Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Maria Duval - Why Metaphysics Part 2

Why Metaphysics Part 2
Basically, arrogance is an inferior attitude masking as superiority. Inferiority or superiority complexes are both egoic expressions. The human ego often wishes the Self to appear what it is not. Even if we knew a lot, if we have read a thousand books, studied under countless Gurus, have permanent contact with a Cosmic Master, experienced a 1001 delights and terrors, meditate constantly, possess the world, or are powerful in some psychic way, it still does not give us a reason to egoically compare others with ourselves, or to judge them--by seeing others as inferior to us, by labelling them as bad, low, and vile. Many so-called spiritual teachers still do this. They criticize and condemn others without realizing that, spiritually speaking, there is no separation between others and themselves. What we see in others also lies below the conscious threshold within ourselves; what we do to others, we also do to ourselves, what we think of others, we also think of ourselves. What another is doing in the present we may well have done so ourselves in the past or perhaps will do so in the future. There is no need for judgment but a lot of need of mercy, understanding, and tolerance. Essentially, a spiritual being will not indulge in the judgment of dualistic concepts and the relativistic opposites such as good and bad, right and wrong, rich and poor, strong and weak, etc. These things are reconciled or transcended by the mage. St. Paul once said that if we owned the world and all powers and gifts of the spirit but lack love we were nothing. This is felt by all true spiritual teachers and practitioners.

Metaphysics should not be confused with the paranormal nor with parapsychology. The paranormal and parapsychology are simply aspects of metaphysics--using the term in its broadest sense..

In regards to metaphysical experiences we should keep in mind that metaphysics encompasses the two basic divisions of psychicism and mysticism, thaumaturgy and theurgy. Experiences in both fields may be considered "metaphysical," however, a psychic experience is dissimilar to a mystical one, and vice versa. One relates to the perception of events occurring in the lower planes or dimensions, the other to spiritual Self-awareness and the expansion of the consciousness encompassing the Whole.

As can be understood from the above, metaphysics has a transcendent value. It caters to both the physical and spiritual aspects of man. Metaphysics begins where traditional psychology leaves off, it goes where dogmatic religion is afraid to go, it extents further than mainstream science is able to reach with its laboratory equipment--although we must admit that many technological advances have been made in this direction, most of which have not yet been made available to the general public for reasons of censure. The release of such technology would dethrone the powers that seek to enslave the world and the Dark forces are trying very hard to prevent humanity from being empowered.

One of the misconceptions regarding metaphysics is that it is unscientific and based upon superstitious ideas. This is not in our experience. Metaphysics is scientific, rational, empirical and pragmatic, or it could indeed well be "superstitious" depending on one's attitude, beliefs, and manner of approach, or how one would like it to be. This might seem as a paradox and yet it may be reconciled. We liberate our minds or impose limitations upon it by our beliefs and attitudes, and by those limitations we circumscribe our mental and spiritual growth. Our beliefs and attitudes form our basic interpretation of Reality. If a thing is of value, because of prejudice we will not see it. We will see what we want to see, and refuse to see what we refuse to see.

Metaphysics may be approached in various ways. If one has a background in mathematics, one's approach would be mathematical. If one has a psychological background one would naturally approach it from a psychological standpoint. And if one simply believes or disbelieves in metaphysical principles then the result would be in accordance to that mental condition. For instance, if we disbelieve that man may go to the moon we would not exert effort to putting him there. If we believe that we are doomed to failure we would never motivate ourselves to work for success. This concept relates to how we form our own personal experiences in life, our own personal reality. Intrinsically, however, personal opinions do not affect the natural laws operating in our universe. We may discount the reality of gravity, for instance, and yet the law still functions in our everyday experience. The same goes with the other natural laws like karma and reincarnation. Belief or disbelief in them will not affect their existence and operation. Just because these laws are not mentioned by prophets and written about in Holy Scriptures do not nullify their activity. Come to think of it, many scientific natural laws are not mentioned in Holy Writ, does this prove their non-existence?

Though certain aspects of metaphysics may be considered to be speculative, as it deals with the Ultimate Reality, the First Cause, creation, and ontology or the nature of being--what interests us is the application of its principles and direction of Cosmic laws in everyday life. The worth of a science lies in its value, relevancy, and applicability in everyday living. If it is inefficient in aiding humanity to create abundance, peace, health, etc., then it is impractical and worthless. Some people have this kind of misconception concerning metaphysics, they believe that metaphysics is impractical, too abstract, or that it violates natural law and hence, religion; however, the opposite is true. Metaphysics and its principles work in harmony with Cosmic laws and is extremely practical. Applied Metaphysics, as differentiated from Speculative Metaphysics, is wholly practical and essential to daily life. It empowers us with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve a successful and fulfilled life.

Though the art and science of metaphysics is still in its infancy compared to what lies ahead, there is enough teachings, techniques and systems to assist us live a fruitful, productive and creative life in accord with the Divine Will. The more we know and understand, the more wisdom we possess, the more motivated, focused and confident we are--the more chances we have of fulfilling our mission in life.

There is an on-going electromagnetic regeneration occurring in our solar system in our present "time-period." The present interaction and interfacing of energy fields in the part of our galaxy that our solar system is entering are causing the transformation of worlds and all beings connected to them in an evolutionary manner. Electromagnetic energies radiating from power centers in multi-dimensional universes are affecting and transforming everything in its path or field of influence. These energies induce and impel all beings to rise in their awareness level. They stimulate Man and Nature to form a new relationship based on trust and healthy cooperation. St Francis of Assisi was a pioneer and a model for us in this regard. This friar considered all beings--trees and animals, included--as his brothers and sisters.

The transformations that are currently occurring politically and socially in the world are just a few of the physical effects of the cosmic bombardment of these energy rays. Changes will occur at every level lifting humanity to a new state of being, to a higher level of divine expression. The transmutational process currently operating is represented by the Water Bearer-the sign of Aquarius, and the Aquarian Age. The water flowing from the vessel represents the energies flowing from the Mental, Buddhic and Atmic realms. These are just some of the higher dimensions operating above the personality level. Collectively, these three dimensions are represented by the pail held by the Water Bearer from whence these energies flow, and the Water Bearer as the Higher Christ Self within each individual.

The New Age or the Aquarian Age can be interpreted as the "second-coming" of Christ, for His sign (Aquarius) shall appear or is appearing in the sky in an astronomical sense; he "appears" in the clouds or energies of the New Age, and every eye shall "see" him--that is, feel his influence.

How can we appreciate the value of metaphysics? It takes careful study and analysis with a non-prejudicial mind before a true evaluation can be made of any science or thing. Metaphysics is of no exception. The problem is that too many people have preconceived the nature of metaphysics without having investigated the matter. Some consider it as the science of Lucifer or other such nonsense. All knowledge is essentially neutral in nature. Nothing is good or bad in itself. We attribute a thing as good or bad, right or wrong from the standpoint of our own moral standards or preference and this is constantly changing in consonance with the level of our spiritual awareness.

Metaphysical teachings help us in various ways. It teaches us the existence of the many Cosmic laws operating in the universe and how these laws function in the world of beings. If understanding just a simple Cosmic law like karma helps one to correct misconceptions and alleviate our struggles, and relieve certain psychological pain, can you imagine how the awareness and understanding of a dozen Cosmic laws would help improve the quality and value of one's life? It should be realized that if a person were to cry out in pain to God for an explanation to all of her problems and excruciating experiences, and that if she were confused and at a loss of knowing how to react or respond to certain situations, then it should be known that there are possible errors in that person's philosophy of life, in that person's understanding of the functions and laws of the universe, and the purpose of life, or of the person's personal mission. Since one's philosophy of life is associated with one's cultural and religious beliefs, then those beliefs should be looked into for possible false notions and dogmatic errors that do not reflect the workings of Nature.

True religion brings joy, bliss, understanding and wisdom to the heart, and is scientifically inclined. If it does not do so, and if it simply causes one to believe a thing without offering personal determination of its truth through experience, knowledge and understanding then it may be seen as a diversion from the true spiritual path. We state emphatically here that to be religious is not synonymous to being spiritual. A spiritual person may be religious, but a religious person is not always spiritual. A spiritual person knows whereas a religious person simply possesses faith, which at times may be expressed blindly in the condition called fanaticism.

In metaphysics we develop power, intelligence and wisdom. Wisdom is a blend of knowledge, understanding, and experience directed by the buddhic principle of love--unconditional love. It is thinking with the heart and feeling with the mind. This distinguishes the higher metaphysical development of spirituality from the lower metaphysical unfoldment of psychicism. In a lower metaphysical development we may solely possess psychic ability or power but no wisdom and understanding to use it. We unfold in an unbalanced way. When power exceeds the wisdom to apply it, the seeds of self-destruction is inherent and might be the probable outcome. Advanced metaphysicians have all three aspects of divinity in full development or unfolding in a balanced and harmonious way, these three are: the aspects of love/wisdom, power/will, and intelligence/activity.

The more Cosmic laws and truths we apprehend with our souls and apply in our every day lives, the more spiritual, divine, and powerful we become. The more we purify ourselves from all the dross and toxins in our energy-structures, and the more we liberate ourselves from preconceived human mortal limitations, the more we are able to access divine energies and express our divinity, or our divine attributes. We are able to manifest our Christ Self. The term "Christ Self" should be understood as a component within the microcosm, or Man--both visible and invisible, and as the True Self functioning at a certain consciousness level beyond personality functions and expressions. In metaphysics Christ is not conceived as a historical person but rather understood from a mystical and mythical standpoint. Christ is often apprehended as a state of awareness of man functioning at a spiritual level. This is real power: the power derived from one's own spiritual knowing, awareness and being. Most of the so-called powers claimed by some psychics are borrowed from disembodied entities and are basically illusory and impermanent. Such temporal and borrowed powers in the end may seek to control and obsess the person using them. This is one reason that one should be aware of the dangers in psychicism before embarking upon its development. It is always safer to first develop true spirituality and the taming of the false ego. The injunction is to first seek the kingdom of God that all things shall be added unto us.

In metaphysics we come to learn of many teachings of Cosmic laws and principles that aid us to deal with life, to master our lower self and express all that is divine in us. This is true mastery. The word Master does not mean being able to control Nature or others, it is the ability to effectively work in cooperation with Her and with our fellow man in creating harmony, peace, and abundance in our world, in our shared reality, in our conjoined dream. Real Masters are those who have mastered the animalistic and humanistic elements of their being and are now expressing their god-hood. Cosmic or Ascended Masters do not generally consider themselves as Masters for they realize that they themselves are in a state of learning. Such is their humility.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

Two Beginner Witchcraft Spells For Money And Protection
Your first spell in any path of Witchcraft should be one of protection. There are two reasons for this. First, protection spells are very safe... even if you are inexperienced, no harm can come from casting a protection spell the "wrong way"...

The second reason is because most protection spells are relatively easy. I've given you one here, and also a simple money spell you can do too...

Enjoy these witchcraft spells...

Beginner Spell #1 �"Make a Piggy Bank Seed

This extremely simple spell is so easy it is almost funny. Don’t let that fool you though, it works very well to bring wealth into your life. My Grandmother had me do it as a child (it worked so well, I still have the same dollar bill in a piggy bank almost 30 years later).

This spell also works best in the evening, and in the protection of a Magick circle �" at your altar.

You will need:

A piggy bank
A dollar bill, play money, or a piece of paper
Clove oil
Green or gold thread

Dab the four corners of the money, play money, or paper with clove oil. Fold the bill three times.

Wrapping towards you, wind the thread around the dollar bill. Tie it with three knots. Place this seed dollar in the piggy bank. The anointed dollar will act as seed money and will draw more money to it (and into your life).

Beginner Spell #2 �" Dragon Protection

This spell will create energy of protection through your aura �" giving your protection from bad luck, and bad energies.

This is best done after you have cast your Magick circle, in your sacred space around your altar.

You will need one white or purple candle to represent yourself and one black candle for the earth dragon.

Cast your magick circle. Stir the dragon of the element of the north (Earth). Light the earth dragon candle and chant these words:

“Earth dragon strong and true,
Send to me your magick new.
Egg of protection we shall see,
This is my will so mote it be.”

As you chant, envision energy moving from the dragon candle to the one that represents you. See the energy around your candle as green light in the shape of an egg.

When you feel this has been accomplished, light your candle from the dragon candle. See your magick happening and know you are protected. Snuff out your candle and put it in a safe place. Any time you need additional protection, light this magickally charged candle. Remember to snuff it out (don’t blow it out) and put it in a safe place.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on witchcraft spells visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

How To Use A Crystal Ball
Step 1. Preparation Most people find crystal ball gazing is easiest in a quiet, dimly lit room. Many people like to have candles burning. For some the reflections of the flames help to summon images - others find them a distraction. Burning incence is common and some people like to have soothing music playing gently in the background.The important thing to remember is that you are creating an atmosphere. The important key when doing crystal ball gazing is that you must be relaxed and your mind must be clear. It is always best to perform a cleansing ritual followed by a protection ritual, and THEN begin your crystal ball work. Normally a cleansing ritual would be performed on night one. The next night you would perform a protection ritual on yourself and within the room you intend on performing the crystal ball gazing. On the third night you can then be well prepared to use your crystal ball. Even though these rituals are not necessity, it is always wise to do them for maximum safety and best results. When performing any form of scrying or divination you are summoning forth forces from the spirit realm. Normally these forces are closed off from this plane we live in unless otherwise disturbed such as through specific rituals such as crystal ball gazing and scrying. When you perform divination these forces can either aid you in bringing forth images of the future or other events, or attack you. Evil spirits and negative influences can use your crystal ball, scrying mirror, ouija board, or pendulum a link for them to step through into this world. They can also use it as a means to drain energy from you as well. This is why it is always best to ensure proper cleansing and protection is prepared before hand. Step 2. The Crystal Ball Gazing Method Place the crystal ball on a table in front of you. Many crystal balls you can buy come with their own stand. If you don't have a crystal ball stand you might like to use a small cushion or a silk handkerchief purchased and reserved specially for this purpose. *Tip* To amplify your crystal ball gazing, you can use a gemstone sphere as a compliment to the crystal ball. Simply having a gemstone sphere resting next the crystal ball can augment your diving two fold. Sit down and relax. Lay your hands gently on the ball for a minute or two in order to energise it and strengthen your psychic rapport. Whilst holding the crystal ball, think about the purpose of this scrying session. If appropriate try to visualise the subject of your question. Some people like to ask the question out loud, others prefer to internalise it. Now, remove your hands from the crystal. Look into the crystal, stare deeply. Allow your eyes to relax and become slightly unfocused. After a little while you should see a mist or smoke forming in the crystal. Let this mist grow and fill the ball, then visualise it gradually clearing to reveal images within the crystal. The images you see might not be what you expected. That's OK, don't fight them. Your subconscious mind knows what information you need. Many people find that when they first begin to use a crystal ball, the images have nothing to do with what they focus on. This is because your mind is not yet adjusted at being able to grasp and focus on the energies being past from your subconscious into the crystal ball itself. Think of the mental energies going from your mind to the crystal ball as a funnel. The base or "tip" of the funnel is your subconscious energies and that energy is being directed upwards towards your conscious mind which is the mid point of the funnel. The conscious part of the mind that receives the subconscious energy then "spills" it into the crystal ball to form those images from the subconscious, which would be the mouth of the funnel. Since divination uses both the subsconscious and conscious part of the mind at the same time it can be rather difficult to concentrate on both at once. Your subconscious is where the energy is stemming from. It passes it upwards to your conscious which is needed to act on that energy into the crystal ball. Without the conscious mind you would be in more of a deep meditated state and your eyes would not be able to consciously focus or input the images within the crystal ball. As noted, it is perfectly ok that the first couple times you divine with a crystal ball the images are not related to what it is you want. The fact you are able to see ANYTHING in the crystal ball is showing progress. The more you work with the crystal ball, the better you will get at being able to see exactly what it is you want to see by manipulating your subconscious energies to your conscious energies, and then to the crystal ball. Either way, just let the images flow, changing and taking you wherever they choose to go. Don't try to rationalise now, time for that later. Step 3. Closing The Crystal Ball Session Let the images slowly fade back into the crystal ball. Don't just stop the session suddenly, instead reverse the process you used at the beginning. Visualise the mists coming back and covering the images, then receding to return the ball to its natural state. Thank your crystal ball and put it away carefully wrapped within a dark cloth is best as dark cloth keeps the energies of the ball contained within it and prevents it from leaking out. It is also always best to ensure you cleanse your crystal ball. A good, fast, and simple way of doing this is to simply light a sage smudge stick and or sage incense and move the ball around the smoke before you place it back for storage. Another quick and easy way to cleanse your crystal ball would be to give it a dip in salt water for roughly one minute. You do not want to soak it too long in salt as it can damage and ruin the crystal ball. If you would like to view different crystal balls or if you would like to purchase one you can find them here:

Moon's Light Magic has their own information blog on ritual tools, wicca, witchcraft, paganism, the occult, and the paranormal:

Meditation Techniques
Meditation Techniques Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook in life. Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics and other spiritual disciplines. However, you don’t have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits. And you don’t even have to be in a special place to practice it. You could even try it in your own living room! Although there are many different approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same. The most important among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep sense of focus. This clears the mind of debris and prepares it for a higher quality of activity. The negative thoughts you have �" those of noisy neighbors, bossy officemates, that parking ticket you got, and unwanted spam�" are said to contribute to the ‘polluting’ of the mind, and shutting them out is allows for the ‘cleansing’ of the mind so that it may focus on deeper, more meaningful thoughts. Some practitioners even shut out all sensory input �" no sights, no sounds, and nothing to touch �" and try to detach themselves from the commotion around them. You may now focus on a deep, profound thought if this is your goal. It may seem deafening at first, since we are all too accustomed to constantly hearing and seeing things, but as you continue this exercise you will find yourself becoming more aware of everything around you. If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening �" those with impossibly arched backs, and painful-looking contortions �" you need not worry. The principle here is to be in a comfortable position conducive to concentration. This may be while sitting cross-legged, standing, lying down, and even walking. If the position allows you to relax and focus, then that would be a good starting point. While sitting or standing, the back should be straight, but not tense or tight. In other positions, the only no-no is slouching and falling asleep. Loose, comfortable clothes help a lot in the process since tight fitting clothes have a tendency to choke you up and make you feel tense. The place you perform meditation should have a soothing atmosphere. It may be in your living room, or bedroom, or any place that you feel comfortable in. You might want an exercise mat if you plan to take on the more challenging positions (if you feel more focused doing so, and if the contortionist in you is screaming for release). You may want to have the place arranged so that it is soothing to your senses. Silence helps most people relax and meditate, so you may want a quiet, isolated area far from the ringing of the phone or the humming of the washing machine. Pleasing scents also help in that regard, so stocking up on aromatic candles isn’t such a bad idea either. The monks you see on television making those monotonous sounds are actually performing their mantra. This, in simple terms, is a short creed, a simple sound which, for these practitioners, holds a mystic value. You do not need to perform such; however, it would pay to note that focusing on repeated actions such as breathing, and humming help the practitioner enter a higher state of consciousness. The principle here is focus. You could also try focusing on a certain object or thought, or even, while keeping your eyes open, focus on a single sight. One sample routine would be to �" while in a meditative state �" silently name every part of you body and focusing your consciousness on that part. While doing this you should be aware of any tension on any part of your body. Mentally visualize releasing this tension. It works wonders. In all, meditation is a relatively risk-free practice and its benefits are well worth the effort (or non-effort �" remember we’re relaxing). Studies have shown that meditation does bring about beneficial physiologic effects to the body. And there has been a growing consensus in the medical community to further study the effects of such. So in the near future, who knows, that mystical, esoteric thing we call meditation might become a science itself! Written by of

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Aliens: Where SETI Astronomers Can Find Them
SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has been an ongoing endeavor for many decades. In the early days, it was expected to be a quick success, so much so that national governments even helped fund these projects. Like the Moon race, there was something of a "find E.T." race. All that is gone now. Government funding has virtually evaporated around the globe. The explanation is simple: no one likes a perpetual failure. The few remaining SETI efforts have to count on private funding to scrape along. Well, the objective of this article is to come to the rescue of the last of the SETI astronomers, to tell them where they can find E.T. so that they can regain the world's respect. That last sentence was not meant to be cynical. As noted in my article "Decoding Book Resurrects the Ancient Astronaut Theme," author Morten St. George claims that some of the prophecies of Nostradamus are of alien origin, and that those prophecies tell us how to calculate the galactic coordinates of where E.T. came from. In a follow-up interview, I posed the following question to St. George: Do you agree that contact with intelligent aliens could be of immense importance to humankind? He agreed. Then I asked: Do you agree that this is more important than your selling a few copies of your cryptic thinking book? He agreed. This article will be a little longer and a little more technical than the others. According to St. George, three prophetic stanzas combine to provide information about E.T.'s location. The first of these is stanza number I-81. Here, the first four words of the fourth verse are the most relevant: "Kappa, Thita, Lambda, mors." St. George says he has an etymological dictionary that defines "mors" as the "bite of a scorpion." Consequently, Kappa, Theta, and Lambda are the names of three stars in the tail section of the constellation Scorpius. (Note that the use of Greek letters for star names postdates Nostradamus). It's a star arrow, and Lambda is the arrow head. Elsewh:ere, the prophecies name three cities to form an arrow circling around the globe; thus, St. George believes the three stars should be viewed as points on a sphere. Where does the star arrow point? St. George says he followed the star arrow upwards on a star map and it hit or passed close to a dark cloud called Barnard 72, for which he already had other indications. So that's the answer. E.T. came from or near Barnard 72. But we're not done yet. We're looking for precise coordinates. The second stanza is numbered IV-32. According to St. George's decoding, this stanza tells a story: Once upon a time, Triton, Pluto, and Charon formed a triple planet system with a distinct orbit around the Sun. Then one day, the aliens came along, grabbed hold of Triton, and pushed it into a retrograde orbit around the planet Neptune. In route to Neptune, Pluto and Charon hung on for a while, then broke loose and drifted off into a new orbit. When did this happen? St. George says the aliens were here in 580 A.D., so that would be his guess for the date of these planet manipulations. I mentioned that I had read on the Internet that Pluto has been downgraded, that it is no longer considered a planet. St. George responded: "I believe that was because they found that Pluto didn't clear away debris in its orbit. But since 580 A.D., a contemporary date in terms of solar system history, Pluto in its new orbit would have made only a handful of complete orbits around the Sun, hardly enough time to clear away much debris. In any case, the astronomers got it all wrong. What they should really be looking for is Triton's original orbit, a cleared-out orbit with no planet in it. And I doubt that we're talking about an orbit at the outer edges of the solar system. Triton's original orbit may have been closer to the Sun than Neptune. They need to figure out where Triton could have been in 580 A.D., then they will know where to look for that orbit." Why did the aliens move Triton? A display of power? St. George remarked that the star arrow only provides longitudinal coordinates. We also need to know the latitude . The planets have to be in the right position at the right time. And the three stars too, for that matter. The last stanza of the three stanzas is numbered IV-33. It begins: Jupiter closer to Venus than to the Moon, appearing in full whiteness. According to St. George, Earth and Jupiter would have to be pretty much on opposite sides of the Sun for this to be true, and the full Moon (more likely seen from the Alien Planet than from Earth) serves as a timer. The alignment is Alien Planet, Sun, Moon. The next line of IV-33 goes: Venus hidden under the whiteness Neptune (discovered more than two hundred years after the death of Nostradamus). Note that there's no "of" between whiteness and Neptune. Meanwhile, the French words following "hidden" (used elsewhere in the prophecies to cryptic ends), "soUS la bANcheUR," allows the extraction of "Uranus." Thus, the whiteness (partial rather than full) is Uranus, not Neptune, and we have a second alignment: Alien Planet, Uranus, Venus. IV-33 has one more line: From Mars struck through the white granary. Since Neptune was left hanging at the end of the preceding line, it should come into play here, meaning Neptune from Mars struck through the white granary. According to St. George, the "white granary" refers to a star cluster called the Pleiades, which happens to lie at the opposite side of the sky from Barnard 72. Until recently, St. George thought the planetary arrow to Barnard 72 commenced with Mars, so he not yet had a chance to check out if a Mars, Neptune, Pleiades alignment, or a Pleiades, Mars, Neptune alignment, is even feasible. Overall, there are only a limited number of possibilities. IV-33 gives us two inner planets, Venus and Mars, and two outer planets, Uranus and Neptune. Mars lines up with Neptune to hit the Pleiades, and Venus lines up with Uranus to hit the Alien Planet. Depending upon the Pleiades direction, Uranus and Neptune need to be together on the same side of the solar system or on directly opposing ends of the solar system. Also remember to check that you're viewing a full Moon from the Alien Planet, and that Jupiter is closer to Venus than the Moon at the same time. When? The skies and planets are in constant motion. In what year does all this happen? St. George is convinced that the date of the given configuration should somehow or somewhere be provided in the prophecies. Other than the stanza number, 433, we have 580, 700, 703, 882, 883, 1204, 1559, 1571, 1607, 1609, 1649, 1666, 1689, 1690, 1700, 1727, 1781, 1813, 1832, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1928, 1952, 1955, 1979, 1982, 1999, 2001, and 2006. The years 1571, 1607, 1781, 1859, and 1982 were astronomy related. St. George suspects one of the later years is more likely mainly because astronomers may not have accurate data the position of the outer planets in earlier times. "We have to assume that they want us to get it right, and precision is clearly required here." 2006? What happened in 2006? St. George replied: "Absolutely nothing. 2006 was a second, inferable date in a London catastrophe stanza. The date does not necessarily have to come from an astronomy stanza. It can be provided elsewhere." Please excuse the digression. My final question was: Do you realistically expect SETI astronomers to take you up on this coordinate stuff? St. George responded: "Yes. It would be foolish of them not to. The way they're going now, their odds of finding E.T. are not even one in a billion. If my theories merely reduce the odds to one in a thousand, their chances improve immensely. Moreover, I think they've forgotten; SETI was originally based on the premise that there are lots of intelligent civilizations out there, which in turn implies that at least one of them should have succeeded in exploring the entire galaxy by now." So there you have it, SETI astronomers, go forth and become famous; work out the coordinates, point your radio telescope there, and tell the world you heard from E.T.!

Gersiane De Brito is an aspiring writer from Fortaleza, Brazil. Other articles by her can be found on the Cryptic Thinking Official Site: .

The Roswell UFO Crash: A New Lead and a New Direction
It’s been nearly sixty years since the crash of an alleged Alien Spacecraft near Roswell, NM. Despite a multitude of credible civilian and military witnesses who claim the object and its occupants were from another world, we still lack absolute proof. As a result, researchers trying to solve this puzzle constantly hope for two things: Actual physical evidence and reliable witnesses.

Because the Roswell Crash took place in 1947, the likelihood of turning up any new first hand witnesses to the crash, military investigation or cover-up fades with each year that passes. The same may be said of physical evidence. Even if somebody found a shoe box full of metal or other strange material from the crash stashed in their attic, they might not even know what it was. That leaves the possibility of second or third hand witnesses.

While it’s easy to dismiss witnesses who didn’t actually experience the crash or aftermath, they can often provide serious researchers with some tidbit of information that can lead to more later. Recently, I was contacted by a man living in California who I’ll call Al. After listening to the late Colonel Philip Corso (author of ‘The Day after Roswell’) speak about events surrounding the Roswell UFO Crash on a late night radio show, Al began to give some thought to something that had occurred earlier in his life.

Al moved to San Francisco, California, in 1964. Sometime in the winter of 1964-65, he was set up on a blind date with ‘a good-looking young blond woman.’ While he could not recall her name or where they went on the date, he did remember an unusual conversation they had at the end of the evening.

Although the two didn’t hit it off romantically, they did seem to enjoy talking with one another. The topics included philosophy, astronomy and science fiction. All very popular themes of the day. At some point the young woman asked Al if he believed in the existence of other life forms or Alien life in the Universe. Al said he did and gave a few reasons why, which included the size of the Universe and the common scientific probabilities of the day. The young woman almost immediately gave affirmation to Al by saying something like, “Yea, you’re right,” and followed up with a most amazing story.

Al’s date began her narrative by explaining that she was the daughter of an Air Force Chaplain. The family lived in Roswell and her father was serving on the Base known as Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 (later named Walker Air Force Base in 1949). Although he cannot recall the actual calendar date or day of the week, the young woman told him that sometime during dinner two men came to the door to get her dad. She recalled hearing them tell him that his services were needed. The incident caused such a stir in the household that everyone stayed up late until he returned.

Seeing that everyone was still awake, the Chaplain told his family that he was called to give religious comfort to some sort of Alien Life Forms near what seemed to be an Alien Spacecraft. At least two of four creatures were still alive when he got there. He described them as looking a bit like adolescent boys, but obviously not human. No one knew what the creatures were or precisely how to care for them. As a result, all of the beings eventually perished. That was the crux of the story.

Al would have been seven and the young woman would have been around five years of age at the time of the Roswell UFO Crash. Despite her young age, one can assume that this event left a huge impression on her and was probably discussed a number of times over the years by one or more family members. Either way, she seemed to recall enough of the story to share it with her date.

As an experienced paranormal investigator, I know that you can second guess almost any story into oblivion. This is the way of most skeptics. They merely tinker with stories, evidence or witnesses until the believable becomes unbelievable. That is not what I will do here. Instead, I will consider the possibilities.

Although there are many missing pieces from this story, it has one shining asset. Al provides a fascinating new direction for Roswell UFO Crash researchers. I never thought to include a Chaplain in the mix of characters who were a part of the military response to the Roswell Crash. It’s easy to forget that people tended to be much more religious in those days. It’s also worthwhile to remember that no one expected an alien spacecraft to fall out of the sky and into a world that wasn’t ready for such an event.

While it might seem hard to imagine that a Chaplain would be considered important enough to be summoned in the manner he was for such an event, it gets easier if you consider the military mindset. When it comes to any branch of the armed services, it was and still is all about preparedness. We have to assume that some sort of short list of first responders for emergencies was always available to Officers on duty.

Despite the unusual nature of the vehicle and occupants which crashed near Roswell, the initial reaction of the military reveals an almost textbook response to what might otherwise have been considered to be something like a plane crash. The local funeral home was contacted for coffins and/or services, a military investigator and recovery crew was sent out to do their job and the press was duly notified. Given the religious beliefs and values of that time, it would not be unexpected to find a Military Chaplain being made available to those on the scene of a disaster.

Under normal circumstances, it probably wouldn’t be that difficult to track down the names of Military Chaplains serving at the Roswell Army Air Field in 1947. However, the task becomes very complicated because the base was home to military aircraft given the mission of carrying Atomic Bombs and personnel were involved in the retrieval and cover-up of a crashed Alien Spacecraft. Anyone who has ever visited Roswell or tried to follow the paper trail back to 1947 knows that peripheral information is everywhere, but tracing down specific information is difficult and the results are not always reliable.

Despite the hardships of verifying a story like this one, the new direction provided opens up a whole new world of possibilities. After all, Chaplains are not just military personnel, but have ties to mainline faiths. It’s possible that the Chaplain involved shared some information with other Chaplains or religious leaders, in addition to his immediate family, before the lid was clamped down or he was ordered to keep quiet. Al’s blind date of forty years ago may prove to be another important piece in the Roswell puzzle.

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Author: Bill Knell Word Count: 1180 Author's Email: Author's Website: Terms To Use Article: Permission is granted to use this article for free online or in print. Please add a link to or print my website address: A native New Yorker now living in Arizona, Bill Knell is a forty-something guy with a wealth of knowledge and experience. A popular Speaker, Bill Knell presents seminars on a number of topics that entertain, train and teach.

JFK Conspiracy And Other Historical Secrets
The prophecies of Nostradamus, today popularly believed to be the work of a charlatan, are given new life in Morten St. George\'s Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics: A Guide to Cryptic Thinking. St. George discovered that some of the famous stanzas masked their message by means of a unique type of cryptography involving the deployment of a wide array of deception devices. Nonetheless, a rigorous and systematic unraveling of these devices does not always wind up with the prophecies confirming recorded history. Unperturbed, St. George allows his decoding techniques to take the prophecies to where they lead: * Napoleon Bonaparte was murdered on his island of captivity by poison in the wine, instigated by a woman enraged over the defeat of his army in 1813. * President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a group of conspirators led by his vice-president, Lyndon Baines Johnson. Officially accused by the Warren Commission, Lee Harvey Oswald was completely innocent since the bullets that killed Kennedy were fired from a rooftop, not from an open window. * The JFK conspirators were also behind the assassination of Kennedy\'s brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, several years later. * Martin Luther King was assassinated because of his opposition to the Vietnam War, not because of racism. * Egyptian president Anwar Sadat was assassinated because of his support for the anti-Islamic Shah of Iran, not because of his efforts to make peace with Israel. * The Russians paid the Bulgarians with a suitcase containing gold and more than a hundred thousand rubles to attempt the assassination of Pope Juan Paul II. * American satellites over the Falkland Islands guided a British submarine to an Argentine cruiser, which was torpedoed resulting in the death of hundreds of Argentine sailors. St. George claims that this information, as well as a clear allusion to all the major events of world history from Hiroshima to September 11, are conveyed by a mere forty-two stanzas that interconnect in intricate ways to supply the needed details. According to St. George, these forty-stanzas were originally part of a group of one hundred stanzas written in the sixth century, a thousand years before the time of Nostradamus. St. George, however, does not view this as a strategic problem for the prophecies: \"If the prophecies foresaw historical secrets, it is safe to assume that they also foresaw their translation into French; consequently, what we see in Nostradamus\' book are the intended prophecies. Even the destruction of the remaining fifty-eight prophecies can be deemed as foreseen and thus intended.\" As for the other nine hundred stanzas (Nostradamus published a total of 942 stanzas), St. George says they are largely re-writes, re-combinations, or thematic derivatives of elements of the original one hundred stanzas, with lots of new place names thrown in for good measure. Indeed, meticulous analysis of the 942 stanzas reveals a large number of repeating terms and concepts. Consequently, according to St. George, the other nine hundred stanzas have no prophetic merit at all; their purpose was only to mask or conceal the forty-two stanzas of the sixth century, and they were very successful at doing just that. When asked if the forty-two prophecies were the product of extraordinary psychic powers, St. George asserted: \"The future cannot be foreseen by means of psychic powers, nor by means of astrological calculations, tarot cards, black magic, crystal balls, or any other such thing.\" Then pressured to explain the prophecies, St. George replied: \"Super-civilization technology. Very simple, really. You gain access to the time stream by orbiting our planet at the speed of light.\" The final question was: What was the motive for writing one hundred prophecies in the sixth century? To this, St. George responded: \"The gloom of the Dark Ages was already upon the scene, and ignorance became perpetually self-generating. It\'s a common misconception that technological progress is an inherent characteristic of humankind. Without intervention, western civilization today would be exactly like it was back then, embroiled in an endless cycle of famine, plague, and petty warfare. It took the prophecies fourteen hundred years to achieve their objective, which seems like a long time by the standard of a human lifetime, but might not be such a long time by other standards.\" # # # Article by Gersiane De Brito, with special thanks to Morten St. George and the web site. In an upcoming article, tentatively entitled \"The Mechanics of Deception Cryptography,\" Morten St. George goes into detail on how the prophetic verses technically manage to convey historical secrets and other information.

Gersiane De Brito was born and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil. An English language student and aspiring writer, she works part time as an assistant to author Morten St. George and the web site.

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