Saturday, October 11, 2008

Maria Duval - Ten Steps to Electrifying Enthusiasm

Ten Steps to Electrifying Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is the highest level of life energy we can experience as human beings here on earth. Some may say ecstasy is even higher still, but others might counter that ecstasy is not readily available to every mortal on this planet, while enthusiasm can be felt by anyone who discovers his passion, his reason of being, his life’s mission. Enthusiasm will be felt by anyone who lives, or aspires to live, according to his divine plan. Enthusiasm means you are “possessed” by a divine spirit, taking you higher and higher, and continually drawing you closer to the realization of yourself as the divine creature that you are. The realization of yourself entails the realization of your dreams. First you need to identify your passion and your mission, and then you need to get serious about implementing them in your life. Soon you will be carried aloft by a divine wind, plenty of energy will flow through your being, and you will feel blessed with extraordinary creativity and inspiration, lifting you up to heavenly vibrations. How do you embark on this journey of enthusiasm, cruising the earthly waters? How can you maintain your balance and prevent falling into the cold waters of depression, emptiness and lack of energy? Follow the steps set out below and join the planetary crew of enthusiasts! 1) Find your passion, your goal in life, the reason why you are alive. This passion should not be linked to one particular person, otherwise you will fall into the water whenever this other person goes away. Your passion is something personal, something inside yourself. Your passion does not depend on anything outside yourself (your lover, your children or your job) to guarantee your happiness! Discover your own unique talents, develop them and offer them to the world. What is it that you are passionate about? What are the activities that boost your energy? What makes you lose track of time? What is it that absorbs your mind so much that you forget about dinner? This is what excites you, and that feeling of excitement is your soul raising its hand, shouting “This way, please!” Listen to your soul : follow your excitement. 2) Free yourself of energy vampires, so you can use all of your precious energy to expand and progress. As long as you let yourself be terrorized by your partner, boss, parents, colleagues or children, you won’t get very far with your energy. You are merely trying to survive, and survival has nothing to do with enthusiasm! Break with people who are dragging you down and start living it up! 3) Learn to say “no” to time-consuming, futile activities like arguing with your partner or children, taking care of people who don’t want to change their ways anyway, going shopping and preparing warm meals for people who don’t appreciate your efforts, answering phone calls for people that talk down to you, and so on. Pay attention to what activities you spend your time and energy on, separate the wheat from the chaff and break radically with everything that eats up your precious time without offering something in return! 4) Stop trying to save the whole world, but rather start by saving yourself. Is this being egotistic? No, this is called self-love. Stop trying to solve somebody else’s problems, but rather concentrate on your own goal and keep moving forward! It isn’t until you are receiving a lot of energy from your own exciting activities, that you will have a lot to offer to others. Your mere example of living your passion is much more effective towards producing change than endlessly proposing solutions to people who got so stuck in their problems that they don’t want to resolve them anyway. You are not responsible for them! But you are responsible for yourself! 5) Stay focused on your goal, on your well-being, on your happiness. Fulfilling your dream is your priority and your guideline for every decision you make. Don’t waste time on unimportant details. You don’t have to know everything before you can get started, and you don’t have to resolve everything before you can move on. You don’t have to take your children to the gym everyday yourself; teach them how to take the bus, or set up a schedule to work in shifts with other parents. 6) Find your balance: eat good food, maintain positive energy vibrations, listen to music you enjoy, spend time in nature… Take care of yourself. Nourish yourself with high quality food on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual! Every object, every thought, every environment, every person has a certain energy level. You can easily sense this. Learn how to feel the energy moving in your body. Learn how to feel this energy and stay away from people, places or activities that drain your energy. Instead, look for those things that boost your energy up and integrate them into your daily life. Be sensitive for and pay attention to what your body is telling you, and then act accordingly. 7) Be positive. Don’t listen to naysayers, naggers, or depressed people. Look on the bright side of life! Hang out with positive people. Read inspiring books. Go for a daily stroll in the park or a walk through the forest. Breath. Fill your body and mind with pure oxygen. Listen to something that motivates you instead of exposing yourself to the endless stream of very-low-energy newscasts telling you how many people got killed today. Put a screensaver on your computer displaying motivational quotes to remind you that it is YOU who is creating your own life from your own mindset! Write motivational texts on flashcards and stick them on your dashboard, computer, doors, fridge, bed, table, … everywhere! 8) Love, love, love, and then love some more! Love your children, your cat, your dog, your mother and father, your mother-in-law (if possible, just kidding), your garden, your nose, your belly, your street, your neighbors, your house, your town, your… everything! Love is the highest energy vibration we can feel. Don’t wait around for love to come into your life! Make love happen yourself! Be the love that you are looking for. Love, and you will be loved! 9) Be grateful. Stop complaining about what you don’t have. Stop focusing on what is lacking in your life. Instead focus on what you do have. Be grateful and say thank you to those around you. Say thank you to the Universe. Look at what you already have right now: what do you already possess, who already loves you, what skills do you have already? Express gratitude for these, and more of it will come to you. Focusing on something makes it bigger, because you are feeding it with energy. So focus on what you want and don’t focus on what you don’t want. The best way to receive more of what you want, is to be sincerely grateful for what you have already. 10) Give. Be a giver, not a taker. Give freely and generously of your love, your talents, your energy, your knowledge, your charisma, your time to those with whom you have a good energy connection. Using your talents to make this world a better place is the most satisfying activity there is. By offering your talents to others, you are aligning yourself with your divine life plan and you will be filled with enthusiasm! You will notice that people are happier, more on track, more confident, stronger and healthier after receiving the gift of your talents and support, and this will make you feel so happy and light that you will feel afloat! And this is because your energy vibrations are so high that you are touching divinity! You are floating like an angel! However, be careful when you are giving your energy to “energy vampires.” You don’t have to let yourself bleed for the sake of people who drain you without giving anything in return. Always check to see if the energy is being shared, if it is flowing in both directions. If not, then stop. Practicing these 10 steps in daily life will make your enthusiasm skyrocket! You will feel heavenly and afloat, just like those other heavenly creatures, the angels. Stay on your life path, doing what you were meant to do: realizing your dreams by offering your unique talents to those other angels who cross your path. Your reward: electrifying enthusiasm!

Written by Ineke Van Lint, psychologist. Boost your life with enthusiasm! Find your passion, your mission on earth. Live your life your way, full of joy, abundance and enthusiasm! Free e-course and gifts offered on and

Money May Pay The Rent But It Can’t Buy You Love
Money can’t buy love Most everyone has heard the old Beatles song, “money can’t buy you love”. It’s true, money may pay the rent help acquire material positions but it can’t satisfy inner emotion. Inner self is satisfied only by a sensation of fulfillment or balance. When the inner self becomes unbalanced, it sends signals to the outer man to repair it. In most cases this signal is misconstrued and the outer person substitutes material possession for an inner desire to be complete. Indeed money is essential to living a full and productive life but it is not life itself. People should not live for money but rather use money to live. Money has no worth in itself, it is the idea that money contains value which can be exchanged for labor, goods or service and to acquire more of the same. Because money is a material object it can be manipulated by spirit. Money provides material objects Manipulation of material objects comes through understanding their reasoning. What is monies purpose? Where and why does it exist? Is it for man’s better cause? Once the root of money is understood then it can be brought into reality and experienced. Need triggers desire which draws the law of supply. Money is only a means to satisfy a craving or need. People who crave something strong enough will extort, steal, lie, cheat and even kill for release or satisfaction. All and every derogatory action is a result of inner misunderstanding, frustration or unrest. People who have allowed external things to control internal desire are subject to derangement. But not is lost there is hope Allowing money to become a controlling factor begins as an inner desire for possession. Desire drives the appetite of motivation for release and robs your soul of hope. People relate to their reality as events they can experience. An inner desire is indefinable like an itch that you can’t scratch. The inability to define inner desire leaves the individual confused and searching for release. The material world is like a pacifier to a baby, it eases the desire and soothes the mind; temporarily subduing the craving. The body thinks it has received its requirement but the mind is not satisfied; the craving continues in a cycle of despair. Cravings of despair Taking drugs, drinking alcohol, being combative, compulsive behavior any and all defiant or self directed actions are substitutes for lack of inner wholeness. The mind desires its rightful heritage of supremacy. Not in the since of rising above anyone but equality in being. Every human shares the same inner feeling of incompleteness. Their soul cries for material release and supreme understanding. They search and never find because they don’t understand or don’t detect their real meaning of self. If we could only stand aside and let the divine law do its diligence. If we could only understand who and what we really are. If, if, if, wonder, doubt anxiety answers never comes to a fractured, bewildered soul. A soul tormented because it is confused, misunderstood and lost. People have become so dependent on their material experience they have lost their true meaning. They are caught in a whirlpool and being pulled into the abyss of dismay. Dooms mankind to materialization Where is mankind? What has he/she become? Is he/she doomed to never realize his/her true self and completeness? Life has taken on an appearance of materialization. Humans react to outside stimulus and mask inner emotion, not knowingly but because their reality is their outer experience. They have been duped into believing the world is their provider and they are at its mercy. The connection to the world leaves the inner soul craving for awareness because it is only through the inner self that a true connection can be made. If the outer world can not bring completeness in man then what does? Perhaps the soul craves to connect spirit and material. Maybe just maybe people need to justify their own existence. But the spirit does not seem willing, it cringes and hides like a unwilling child. Where is Spirit? Spirit is spirit and can only be satisfied by spiritual effects. The soul craves connection to spirit and satisfaction of the whole person. It wants man/woman to enjoy his/her experience through a spiritual understanding of their material connection because in doing so, it is pleased. It wants people to know who supplies and who partakes. In the really world, God is all and through all, and man, well, man’s experiences are for God’s pleasure. Because a Devine principle is reveled through human experience, the experience is also Devine. Each and every experience should be seen as Devine revelation. Each experience completes a need to connect material and spirit. We may live in a material world but we exist through spiritual exposure. Is Spirit only imagination? Most people are so in-tune to the world that they have become that which they imagine. They have become worldly within themselves; they have become their surroundings. They can’t experience spirit because they have become detached and don’t have a realization of it. They simply don’t know it’s there or how to excess it . . . mankind is lost. What’s the answer? It is not easy to find your way when you have been lost in the desert for a thousand years. The desert has sustained you and the horizon has become fixed. There are no trees, rivers or ocean, only wilderness, sand, sun, heat, trials, despair. Hope is gone, only the drudgery of life continues. Or truth lost in reality Most people are like that aren’t they? They can’t experience true life because they don’t know what it is. But wait, what if you woke up one morning and the world was a different place - a better place of peace and hope and knowing? What if your soul awoke the reality, the inner person you really are? If this could happen, if there is hope what then? We will see, won’t we? Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Author, Spiritual Advisor, Former Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, and Business Development coordinator for Imperial Research , is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.


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