Monday, October 13, 2008

Maria Duval - Clairvoyance | Voluntary And Involuntary Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance | Voluntary And Involuntary Clairvoyance
The direct translation of the word ?clairvoyance? is ?clear sight?.It is defined as the ability to perceive or even see with the ?mind?s eye? something that is going on in a remote location without any previous knowledge of the event. Most paranormal professionals and enthusiasts believe that psychic ability resides (albeit unlocked) within every human being. Their belief is that most people do not tap into their clairvoyance because they are either too unaware or unwilling to unveil it, and that it takes perseverance to develop one?s own personal psychic abilities. In other words, everyone has a second sight but it has to be awakened. Don?t worry ? you don?t have to obtain a tarot reading or call a psychic phone reading line. It just takes some introspection.

There are two basic types of clairvoyant abilities ? voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary clairvoyance is generally seen as a good, positive thing whereas involuntary is usually considered dark, negative, and possibly even dangerous. Most psychics maintain that voluntary clairvoyance is obtained through good, healthy, and generous living, plus the willingness to reach deep within one?s own psyche and see invisible things. Involuntary clairvoyance is forced upon its victim, and the person has no control over when and where it happens. In this state, the involuntarily clairvoyant person is generally believed to be open to malevolent spiritual influences and may face the danger of being totally possessed by a malicious being.

Many people trying to develop their clairvoyant abilities tend to assume that once they have had a breakthrough, they will now know everything that is going to happen for the rest of their lives. Learned psychics urge: This is not the truth! It takes caution and proper cultivation of the psychic abilities to have a healthy connection to the unseen world. It is also important not to push your limits or the limits of the unseen energy surrounding you. People who study the paranormal insist that to do so is to play with fire and possibly invite dark influences into your life. These people usually put it something like this: In the physical world, things are not as subject to change as they are in the unseen world or ? as some call it ? the world of desires. Because of this, professional clairvoyants and studiers of the paranormal world insist that people serious about developing their clairvoyance be trained before they try anything too advanced.

Many parapsychologists suggest that human beings are born clairvoyant and most remain so at least for the first year of life. Dependent on his or her environment and his or her own development of personal spirituality, the child may maintain this increased level of sensitivity or see it diminish, if not disappear entirely. These psychics suggest that it takes positive clairvoyance to truly and accurately interpret the unseen world, and warn against the accidental cultivation of negative energy and involuntary or negative clairvoyance that invite negativity and evil influences into the lives of everyone involved.

Clairaudience is a similar type of psychic ability, except that it entails hearing things that are otherwise invisible or inaudible to other people. Considered by many psychics to be the voices of spirits in another world, most people claim to hear the voices in their minds or ?inside? their heads, rather than through their physical ears ? although some claim to hear as though it were from the physical world, despite the lack of a sensory source.

Malcolm Moorhouse is a professional psychic, tarot and astrology reader with over 16 years experience. Email: Web:

Has TV helped the Online Psychic Readings Industry ? as well as many other psychic reading websites has proven that the internet is a viable venue for professional psychics to display their services and provide an obviously very lucrative service to the major players in the online psychic reading industry. With an increasing demand for high quality and affordable psychic advice rising daily smaller websites are finding it easier to break into this niche market and take psychic service promotions to the next level with a complete line of co branded services on the web. You will find that the fires of this rise in interest in the psychic readings niche has been fanned in part by the rise of popular TV shows that have really brought the paranormal and psychic ability into main stream American homes. These shows have really taken a lot of the taboo previously associated with psychics and turned them into heroic figures solving mysteries, crimes as well as helping those in need with their psychic abilities. You may be asking how has this helped online psychics? The answer is simple we are now more accepting and aware of these paranormal events that have always taken place and we have been desensitized to the previous stigma associated with psychics by the constant barrage of the paranormal on TV. It has now become normal to consult with psychics and to believe that a psychic has the ability to predict the future because we as Americans are so used to it from our exposure on television. May I add it is about time we have learned to accept psychic abilty instead of shy aware from it as the answers we seek could be just a click of a mouse away. In my opinion we can look at the rise of online psychic popularity in two ways either as a sad cry for help by the public at large who are desperate to find hope anywhere or as a beginning of an age of enlightenment where we are finally at place where we are accepting of a higher spiritual plane and are not afraid to seek advice from a realm that is intangible but nevertheless very real. I find the latter to be a more optimistic and open minded way of thought and I really believe that psychics will no longer be shunned and mocked but be sought after and accepted as a genuine professional service. I see the future of psychic readings to be very bright and something that will continue to grow and blossom as our spirituality becomes more accepting and our rational minds let go and let the psychic mind be released.

Marissa “Moonwhisper” is the webmaster and founder of 1999 a huge directory of psychic readings and metaphysical resources as well as a professional psychic advisor.

Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You?
Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You? I was in a nice boutique the other day and noticed a song playing that basically said “My girlfriend is a jerk” repeatedly. Then the next chorus was I love my girlfriend and I’m going to stay with her forever. This wasn’t even a country song, it was current pop music. Mixed messages in those lyrics, or what? Is it any wonder we have such confusion about relationships? Stay in ones where someone treats you badly, yet love the person you don’t like. Now that IS confusing. We are becoming so conscientious about our lives and our health. Some of us are even saying no to television. What about our music? We should really pay attention to WHAT we listen to as it can definitely put us in a good mood or a weird mood. It can even sway our feelings about our partner. I’m not saying it can put you into a bad mood because why would we consciously listen to music that is going to put us in a bad mood? The lyrics to songs definitely play on our subconscious and it does it repetitively. Remember a time when you couldn’t get a song out of your mind? Well, those songs are really placed somewhere in our subconscious for us to hook onto, particularly when we’re feeling low. One of my students asked in a class recently if the music she listens to is going to affect her. She asked this out of the blue after an offhanded discussion at lunch about what we hear affects our body, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. I asked her what she listened to and she sheepishly said “country western”. The entire class simultaneously said “Uh Oh”. Now country music is quite depressing as they are always talking about lost loves, drinking and other dastardly deeds. Imagine what that will do over prolonged periods of time for someone who already has a tendency to be negative. This type music can tend to make someone act more from the negative aspects they already have. Really, any music that has lyrics about lost love, hating someone, getting revenge, etc. all impact us on the subconscious level. A pregnant mother wanting a calm child will spend time listening to calm music and trying to be in a peaceful place. Why not take this into our adult lives? Masuru Emoto, author of “Message from Water”, demonstrates, visually, exactly what classical music does for water with a contrast to what hard rock music does to water. Wayne Green, founder of CD Review Magazine, founded the magazine with the purpose of getting small labels with more eclectic and balanced music out into the public and more press coverage. In the book The “Secret Life of Plants” there is documented evidence that the group of rats exposed to rock music began killing each other. Our bodies are made of mostly water �" isn’t it time to take action with what songs we listen to? I recommend to my meditation class that they turn off the music for one week while they are driving. The purpose of this is to get the students who truly wish to have peace through the aspect of meditation to realize that quiet in the car is actually very soothing. The reports back from the students are that they generally find is that they want to continue to drive more often without the radio on because they feel more relaxed. Join us in making your energy shift and listen to more happy, fun, relaxing music and see what happens to your life and your body.

Sheevaun O. Moran – author of the book Learn to Meditate in 2 Minutes, the book Shotgun Shopping – Adventures in How to Materialize Anything Through the Metaphor of Shopping and 13 Meditate and Transform CD’s. She is the founder of Energetic Solutions, I Am Success Now – Paramitas, and Good to Go Restaurants. She has authored hundreds of articles, been featured on CBS News, Japan’s version of Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and many other publications. Sheevaun has personally worked with over 7,000 individuals and businesses worldwide. Her techniques are powerful energy tools to transform health, create opportunity and she always helps her clients get results FAST.

Boost Your Life with Subliminal Messages �" For Free!
The US Government tried to ban them on TV and radio back in 1974. They were once arguably used to boost sales of popcorn in movie theaters by almost 60%. And today, they’re the subject of numerous Derren Brown-style “mind” shows airing throughout the globe. I’m talking, of course, about subliminal messages. However despite all the media hype, subliminal messages aren’t just used by advertising moguls trying to get us to buy another can of coke. They can also be employed to make serious and lasting change in our own lives. In this short article, I’m going to share a method you can use to get subliminal messages working for you�"starting tonight! But before we begin, let’s ask ourselves: what exactly are subliminal messages? Subliminal is defined as “below the threshold of consciousness”. Subliminal messaging refers to the act of sending messages direct to the powerful subconscious mind, the part of your brain that controls everything from memory to body temperature to providing your conscious mind with its core traits. Subliminals really hit the headlines back in the 70’s, when advertisers began inserting messages into commercials. The messages were simply 100-millisecond flashes, and nobody officially “saw” them. Yet sales mysteriously rocketed. Even Hollywood got in on the act. Alfred Hitchcock planted his own subliminals inside the movie “Psycho”! These suggestions were having so much impact, that the US Government almost banned subliminals back in the mid-70’s �" and UK, Australian and Canadian governments actually did ban the technology. Yet by this time, the news was out �" and individuals were beginning to realize the potential of subliminals as a revolutionary self-help tool. The idea of sending self-improvement affirmations direct to the subconscious mind was suddenly open to everyone. But how? There are two primary ways you can actually “send” subliminal messages. Visually, such as using the latest Subliminal Power software program ( to flash messages around your computer screen as you work. Or, less effectively, using sound, such as with the subliminal CDs you can order online at sites such as Subliminal CDs ( Yet if your budget is low, there’s an even cheaper way to get the power of subliminal messaging working for you! Here’s how. Begin by identifying a couple of core goals you’d like to concentrate on in your life right now. For example, you may wish to learn faster or quit smoking. Then, write that goal down as a simple, short, positive affirmation. For example, “I am a quick learner” or “I am ready to quit smoking”. Other examples include “I invest wisely”, “My reading speed increases every day”, or “I am now more confident”. Be careful: do not use negative terms, such as “Not” or “Don’t” in your message. The subconscious does not understand such words in context and would read “I don’t gain weight” as “I gain weight”. You have been warned. Now write your affirmation, clearly and in thick black marker pen, onto a sheet of white cardboard. Create three-or-so cards, each with affirmations focusing on your core theme, and store them next to your bed with a flashlight. Next comes the unsociable part! We’re going to catch your mind in a highly receptive state, by waking it up in the middle of the night, when the door to your subconscious is wide open. Set your alarm clock for 3am, then go to sleep as normal. As soon as you hear the ring, turn off the alarm and�"almost instinctively�"pick up the affirmation cards and your flashlight. The room should be pitch black. Next, flick the flashlight on and off very quickly a dozen times over each affirmation card. While doing this, stare at the cards. Do not consciously try to make out the words. These subliminal messages are for the subconscious. When you’re done, simply turn off the flashlight, put down the cards and return to sleep. It will take just two minutes of your time and I guarantee you’ll fall straight back into deep and restful slumber. That’s it: you’ve just “sent” a bundle of subliminal messages straight to your subconscious. What follows is exciting! After the first few nights of using this technique, most individuals report problem-solving dreams that assist in their goals or influence their decisions. Just a week later and practically all participants note a serious movement toward their core goal. Their leaning speed improves dramatically. Their nicotine addiction is cut in half. As the change comes from within, it isn’t always obvious. Yet a few weeks down the line, most individuals sit back and realize just how far they’ve progressed without consciously realizing it. Soon, your goals have been achieved... the messages worked. When ready, you can move onto your next set of goals by simply writing out a new set of affirmation cards. It’s a very simple system, yet remains highly powerful and terribly underused. Most people reading this article won’t try this straightforward experiment. Maybe they just don’t believe it will work, or maybe they view it as being altogether too much hassle. It’s inconvenient, certainly�"perhaps not as user-friendly as a piece of modern subliminal software. But you think it doesn’t work? Then try it for a week, and see for yourself. Anthony Robbins, Tiger Woods, Derren Brown, New Scientist magazine, even the U.S. Government all know the power behind subliminal messaging. And if you don’t, maybe it’s about time you caught up.

Bradley Thompson is a well-known mind guru, Subliminal Messages & Subliminal Learning expert, and commissioner of the critically-acclaimed Subliminal Power software at as used by Olympic athlete winners. Bradley is also the creator of self-empowerment tools such as Subliminal-Studio,, Instant Hypnosis Downloads, and Binaural Beats. You can find his homepage online at

The Truth About Adult ADD and Follow-through
If you are an adult with ADD, chances are that at some point in your life, you've felt that you are not "living up to your potential." This judgment often manifests itself when you take stock of all the great ideas you've had that have never gone anywhere, and all the unfinished projects that you have started but never completed. The overwhelming number of these things that have not been "followed through" can lead you to believe that you are not living up to your potential. This is simply not true. By nature, ADDers are visionaries and idea generators. If only someone would pay us to think up great ideas all day long - we'd all be rich! But we get so many great ideas all the time that it would be absolutely impossible to follow through on every one of them. Think about it. If you tried to implement every good idea you ever had, would you have time to eat, sleep, or even breathe right now? Probably not. But this is not an indication that you're lazy, unable to follow through, or not living up to your potential. Successful ADDers know that they are always going to have great ideas that never come to fruition. It's just our nature to be constantly thinking, creating and innovating. We can't shut off this part of ourselves even when we try. But we simply don't have the physical or mental capability to follow through on every great idea we get. Embrace this concept as truth. Realize that some ideas are worth following through on, and some are not. Let go of the guilt. Refuse to listen to the internal dialogue that tells you you're lazy and not living up to your potential, simply because you have too many good ideas to keep up with! Instead, ask yourself what's practical to follow through on in the present, instead of putting pressure on yourself to do it all. Keep a notebook in which you write down your great ideas so that you can come back to them if you want to. Focus on a few great ideas that you actually did follow through with, and let these be your motivation moving forward. And don't forget to acknowledge this special talent that you have. The ability to generate many great ideas makes you a visionary!

Jennifer Koretsky is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of the ADD Management Group, LLC. Jennifer and her team work with ADD adults who are overwhelmed with everyday life in order to help them simplify, focus, and succeed. For free resources and more information, visit

Metaphysical Reflections
Nature holds bountiful undiscovered-as-yet secrets for humanity. Normally, we seek to unveil them through scientific means--through our laboratory equipment, processes and methodologies; however, the conventional, material methods of probing into Nature's treasure storehouse may only take us to a certain point beyond which it is difficult for three-dimensional instruments to record, and the physical senses and mind to follow and apprehend. And yet, humanity unconsciously feel that it is possible to wrest from benign Nature her many hidden arcana or esoteric laws and principles. Could it be that we are investigating the more subtle aspects of Nature through the wrong approach, through the wrong channels and processes? Could it be that we are being misled by our senses in regards to our perception and conception of time, space, and matter and that paradigm shifts from the old Corpernican, Newtonian and Einsteinian models are required in order to break through scientific humps? There are many brave scientists who are working out this problem to the ridicule of their more orthodox colleagues.

In order for Man and the Universe to be understood as well as all the phenomena that occurs therein, it is necessary to consider the so-called "abstract" and "occult" principles that was once in the domain of Religion and Philosophy--and this should be conducted in a scientific, systematic, rational and metaphysical manner. If Science is to discover the Ultimate Truth, it must not neglect its investigations into the subtle realms. By claiming that these realms or soul-phenomena do not exist for they cannot be perceived by the objective senses or monitored by instruments is prejudicial and scientifically irrational, as there are many things such as electromagnetic energies, certain gases, cosmic rays, etc. that we are unable to directly perceive and was once undetectable by instruments. By restricting its probing and search for the Ultimate First Cause solely on the physical plane Science does itself an injustice, for life here and physical phenomena are simply a fragment of a whole. Our senses only perceive a limited range of phenomena in the energy-spectrum. Scientific devices may only extend our range of perception a little further and aid us to record a little bit more. What is beyond our perception vibrates in astronomical frequencies. What we are unable to detect physically may well exist beyond the range of our senses. The investigation of Nature's more subtle aspects is not beyond the line of reason or scientific analyses if several principles are taken into consideration :

1) The higher realities must be investigated through the higher faculties of the soul, through a higher consciousness or through an altered state of awareness.

2) That which is not perceived through the objective senses does not imply its non-existence, even to a psychic's failure of perception, for they may simply be "out-of-range."

3) That the diversity and inconsistency of recorded paranormal phenomena do not indicate its non-validity as it may well be that the nature of the higher worlds reflect the influential instability or fluctuations of the investigator's mind, thoughts, and feelings.

4) That the mind moulds reality, whether physical or non-physical out of the energies of its internal and ambient environment.

5) That Cosmic or natural laws with possible mathematical formulation apply in the subtle realms as they apply here in the physical.

6) That the linear time-space continuum may not apply in the higher dimensions as they do here.

7) That the mind is not the sole faculty of knowing.

8) That some metaphysical phenomena goes way beyond our earthly concepts and the apprehension of the mind and is difficult to explain using conventional language.

9) That metaphysical phenomena are repeatable even in controlled laboratory conditions should all the natural laws factors, and variables involved in the phenomena's manifestation be taken into account.

Science is aware that the physical world as we perceive it is an illusion and yet our senses delude us by informing us that it is real with the "power to affect us in some way." If this is considered to be a criterion of "reality" then the "imaginary" worlds too are real for they likewise affect us in some manner, as psychologists would undoubtedly concur. Of metaphysical interest, one vital question emerges: is the existence of these other so-called imaginary worlds, these other "realities," part of the "Gupta Vidya," or the secret teachings that spiritual preceptors sought to convey to humanity?

Gautama Buddha once referred to the amount of teachings that he revealed to the world by comparing them with the few leaves of a tree that he had clasped in his hand. The bountiful leaves that he pointed out, still clinging to the boughs of the tree constituted that which was yet undisclosed to humanity. Several centuries later, almost at the end of his exoteric ministry, the Master Jesus said to his disciples that he had further teachings to convey to them but they were unprepared as yet for their reception. Why? What were these advanced precepts? These secret doctrines, if ever existed, are unrecorded in the New Testament. They would have been verbal--oral teachings for the selected few. Are these oral teachings still in existence or are they "lost"? Are they perhaps preserved in the consciousness of the Magi, the wise men of every ancient culture? Are they carefully guarded in certain temples and underground vaults hidden from prying eyes? Are they so spiritually scientific in nature that men unprepared with the proper moral, intellectual, and rational basis were not able to fully grasp their principles and significance? It takes a great mind to know another; it also takes a great mind to understand the great principles and laws of Nature. In the early days of recorded history only the few had attained to the desired level of understanding and were prepared to develop the greatness necessary to grasp Nature's hidden laws and principles.

How does one attain greatness, how does one become great enough to apprehend the "higher" teachings that the spiritually enlightened have to offer? We have always been advised by spiritual teachers to walk with God; to tread the strait and narrow way or the ancient path; challenged to go where angels dread; or to go where no man (mortal) has gone before, and yet, most of us feel not up to the task. The one thing that prevents us from doing so is fear--fear that has been instilled in us by superstition, religious dogma, propaganda, and other false teachings.

What is the nature of these occult principles and doctrines that the spiritual teachers throughout the ages wished to convey to humanity but had to withhold for the lack of "preparation" on the part of man? Were these secret teachings eventually given out to select persons who subsequently became the spiritual pioneers and leaders, reformers, and prophets of future generations?

Life is a mystery, however, the more we partake of the higher spiritual consciousness the more we come to understand this "mystery of mysteries." This is the unveiling of the secrets of the Egyptian goddess Isis who declared truthfully that no mortal shall ever unveil her. Isis, as the personification of Nature, was right: no man has ever or will ever unveil her to behold her naked beauty. Only when the mortal mind--which is representative of man--is displaced in favor of the immortal God-mind will we ever come to be aware and understand All That Is, all that Isis, the Divine Mother represents. Is this concept strange? The Bible states that no man shall see God and live. Indeed, the spiritual Masters tell us that no man shall see God and live--as men. The perception of God entails embodying all that God is, all of His virtues, attributes, and consciousness. To truly understand a thing we must become that thing. This is the Law of Empathy or Identification. This is what separates saints and prophets from the Cosmic gods and men-made-perfect. Saints may lead a pure and holy life; but by separating themselves from their fellow men by secluding themselves and maintaining a consciousness of duality, they do not advance to a higher spiritual status. In order for their consciousness to be raised to a higher evolutionary level, it is necessary for them to transcend all dualistic opposites, illusions and errors in mortal thinking. This we personally call Divine thinking. How shall this transition from manhood to godhood be accomplished? Spiritual teachers have always been present on Earth to direct and help uplift humanity to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Teachers but point the way. It is up to the aspirant or disciple to tread the Path that leads to enlightenment and illumination.

In every religion there is an oral tradition--secret doctrines given out to a few. These were called "esoteric teachings." The few were privileged to receive these wisdom teachings because their mental, spiritual capacity and level, and their morality far exceeded those of the average person and were spiritualized enough to comprehend and be receptive to abstract verities. The privileged few, having duly prepared themselves spiritually, had eliminated many of the egoistic tendencies that would have caused them to misuse and abuse sacred knowledge. These secret teachings empowers one. They give tremendous powers over the forces of Nature; this was the reason for the careful guardianship by the forces of Light over them. This is sometimes portrayed in classical myths as dragons protecting gemstones or other treasures in their lair. In esoteric teachings dragons often represent wise, enlightened men. In Hindu tradition, these men were the Nagas who lived in their caves of meditation and rock temples. They were called dragons or serpents for their innate energy coiled at the base of their spine, otherwise known as kundalini, was permanently raised and wed to its higher counterpart in the crown chakra. This counterpart is the dove, the Holy Ghost. The serpent is Shakti while the dove is Shiva. About two thousand years ago the Master Jesus admonished us to be as wise as the serpent and harmless as the dove. Esoterically, he was telling us to stimulate kundalini to ascend and the dove of love, purity and the Christ-Consciousness to descend. When kundalini meets her mate she must crown him with the jewel that she ought to carry with her. Those who are familiar with esoteric and occult concepts will understand what all of the above signifies. In ancient Egypt the pharaohs wore head-dresses or crowns with the serpent, the sacred "Uraeus" protruding from the area of the Ajna chakra, the etheric energy-center located between the eyebrows. In those days it was a prerequisite for candidates to ruler-ship to be spiritually enlightened before ascending the throne; the candidates had to undergo spiritual training that would prepare them for their exalted task; however, this practice was later neglected and it subsequently caused the degeneration and corruption not only of the Egyptian rulers but the priesthood as well.

In bygone days, sacred knowledge concerning Man, Nature, the Universe and God were taught in those institutions called the Mystery Schools. In these temples of knowledge and wisdom the candidates were initiated into the Ancient Wisdom that existed long before the foundation of this world. Before such occult teachings were taught the candidates had to undergo certain tests and trials to prove their worthiness. When these tests were successfully completed and certain trials overcome the candidates were initiated into the sacred Mysteries of Life. They were taught how to acquire the gnosis, or sacred knowledge through personal soul-experience. The control of the forces within man was also taught to the novices by the Kheri-Hebs, the hierophants, or Masters. These accomplished beings instructed the novices how the subtle body of man may be exteriorized to experience the higher dimensions. Many methods were used to accomplish this by the Wise Ones such as the careful use of certain hallucinogens, hypnosis, acoustics, concentration, mesmerism, meditation, etc. The King's chamber of the Great Pyramid was particularly used as a portal of initiation into higher worlds. The immortality of man and reincarnation were basic principles taught in the sacred teachings of the Mystery Schools.

In the early days of our unrecorded history, the creator gods, the Elohim, the Lords of Mind and the Lords of Flame, walked with man in everyday life and nurtured the divine spark within him. The Spiritual Elders gave teachings to their disciples and they eventually became the rulers of civilizations and the leaders of humanity. These enlightened rulers were the God-kings and Priest-kings still talked about by students of occultism. They inaugurated our fabled Golden Ages. What we would like to mention here in passing is that some of these spiritual beings are back in physical incarnation in our present era spreading metaphysical teachings and a higher spiritual pragmatic code of life.

The higher laws and operations of Nature may be investigated through the utilization of one's soul-faculties. These inner senses of the soul must first be awakened and unfolded to a certain degree of efficiency before they may be safely applied. Metaphysics teaches man the way to personal development, to spiritual advancement, and occult unfoldment. Metaphysics as a whole, is the modern repository of the ancient and ageless secret teachings. Its more sacred doctrines belong in the field of esotericism.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore
Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

Resilient Scorpio- The most powerful sign of the Zodiac
Old and wise beyond the average, scorpios often know all the answers, except sometimes they too often have difficulty finding what they need to develop their own happiness. Scorpio's element is water, the ruling planet is Pluto,stone is Topaz and life pursuit is to survive against all opposition. Scorpio's secret desire is to triumph. Passion, desire and power go hand in hand for Scorpios. Their biggest challenge and test in life is choosing between the power of love and the love of power. Coming to grips with their extraordinary emotional depths and sensitivity isn't easy for those around them. They are different from all other zodiac signs and this difference has them walking, working and loving to a different beat. Others can often live with a Scorpio partner for years, but not really know them. Much to do with a Scorpio remains ever secret. Their eyes often blaze with feelings that words never express, and beware on the days or nights they hide their feelings behind dark glasses, there is likely to be a storm of some kind brewing. When you deal with a Scorpio you have to always deal with them on a psychic intuitive level. They often wear a mask. Too often they say "no" when they really mean "yes". They have contrary natures. Once they find true love they can be the most faithful dedicated of all partners, but fall out badly with a Scorpio and you are likely to find they will never forget or forgive. Most Scorpios are winners. The main thing they have to worry about is their attitudes, which make up their mind powers and can either make or break them. When they are negative about something or someone, or critical of themselves, they can tend to get in their own way. Signs of the Zodiac -By Athena Starwoman

The Writer Ei Mara used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer private psychic readings, online psychics through chat, psychic advice and a lot more.

Colors in Dreams and Their Meaning
Dreams in colour are rarer in comparison to others. The question of colour in dreams has been proved of absorbing interest; and there has been much research into the subject. We often claim to have dreamed in colour but when we are questioned we fail to clearly tell which colours we have dreamed in or what was the colour of a particular object or so. This, to some extent, is because of our tendency to forget our dream once we are awakened. Every colour possesses its own symbolism for everyone of us. Colours play an important psycho-physiological role in our daytime lives. Hereunder we are giving details in regard to the different colours we see in our dreams and their significance. Red: Lighter shades of red can be representative of excitement (especially sexually), passion, energy, and life. However, deeper or "weighed down" shades of red may be indicitive of anger and vengence. Notice how the stop sign is red; possibly a hint from your subconscious to cease and desist in a certain activity? Orange: Orange is considered to be a color of warmth, thoughtfulness, wisdom and sociability. Muddier shades of orange may be representative of pride or vanity, while golden orange denotes self-control. Yellow: A bright yellow color represents "sunniness," joy, optimism, and intuition and mental stimulation. Muddier shades of yellow may mean blocked intuition, betrayal, treachery, and faithlessness. This color may be used by your subsconscious to help ease you out of depression. Green: This is the color of nature. It is also the color of development and growth. Lighter shades of green tending towards blue represent healing. Darker, muddier shades of greens represent envy and greed, as well as a stubborn and/or self-opinionated attitude. This color is also representative of money. Blue: Blue is a cool, calming color, often used for relaxation and meditation. It is a very spiritual color, and is representative of truth, intellect, and justice. Muddy shades of blue may denote depression or moodiness. When this color appears in your dreams, it is probably a message from your subconscious telling you to relax and take things more slowly. Violet: Darker shades of violet may denote a person who feels misunderstood or has obstacles to overcome. It too is a spiritual color, and brighter shades help inspire and stimulate, especially in relation to dream activity. Black: Because this color is often regarded as the color of death, its appearance in our dreams may represent the death of old ideas or change. Another possible explanation is that it represents a hidden or rejected aspect of the dreamer. It is the color of mystery, the unconscious, and sometimes even protection. White: White is often regarded as the color of purity and truth. Seeing this in your dreams may be a message from your subconscious telling you to regard the truth of a certain situation. It is also the color of completeness and innocence.

The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic phone, psychic and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot card reading, dream interpretation, psychic phone and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot reading, live psychic, psychic reading and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic readings, psychic advice and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer accurate psychic reading, psychics, tarot reading and more.

The Astrological Sun
Continuing on from my introductory article about the Sun, Moon and Rising Sign, we'll have a closer look at the meaning of the Sun within a birth chart. As mentioned in my introductory article mentioned above, the Sun Sign is what most people are aware of because it is easy to calculate. This is one of the reasons it is used most frequently by the general population. If you think about the Sun, when it shines in the sky it brings us warmth, light (and the ability to see what is around us) and life. At the same time too much of it can damage our bodies. It is also the centre of our Universe. Symbolically, the Sun gives us a pointer to what we need to 'shine' or to 'feel alive' and whether or not this process has been encouraged in our lives. Another way to put this is to understand how we need to be treated and recognised to feel at the 'centre of the universe'. The Sun also represents the father figure when growing up and extending this theme further, men in general as we get older. This is particularly true for the majority of women because sometimes they relate to the symbolism of the Moon more easily than the Sun. Therefore the energy of the Sun ends up being projected onto important males in a woman's life. Like the physical Sun, too much of this symbolism can be detrimental to our self-development. For example, if we demand to be at the centre of attention or become so absorbed in ourselves that we neglect the people that need us. When I have a look at someone's birth chart I usually ask the individual how he or she experienced their relationship with their father. This tells me a lot about how they see themselves, males and authority figures. On another level the symbolism associated with the Sun in a birth chart also indicates how the process of discovering the self is likely to progress. These indications are found through the house placement, and relationship to the other planets. The Sun sign tells us who we are, while the Rising Sign shows us who we feel we have to be to fit in to our environment. Since the Rising Sign represents the moment of birth (you can't calculate your Rising Sign without your time of birth), the first place we have to fit into is our family. From there most of us have to learn to fit in to various situations - school, life in general, relationships, etc. Where the Sun is a conscious, masculine and an outgoing energy that is easy to spot, the Moon is an unconscious, internal, feminine and an illogical energy. I look at the Sun as being what we want, while the Moon symbolism is what we need.

The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer daily horoscope, love psychics, online psychics and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer email readings, free tarot reading, mothly horoscope and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer psychic information, love horoscope, psychic service and more. The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer love predictions, spiritual experience, clarvoyance test and more.

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