Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maria Duval - Conquer your habits-----Conquer your world

Conquer your habits-----Conquer your world
There is nothing more powerful in the life of a person than their personal habits. Your habits decide the destiny of your life,what you do and how you do it .Your personality,your character is the sum of your habits. If you try to slip away from work or if you try to avoid any work as far as possible ,or if you overspend regularly ,these habits will be to your detriment in your personal as well as in your business life. People who regularly work long hours,or are more thrifty in their spending do not find it a hardship. The power of habit has established this as part of themselves.. They do it without thinking negatively. The same applies to people who have the habit of working intelligently and who habitually encourage their staff members or fellow workers. Your habits also play a large part in your personal relationships .How often we exercise,what we eat and what we do with our spare time .If you are the victim of bad habits it is time to conquer your habit and get rid of them. The moment you conquer a bad habit,new and more useful habits start to appear .These are your greatest allies. Once they are established,it is relatively easy to keep them going.. The power of habit is in the way every habit maintains itself. Their is no need to re-invent it daily -or at all. Try and make your nervous system your ally instead of your enemy .You must make automatic and habitual as many useful habits as you can. A habit is only good if it supports a goal that will be beneficial to you or your family or your community. Habit is defined as “the intersection of knowledge,skill and desire”.If that is what habit is ,it sounds like a good recipe to get started on as soon as possible. You need knowledge when starting out. If you start a business or work for somebody else you need skill,and you must have the desire to succeed. Together this is a powerful combination. GK Chesterton put it very well when he said”I do not believe in a fate that falls on men,however they act, but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act”. Your fate is in your own hands and useful habits are going to help you win.They support action ---and by taking conquering action this is what is going to take you where you need to go

John Muller is a retired entrepeneur living on the east coast of South Africa. http://ezymoney745.ultreality.hop.clickbank.net

How to Vibrate on the Money Frequency
The reason why manifesting money is so hard is because the path of money and wealth should always be the path to the higher self and generally it is not. Our desire for money should lead us deeper into ourselves to explore our own gifts to be used as a way of creating wealth. Whatever special gifts and talents we possess, are already designed to teach us the specific life lessons we need to learn and as well as to move us up the sphere of abundance. So it’s only through our divine nature that we are to create a wealthy life. Could this possibility be the reason that most people who have attained success will tell you, the key to their success is through the love of what they do naturally? Aligning ourselves to attract more money should always be of the highest offering of our true gifts, what we create lovingly for others in exchange for money. Law of Attraction would work to its highest vibration when this is the formula for creating more money. Money should be an exchange of love and now you know the secret of success for those who have become wealthy. They vibrate on the same level of money which is an exchange of love. I give you what I created lovingly; you give me loving approval by purchasing what I created. If we began to see the attraction process on that level then the flow would be greater and a lot faster. How to attract Money Faster 1) Know what you love doing with your spare time. 2) Think of how you can give a service to someone else with what you love doing. 3) Take action by creating and distribute it. The exchange of money will come well because others will feel the energy of love through what you are giving. When this formula becomes a way of being, then acquiring money would no longer be an issue. Law of Attraction would flow effortlessly though our creative portal.

Daniel is the author of several resources on spiritual health. If you are interested in learning how to increase your manifesting abilities visit: http://www.cosmic-wealth.com

Act As If Your Life Was Perfect
Most of the time we live so far away from our ideal life that we even don’t notice. We either accept without complaining and live a life of silent desperation, or we don’t accept and fight against our own misery. Both ways lead us to exhaustion and fatigue. In this article I will propose very powerful ways to discover your ideal life and to start living it. You need to take pen and paper and a half an hour of your time. Aren’t you worth it? Here we go. This is an exercise of imagination. No need to be realistic, no need to resist, just have fun with it. Imagine for a second that you are walking around in a store called “The Store of Your Dreams.” Everything is for free, take anything you want. Beware: the store is open only for half-an-hour, so do not hesitate! Don’t start thinking about if what you are asking for is feasible, that’s not the issue right now. Also do not wonder if you will one day receive what you are asking for. Just let yourself be carried away to the “LAND OF ENDLESS OPPORTUNITY” and take whatever you wish, without limits. Remember, you’re in the dimension of imagination, not reality. In this store there are different parts : in one alley you can “take” your most happy relationship, in another alley your perfect children, in still another your dreamjob, your dream house, your best friends, the income you long for, and so on. Write down what is your greatest, most beautiful vision about these ten subjects : an intimate relationship, the relationship with your kids, your parents, your friends, your boss, your dream job, your dream house, your health, your wealth and your creativity. Write for every of these headings a few lines. Write in the present tense, and in a positive way, as if you had already what you wanted. For instance (for your intimate relationship) : I live a happy, respectful and passionate relationship with a tall, beautiful man (or woman); we have a lot of complicity together, we laugh a lot, we have an open confident communication; each of us has his own activities and freedom and we share a lot together; we give each other support and love flows freely and abundantly between us. For instance (for your income) : I receive so much wealth and money by doing what I really like that I can afford to offer myself everything I dream off and to offer my beloved ones everything they need. So you see, you write in the present time and don’t use sentences as “we have no problems” or words as “not, don’t, never, without…” Make positive statements. Take some time to write this down on paper. It really matters. Now you can give a score from 0 to 10 for every heading, telling how close your reality is to your dream. If you already live a relationship with your partner that fits entirely your description, you give it 10/10. If your relationship is lousy and far away from your ideal, give it 1 or 2/10. If you don’t have a relationship at all at the moment, it will be zero. It is immediately clear which parts of your life need to be worked at: those with the lowest score. It’s also clear which parts of your life are satisfactory already: those with the highest score. What you have written down here provides a vivid picture of the real you, and what your life could be like in reality. It is the blueprint of your life. Reality could be just like you have described it here, and even better! What can you do to accelerate the manifestation of your dreams? I propose you five different techniques : The best thing is to write your happiest vision down every day again (it only takes 15 minutes a day, aren’t you worth it?). Second best thing is to read your vision every morning and every evening, when your subconscious mind is open to receive this new information. You also could repeat short positive phrases in your head, like affirmations. You can make a “collage” of pictures representing your different dreams, and paste it on your wall so you can lay eyes on it every day. This will be a reminder for your subconscious mind to manifest your dreams. Every day, you should visualize in all details, with your eyes closed, how it would be if you had already your happiest relationship, job, house, and so on. Try to feel how it would be, and pretend you already are in this state of being. Act as if your dreams are already reality. You will notice very soon how your life resembles more and more your happiest vision. Anyway, the fact that you have made these very notes means that all of it exists, it just has not manifested yet. The more you occupy yourself with your real life plan, the one you have just written down, the more your environment will resemble it. You can repeat this exercise every six months and monitor your progress. It is fun and very efficient to bring your dreams to reality.

Ineke Van Lint is an expert in helping you in a quick and efficient way to discover the real you and to create a life filled with passion and enthusiasm. Take her free course here http://www.theenthusiasm.com and become the happy successful person you were ment to be!

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