Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maria Duval - Simple Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude

Simple Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude
Are you the 'glass is half full' type of person? Is it your nature to look on the bright side of things, or do you relate more with the "if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" crowd? While some psychologists believe genetics largely determines whether or not we have a positive or negative outlook towards life, the reality is that we can to a large degree alter our outlook by changing our attitude. Realizing a few years back that my attitude left a lot to be desired, I decided to try and improve it by reading positive books and applying some of the techniques I came across. While the individual authors all had their own particular take on it, much of what I read came back to developing a sense of self worth and gratitude. I have used several of the exercises that follow to help me develop these qualities, and have also found them useful in creating a positive mental state at will.

How often to you take the time to give thanks for all the blessings you have? No matter how good or bad things may seem at the present time, we all have numerous things to be grateful for. Developing an attitude of gratefulness will help you to become a more positive person. A simple way to accomplish this is take a notebook, put it beside your bed, and one of the first things you do upon waking is to list a couple of things that you are grateful for today. This sense of appreciation doesn't have to be anything stupendous, but can be something as simple as gratitude for a great cup of coffee, expressing appreciation for people in your life past or present, good health, a walk in the park, good food, or anything else that comes to mind. The point is, make it personal, and allow yourself to experience the feeling of gratitude. You will soon find that starting the day with a spirit of gratitude helps to put you in a positive frame of mind for the rest of the day. After doing this for thirty days, take a look back at everything you've listed. You will be amazed at just how much you have to be grateful for!

Another technique that helps to build positive feelings about yourself is taking some time to list all of your accomplishments. Too often we focus on what we haven't yet accomplished and fail to take the time to give ourselves a little pat on the back regarding the many things we have already achieved. Again, it doesn't have to be earth shattering, but can be anything that you get a sense of accomplishment from. For example, a few of the accomplishments that I listed was; teaching myself how to play guitar, being the first in my family to graduate from high school and go to college, becoming an excellent athlete, overcoming a debilitating struggle with self esteem, overcoming my shyness, etc. Take a couple of minutes everyday to list one accomplishment in your life that makes you feel good about yourself. When you think about the accomplishment, spend a brief time lingering on the feeling that you experience when you think back to it. Experience it again as if it happened yesterday.

Finally, do you take some time everyday to laugh? I'm talking about a good old belly laugh, the kind that makes the back of your head hurt. One of the ways I've found to bring a little humor into my life everyday is to recall some of the funniest moments in it! We have all had funny and embarrassing things happen to us in life, and the process of thinking back to those moments is guaranteed to put a smile on your face as you recall humorous events from your past. Take a little time each day to recall one of those moments. For me, a lot of the funniest times go back to my childhood days and the pranks we pulled on each other. Sometimes I was the victim, and in others I was the one pulling the prank, but whatever the case, I can't help but smile when I think back to those times. A friendly warning to you; if you do this little exercise while out in public, like while riding the train to work, you may find that your sudden outburst of laughter will have others gazing at you with apprehensive stares. Be prepared.

In life, there are many things beyond our control. Fortunately, one of the things that we do have control over if we chose to exercise it, is our thoughts and consequently our attitude. Try using some of these techniques or some of your own to help bring moments of positive thought into your daily life. You'll be glad you did, and of that I am POSITIVE!

Bill Thomas is actively engaged in Internet Business pursuits. He contributes articles on this and other topics. His current website is..Create Lifetime Income from Home With Your Own.. Internet Business

Do You Possess Your Life or Endure It?
It may seem like we're watching things crumble and tumble around us. What if we, even as and especially as individuals, now stand at the threshold of expanding our personal power and potential, no matter what? What if expanding this inner power is the very thing we should do? Are you in?

I read a line in a novel by P. D. James, ". . . preserving always the same look of puzzled acceptance of a life which had to be endured rather than possessed." Many people probably feel this way these days; but they can feel another way, if they choose to.

In our most challenging moments you or I face, we tend to ask, "How did I get into this situation," or "Why is this happening?" These are understandable questions, but they aren't necessarily helpful.

Every day, each of us endures something even if it's an inconvenience of lesser magnitude. Some people endure much more than most of us ever think about having to. When we find ourselves facing a challenge we believe we can do nothing about, we can still take possession of it. When we take possession of something, we generally take care of it or care for it; or, at least, that is the idea.

How many of us feel we are in possession of our lives? In order to feel this way, we have to also feel in possession of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. We have to possess or own the choices we've made and the outcomes they created. We have to decide if what we experience causes us to endure life or live what we desire.

There are things about our lives that only we can change. There are things we cannot change, so must find a way to come to terms with them. Whatever you feel challenged by at this time, find a way to take possession of it, even it it's just your attitude about it. To paraphrase Ernest Holmes, fear is misplaced faith; a belief in two powers instead of one.

Though I've had a lifetime of successes (depending on your definition of success), several years back, I clearly saw and felt something was missing. I could have taken the approach many do and learned and mimicked a lot of external actions to produce outcomes that would cause others to call me or my life a success. I could have done that, but I didn't. Instead . . .

I decided to expand my personal power, to see what I'm truly capable of, primarily from the spiritual perspective. I knew my path was going to cause many to shake their heads or feel frustrated with me. When challenges appeared I'd wonder if I should abandon this path and take the one more traveled. Then, I'd remind myself of my desired outcome and keep going, no matter what. T.S. Eliot said, "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." However, I feel there is no "too far" in expanding personal power in connection with Spirit and the truth of how reality works.

There were times when my world seemed to be crashing down around me; but like the Tower card in the Tarot, the seeming destruction was so a new, sturdier, and more splendid structure could be created instead.

Here is the process I take myself through to feel peaceful, empowered, and free even in times of perceived chaos.

� I acknowledge that where I am is where I am and allow it. I own my part in creating it. Resistance creates struggle; and if I'm using this process, I don't need more struggle, I need to shift it.
� I acknowledge that maybe I can shift it today and maybe I can't shift it until "tomorrow," but I can shift how I feel now. This is especially important to me since I know that like attracts like. If I allow myself to feel even a bit better (raise my energy), I allow for things to shift with greater ease. This may sound like New Age hype, but its importance is huge and its effects immediate.
� I agree to be on my timetable and no one else's. This is my personal journey.
� I remind myself that if I focus on the situation as it is, I sort of superglue it into my reality. Focus on my desired outcome shifts my energy, attracts more of what I want, and just feels better.
� I ask Spirit to show me what to do, including how to open myself to feeling more of what I want to feel. "Show me what I need to do to feel (xyz)," is one of the best ways to kick this into high gear.
� I look at which beliefs serve me and which ones don't. The foundation of every conflict is a belief. Some beliefs have been with us so long, we form an attachment to them, even though they're toxic. We may even call them "facts." They have to go if we're going to make a real shift. They have to be replaced with beliefs that support desired feelings and outcomes. I've had to recognize that my beliefs are the stories I repeat to myself. I can choose my stories.
� I find some measure of truth in a new belief statement because we can't fool ourselves. If we don't believe it, we cancel it out.
� I choose to get out of being so much in my mind and more into my feelings. Our feelings give us honest information. How we act from there becomes a measure of our greater understanding about the bigger picture and our role in it.
� I affirm there is a way and I will find it, that Spirit always assists me. There's a reason so many say to leave the how in the hands of Spirit: no one can do how better. I pay attention and take action as needed.
� I focus on something else while I wait for the answer, solution, next step, or shift. It's coming to me; it always does. I know from experience to expect it.

I am an ongoing process (so are you). I've learned to determine what is authentic for me even if it differs from what others may think or believe is the way things should be done, or is "how things are." I experience how joyfully powerful and peaceful it is to take full responsibility for my thoughts and thought patterns.

If you depend on external matters to feel peaceful and empowered, you've agreed to enslave yourself to the whims of externals; and, you will feel fairly powerless and often frustrated as a result.

Life is to be possessed, not endured. We can choose between enslavement to externals or freedom through personal empowerment; but, they are inner experiences first. Which do you choose?

Joyce Shafer, L.E.C., is the 4P Power Coach (jls1422@yahoo.com). 4P Power Coaching is for those who wish to use a spiritual approach (and tools) in life and business through conscious use of Law of Attraction. Details, free newsletter, quiz, and more at http://www.freewebs.com/coach4lifebalance ~ Books, reviews, preview chapters at www.lulu.com, including Law of Attraction Alchemy, which includes 64 powerful affirmations � with a twist!

Live Life, Be Positive
The ability to understand that things and events around us, that impact on our lives, happen for a purpose, is one of the keys to accepting that there are forces operating around us, over which we have no control. We can hide away from the past heartaches, embarrassments and failures or we can take control and learn from them. They are and do become the tools for our future success, provided we do learn from them. OptiMindzation Acceleration is a new process of using the latest research into how our mind works and builds on the principals of the “Law of Attraction” to develop our inner strengths. The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed on a project, in a specific situation or in a position at work. There is always the next time, so make room in your life and use the Law of Attraction to build your self worth. Call in from the universe the things that are rightfully yours, by being specific in your requests. Keep them positive and you will gain. Be negative and you will attract negativity into your life.. Download the Attraction Accelerator Report from the following web based URL site www.physicsofgettingwealthy.com/rights so you can read up on how to undertake the necessary steps to understanding your self worth.

Ken Triat has a masters degree in Business Administration. Currently reviewing personal development centred around the power of the mind

So You Have COPD And You Want To Travel
The Key To Traveling With COPD Is In The Preparation I have been suffering with COPD for ten years now, with twenty years of Asthma before that. I know what a hard time it is to do any kind of traveling for and that matter, any exercise at all. Your life doesn’t have to be one of staying at home; you can still have a somewhat active life if you follow a few precautions. Maybe you use oxygen or get tired easily and staying at home is easer than traveling or doing any extra movement at all. Getting out of the house is good for your physic and helps promote a healthier attitude. I know, having limited breathe is debilitating and hard to contend with at times. At the very least it’s a nuisance but you can function at a reasonable level, if you have a strong will to do so. Don’t become housebound The longer you allow yourself to be cooped up the worse your condition will seem to be. You will become depressed, and your reasoning for living will be questioned and if that’s not bad enough, your relationships will suffer. But wait, you don’t have to climb Mt. Everest, or run a five K race you only have to get out and take a little trip. Don’t dwell on what you used to be able to do and find out what you can do now. you can probably do a lot more than you give yourself credit for. I know, it is not only a hassle to prepare for travel it can cause an anxiety others may not understand. Remember, although others may be trying to be supportive, they aren’t you and it’s you who is contributing to your own self-imprisonment. You have to take the first step to overcome your condition and venture into the world. The world hasn’t changed, so you’re not as capable, so what �" do what you can. It’s your attitude that keeps you from experiencing life. I know what you are going through I guess by now you realize I am writing this as much for me as I am for you. I also question my ability to venture out into the world. I can’t walk more than a few feet, I no longer can have intimate relations with my spouse or play with my grandchildren but I am not dead yet. My mind is still active and I can still contribute, in a since, so I look for and try to find that which keeps me going. Now certain oxygen equipment can be brought into airports and pass through security. Some airlines will allow oxygen equipment to be used during the flight so why not take a trip to see the grandkids? If you’re like me, I don’t require oxygen but I do need a wheel chair if I am to move any distance. Hay they let people in wheel chairs enter the plane first, that’s one plus, anyway. Be upfront with your doctor Before you go you need to ask your doctor a few questions. You probably already know what they are but just in case, here they are. • How much medication will I need to last me through my trip? • What if any, over the counter drugs can I use while I travel? • Will I need extra medication? • Which rescue inhaler should I take and how often can it be used? • Should my current oxygen prescription be adjusted for the extra activity? • Who should I call if I have a problem? I am sure there are many other questions you have, just write them down so you can ask your doctor before your trip. It’s just a matter of planning ahead. What form of transportation will you be using for your trip? If you’re going by plane, check on Airport and Airline regulations before you attempt the trip. If you’re going by car, check motels along your route and make arrangements for your stay. Make sure they understand your condition and special requirements. If you’re going by train, check beforehand for any regulations that you may encounter which might hamper your traveling success. Make sure they support and are equipped to handle your special needs. Maybe you need an Attitude Adjustment Before you can attempt any form of travel you must adjust you attitude. Think I can instead of I can’t. Make your own decisions, don’t let others influence how you experience life. Step out, or at least roll out, and enjoy the pleasures of travel. It’s always good to Stay Well If COPD is your only affliction then use the rest of what you have. Using your eyes and ears won’t effect your breathing but they can bring a lot of enjoyment into your life. Using your legs, although limited, helps stimulate the heart and keeps them working to a degree. My legs swell and I can’t feel my feet most of the time but I still walk as far as I can. My spouse, God bless her, is my helpmate. If it weren’t for her, I would be out of luck. Anyway, buckle up Dubby, and take a ride. So you can’t run any more, you probably didn’t in the first place. So you can’t go bungee jumping or parachuting, you can watch, it’s safer on the ground anyway. Hay, you can play a mean video game or write articles of your experiences, see, all is not lost. Get out and take a trip Ok, so we’ve established you should take a trip, go on, enjoy yourself, don’t let COPD get you down. It may seem like a lot of extra work to travel with COPD but at least you can travel. There are a lot of people who can’t. I knew a women who had a stroke at a early age and was in a coma. For fifteen years she could not get out of bed or feed herself or anything. I thank the Lord I only have COPD, I can get out of bed, I can travel, I can be self sufficient for the most part. Be all you can be, take a trip, see the world, lay in a hot tub, do something, anything but most of all be happy. Happy trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. See How To, Run Your Car On WATER
Find Out About Self Employment

Live Life, Be Positive
The ability to understand that things and events around us, that impact on our lives, happen for a purpose, is one of the keys to accepting that there are forces operating around us, over which we have no control. We can hide away from the past heartaches, embarrassments and failures or we can take control and learn from them. They are and do become the tools for our future success, provided we do learn from them. OptiMindzation Acceleration is a new process of using the latest research into how our mind works and builds on the principals of the “Law of Attraction” to develop our inner strengths. The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed on a project, in a specific situation or in a position at work. There is always the next time, so make room in your life and use the Law of Attraction to build your self worth. Call in from the universe the things that are rightfully yours, by being specific in your requests. Keep them positive and you will gain. Be negative and you will attract negativity into your life.. Download the Attraction Accelerator Report from the following web based URL site www.physicsofgettingwealthy.com/rights so you can read up on how to undertake the necessary steps to understanding your self worth.

Ken Triat has a masters degree in Business Administration. Currently reviewing personal development centred around the power of the mind

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