Sunday, October 26, 2008

Maria Duval - Life as a Journey

Life as a Journey
Life is a journey, a journey filled with off road stumbles and on road bliss. This journey can feel like it is all uphill for those who are coping with a chronic illness, addictive disease or injury-related condition. But life is a journey. “He who chooses the beginning of a road, also chooses its destination.” -Anonymous For every journey, a roadmap is helpful in order to get to the destination timely and see all the sights and do all the activities along the way, which one has planned. Many of us travel or have traveled on our journey of life, without such a road map. We all need direction at some time, although many of us don’t typically ask for directions. But how will you know where you want to go if you do not have a goal or destination in mind? Or if one has a destination, but no road map, one may circle around endlessly, reaching the destination long overdue or even worse never at all. Everyone should have a road map for their journey of life. On this road map, it is important to establish what you really want, who you really want to be, your purpose and how you will travel. “A man without a plan for the day is lost before he starts.” -Lewis K. Bendele Learn and Seek Information Often times we need a teacher or mentor for some guidance. We all do. Those who are most successful at living the life of their dreams seek information and seek guidance. I recommend everyone do this, life is a marathon, and we are in the process of learning the entire way, we are always evolving. Please visit and for information, free resources and programs to help you live the life you dream. Goal Setting A journey requires goals. Think about it, what do you really want? If you do not know, how can you receive it? Once you identify what you really want, write it down and if you have it already; fantastic! If you do not have what you really want, then establish it as a goal. Choose what you really want to be your experience. Identity Statement It is really important that we establish who we really want to be. We have an opportunity to be who ever we want. We are the creators of our universe, we become what we think and focus about. So it is really important that you create and think about who you really want to be. Take a few minutes to reflect and think about whom you are today and who you want to be. If it is a match; fantastic! For many of it, it is not a match. It is important to establish objective, detailed and finite goals of what you really want. Ultimate Purpose Statement: During our journey, it is important to have an ultimate purpose. A journey is more gratifying and enjoyable, if and when there is an ultimate purpose and a direction or vision. Every business organization knows that when they establish their Mission Statement. If one wanders without direction, one can get distracted and easily led off track. Therefore, having an ultimate purpose statement to guide your journey will keep you on the safest and fastest road to your dreams. In our journey of life, we as humans have three general purposes: 1)To know true happiness and joy. This means our life’s mission is to live our lives to the fullest and to strive to reach our fullest potential. 2)To know that we are all connected, as one God force or energy source. To give back to mankind to advance life. 3)To learn how to co-create our reality with the help of the universe or Higher Power. To learn how to apply the power of positive thinking and guide our thoughts to manifest the experience that we desire. Rules of Conduct: With any journey or trip, one must have rules or conduct or laws to abide to determine how one will get there. When one is driving a car, one must follow rules of traffic in order to maintain organization, efficiency and not to do harm to others. When one is performing at the workplace, there are rules of order and discipline. The same rules apply in life. It is important to know what rules of conduct guide you and your direction. You should establish your rules of travel or your rules of conduct. When you are following your set rules, you will know you are living or being who you really are. Having Faith No one can tell you when or how or when your goals will be achieved or your journey will be complete; you must leave that up to God or the universe or Higher Power, most people believe in a Higher Power of some sort and by some name. But go into each day believing that you are on your journey of life, become who you want to be, adhere to the rules of conduct and following your road map to your destination. Live one day at a time and live each day to the absolute fullest. Be efficient and complete with your actions. Reward yourself for small accomplishments. That will not only make this process more fun, but will help to keep you positive, hopeful and continuing to practice the process that you are learning in this book. Acquiring hope and acquiring health is a process. Imagine that you are traveling from Florida to California in the darkness, you know that if you can see the 200 feet in front of your car in your headlights, you will reach your destination. Life is the same principle; it unfolds bit by bit in front of your eyes. Live each beautiful day, knowing that there are many other beautiful days coming your way. With each day unfolding step by step and mile by mile. Live in the moment, let go of the past, and don’t worry about the future. Define your destination and all the sights and experience that you wish to have along your journey and have the faith, everyday, that it will happen for you. Learn how to acquire it!

Nicole Matoushek, MPH, PT has 15 years of experience in clinical managed care and disability management. She is founder of She has authored two books "Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment" and "365 Days of Abundant Hope" both available on She is inspired by the success and wealth creation program: Nicole is passionately dedicated to helping others succeed in obtaining abundant health, wealth and a fuller life!

How To Build Your Positive Attitude
This article seeks to give you a solid knowledge base regarding the subject matter at hand, no matter what your previous experience on the topic. I am untaken to ask you to something very uncanny right now. First of all, I want you to snoop to your judgment. Now tell me, what judgment soak your advance? Would you marker them as positive, or damaging? Now let's say you are walking down the avenue with these judgment. Do you think everyone who would encounter you would be able to tell you what�s on your brains? The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be beautiful generic. while people will not be able to tell you just what you think, they will more or excluding have an idea of how you are concern. As we take the journey through the final part of this article, you can look back at the first part if you need any clarifications on what we have already learned. Here's another subject. When you input a troop soaked with links, do they all accident silent as if something terrible had transpireed? Or does everyone there profit up as if waiting for something exciting to transpire? You know what? The answer to all these depends on your support of brains. judgment are very strong. They involve your broad attitude. The attitude you transfer reflects on your appearance, too � unexcluding, of course, you are a great actor. And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also involve people around you. The mode of attitude you transfer depends on you. It can be each positive or damaging. solid judgment have a soaking provoke. They are admittedly invigorating. advantage, the people around the qualities transfering positive judgment are commonly thrilled by this mode of attitude. downbeat judgment on the other hand have a sapping provoke on other people. away from making you look overcast and sad, damaging judgment can curve a jovial gathering into a funeral stir. A positive attitude attracts people, while a damaging attitude repels them. People cultivate to shy away from those who transfer a damaging attitude. We can also describe attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you elect to focus on the damaging effects in the world, more or excluding you have a damaging attitude brewing up. However, if you elect to focus on the positive effects, you are more possible transfer a positive attitude. You have greatly to advantage from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have revealed that a positive attitude promotes better fitness. Those with this kind of attitude also have more links. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to alias stress and evils better than those who have a damaging attitude. A positive attitude begins with a fitnessy person-aura. If you will honey the way you are and are cheery, solid, and person-solid, you also make others are around feel the same way. A damaging attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an reverse provoke. So, transfering a damaging attitude has a twin drawback. You feel bad about yourperson, and you make others feel the same way. If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to highlight fitnessy judgment. This is doubtless very hard to do nowadays because, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but damaging judgment. A inquiry shows that for every 14 effects a father says to his or her product, only one is positive. This is sincerely a saddening thought. If you want a fitnessier outlook in life, you essential to think cheery judgment, and you have to learn positive effects as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a hilarious show, you could play with productren, expend some time forceful jokes with links. All these activities soak you with positive stimuli, which in curve promotes positive attitude. while it is impossible to keep ourselves from the damaging effects around us, you can still transfer a positive attitude by focusing on the good effects, the positive effects in life. And this positive attitude you now transfer can be of profit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing people regularly do is try to give them opinion. But sometimes, all they essential is someone to sit by them, and snoop to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up lacking even having to say something. If positive attitude is sincerely great, why do people elect to adopt a damaging attitude instead? One who carries a damaging attitude may be actually transfer a gesture for notice. Before you get me harm, concern sad, outraged, or overcast is not harm itperson. But residence on these judgment for far too long is not fitnessy each. There is a time to bewail. As forever, if you are inundated by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good effects in life, you will forever have wish. evils become something you can overcome. You do not have greatly to evade by adopting a fitnessy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually retards aging, makes you fitnessier, helps you widen a better stress coping method, and has a very positive provoke on all the people you encounter every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude? Adopt one nowadays. Over time, you will begin to understand how these concepts really come together if you choose to venture into this subject further.

Dechen Lau is an Author, Speaker, and Consultant specializing Marketing Change Your Mind,Change Your Live

Simple Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude
Are you the 'glass is half full' type of person? Is it your nature to look on the bright side of things, or do you relate more with the "if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" crowd? While some psychologists believe genetics largely determines whether or not we have a positive or negative outlook towards life, the reality is that we can to a large degree alter our outlook by changing our attitude. Realizing a few years back that my attitude left a lot to be desired, I decided to try and improve it by reading positive books and applying some of the techniques I came across. While the individual authors all had their own particular take on it, much of what I read came back to developing a sense of self worth and gratitude. I have used several of the exercises that follow to help me develop these qualities, and have also found them useful in creating a positive mental state at will.

How often to you take the time to give thanks for all the blessings you have? No matter how good or bad things may seem at the present time, we all have numerous things to be grateful for. Developing an attitude of gratefulness will help you to become a more positive person. A simple way to accomplish this is take a notebook, put it beside your bed, and one of the first things you do upon waking is to list a couple of things that you are grateful for today. This sense of appreciation doesn't have to be anything stupendous, but can be something as simple as gratitude for a great cup of coffee, expressing appreciation for people in your life past or present, good health, a walk in the park, good food, or anything else that comes to mind. The point is, make it personal, and allow yourself to experience the feeling of gratitude. You will soon find that starting the day with a spirit of gratitude helps to put you in a positive frame of mind for the rest of the day. After doing this for thirty days, take a look back at everything you've listed. You will be amazed at just how much you have to be grateful for!

Another technique that helps to build positive feelings about yourself is taking some time to list all of your accomplishments. Too often we focus on what we haven't yet accomplished and fail to take the time to give ourselves a little pat on the back regarding the many things we have already achieved. Again, it doesn't have to be earth shattering, but can be anything that you get a sense of accomplishment from. For example, a few of the accomplishments that I listed was; teaching myself how to play guitar, being the first in my family to graduate from high school and go to college, becoming an excellent athlete, overcoming a debilitating struggle with self esteem, overcoming my shyness, etc. Take a couple of minutes everyday to list one accomplishment in your life that makes you feel good about yourself. When you think about the accomplishment, spend a brief time lingering on the feeling that you experience when you think back to it. Experience it again as if it happened yesterday.

Finally, do you take some time everyday to laugh? I'm talking about a good old belly laugh, the kind that makes the back of your head hurt. One of the ways I've found to bring a little humor into my life everyday is to recall some of the funniest moments in it! We have all had funny and embarrassing things happen to us in life, and the process of thinking back to those moments is guaranteed to put a smile on your face as you recall humorous events from your past. Take a little time each day to recall one of those moments. For me, a lot of the funniest times go back to my childhood days and the pranks we pulled on each other. Sometimes I was the victim, and in others I was the one pulling the prank, but whatever the case, I can't help but smile when I think back to those times. A friendly warning to you; if you do this little exercise while out in public, like while riding the train to work, you may find that your sudden outburst of laughter will have others gazing at you with apprehensive stares. Be prepared.

In life, there are many things beyond our control. Fortunately, one of the things that we do have control over if we chose to exercise it, is our thoughts and consequently our attitude. Try using some of these techniques or some of your own to help bring moments of positive thought into your daily life. You'll be glad you did, and of that I am POSITIVE!

Bill Thomas is actively engaged in Internet Business pursuits. He contributes articles on this and other topics. His current website is..Create Lifetime Income from Home With Your Own.. Internet Business

MIND TRAINING YOUR HIGH PERFORMANCE BRAIN by Patricia Chamberlin Do you ever suspect that you're sitting in the driver's seat of a high performance brain, but unfortunately it came without an owner's manual? You're certainly not alone; most of us have the unshakable feeling that we are inherently capable of "much more" if only we could get our brains in gear! Folk wisdom has always alluded to how little of our brains we use, but until recent ground breaking scientific discoveries we had no way of really knowing. The first neurologist to scientifically observe, "The brain indicates its powers are endless" was Australian Neurology Nobel Laureate Sir John Eccles. (Lecture: University of Colorado, July 31, 1974.) Today Neuroscience has discovered more about the brain in the last decade than in all the years of previous human history combined, and the implications of the latest research are clear -- the human brain is far more powerful, with the potential for immensely greater intelligence and higher achievement, than was ever before imagined. British Pediatrics Professor, John Lorber, did autopsies on hydrocephalics, an illness that causes all but the 1/6th inch layer of brain tissue to be dissolved by acidic spinal fluid. He tested the IQ's of patients before and during the disease and his findings showed that IQ remained constant up to death. Although over 90 our our brains, at best" has taken on an added dimension. John Eccles remarks on this saying he thinks that number is too high, after all "How can we calculate a percentage of infinity?" The art and science of training our minds to tap into its greater potential is not new. Buddhism, for example, is an entire way of life based on the training of the mind. And in more modern times, mind training has become so widespead, that the same could be said for Olympic Athletes, or Professional Golfers, or Financial Market Traders, etc., where mind training is also an entire way of life. However, given the inspiring advances in neuroscience, a vast shift in Mind Training has begun to happen, taking on new more personal dimensions and touching our lives in very direct and immediate ways. It is as though each new scientific discovery gives us our own personal key to unlocking our mind's greater potential. Personal mind training instruction abounds on every facet of personal development imaginable -- health, wealth, happiness, relationships, physical fitness, income, sexual satisfaction, communication, just to name a few. And sprinting in the lead is Professional Mind Training with its many diverse areas, such as: * Neurofeedback * Brain Hemisphere Syncronization * Bi-neural Stimulation * Autogenic Training * The Mozart Effect * Kinesiology * Brain Food * Neurolingistic Programming * Enriched Environment Neural Training * Biofeedback in all its numerous forms * Brainwave Entrainment in its many forms * and the list goes on and on! Along with these types of technologically cutting edge mind training, ancient consciousness altering techniques are being retooled into such modern mind training modalities as Mind Altering Breathwork (Yoga), Vibrational Mind Medicine (Tibetan singing bowls), Sound Therapy (Mantras, Drum Beating, Chanting, etc). Even the more familiar, but still misunderstood, Self Hypnosis is experiencing a vast resurgance of popularity. All of this is making mind training one of today's most exciting and rapidly expanding fields. But the results it is generating in terms of ever and ever greater human achievements is even more astounding. World sports records are now routinely being broken with each Olympic event. Sir Roger Bannister's breaking of the 4 minute mile world record in 1954, a human threshold which was at the time believed to be impossible or at the very least ruinous to a runner's health, is distant history now. Many runners have since beaten it and by the end of the century the one mile world record was 3:33.13 minutes. In a span of 93 years, 14 different athletes have been recognized as "the world's fastest man" as world records fell one after another, but records fell lower after 1990 which is when coaching is acknowledged to have begun to include serious mind training. Additionally, the more wide ranging records in the Guinness book of World Records are also now being broken with regularity. Even the book itself keeps breaking its own records, as the longest running best-selling copyrighted series of all-time! Mind training has earned its stripes and as Victor Hugo said, "No army can withstand the power of an idea whose time has come." Add to that John Eccles voice reminding us, "The brain indicates its powers are endless", and the future of developing human potential -- our personal greatness -- has never looked more limitless! Copyright 2008 Mind Power Courses Permission to reprint this article is given on the strict condition that the site source is credited.

Patricia has over 20 years experience training the minds of financial professionals, world-class athletes, educators, corporate leaders and elite achievers in all fields of endeavor. After becoming an accomplished Trader herself six years ago, her private mind training practice has specialized in mind training for Financial Market Traders.

Sometimes it gets so hard to make a decision of any kind. This is when the intuition steps in. Have you ever felt like believing something is true though your suspects do not really have a firm ground? They say people have five senses excluding intuition. Intuition is the sense every person has, though not everybody knows they do. It is pretty doubtful we actually own such kind of supernatural gift, though most of us are likely to believe we do. So, what is intuition? It is a human’s ability to sense or know anything immediately without firm reasoning. Intuition has been studied since Pharaoh’s times. During those times it was a burning and debatable topic to discuss. Women, being able to use their intuition on purpose, were considered to be either witches or gods’ messengers. Until nowadays intuition is still not examined till the end. Scientists differ in opinions whether some specific people can possess the inner voice or everybody can. It is considered that usually left-handed people are most likely to use their intuition effectively; as it is a well-known fact they are more creative than right-handed ones. But, as a matter of fact, everybody is able to use it correctly. You just need to know the necessary formula. The most spread training of your intuition is to try to guess anything unpredictable at least once a day. (Unless it is a multiply choice on your exam paper, you’d better not use intuition in this one!). To be serious, take, for example, a deck of cards and guess which card lies on the top. At first define if it is red or black, then comes the suit. Do not get upset if it does not work at first, keep on trying over and over again. The important thing is to concentrate! The intuition will show itself, you will see.

Andrew Shwartz is staff-writer at, help essays. Andrew has been providing assistance to students with cause and effect essay and Custom Research Papers for over 2 years. He is always willing to share his own experiences, provide quality custom writing services and writing tips to students of all academic levels.

How To Create The Life You Really Want
To create the life you want you first have to change your thoughts and beliefs. Whether you believe it or not it is your daily thought beliefs and actions that have created your existence thus far. In order to make a lasting change you have to approach your life as you know it, from a different perspective. "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein Changing old beliefs and thought patterns is not always easy. You have to begin by introducing new ideas into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is following commands that have been inadvertently programmed through years of personal experiences and beliefs. You have to also question your beliefs and thoughts. You have to ask yourself, "Are my opinions about this 100% accurate or is there another possibility or another way to look at this situation?" "Man becomes what he thinks about all day long." - Ralph Waldo Emerson To help change your beliefs you should expose yourself to other people's ideas through reading motivational or inspirational books. Although motivational books will not accomplish this all on their own, they are a good way to start changing your habitual ways of thinking. I'm sure we have all met someone whose opinion is always the right one. No amount of prodding can change their mind. Are you one of these people? Once you are able to question your beliefs and thoughts you can then entertain other potential realities. Create the life you want by writing out your goals. What do you want? Begin right now by picking up a pen and paper and set some goals for yourself in the areas of finance, spirituality, relationships and physical well-being. Once your goals are clear you can begin to take action steps in the direction of your dreams. The one thing that separates successful people from the not so successful people is that they go out and take action. What stops most people from taking action you may ask? It is simply the fear of failure. How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something? Just keep in mind that there are no failures in life, just lessons. Learn from your mistakes and make corrections. Continue and never give up, take action steps daily and make corrections along the way to keep yourself on course. You can really be, have and do anything you want in life and the proof of that is to look around you. There are literally thousands of people right now that are succeeding at fulfilling their dreams. I am going to let you in on a little secret. You too can have everything you want in life but you have to do one thing. You have to be wiling to pay the price, no matter how high. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes. Write your goals down and read them every day and night. Create positive affirmations about them as if they have already happened. Stop yourself when a negative thought enters your mind. Believe that it is possible and you are worthy of having all your dreams come true.

Craig Beckta resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Think Positive to Improve Your Confidence and Your Entire Life
Self confidence is one’s ability to believe in one’s self. Those with a high self confidence are optimistic, assertive, and eager individuals ready to take on the world and conquer the goals. On the other hand, people with a low self confidence find themselves often distant and despondent, constantly questioning themselves and often passive or submissive. Self confidence is the key to success in academic pursuits, athletic activities, employment field, and private life, literally every aspect of one’s life. Individuals that entertain a high sense of self confidence usually go on to phenomenally succeed, whereas individuals with a low sense of self confidence tend to be brought down by their inner demons and fail.
The trap of low self confidence is extremely easy to fall into and very difficult to remove oneself from. That tiny voice in the back of the head that criticizes, questions, and insults can easily grow louder and louder the more you listen. Instead of the traditional angel on one shoulder, those with low self confidence would find the devil there more often than not. Instead of boosting themselves up by enjoying their accomplishments or congratulating themselves on a job well done, individuals with low self esteem find their shoulder devil is constantly picking and finding fault in the midst of triumph.
They key to maintaining a high self esteem is positive thinking. Individuals that think of themselves in a positive light are more likely to have a higher self confidence than those nay-sayers in the crowd. One way to remain positive and keep an upbeat aura is to surround oneself with positive people. Avoid individuals who criticize, nit pick, and put down. These negative individuals are a sinking ship and will only bring you down with them. People who surround themselves with positive people, find it easier to maintain a high sense of a self worth and banish that devil from their shoulder. If you find yourself in a situation where you must deal with individuals with a negative outlook, confront them on the matter.
If you find yourself surrounded by so-called friends who constantly make you feel poorly about yourself and lower your self confidence, it might be time to part ways. Remember, friends, family, and loved ones are supposed to make you feel good about yourself and have your best interest at heart. This is not always the case and friends by title alone can do more harm than most enemies. Furthermore, personal relationships can have the same if not worse affect on one’s self confidence level.
Always remember to think positive, believe in yourself and your ambitions and goals and you can achieve whatever you desire.
For a greater understanding of the power of your mind and your thoughts and this can affect your financial freedom, get a copy of the original classic by Napoleon Hill titled "Think and Grow Rich"

John is the owner of the website where you can get a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill's Book Think and Grow Rich. Head over now and claim you copy, free.

Law of Attraction: Do You Feel the Vibes?
You've heard or read it: The Law of Attraction (your order form that goes directly to Source/All That Is) responds to your deepest-held belief and/or feeling about everything and mirrors it back to you in your life. How's this working for you?

You can identify what you desire to expand into your life through the back door: "Well, what I don't want is . . ." (which will only create more of what you don't want) or, you can walk through the grand entrance. Fact: The human brain omits the word "don't". So does the quantum field (our larger brain). "Don't slam the door," is heard by a human brain as "Slam the door." "Don't let me lack" is heard by the quantum field as . . . Big Oops, huh? As I've told friends and clients, it's better to state what you want than what you don't want. The mathematical law applies: The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

One of the quickest ways to do this is to recognize that no matter how many expressions of the energy exist (think of everything that's ever been, is now, is becoming, and will become) . . . there's only one energy.

Each of us allows the energy to do what it does best through us: create more. And it creates more of what we focus our attention on repeatedly.

Take a moment to think or feel this concept: If the energy is in everything (and it is), then it's in you, the food you eat, everyone else, every thing (and this includes money), then you're surrounded by, permeated by, the abundance and creative aspect of All That Is.

Let's pick on the favorite topic of so many: money. First, it doesn't exist. From the quantum mechanics perspective, there's nothing there but the illusion we've created in a holographic field held together by conscious thought, created so we can have an experience (true for everything we think is solid). We even demonstrate this to ourselves in the physical realm every time we use an automatic transfer. What we're really exchanging is energy and calling it money. Our electronic age is reflecting this fact to us, and most of us don't even see it. When you move money into or out of your account electronically, what moves? Agreed-to numbers, right?

If you'd like to increase your numbers or experiences, one way to not accomplish this is to have your attention on not having it already. If that last sentence sounds confusing, it's no more confusing than how we process our desire for more on our order form we place into the field. You'll get there quicker if you can touch the feeling that there's no separation between you, the field, source, and what you desire except in your perception that there is.

What's a good way to expand into your life those things you desire to experience more of? Name them, but from a different perspective. If you want better clients, cash flow, projects, relationships, whatever . . . write down what these look and feel like to you. What would be the ideal? Since everything is energy, including and especially thought, are your focused thoughts and feelings aligned with that ideal? Are they aligned with allowing your ideal into your life? Are you Absolutely Free of Any Doubt that this can be yours, and in fact, is yours if you'll just allow it?

Think of one thing you manifested using the Law of Attraction (I know you have, even if just to think of someone and they contacted you shortly after your thought). Maybe you thought, "I'm going to get XYZ," and you found one somewhere or someone offered it to you because they were getting rid of it. Now think of something you've been affirming, but don't feel you've received or it's not coming fast enough. What's different?

Actually, I do suggest you ponder that for yourself so you get your own answers. I'll share that when I did this, I recognized that with the "simple" stuff, my comment to myself about attaining or obtaining something was matter-of-fact and had zero doubt attached to it. What's the difference between the "smaller" stuff and the "larger" stuff? Perception.

There's no small or large stuff. Any small stuff you've created proved to you that the Law of Attraction works and it works when you align what you vibrate about it to having it.

Everything we have in our life is a direct result of a vibration we hold. Feel the vibes of having it. Trust that "it" or something even better is yours. Allow it. You'll be surprised at how quickly you're living it and onto creating something else.

Joyce Shafer is an author and empowerment coach in New York City. See her books at Email Joyce or visit her Website to get in on her 2-book special--$5 (�I Don�t Want to be Your Guru, but I Have Something to Say� and �How to Have What You REALLY Want� at

Act As If Your Life Was Perfect
Most of the time we live so far away from our ideal life that we even don’t notice. We either accept without complaining and live a life of silent desperation, or we don’t accept and fight against our own misery. Both ways lead us to exhaustion and fatigue. In this article I will propose very powerful ways to discover your ideal life and to start living it. You need to take pen and paper and a half an hour of your time. Aren’t you worth it? Here we go. This is an exercise of imagination. No need to be realistic, no need to resist, just have fun with it. Imagine for a second that you are walking around in a store called “The Store of Your Dreams.” Everything is for free, take anything you want. Beware: the store is open only for half-an-hour, so do not hesitate! Don’t start thinking about if what you are asking for is feasible, that’s not the issue right now. Also do not wonder if you will one day receive what you are asking for. Just let yourself be carried away to the “LAND OF ENDLESS OPPORTUNITY” and take whatever you wish, without limits. Remember, you’re in the dimension of imagination, not reality. In this store there are different parts : in one alley you can “take” your most happy relationship, in another alley your perfect children, in still another your dreamjob, your dream house, your best friends, the income you long for, and so on. Write down what is your greatest, most beautiful vision about these ten subjects : an intimate relationship, the relationship with your kids, your parents, your friends, your boss, your dream job, your dream house, your health, your wealth and your creativity. Write for every of these headings a few lines. Write in the present tense, and in a positive way, as if you had already what you wanted. For instance (for your intimate relationship) : I live a happy, respectful and passionate relationship with a tall, beautiful man (or woman); we have a lot of complicity together, we laugh a lot, we have an open confident communication; each of us has his own activities and freedom and we share a lot together; we give each other support and love flows freely and abundantly between us. For instance (for your income) : I receive so much wealth and money by doing what I really like that I can afford to offer myself everything I dream off and to offer my beloved ones everything they need. So you see, you write in the present time and don’t use sentences as “we have no problems” or words as “not, don’t, never, without…” Make positive statements. Take some time to write this down on paper. It really matters. Now you can give a score from 0 to 10 for every heading, telling how close your reality is to your dream. If you already live a relationship with your partner that fits entirely your description, you give it 10/10. If your relationship is lousy and far away from your ideal, give it 1 or 2/10. If you don’t have a relationship at all at the moment, it will be zero. It is immediately clear which parts of your life need to be worked at: those with the lowest score. It’s also clear which parts of your life are satisfactory already: those with the highest score. What you have written down here provides a vivid picture of the real you, and what your life could be like in reality. It is the blueprint of your life. Reality could be just like you have described it here, and even better! What can you do to accelerate the manifestation of your dreams? I propose you five different techniques : The best thing is to write your happiest vision down every day again (it only takes 15 minutes a day, aren’t you worth it?). Second best thing is to read your vision every morning and every evening, when your subconscious mind is open to receive this new information. You also could repeat short positive phrases in your head, like affirmations. You can make a “collage” of pictures representing your different dreams, and paste it on your wall so you can lay eyes on it every day. This will be a reminder for your subconscious mind to manifest your dreams. Every day, you should visualize in all details, with your eyes closed, how it would be if you had already your happiest relationship, job, house, and so on. Try to feel how it would be, and pretend you already are in this state of being. Act as if your dreams are already reality. You will notice very soon how your life resembles more and more your happiest vision. Anyway, the fact that you have made these very notes means that all of it exists, it just has not manifested yet. The more you occupy yourself with your real life plan, the one you have just written down, the more your environment will resemble it. You can repeat this exercise every six months and monitor your progress. It is fun and very efficient to bring your dreams to reality. Ineke Van Lint is an expert in helping you in a quick and efficient way to discover the real you and to create a life filled with passion and enthusiasm. Take her free course here and become the happy successful person you were ment to be!

Ineke Van Lint is an expert in helping you in a quick and efficient way to discover the real you and to create a life filled with passion and enthusiasm. Take her free course here and become the happy successful person you were ment to be!

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