Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Maria Duval - Do You Possess Your Life or Endure It?

Do You Possess Your Life or Endure It?
It may seem like we're watching things crumble and tumble around us. What if we, even as and especially as individuals, now stand at the threshold of expanding our personal power and potential, no matter what? What if expanding this inner power is the very thing we should do? Are you in?

I read a line in a novel by P. D. James, ". . . preserving always the same look of puzzled acceptance of a life which had to be endured rather than possessed." Many people probably feel this way these days; but they can feel another way, if they choose to.

In our most challenging moments you or I face, we tend to ask, "How did I get into this situation," or "Why is this happening?" These are understandable questions, but they aren't necessarily helpful.

Every day, each of us endures something even if it's an inconvenience of lesser magnitude. Some people endure much more than most of us ever think about having to. When we find ourselves facing a challenge we believe we can do nothing about, we can still take possession of it. When we take possession of something, we generally take care of it or care for it; or, at least, that is the idea.

How many of us feel we are in possession of our lives? In order to feel this way, we have to also feel in possession of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. We have to possess or own the choices we've made and the outcomes they created. We have to decide if what we experience causes us to endure life or live what we desire.

There are things about our lives that only we can change. There are things we cannot change, so must find a way to come to terms with them. Whatever you feel challenged by at this time, find a way to take possession of it, even it it's just your attitude about it. To paraphrase Ernest Holmes, fear is misplaced faith; a belief in two powers instead of one.

Though I've had a lifetime of successes (depending on your definition of success), several years back, I clearly saw and felt something was missing. I could have taken the approach many do and learned and mimicked a lot of external actions to produce outcomes that would cause others to call me or my life a success. I could have done that, but I didn't. Instead . . .

I decided to expand my personal power, to see what I'm truly capable of, primarily from the spiritual perspective. I knew my path was going to cause many to shake their heads or feel frustrated with me. When challenges appeared I'd wonder if I should abandon this path and take the one more traveled. Then, I'd remind myself of my desired outcome and keep going, no matter what. T.S. Eliot said, "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." However, I feel there is no "too far" in expanding personal power in connection with Spirit and the truth of how reality works.

There were times when my world seemed to be crashing down around me; but like the Tower card in the Tarot, the seeming destruction was so a new, sturdier, and more splendid structure could be created instead.

Here is the process I take myself through to feel peaceful, empowered, and free even in times of perceived chaos.

� I acknowledge that where I am is where I am and allow it. I own my part in creating it. Resistance creates struggle; and if I'm using this process, I don't need more struggle, I need to shift it.
� I acknowledge that maybe I can shift it today and maybe I can't shift it until "tomorrow," but I can shift how I feel now. This is especially important to me since I know that like attracts like. If I allow myself to feel even a bit better (raise my energy), I allow for things to shift with greater ease. This may sound like New Age hype, but its importance is huge and its effects immediate.
� I agree to be on my timetable and no one else's. This is my personal journey.
� I remind myself that if I focus on the situation as it is, I sort of superglue it into my reality. Focus on my desired outcome shifts my energy, attracts more of what I want, and just feels better.
� I ask Spirit to show me what to do, including how to open myself to feeling more of what I want to feel. "Show me what I need to do to feel (xyz)," is one of the best ways to kick this into high gear.
� I look at which beliefs serve me and which ones don't. The foundation of every conflict is a belief. Some beliefs have been with us so long, we form an attachment to them, even though they're toxic. We may even call them "facts." They have to go if we're going to make a real shift. They have to be replaced with beliefs that support desired feelings and outcomes. I've had to recognize that my beliefs are the stories I repeat to myself. I can choose my stories.
� I find some measure of truth in a new belief statement because we can't fool ourselves. If we don't believe it, we cancel it out.
� I choose to get out of being so much in my mind and more into my feelings. Our feelings give us honest information. How we act from there becomes a measure of our greater understanding about the bigger picture and our role in it.
� I affirm there is a way and I will find it, that Spirit always assists me. There's a reason so many say to leave the how in the hands of Spirit: no one can do how better. I pay attention and take action as needed.
� I focus on something else while I wait for the answer, solution, next step, or shift. It's coming to me; it always does. I know from experience to expect it.

I am an ongoing process (so are you). I've learned to determine what is authentic for me even if it differs from what others may think or believe is the way things should be done, or is "how things are." I experience how joyfully powerful and peaceful it is to take full responsibility for my thoughts and thought patterns.

If you depend on external matters to feel peaceful and empowered, you've agreed to enslave yourself to the whims of externals; and, you will feel fairly powerless and often frustrated as a result.

Life is to be possessed, not endured. We can choose between enslavement to externals or freedom through personal empowerment; but, they are inner experiences first. Which do you choose?

Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., is the 4P Power Coach ( 4P Power Coaching is for those who wish to use a spiritual approach (and tools) in life and business through conscious use of Law of Attraction. Details, free newsletter, quiz, and more at ~ Books, reviews, preview chapters at, including Law of Attraction Alchemy, which includes 64 powerful affirmations � with a twist!

Money May Pay The Rent But It Can’t Buy You Love
Money can’t buy love Most everyone has heard the old Beatles song, “money can’t buy you love”. It’s true, money may pay the rent help acquire material positions but it can’t satisfy inner emotion. Inner self is satisfied only by a sensation of fulfillment or balance. When the inner self becomes unbalanced, it sends signals to the outer man to repair it. In most cases this signal is misconstrued and the outer person substitutes material possession for an inner desire to be complete. Indeed money is essential to living a full and productive life but it is not life itself. People should not live for money but rather use money to live. Money has no worth in itself, it is the idea that money contains value which can be exchanged for labor, goods or service and to acquire more of the same. Because money is a material object it can be manipulated by spirit. Money provides material objects Manipulation of material objects comes through understanding their reasoning. What is monies purpose? Where and why does it exist? Is it for man’s better cause? Once the root of money is understood then it can be brought into reality and experienced. Need triggers desire which draws the law of supply. Money is only a means to satisfy a craving or need. People who crave something strong enough will extort, steal, lie, cheat and even kill for release or satisfaction. All and every derogatory action is a result of inner misunderstanding, frustration or unrest. People who have allowed external things to control internal desire are subject to derangement. But not is lost there is hope Allowing money to become a controlling factor begins as an inner desire for possession. Desire drives the appetite of motivation for release and robs your soul of hope. People relate to their reality as events they can experience. An inner desire is indefinable like an itch that you can’t scratch. The inability to define inner desire leaves the individual confused and searching for release. The material world is like a pacifier to a baby, it eases the desire and soothes the mind; temporarily subduing the craving. The body thinks it has received its requirement but the mind is not satisfied; the craving continues in a cycle of despair. Cravings of despair Taking drugs, drinking alcohol, being combative, compulsive behavior any and all defiant or self directed actions are substitutes for lack of inner wholeness. The mind desires its rightful heritage of supremacy. Not in the since of rising above anyone but equality in being. Every human shares the same inner feeling of incompleteness. Their soul cries for material release and supreme understanding. They search and never find because they don’t understand or don’t detect their real meaning of self. If we could only stand aside and let the divine law do its diligence. If we could only understand who and what we really are. If, if, if, wonder, doubt anxiety answers never comes to a fractured, bewildered soul. A soul tormented because it is confused, misunderstood and lost. People have become so dependent on their material experience they have lost their true meaning. They are caught in a whirlpool and being pulled into the abyss of dismay. Dooms mankind to materialization Where is mankind? What has he/she become? Is he/she doomed to never realize his/her true self and completeness? Life has taken on an appearance of materialization. Humans react to outside stimulus and mask inner emotion, not knowingly but because their reality is their outer experience. They have been duped into believing the world is their provider and they are at its mercy. The connection to the world leaves the inner soul craving for awareness because it is only through the inner self that a true connection can be made. If the outer world can not bring completeness in man then what does? Perhaps the soul craves to connect spirit and material. Maybe just maybe people need to justify their own existence. But the spirit does not seem willing, it cringes and hides like a unwilling child. Where is Spirit? Spirit is spirit and can only be satisfied by spiritual effects. The soul craves connection to spirit and satisfaction of the whole person. It wants man/woman to enjoy his/her experience through a spiritual understanding of their material connection because in doing so, it is pleased. It wants people to know who supplies and who partakes. In the really world, God is all and through all, and man, well, man’s experiences are for God’s pleasure. Because a Devine principle is reveled through human experience, the experience is also Devine. Each and every experience should be seen as Devine revelation. Each experience completes a need to connect material and spirit. We may live in a material world but we exist through spiritual exposure. Is Spirit only imagination? Most people are so in-tune to the world that they have become that which they imagine. They have become worldly within themselves; they have become their surroundings. They can’t experience spirit because they have become detached and don’t have a realization of it. They simply don’t know it’s there or how to excess it . . . mankind is lost. What’s the answer? It is not easy to find your way when you have been lost in the desert for a thousand years. The desert has sustained you and the horizon has become fixed. There are no trees, rivers or ocean, only wilderness, sand, sun, heat, trials, despair. Hope is gone, only the drudgery of life continues. Or truth lost in reality Most people are like that aren’t they? They can’t experience true life because they don’t know what it is. But wait, what if you woke up one morning and the world was a different place - a better place of peace and hope and knowing? What if your soul awoke the reality, the inner person you really are? If this could happen, if there is hope what then? We will see, won’t we? Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Author, Spiritual Advisor, Former Director of Leadership and Development Training for First Baptist Church of Crossville, and Business Development coordinator for Imperial Research , is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.


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5. The Importance Of Being Grounded (2)
- Do you know what it feels like to be grounded? - Do you know how you can achieve better grounding in your life? I remember that, although I was meditating for quite a long time already, I had difficulties in feeling what it was to be grounded and to me it was very helpful to work with the meditation technique that I am going to tell you about: My teacher and mentor Christopher Beaver (Telluride-CO) taught me that: “Each individual possesses a natural rhythm that is as unique as their fingerprints or DNA. Staying connected to Mother Earth creates a change in your own personal energy field, so that you can re-align to a more natural way of being.” I have experienced that by becoming grounded you take the first step in evolving your consciousness towards change. Please be aware that these self motivation tips are the key to change and growth. Therefore I recommend you to practice this self motivation exercise in order to obtain the necessary self motivation skills. To achieve better grounding in your life, I share this meditation with you. I am convinced that it will be of great help to you too: 1. Find a quiet place and sit, either in the Lotus posture, or in a chair with your back straight and both your feet on the ground, your hands resting on your thighs with the palms up. (This helps you to be open) 2. Close your eyes and breath, while your jaws are unlocked and your tongue touches the back of your lower front teeth. 3. Take 3 slow deep breaths to let your body know that you are going into meditation. 4. Start breathing-in through your nose and- out through your mouth and open yourself to receive Mother Earth’s energy. Feel this energy surround you like loving arms, sending you nurturing and unconditional acceptance. 5. Feel an imaginary cord opening up underneath your body and visualize it to roll out to the centre of the earth. 6. A red colored grounding energy enters your body at the base of your spine. Let it flow into your pelvis and the lower part of your body. Then direct it up the back of your spine and let it go up to the top of your head, after which you let it flow down the front of your spine. 7. Keep breathing-in through your nose and- out through your mouth, while you feel this energy moving up and down your spine and into the lower part of your body. This meditation will truly help you to: - feel connected to the Earth - balance - create a deep inner peace - become stress-resistant - feel energized - bring you to your deepest internal information - feel what you REALLY want So, give yourself a gift, take action and repeat this exercise for 20 minutes every day.

Ab van Deemter ( is a Personal Growth specialist and a spiritual person, who believes in sharing his knowledge of personal perseverance. He has studied metaphysics and other holistic methods for many years and embarked on a life of success. With successful tools for personal freedom he has made it past a life full of obstacles and now mentors and teaches business owners, their staff, his own employees, as well as a large group of private individuals.

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