Saturday, October 25, 2008

Maria Duval - Allowing Wealth into your life

Allowing Wealth into your life
Have you ever wondered why for some people money seams to come easily while for others they struggle every month just trying to get by? There are those people that never worry about the amount of money that will be coming in at any particular time. That one person in your group of friends, you know the one that always seem to have more them enough. They never miss out on things from lack of funds, they always pay their rent on time, the bills never pile up for them and they always seem to have new things.

Is this person better then you? Have they done something karmically that they deserve this more then you? Do they work harder or smatter then you? Maybe they where born with money. Does this make you feel jealous? Do you fell anger or hate some time as you struggle ever month to get by? Do you feel like if only you could get a leg up you’d be ok? If any of this sounds familiar to you then what you are about to read could change your life forever.

You deserve to be rich! You deserve to have all good things come to you with out struggle. You can have, be or do what ever it is that you want… No Exceptions!!! So why if you want these things are you struggling to get them? How can it be true that there is no such thing as lack when all you see are people struggling to get by? Maybe you feel that this has to be false information here. You’ve had friends that have tried the whole “Secret” thing and they are worse off now then they where before they ever heard of it. How does that make you feel?

Well let’s take a closer look at what was called “The Secret”. It is not really a secret you know. That’s like saying that gravity is a secret just because you don’t under stand it or electricity because you can not see it. The so called secret is the Law of Attraction. This is a Universal Law, the Law of Attraction. Now in the last year or so, many people are becoming clearer about this Universal Law. Its common knowledge now that what ever it is you think about the most will show up in your reality. It’s not a secret that if you are always thinking about the worse case scenario that the worse case scenario tends to show up over and over again. It’s planning out your future buy thinking about what you want to happen or will happen. You can not plan a birthday party and expect it to turn out like a bachelor party.

Let’s start with the basic principals of this Law of Attraction. This Law states that what ever you focus upon will become your reality. So is it that simple? If all I think about is chocolate cake, then it would stand to reason that you will get chocolate cake? Well the short answer is YES! What ever you think about or give your attention to will eventually show up in your life. This may be a scary thought if you are just now finding out about this. You may even be worried that all the things bad in your life will never go away, and that now you’re going to have to monitor your thoughts too? This may even seem impossible to you. Well it’s actually simpler then it seems and don’t worry about all your thoughts today this will not happen for you over night. This is learning a new skill, like riding a bike it takes time to figure it out but once you do you never forget. You would not take one mechanic class and deciding the very next day that you are done learning and go out and apply for work as a mechanic.

So it all starts with how you feel. If in the beginning you are unsure sure about what you are attracting into your life then ask your self how you feel. If you answer is “I feel good”, then keep doing what it is that you are doing. If your answer is “I don’t feel so hot today”, then you may want to readjust your thoughts. This is how attraction works. Say you where doing an experiment with a magnet. Magnets attract like magnets. You probably remember playing with magnets as a kid. Some of the magnets would slam together and some would repel each other but they all stuck to the fridge. You and your life are the fridge. Now the fridge does not say hey I don’t like the letter “E” so I’m not going to let that magnet stick to me. Well have you ever tried to write any thing with out the letter “E”?

Now lets look at our world, our universe. If there was no such thing as attraction then our world would not exists as it does today. The magnetic field around this planet is what keeps the other planets and stars form falling into us and what keeps us from floating off into space. This is something you know as fact. You do not go around saying well I’d believe it if I see it. You just believe it and because of that you see evidence of it. The same applies to you and what ever it is that you want.

So when we look at what it is that we are attraction into our live it’s most important to focus on how you feel! If you are looking to attract more money into your life you can not be looking at a mountain of debit and saying this is not what I want. Because you are putting a magnet out there, a magnet that is attracting Debit! The Universe answers your every thought. It does not judge you and say “well why do they want that?, You should ask for something else!” No the Universe only brings you a match to what ever the magnet is you have put out. So maybe you are arguing, well it’s reality that I have debit and I can’t renege on my responsibilities. Well that is true this is your current reality because the magnet you put out there was debit related and you got more debit. But that does not mean that you can not put out a new magnet. A magnet that says I will take care of my financial obligations and in doing so I will find that more and more money comes into my life.

Maybe you have tried to attract more money into your life and you have not yet seen success. Well many people will tell you a many different things regarding this subject. Some people will say, “You’re just not working hard enough.” Or, “You can’t always get what you want, just be happy with what you got.” Maybe even, “You can’t just wish it to happen, you have to take action.” This may all seem like great advice and what I want you to do is ask your self how you feel about each statement. What is it that you feel and how does it change your intention. If any of these statements make you fell good then I would say take that advice, because it resonates with you and you are the only one who can make things happen in your life.

On the other hand, if those statements do not feel good to you and you are ready to look at things a new way then try these statements. “I allow new way of money to come into my life and I look for and expect checks to just show up in my mail box.” Or “I feel inspired to talk to some one about consolidating my debit so I can focus on prosperity.” How about, “I will spend 5 minutes daily thinking about my wealth and how I like to live it up.” How do these statements make you feel?

It is up to you to decide which magnet to put out there and to let go, trusting that the Universe will respond. Now keep in mind that things do not happen over night. Just as you had to learn to walk, speak or write so will you have to learn to attract more money into your life! Soon you will begin to see opportunities that inspire you to take action. These opportunities will come to you as you up open you’re self up to receiving. When the opportunities arise and if they feel right making you fell joy then do not hesitate, this is the Universe directing you to your final out come. Trust that you will have more because you want more. Because you deserve more and you will have more!

Aviva Steele

I have been studying the great teachers of all time learning what is now knowingly called the law of attraction. I have discovered my own path in life, loving every one and thing I encounter. I have learned to cherish each moment and learn from all my experiences so that I can move easily through life. I no longer struggle with or fret the small stuff. I celebrate my existence and genuinely feel gratitude on a daily basis. My faith in me and the abundance of the universe grows stronger with the passing of every day. The people I help bring utter joy to my existence. I am excited to meet you and help you build your arsenal of accomplishments. Namaste to all I have met and all the people I will meet.

Abraham's Law of Attraction - Powerful Attraction Secrets to Manifest Your Desires
The basic principle of Abraham’s Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. Abraham, though, is not a particular person but represents any wise teacher with a powerful mind and who is in touch with the universe. Abraham’s Law of Attraction basically shows you how you can use your mind to attract what you want in the universe. Emotion, particularly passion, is important. The greater your passion for what you want, the higher the vibrations you send into the universe. The universe senses this and responds accordingly. You are a proverbial magnet, and the energy that this action generates attracts energy of a similar frequency, one that is on the same wavelength. That is the universe giving you what you want. It is true what they say in the Bible, “Ask and you shall receive.” Here are but a few of the teachings of Abraham’s Law of Attraction: 1) You are a creator; you create with your every thought. Abraham says, “We create our own experience�"with our thoughts.” Whether you want it or not, whatever it is that you focus on or pour all of your mental and emotional energies into will definitely be yours. Unfortunately, this also means that whatever you fear or worry about on an irrationally constant basis may likewise be created, thus, bringing about unpleasant incidences. Abraham’s Law of Attraction is unbiased and does not make a distinction between good or bad experiences. It will only give you the same kind of energy you put out, so be like Peter Pan and think only of happy thoughts. 2) Anything that you can imagine is yours to be, do, or have. Whatever you desire, you create, and the Law of Attraction is the force that brings you what the universe provides. Rest assured, you can expect from it exactly what you yourself release. Again, if you can think it or conjure it in your mind, then it’s as good as yours. 3) You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts. Thoughts and emotions are inseparable. You cannot have one without the other. In the same way that you interact with the universe, your thoughts and emotions impact one another. Your thoughts are capable of eliciting certain emotions, depending on what it is you are thinking. Therefore, use your feelings and emotions from your positive thoughts as a guide to point you in the right direction so you know exactly what you want and exactly what you’ll get. Everything that happens to you is a result of how you acted towards everyone else around you and to the universe in general. Applying Abraham’s Law of Attraction, then, you know that you have the power to have whatever you ask for from the universe.

Unleash the hidden power of universal laws of attraction and success to dramatically transform your life! Listen to the free audio at

Law of Attraction and the Millionaire Mind
Wouldn't it be great to have all the money in the world, be able to busy
all the things you desire and help those who are less fortunate than you are?

Of course it would. But ...

You are reading this article because YOU are most likely having a very
hard time making money, paying your bills and having much left at the
end of the month, right? You are in a constant struggle and WAR with
money, aren't you?

Most people on this planet have a very hard time when it comes to making
and having an abundant supply of money. Most are living at the poverty level
or very close to it.

Does it have to be that way? No, it doesn't.

Is it inevitable? No, it isn't.

It is certain that you came to notice a group of people who seem to have
all the money in the world, and are able to afford just about anything they

And it goes beyond that. These selected group of people are more and
more prosperous, wealthier and wealthier every day. We are referring to
the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires!

Why is this so? Simply because 'these people have the so called Millionaire
Mind, that mind which entertains only beliefs and thoughts of wealth and riches,
abundance and prosperity. Because of their difference in 'mentality', the 'rich
get richer, and the poor get poorer'. That is a cosmic truth. It cannot be any other way.

The Law of Life is the Law of Belief, also known as the universal Law of
Attraction. "Whatever YOU deeply believe, YOU will sooner or later materialize
as your physical reality".

The super rich have what is known as the "Millionaire Mind". And the billionaires
have the Billionaire Mind.

The poor have that "Poverty Consciousness", the "Poverty Mind".

Maybe you read that before. And like most "intelligent" humans, you said
to yourself "That's absurd!". You think you are SO SMART, right?

The super rich ONLY believe in success, abundance, prosperity, wealth,
riches, millions of dollars. They ONLY think in terms of success. They
NEVER think in terms of failure. And the universal Law of Attraction gives
them EXACTLY what they believe: success, abundance, prosperity, wealth,
riches, millions of dollars! They cannot be poor because they do not believe
in any financial lack or limitation. They can only become RICHER because
they believe in RICHES.

In sharp contrast to these super rich people,the poor people believe in lack,
limitation, scarcity, poverty, more lack and more financial limitation. The poor
people can only become POORER because they do NOT believe in RICHES.
The way they believe and think all day long is totally opposite to the way the
super rich believe and think all day long.

The poor are constantly thinking on not having enough to survive until the
end of the month, and in their minds they are constantly imagining all sorts of
future events where they see themselves experiencing lack and all sorts of
financial limitations.

The super rich are constantly thinking on ways and means to increase the
wealth and riches they already possess. And they constantly rehearse all
sort of FUTURE successes in their minds. In their minds they see constantly
succeeding and having more and more money, riches and wealth.

The universal Law of Attraction gives to each of these two groups TWO
completely different results. But there is a COMMON denominator.

Did you already figure oit what that COMMON denominator is?

The answer is very simple: the COMMON denominator is that each group
is receiving from Life, the Universe, EXACTLY what they BELIEVE.

God, Life, the Universe, the Creative Force are simply MIRRORS reflecting
back to each peron what he/she believes.

The rich BELIEVE in getting RICHER and they DO!

The poor BELIEVE in more financial struggles, lack and limitation and they

And there is something else that happens as a consequence to the Law of Attraction:
each group behaves, takes actions and get results in PERFECT harmony
with what they BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

This is another aspect of the universal Law of Attraction that MOST humans
do NOT understand:

What YOU do, how YOU behave and the results YOU get depend
EXCLUSIVELY on what you BELIEVE and THINK ABOUT all day long.

What would happen if, SOMEHOW, you could eliminate from your mind all
beliefs and thoughts of failure, and financial lack, limitations and struggles?

What would happen if, using some TECHNIQUE, you could ONLY start
believing and thinking about success, winning, wealth and riches?

What would happen if you could, somehow, transplant into your brain cells
all the beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors of the super rich?

If you could do that, would you get poorer or RICHER?

Eric Hurczak is an entrepreneur and information publisher who spends much of his time to studying the principals of wealth creation, success and personal development. For more info on how to think like a millionaire, be a money magnet and create wealth now visit Law of Attraction - Millionaire Mind - The Secret - Money Magnet

How to Get Everything You Want
I hear people often say things like, "It's great to be spiritually aware and peaceful, but I still feel there are things I want to achieve, have and do, how do I do that while still being mindful?”

Let me be clear, there’s nothing wrong with wanting more, it’s part of our abundant nature. It’s the thinking attached to the things we achieve, have or do that leads us astray.

Out of this, I've decided to give you a formula that is guaranteed to succeed for you when all 3 elements are in alignment with each other!

The Formula is:

You x (Thoughts + Actions) = Results/Outcomes

Or, Y x (T + A) = R


This is the most important part of the equation and involves you being still enough to know exactly what it is that you want. Most people will say they know what they want but in reality there’s so much happening around them that it’s just something that sounds nice, for e.g. I want a new car.

You need to be crystal clear on what it is that you truly want because without the clarity, you won’t have the focus required. So go into a quiet room, sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and ask the question, “What is it that I truly want?”
If other thoughts come in, allow them to pass through and keep asking the question. You’ll know when you have the right answer because it will fill you with enthusiasm and excitement.

If no answer comes, then leave it and return to it tomorrow, spend at least 15 minutes with it each day until something comes.

Remember, this is a critical step, the YOU part of this equation is the foundation and your thoughts and actions are surface structures, without a foundation all buildings crumble!

Once you’re clear on what it is you want, you need to be vigilant of what you’re thinking because the old conditioned (unconscious part) of you will probably not be comfortable with change and will look to sabotage efforts. This is where your mindfulness practice comes in handy, notice the objections that come up in you in wanting to change. In you noticing them, they lose their power to influence you.

Action is the final step, unlike a lot of self-help tools out there that say action is the most important aspect of getting what you want. When the steps above are taken care of, action becomes a natural flow from that. You find that you’re actually motivated to take action because you’re clear about what you want and understand the importance of it. Action is only becomes work when you’re doing something that isn’t in alignment with what you really want. Action becomes a pleasure when it is in alignment with what you want and that’s something that a lot of people don’t experience yet.

Final Note, when the YOU is there, your efforts through your throughts and actions are multiplied dramatically. This is what is missing in personal development models that focus on positive thinking and taking action alone.

If this discussion has been of interest to you, join the Free Mindulness Series at where there's a step by step process of helping you find more in life as well as how to apply the above formula to things like money. Alternatively check out ther blog site at

Angelo Campione has real life experience of dealing with emotional pain and now walks the path that has him live a life of purpose, joy and freedom He currently has an online Mindfulness Series Free of charge that goes through a step-by-step process of not only helping people understand themselves better but also giving them tools to help them find their own Truth.

Law of Attraction Article: Manifestation Exercise #3 - Give The Universe Its Own Task List
The following is an exercise that I have learned from Abraham-Hicks. They refer to is as the Placemat Exercise. However, because I do my tasks list on my computer or in a notebook I started mentally calling it the Universe Task List and the name stuck with me. In case you have never heard of Abraham-Hicks, Esther Hicks is a medium who has long acted as a channel for a nonphysical group of beings known as Abraham. While I know some of you may shy away from the word channel or medium, some of the inspiration they provide regarding using the Law of Attraction is the most enlightening I have ever come across, so I think it would be well worth your time to check them out. In this case I believe the story goes that Esther Hicks was sitting in a diner one day with her husband talking about how overwhelmed she felt over all the tasks that she had to accomplish within the upcoming days. She received a message from Abraham to turn over the placemat that was sitting in front of her and draw a line down the middle of the paper and a line across the top so it resembled the letter t. She was to write Me on the left side and Universe on the right side. Then on the left side of the paper she was to write down all of the things that she was inspired to accomplish that day. The ones she was ready and willing to take action on immediately. The tasks that felt right and clear to her. On the right side of the paper she was to write down all of the things she wanted Universe to take care of for her. Things she wasn’t exactly clear on, felt any kind of resistance to doing, or items she hadn’t even figured how to start accomplishing yet. The point of this exercise is to 1. Get yourself clear on exactly what it is you are wanting and 2. Allowing and knowing that it is going to happen. For example, a hypothetical Universe Task List I would use for myself would be: ME: 1.Write at least 2 fun articles today. 2. Meditate for 20 minutes. 3. Do my yoga. 4. Have lunch with my best friend 5. Respond to some of the emails I have received 6. Update my website with some new articles from other authors All of the items above are tasks I feel good and inspired about accomplishing. I am happy and enthusiastic about doing them. Now on the left side I write what I would like Universe to take care of. Items I am not “in the mood for” or “ready to deal with yet” such as: UNIVERSE: 1. Find me an easy and pain free way to come up with the money to pay the car insurance next month 2. Send me inspiration to help me get clear on the information I want to include in my new ebook 3. Find me an easy and pain free way to get out of a social obligation I’d rather not attend (in your case be specific on what that engagement is) 4. Find the right person who will be able to fix the bug on my computer 5. Find me a simple solution to getting the garage cleaned out It does not matter how many things you give the Universe (or your higher self, if you prefer) to do. Just know that you are not alone here. What you ask for you will receive. So as you write out what you want Universe to accomplish, act and feel as if it is without a doubt, going to be taken care of. Feel as if you just handed this list to the most reliable Manager you have ever met and that you are so confident that these things are going to be done, that you do not even have to give them a second thought. You will be thrilled and amazed at how this works! For instance, let‘s go back to the example of the list I would give Universe to take care of. 1. Money for the car insurance. How would Universe handle it? Maybe my mother wins money in Atlantic City and she decides to share some with me and I also receive an unexpected check in the mail. Between the two of them - they more than cover the premium. 2. The inspiration for my new ebook. Universe urges me to make an unplanned stop at the library where I find a new book that just came in and I find it is exactly the subject I feel inspired to write about. 3. The engagement I didn’t want to attend. The people I was supposed to meet with call me and tell me something else came up and apologize because we will have to do it another time. No hurt feelings on either side. 4. My computer problem. I find out the guy who runs my yoga class also fixes computers on the side and charges less than half what a professional would. I find this out by simply chatting with the person next to me while doing my fun task of taking the yoga class in the first place. 5. My garage getting cleaned out. My niece has just gotten into selling on Ebay and offers to clean out my garage if she can sell and keep the profit on the items I know longer want to keep. I can‘t tell you the thrill-chills you will get as you watch Universe work out these kind of “miracles” without any effort on your part. Now there is one last step to this exercise. As Universe goes about its business and accomplishes each of these tasks for you, it is important that you acknowledge it, be grateful for it and encourage more. Anytime the Universe easily handles one of my tasks and I have clapped my hands together gleefully (and yes, there have been many times I have literally clapped my hands together gleefully) I always follow up with a “Thank You Universe and more of that please!” It helps you to take notice of “who” is responsible for helping you out and reinforces the belief that you really can depend on it for the future. Plus when you say “more of that please” and you start knowing it is really coming, you get more excited about handing over the next task and watching with wonder to see how Universe will work it out. I’ll be honest, while I used to write out this list almost everyday, I now find myself doing it more often mentally. Now if something comes up that I don’t feel like dealing with, I’ll immediately throw it in Universe’s court. For instance, if the boss says I have to work late tonight I give an immediate mental “Yuck! Universe I’ll let you handle this one. I want to go home happily on time tonight.” Then I forget about it and watch as the Universe does its stuff and reminds the boss that his child has a recital tonight and we can’t work late after all. But if you are just starting with this exercise, I would definitely do the physical list. It will give you a great feeling of relief as you write down the tough things you want “your manager” to deal with, so you can stay focused on the things that you are inspired to do today. If you would like to learn more manifestation exercises to help you use the Law of Attraction please visit Happy Creating!

Janeen Clark is a Spiritual Life Coach who has been teaching, studying and applying the Law of Attraction for over 15 years. If you would like more fun ways to use LOA visit her website at

Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich - By Jeffrey Tan E H
The Law of Attraction states that "whatever we think about, we bring about". This law may initially seem like new age fluff but believe it or not, there are scientific merits to this proposition. The top quantum physicists of our time have discovered that our universe and our reality is very much directed by the "observer". When studying quantum particles (the smallest observable unit of matter), these scientists discovered that such particles behave in accordance with the person conducting the experiment. It the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in a certain way, they do. And yet, if the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in another way, they do. It is the "observer" that dictates the outcome of the experiment! What does all this mean for us normal people? Well actually, these scientific experiments has far reaching implications for us as our world is made up of these same quantum particles! In this case, we are the "observer" the director and hence the creator of our reality, our world and our experience. So, be careful of what you think about! for example, have you thoughts ever begun with the following phrases: I don’t understand… I don't want... I’m frustrated that… I hate my… I can’t figure out … I’m stressed about… I’m worried that… I should be able to… but I can’t… Why am I having so much trouble? The Law of Attraction indifferent to the words preceding your thought. Whatever you think about you will attract into your life. When you think "I don't understand why bad things always happen to me?", you are "attracting" bad things into your life. When you think "I want to get out of debt", you are attracting more debt into your life. When you think "I'm worried I will get sick", you are attracting sickness into your life! The Law of Attraction brings about what you focus on even if it is not what you want. Get it? If you understand this principle, here are some examples of how to make the law of attraction work to support you rather than to act against you. Try observing your thoughts and changing your thinking in the following way: "I want to get out of debt" to "I want to earn amazing riches" "I hate my boss" to "I look forward to owning my own business" "I don't understand why he is so lazy" to "I love it when he helps out around the house" "I'm stressed about this project" to "I always create amazing results in my projects" "I'm worried about getting sick" to "I experience vibrant health daily" Now that we have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction, it is no surprise why so many people struggle with regards to money. It is been said that "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer". This is actually the Law of Attraction in action. Because the wealthy have money, they often think about how to best use their money and hence they attract more money. The poor on the other hand often think about their present lack of money and unfortunately, that also attracts lack into their lives. Currently, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by just 1% of the population! To address this issue, the main teachers behind the movie is launching a program is called "The Science of Getting Rich" and it is based on employing the law of attraction to create wealth. This amazing program is based on the principles and philosophies outlined in a book of the same title written in 1910 by Wallace D Wattles. This is the same book that inspired the movie. What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth. Click here to learn more about the Science of Getting Rich Seminar Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret" Jeffrey Tan is an entrepreneur, he has a company dealing with export, he also coaches many students, and internet marketing is his passion makes it easy to provide ways which would gradually increase your site conversion rate. To receive your free part-mini course visit the a> free ebook on - Secrets To The Richest Path a>

Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret" Jeffrey Tan is an entrepreneur, he has a company dealing with export, he also coaches many students, and internet marketing is his passion makes it easy to provide ways which would gradually increase your site conversion rate. To receive your free part-mini course visit the free ebook on - Secrets To The Richest Path

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