Saturday, October 18, 2008

Maria Duval - Increasing Brain Power

Increasing Brain Power
Everyone still wants to have an active mind when they are elderly and some parents even try to increase brain power in their children when they are still in the womb! Some child development experts believe that a fetus will grow into a more intelligent child if it hears Mozart being played. There is no scientific proof of this but it won't do any harm. There is an obsession amongst some parents to force feed knowledge to their children. This hot housing, as it's known, is done by showing flash cards to infants who can barely talk yet. It's a sad fact that we lose brain cells, as we get older. We start to notice it in little ways, such as going into a room and forgetting what we went in for. Remembering people's names and appointments can also be problematic. There are some products on the market that make claims to increase brain power. They usually involve some sort of memory activity. The medical establishment doesn't really know why some people's minds deteriorate at a faster rate than others but the consensus is that staying mentally active is very important. It shouldn't be left until we retire either. Those gray cells need a work out when we are middle aged. Activities such as doing the crossword, sudoku and other puzzle games are all helpful. Games like chess and backgammon can also help to increase brain power. The brain is like any other muscle. It will shrivel with lack of use. Set yourself challenges. Learn a new skill such as a new language. Children are on hand to teach complex computer games to the young at heart. Some people believe that diet is also an important factor and fish oil is recommended. A school in the UK recently conducted an experiment. They got permission from the parents to give fish oil tablets to the students. The teachers reported a remarkable improvement in the alertness and standard of work from those taking the tablets. That doesn't explain why fish have a three minute memory! The brain can't be expected to do its job if the body isn't receiving the sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. We are bound to be sluggish if we constantly fill ourselves with fast food. Exercise is important too if you want to increase brain power. Mind and body working together is the best way to keep the brain ticking.

TotalFitnessMagazine.Com provides readers with the latest reviews, articles,commentaries and write-ups on all increase brain power, young at heart, Mind and body related subjects.

Quick weight loss
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Learning Transcendental Meditation
It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life.

In 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formally introduced his transcendental meditation technique. Since then, he has written several books, lectured and toured extensively all over the world and trained over 40,000 teachers. Transcendental meditation is now practiced in the workplace, at home and in medical settings. In addition, doctors and health professionals are increasingly prescribing transcendental meditation as means of combating anxiety disorders and stress.

You may be wondering what is transcendental meditation and what makes it different from other forms of meditation? One of the most exciting elements of the transcendental meditation technique is that it so simple and easy to practice. With the right focus and dedication, you can learn transcendental meditation in a matter of moments.

Basically, during the meditation session, your body enters a deep and peaceful state of relaxation, while maintaining alertness and clarity. First, the person chooses a word or image to focus on, perhaps a religious or cultural symbol that has special meaning. As the person replays this word or image over and over, the body descends into a deeper and deeper state of restfulness. The session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and should take place in a calm and relaxed setting, with minimal noise and distractions.

No other meditation technique has been so extensively studied and researched. During transcendental meditation, the brain falls into a theta brain wave pattern (akin to sleep and deep relaxation), which then carries over to the state of wakefulness. Physical benefits include increased mental comprehension, focus, retention and creativity. Another interesting benefit is the actual reversal of the aging process. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience, the biological age of practitioners of transcendental meditation was, on average, twelve years younger than their chronological age. Transcendental meditation also has positive effects on age and stress related conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure, decreased visual acuity, hearing loss and depressed cerebral blood flow.

It is interesting to note that adherents from all religions choose to learn transcendental meditation. Although it has roots in Hinduism, the transcendental meditation technique can be applied to any cultural context. In fact, those who learn transcendental meditation are encouraged to adapt symbols that have meaning and depth for the individual. For example, a rabbi may choose to focus on a symbol or image rooted in Judaism to enhance the effectiveness of the session. In contrast, an agnostic may choose an image from nature such as a beautiful meadow or sunset to achieve relaxation. The beauty of transcendental meditation is its flexibility.

Jamie Lynn has dedicated herself to teaching others the Power of Meditation and other alternative health/healing tips and techiques for the mind, body and spirit!

Law of Attraction: How does it work?
“Ask and You Shall Receive”, “Your Wish is My Command” and my personal favorite, “That Which You Give Thought To, You Shall Attract”. Those of you who have seen the hit movie “The Secret” will surely be familiar with these phrases. But, how exactly does it work?

In the movie “The Secret” many people world wide were introduced to the phenomenon that is the Law of Attraction. Although in the movie, the steps of how to use this law are mentioned, to a first timer, they may not be to obviously outlined. Wouldn't it be great if you could really live that fabulous life you desire and all it would take is for you to want it, ask for it with emotion and act as if you already have it, and it is so? The thing is, it truly DOES work that way!! Only, for all our lives , we have been taught that life is hard, you have to work hard to earn a living, no pain no gain and many other limiting beliefs. So, no wonder we find it difficult to accept how easily we could be living our lives and put up a little resistance! Sure, we all ask, but do we really expect to receive that what we are asking for? When you doubt, it is like you are automatically canceling your order. Then you find yourself saying “This doesn't work!”. And you know what? The Universe says “Your Wish is my Command”.

How much better would it be, if those same teacher featured in “The Secret”, those same successful people who have been studying and using the Universal Laws to better their personal and business lives, show us the way themselves! Imagine a step by step program detailing exactly how to use the law of attraction in your personal life! Well, I'm here to tell you that this program does exist! It is called “The Science of Getting Rich”.

What Makes The Science of Getting Rich Program so Powerful?

The Teachers featured in The Secret - Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have been studying, applying and teaching this material for decades. They earn millions of dollars every year. But that's not what makes this so powerful... many people earn millions of dollars but they are not able to articulate how they are doing it. Therefore, they are not able to share the cause of their good fortune with others, not even with members of their own family.

This is where Proctor and Canfield have distinguished themselves... they Understand... they Apply... and they are Masters at Transferring the Science of Getting Rich to others. They are two of the most powerful coaches in the world today.

To learn more about the Secret Science of Getting Rich program and receive your 7 Free Lessons visit:

Fiona Muscat is a professional Network Marketer who lives in Malta with her husband and 2 children. She has been running a successful home based Business for the past 2 years and enjoys the benefits of applying the Law of Attraction to her life. It is her mission to introduce people around the world to these Universal Laws so they too can enjoy life as she does.

A General Introduction To Meditation
Meditation is the primary means of cultivating the inner peace and happiness that we all long for. Inner peace and happiness are found to be resident parts of our inner nature when we are able to take away the barriers in our nervous system from the purifying influences of yoga practices. Inner stillness is the essence of enlightenment, and how do we nurture this in ourselves? - Through deep meditation. Scientific studied even found explanations to confirm some benefits of meditation. These studies point out that meditation shift the brains activity from the stress-prone part to the calmer part of the brain. This mind exercise lessens the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. They further found out that the brain processes lesser fear due to the changes in the brains activities. Meditation is merely conscious relaxation. It is a process which involves the mind to achieve a state of serenity or bliss. This may sound like someone being sedated. Actually it does. Meditation is a deeper form of concentration. If we are to give a concrete way to illustrate it, lets use water as the example. If you start pouring water from the pitcher to a glass, the first few drops would be considered concentration, however a steady flow is obtained after that which is likened to meditation. The unsteady first drops and the small splash they make are considered the distractions in concentration. A deeper state, which is the steady flow in the example, characterizes meditation. Thus, it clearly frees the mind from any clutter and distractions. Stress has always been one of the reasons that people are resorting to meditation. A lot of unpleasant consequences have resulted in ones inability to cope up with stress. Some have found solace in taking calming medications or pills to temporarily get rid of these thought s and feelings. But unfortunately, these only provide fleeting relief. After the medicines wear off, it is back to the pit again. Unless you try to overcome these negative thoughts and feelings with your mind, it will always succeed in getting the better of you. So how do you go about meditation? It is simpler than people thought it to be. You only find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, relax your emotions and concentrate on an object to meditate on. It is important to just think of a single object and concentrate on it. Some distractions like other objects will come into focus. Drive your mind away from those. They will only break your concentration. You can still hear the sound around you, but when youre deep in thought about your object of meditation, even those will not disturb you. It is always important to prepare yourself before doing meditation. Getting yourself in the right mind set and setting a spiritual atmosphere will help a lot in the practice of meditation. To do this sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Hands are in the lap, palms up, right hand resting on top of left and the thumbs touch and face forward. Overall meditation is often cheaper than a other forms of relaxation. If you use tools like CDs or cassettes or if you ask the help of a friend to guide you, it wouldnt cost you as much as a private session would. Though, these private sessions are considered as meditations as well. Meditation can make you understand the basics of meditation more clearly. It can help you get rid of all distractions and meditate more effectively. Most of the meditation has particular goals, from physical healing to spiritual-related goals. While meditation may be used to achieve healing, the guides are not the healers though. Your naturally healthy state is just being restored through the flow of energy freed by your meditation.

Jason Story found his lifestyle change when he found Pilates & meditation and uses a mari winsor pilates techniques as much as possible. You can visit his sites at: Pregnancy Winsor Pilates.

Essence And Manifestation
Essence is the totality of who you are - the one - just as it is right here right now. Immutable; changeless; timeless; spaceless; depthless; completely independent of all arisings; block of rocklike solidity; infinite darkness; indescribable - none of these descriptions come anywhere near to what it is like - they fall abysmally short of the mark, and your interpretations of these descriptions does not even come close to these "pointers". There is no possibility whatsoever of being told of how exquisitely rich this one is, that who you are is. You are going to have to experience this for yourself. You are going to have to travel the "journey of self discovery" yourself. You can be this essence because who you are is this essence. It is the "motion of seeing" that is flowing through your very eyes right now. This "motion of aliveness" is the "central point" of itself - essence - writing itself out into its play of manifestation through the mindbody that you find yourself driving around through, day in and day out. Of course, this one is all things everywhere. Without it - who you are - there would not be any manifestation. It is the fullness of nothingness that gives life to all. There is no "gradual" about this essence. It is and it is right here right now. It is complete - changeless. It is not a growing thing. It is not unfolding. It is finished - it did not begin and nor will it end. It is - isness ising. There is no "one" in the driver's seat. You cannot compete for that position because it does not exist. Duality does not exist in this essence. Everything is this one. All creatures, great and small, are this one. All humans are this one. Not only it is who you are, it is also who everyone is. Manifestation is the ground of duality. It is where polar opposites play themselves out, where variance has such "scope," variation. Manifestation was born and it will die. Accordingly, all things within manifestation - all minds, all bodies, all sensations, all emotions, all "heavens and hells", all visions, all feelings, all "toys", all arisings, all subtleties, all grossness, all creations, all worlds, all celestial beings, all human beings, all "shmee" beings, - will die. They were born, they live for a time and they die. Your mindbody - this vehicle that you drive around through - is a part of manifestation. It is an arising that was born and will die. It is not who you are Until you come to realize who you already are you are going to believe yourself to be who you think you are which is just a part of manifestation - not who you are. Who you are is the essence that is flowing through and sustaining this manifest existence - this is who you are. You are not your mind even though you cannot conceive of how you could not be your mind. You may well believe that you are not your mind because of concepts that you have come across about how you are not your mind. But these concepts have not relieved you of the bondage, entrapment, estrangement and imprisonment of this mind that you take to be your "guiding light" in life. This mind is part of manifestation. Who you are is not. Concepts are of this mind - manifestation - and cannot deliver you of who you are, which is beyond not only of this mind but beyond all manifestation - beyond beyondness. Manifestation is the playground of love. Love coming to know itself from within its own dance.

Elysha is a self realized teacher of the heart. Elysha is available for satsang in New Zealand for those who are ready for a change in spiritual consciousness.

Penis Enhancement Pills, Find Your Answer!
Many of the pill sites including those that we have listed claim the can enhance your penis without the need for a natural enhancement program. We personally doubt this (just being honest!) However we know that penis pills when combined with natural penis enhancement techniques can significantly enhance your penis. Below are some frequently question that appear among penis pills customers. What are other benefits of penis enhancement pills? As well as enlarging the penis the following benefits have been reported o Erection strengthening (erections like rocks) o Increased sexual stamina o Increased head size o More intense orgasms o Improvement in urinary flow o Increased blood circulation to genital area. o Higher sex drive o Treatment of impotence o Increased sperm production o Overall improvement in sexual function o Increased orgasm intensity. What are the ingredients of penis enhancement pills? Are they safe? Stay away from any pill which as YOHIMBE in it this pill as had a warning placed on it by the FDA. Pills containing this herb should be avoided because of the side effects. All good pill sites should contain a list of the ingredients tat their pills have. My listed sites did. The ingredients only tell half the story the actual blending and quality of the ingredients is also what counts. ProSolutionPills provide a list of their ingredients here. Quite often we get asked; how can one get penis enhancement from a pill? Penis enhancement pills internally stimulate development of the erectile chambers allowing for more blood to be held, thus giving a longer and thicker erection. The science is simple; the effects are astounding. There are thousands of skeptical men in the world who can't quite believe that you can gain inches on your penis simply by taking a penis enhancement pill. We've done the math, researched the possibilities and ultimately tried out each available method of penis enhancement and our studies have shown amazing results. Penis enhancement pills will not only increase the length and thickness of your erections but you'll also experience longer lasting and harder erections with most available products. This offers you gains in length, thickness, stamina and strength. Most men appreciate help in at least ONE of these areas - penis enhancement pills help in them ALL! Are penis pills safe? Generally speaking, enhancement pills are quite safe. This is because their ingredients are non-prescriptive, consisting mostly of natural herbs. However, you should ALWAYS read the ingredients for yourself. Some pill companies state that men with diabetes or genital nerve damage should NOT take enhancement pills. You usually take 2-3 tablets per a day How much do pills cost? Penis enhancement pills are not cheap, usually costing between $40-$80 per month. However, if you buy in bulk then you usually get large discounts. You usually have to take them for no longer than 3-4 months. Stay away from supplements that require staying on their program 6-8 months. Will I see results, for sure? Results may vary but you WILL see some results. While some men have gained only one inch, many men have enhanced their penis by up to 2 even 3 inches in just a couple of months. We have also had men that have gained only 1 inch but you will benefit from ALL the additional things listed above no matter what size gain you make

The author is a doctor in medicine and every day helps many people to solve their problems, coming up with powerful supplements. Here you will find more about the pills:, and here more info about powerful products:

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