more principles free of charge then feel free to visit my site. Michael Williams is a successful internet marketer and real estate investor who specializes in helping others start or develop their own businesses. Furthermore he teaches how to control your way of thinking and your approach towards business ownership and investments.

Life is a Mind Game, Play To Excel in Life!
Life is full of ups and downs. It would be abnormal if you feel emotionally high all the time so it is actually alright to feel lousy and low sometimes especially in times of hardship. However, to still remain in a lousy state even when the troubled times are over is simply unacceptable. Life is like a mind game. You can either choose to live your life as you desired or you can choose to live in a life of ruins.

They say you are what you eat. That must also be true with your thoughts. You are what you think. Your will is an extremely powerful tool that can set the events that will ultimately happen in your life. Your resolve spells all the difference in the world you tread. It can either bring you success or misfortune. Therefore, the best way to do it is to make it work to your advantage. Learn to control your life through a consistently empowering strength of mind.

Always think of positive thoughts and let positive thoughts overwhelmed your mind. Even in your darkest period of your life, stay positive and have an optimistic attitude that things will change for the better. We all experience our darkest period of our life but to let such highly unhealthy thoughts to be inputted into our powerful mind is definitely unwise. Do not let negative thoughts to control you, you control the negative thoughts. Obstacles and events will happen in life, if you can control them, go ahead and do it, if you can't, move on with your life with a optimistic attitude.

Read between the lines. Life is always not what it seems. You need to go deeper and understand the true meaning of it. Sometimes things do happen for a reason and they may be chances for you to know more about yourself and learn from it. A simple and innocent event may be more than what you think and it may have the power to change you. Be able to read deep into the event and discover the beauty of the event. Life is just simply more than just never ending malice. Concentration camp survivors learned this lesson the hard way. Nevertheless, they tried to squeeze the meaning of their suffering and let hope be their guiding light. Things often happened for a reason.

Feed from positive sources. When you were young, you probably thought once you are done with your formative years in school, education stops. You discovered it is not the case. You can never outgrow the need to educate yourself. Your experiences can get you through tough times, but they are not enough. You need to embrace other people’s experiences as well. Life is one big circle of humanity. Be one with the community. Contribute and share your personal knowledge. Study and hear out the rich history of successful people.

You are what you think so it is up to you to take the challenge and live your life according to the merits of your willpower.

Discover the secret behind the Mind Power and Law of Attraction

I have just completed my brand new report to the subconscious mind, Mind Power Hacks
Download it free here:
Discover The Power of the Subconscious Mind

How to Stop Contradicting Your Affirmations
The reason you use affirmations is to reprogram your brain, beliefs, and habits or attachments to negative beliefs and behaviors so you get the outcomes you desire . . . right? If you practice self-sabotage in this area, here are a few pointers to assist you.

Affirmations are often thought of as feel-good statements, and they certainly should be; but if you have little to no belief that there is truth to a statement, Law of Attraction will perform perfectly and you will wonder why the shift or result you desire is not happening.

An affirmation states something is a truth, no matter what has happened before. This gets tricky because if you believe the past as true evidence or proof (rather than a result of your beliefs and thoughts), it can be a challenge to believe the affirmation over the false proof that demonstrated otherwise.

Stating and repeating an affirmation that your inner voice contradicts means, without realizing it, you just affirmed (stated as a fact) the contradiction as your reality . . . not the original affirmation.

"As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee," explains exactly how Law of Attraction works. It doesn't say as you hope or wish, but as you believe. If you state an affirmation and return to struggling as before, you miss the point. Law of Attraction works for you to the degree you believe it can or does.

It is vital that you replace an old belief that no longer serves you (and this includes what you call facts) with the energy vibration of what you now claim as your new reality. Even starting by believing in the possibility it can be your reality has a higher vibration than believing it cannot. You can hold the vibration of new possibilities and outcomes of the affirmation as your truth.

Believing doesn't mean have a belief as much as it means have faith. Faith comes from true knowing, from knowing the Truth. Spirit is an absolute presence in your life because it is All That Is and all you are. Law of Attraction is a force, a tool, and it works without fail by matching your vibrations. Spirit uses Law of Attraction to receive and respond to your requests and as the means to allow you to self-evolve. But even Spirit follows the Law and responds in direct proportion to what you believe and how much you believe it.

Belief comes from intellect; faith comes from absolute trust in the Truth of Spirit and that Law of Attraction works every time. It is a feeling. It is a knowing as a result of having a genuine, ongoing relationship with Spirit and conscious use of the Law. Ask yourself what such a relationship looks and feels like to you. If this is not your current experience, ask Spirit to show you how to make it so and how to understand Law of Attraction. Your request will be answered.

And remember: beliefs change; truths never do.

Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., is the 4P Power Coach ( 4P Power Coaching is for those who wish to use a spiritual approach (and tools) to life and business through conscious use of Law of Attraction. Details, free newsletter, quiz, and more at ~ Books, reviews, preview chapters at, including Law of Attraction Alchemy, which includes 64 powerful affirmations � with a twist!

Desire of a Flower
Desire of a Flower Our passions moved like the wind. Desire burned like flames until there was nothing left. The scent of her and the smell of a flower, for me, are as one. The long lasting memory of her touch, her taste, fuels my burning heart, after what seems like eons. To know, and to have, but too of lost is a pain and a joy of moments long passed into the hopelessness of need. Fate moves her hand in unfair ways. Looking, seeking, asking, but never finding; is a rode for the dammed. Hoping, trusting, being, is the path for the meek, for someday, someway, somehow I will find the desire, of a flower, once more. You can comment on this article at: Datawinds Comment Also come by for my development site and more info. We also invite you to come by and start playing games for cash.

Started in computer repair and software design at the age of 15. Been in web development since 1993(like before the dot com boom). My major skills are: Creating, updating and maintaining multiple web sites. Web Programming, Template Design, Script installations, and Website migration. Designing graphics, logos and animation(CUSTOM FLASH DESIGN) for websites. Collaboration with content providers. Content writer and SEO expert. Overseeing and driving day-to-day website operations. Creating processes for posting content to websites. Ensuring web site quality, performance and reliability. And Much more...

Engineer turns his life around with Roadmap to Riches, and will teach to do the same.
At 32, he was introduced to the world of MLM (Muti-level marketing). With the Multiple challenges have lead now 37-year-old William Blue to finding a fully automated marketing system that works like a charm. In 2002, the 15 year Robotic Engineer William Blue was introduced to the world of MLM. And as we know most MLM have you writing down list of everyone you know. One organization William worked for had him call everyone from his cell phone, as well as having him hang out at the gas station. WOW! I don’t know about you, but you have got to be pretty bold to hang out at the gas station. Or as William said “ Willing to do what ever it takes “. Well need less to say that particular company was shut down. All the time spent at weekly meetings and money spent was all for not. Thus this turned William off to any and all MLM opportunities. Well it has been a little over 5 years since William had looked at any type of Business, until now. In June of 2007 he was introduced to the world of Internet marketing, and direct sales. He really saw a way for him to retire and live the life he and his family have always dreamed of. He realized it was going to take a lot of hard work, consistency, and dedication to earn the type of income through this venture. According to William’s research the three main reasons for failure in the world of make money online in a home based business are the need to prospect, have the time, and closing the sale. Prospecting; This is relatively simple to do…remember this is from a guy that hung out at the gas station prospecting. However most people are not ready to do that so they end up buying leads from lead brokers for as much as $5 a lead. Well with the system William and his team have you will not need to pay for leads. William will show you how to get all the leads you need for FREE. Yes I said Free! Time; In the fast-paced world of today we find ourselves involved in all kinds of activities, from our careers, family duties, religious activities, entertainment, etc.. And seldom do we have the time for anything else, let alone a business of your own. William has found this to be true, as he lost one of his business projects due to his full-time job, family and friends. “ I would spend 50-70 hours a week at my job, it was as if my job was interfering with my life.” William explains. Sale; One of William‘s friends who has become a millionaire in the world of make money online with a home based business believes that “selling” is not a skill, but a art. The reality is that most of us do not like to sell, we don’t like to be pushy, and we don’t like rejection. That’s why the system William has in place will do the closing for you. His team is currently making 3-5 sales a day using this system. In June 2007 William came across an online program that is proving to be the answer to all his payers- Roadmap to Riches. This is the hottest thing on the internet. Personal Development is a $9 Billon dollar per year industry and growing at an unbelievable rate. This industry is Booming and positioning yourself to take advantage of a growing trend. Roadmap to Riches couldn’t have come at a better time. So you don’t think the Personal Development and Self-improvement Industry has a market big enough to earn a healthy six-figure income. Well we thought the same thing, so we did some research online on several different areas of self-improvement/personal development, and the results the came back were shocking. When we saw the numbers, we couldn’t believe our eyes. And this is why William has joined Roadmap to Riches. There are some companies selling courses, even seminars from as little as $1,000 all the way up to $20,000 or more, all because people are craving this kind of informational products on how to better themselves. These products are nothing like the products from, EDC, Perfect Wealth Formula, or Wealth Magnet. Many of these companies are selling out dated software that no one will ever use. We are not saying that Roadmap to Riches is for you, but with the personal development/ Self-improvement products and the system and the support William Blue has in place you owe it to your self to give him a call. William Blue can be contacted at 520-568-2369 and at

William Blue a Robotic Engineer & Internet Marketer has joined forces with Marketing Master Rich Ramalho in a quest to teach Home Business seekers and Internet Newbies how to make real money online.

What Were You Thinking? Are You Listening?
Do you remember the TV commercial from years ago that ended with the phrase: "The mind is a terrible thing to waste"? I guess I am dating myself here, but that is a very prolific statement.

I find it interesting that not many people pay a great deal of attention to what goes into their mind. After all, the mind is the single most important factor in determining who you are and what you do as an individual.

If your mind is positive and creative, you can achieve your goals and realize your dreams. Many of the highly successful people you see in the news today spent a great deal of time to work on improving their minds.

On the other hand, if your mind is negative or inactive, it's very likely you will not achieve all you are capable of in your life. I imagine if you analyze the lives of some of the most notorious people in the world you may discover that they fed their minds with negative thoughts at one point or another.

The question then becomes:

Are you born with a positive or negative mind?

I believe you are born with neither.

In my opinion, you develop your mind by what you put into it, and it is an ever-changing “being”, just as you are a product of your life experiences. A positive mind creates an inner beauty which radiates to the surface.

If you are continually putting negative information into your mind, the results tend to be negative thoughts and ultimately negative actions.

However, I also believe no matter how much negativity you have in your mind, you can overcome it with positive input. So, if you want the positive and creative thoughts, it is pertinent to always get the right kind of information into your mind.

The most common way to do this is by reading the right kinds of books, books that promote positive thinking, or at least have an underlying positive message. Sadly, because of the great demand on your time in this ‘drive-up-window’ world you live in, reading a book often gets omitted or pushed aside because of your busy schedule. You are busier than ever and time has become a dwindling commodity.

Sound familiar?

Thankfully, with the advent and popularity of audio books, anyone can get the right information into his or her mind without having to try and find the time to read during a busy day.

Now, you can "listen" to books, seminars, lectures and podcasts while you're on-the-go, and when you don't have time to read. And since today's selection of downloadable audio books is not limited to just fiction and literary works, but runs the gamut from how-to manuals to business books and self-help information, you will find that you can download an unlimited amount of information into your brain.

Not only can you fill your mind with positive thoughts, but you also can learn a skill, enjoy a murder mystery or an epic romance novel, and even increase your cultural literacy.

You can enjoy the benefits of audio books while exercising, commuting to and from your work, spending time on your hobby, walking the dog, etc. Or, at the end of that stressful day, you can relax with your favorite audio book, even with the lights off.

When time permits, grab a good positive book.

When time is limited, “listen” to what the book has to say.

So, hop off the "down escalator" and rise up above the crowd by putting some positive thoughts into your mind with a book or an audio book.

Here are some suggested books to get you started:

1. Build Your Self Esteem
Author: Glenn Harrold
Publisher: Diviniti Publishing

2. Awaken the Giant Within
Author: Anthony Robbins
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio

3. Develop a Powerful Memory
Author: Glenn Harrold
Publisher: Diviniti Publishing

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Author: Stephen R. Covey
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio

5. How to Win Friends & Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio

6. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
Author: Susan Jeffers
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio

7. The Power is Within You
Author: Louise L. Hay
Publisher: Hodder Headline Audio books

8. Creating Inner Peace and Calm
Author: Glenn Harrold
Publisher: Diviniti Publishing

9. Get Up and Do It!
Publisher: BBC Books

Explore a vast selection of downloadable audio books in over 160 categories from the world's leading publishers. Randy Luxinger provides unique custom content, generous commissions and helpful tips to his dluxaudio affiliates.

Is Your Success Written In The Law?
Here are six laws that are keys to effective strategy which can unlock greater success for you. These are the silent laws that are fundamental to your success throughout all the years of your life . . . as they guide you upward and onward to higher achievements. 1. The laws of control. You must be in control in every situation and at every moment; in control of your own faculties as well as any external forces that would exert pressure on you. The fact is; either you are controlling the situation or the situation is controlling you. People are being bombarded constantly by influential forces that tug and pull on their senses. These forces influence their way of thinking and how they react to any process. How well a person is able to stay in control of external stimuli indicates how well they are able to manage their influence upon it. Remember, “if God is with you, who can be against you?” 2. The law of observance Always observe what is going on around you, pay attention, be aware of the possibilities. Take note of what is not happening as well as what is. Don’t make rash judgments, weigh all possibilities before you act. While all action contains a certain amount of risk, you can reduce the odds by careful examination. Don’t make hasty judgments, plot the course then and only then . . . proceed with caution. 3. The law of value. As a leader/manager, how valuable are you to your employer? If there were a lay-off today, would you be let go, or be kept on? Make sure you know your job plus a little more. Learn multiple jobs in your workplace well because, the more you know, the more value you have. Always do your best and volunteer once in a while. 4. The law of integrity Certain qualities of character are unique to a true Christian. A true Christian can be trusted for his/her word is as good as gold. You can take what he/she says to the bank because you know they can be trusted to back up all they say. It seems trusted employees have become a rarity in today’s workplace. From padding the time sheet to small pilferage, everyone seems to be out for themselves. People get the idea the company owes them over and beyond their agreed on wages. They justify their actions by their own distorted reasoning. When a person agrees to the terms of employment, then they must live with it. If the terms are not proven to be as agreed, then you must respectfully, terminate. Integrity is the heart as it represents quality, honesty, high morals, truth, and trust. It is the only quality in a person that they have total control over, to voluntarily give up. No one can take it from you, you have to make a choice to damage your own integrity. Once you have given up your integrity, you can never get it back. 5. The law of Development Most everyone desires to be the best at what they do but few accomplish it. Why? Distractions, loss of drive, inability to focus, compliancy, and many other things undermine man’s ability to achieve. Even though man is a creative being, born of excellence, he/she rapidly becomes victim to worldly conditions and points of view. I can is replaced with I can’t, I will is replaced I won’t and so on. The trials of life creates despair in the mind and clouds thinking. Man becomes embroiled in social and cultural dogma and the world becomes a battleground of uncertainties for the senses causing a distorted perception. The world point of view is a powerful influence on the mind and becomes captivating, addictive and self destructive. The mind thinks it can’t be any better than it already is, yet we know the laws of development can and does elevate a person from failure to success. Success is a God trait inherent in mankind while failure is embracing the inconsistencies of the world order. Man, in his own right, can be anything he desires to be. From Janitor to President, man is what he aspires to be, what he/she has a passion for. You must elevate yourself above the temptations of the world. Be diligent, forthright and mature in your thinking, and always remember, each thought can potentially effect your quality of existence. 6. The law of Adaptability Many people simply can’t adapt to current conditions. When a person Requires supervision to perform basic abilities they rarely further their career. You must adapt to your surroundings. You have to fit in and become a Inspiration to those around you. Every situation in life requires you to adapt in some form or manner. Family, church, workplace, society, club all require you to adapt to the current conditions. I don’t mean give in, or cave in, but consider the options and adjust to the presented opportunity. Fit in, take part in your surroundings, be an active team player. Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. To learn more, visit Super affiliate Marketing Make Money From Home

You Can't Think Banana and Expect a Peach
You can't think on limitations and expect to be freed from them. The Law of Attraction will give you a reflection (experience) of your thoughts every time.

Neither the Universe nor the Law of Attraction can, or will, free you from any self-imprisonment. The free will given to you by Source/Spirit allows you to hold the key and ability to move your mind into or out of any self-imposed "prison" you place yourself into. The Law is only able to follow your orders. Your orders are your thoughts.

You can begin your path to freedom. You can become aware of how and how often you self-imprison. You can find what you need . . . your key . . . to choose the experience of life you desire, moment-by-moment.

Often, because we perceive lack in some area or areas of our life, when we hear or read anything about the Law of Attraction, especially from those who've created wealth in their lives, we focus on using the Law to get more "fish." Right use of the Law isn't about getting more fish; it's about becoming skilled at fishing.

Like attracts like.

If you want to attract more and better, you need to think more "better" thoughts. Einstein said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

Use of the Law is not about getting what you want; it's about understanding why you get what you get, and understanding how to get what you really want . . . first, at the inner level then at the outer.

We don't make things happen (create/manifest), we open a channel through our thoughts, faith, and understanding of the Law so they may happen. They don't happen through concentration (strain). They happen through allowing (flow). The moment you feel yourself forcing anything, including your thought, you've gone off-center. You put the thought of your desire into a mental form, absolutely trust Divine Intelligence has the right answer or way, and you remain available to take inspired, appropriate action.

When we follow this manner of igniting a manifestation, it's important to hold the Truth of Spirit and how the Law works from an inner state of calm trust. Place a thought into the field and return to inner and outer struggle (especially inner), and you negate what you aim for as an outcome. Doubt and trust cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

1. Accept there is no separation between you and Spirit/Source.
2. Know the Law of Attraction will perform (match) according to your mental/feeling vibrations.
3. Trust Divine Intelligence of Spirit and accept it is in you and you are an expression of it. Trust its perfection.
4. Remain open to inspired information and ideas.
5. Choose faith and trust in Divine Intelligence . . . no matter what.
6. Take right action you feel inspired to take, not compelled to force. If what you desire in no way infringes on another and expands your experience, why shouldn't it happen . . . unless there is something even better you haven't imagined.
7. Allow what you desire to experience (or even better) to be yours. If an opposing thought or doubt enters your mind, say, "Cancel" or "Delete;" and superimpose the image and feeling of experiencing what you desire over such thoughts.

You cannot hold the thought of "banana," yet expect the peach you desire.

Be one of the 20 people to sign up before August 31 for the Spiritual/Life Empowerment Do-Over online workshop and one-on-one coaching program. Details available at / Joyce Shafer ( is a Spiritual/Life Empowerment Coach and writer based in New York City. Her books that move you forward in life are available at and her Website.

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