Saturday, October 11, 2008

Maria Duval - Break a Bad Habit and Make a New Friend: YOU

Break a Bad Habit and Make a New Friend: YOU
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they decide changes must be made. Usually it means breaking a bad habit built up over the years. No matter what the bad habit, the time for change has come and the need to make life changing corrections must be faced.

Making the decision to correct the bad habit is the first major step. In Alcoholics Anonymous the first step is admitting you have a problem. That step applies to everyone who has decided to make a change in their life by improving their lifestyle, self-image or health. Before one can start down the self-improvement road one must first admit what the problem is.

The next step is deciding how to make the necessary changes to break habits and improve their life. Breaking a bad habit is no easy task. Smokers are often told that being addicted to nicotine is as bad as heroin. Even knowing this, every year thousands take the steps needed to stop one of the worst habit-forming addictions our of day. They are ready to face the fact that their bad habit is hurting them and they know that their decision will lead them on a journey of self-improvement that will add years to their life.

People addicted to alcohol are another group who take the journey to self-improvement. Their journey is one that is very welcomed by friends, co-workers and family members who for years have had to endure the effects that this addiction has had on their lives. In many cases the alcoholic has the support of many to help them on their journey of self-improvement.

In recent years one of the most publicized self-improvement movements has been for weight loss. The airwaves are full of advertisements for products to help people lose weight. There are even reality TV shows portraying the struggles that overweight people go through and the self-confidence they gain as the weight drops off.

Although the challenges are great for some of these addictions, the benefits are life-changing for all. The smoker has lowered their risk of cancer; the alcoholic sees life as a sober person and regains the love and respect of family and friends. The life change that weight loss gives is by far the most dramatic. Not only do they feel better and look better; they receive constant feedback from people who can see the physical differences from their self-improvement program.

To start a self-improvement program is easy. Following through and sticking with it is the hard part. There will be times of setbacks, but it’s easy enough to pick yourself up and start again. For the smoker who lasts three months, then has a setback, knows what they did accomplish that and the next time may be able to go further. The dieter can also fall off the wagon without too much damage done before they start back on the road to break their eating habits.

It simply takes making a decision to start, making a plan to help break your bad habits and then following through. Breaking a bad habit often requires the help of a support network and many get much further when they have others to help them.

The end result is well worth the struggle. All who have habit-forming problems and who have decided to make changes in their lifestyle for the better will receive positive feedback The most important feedback they get, after their doctors, is the feedback they give themselves.

Kaled Asmri is giving away free memberships to his SHS Tips ‘private eZine’. To get your own membership, visit while free memberships last.

7 Highly Effective Habits for Stress Releasing
7 highly effective habits of stress releasing are outlined below. You as an individual can consider them and customize them to your own daily regimens.

If your goal is to improve your career, succeed at putting money in the bank, feel happier, and effectively use The Law of Attraction, this article may help you organize yourself and become more efficient emotionally and mentally. These 7 effective habits, or however many your most efficient version ends up being, will attract the life you want, if you can manage the stress releasing part.

The Abraham materials (Ester and Jerry Hicks) really cut to the chase. Stated simply, you have two feelings - you may feel good and you may feel bad. 2 different vibrations, each attracting more of the same. If you have stressful thoughts that cascade like a runaway train, you do need a method to switch tracks.

Number 1: just to slow things down a little, a few deep slow breaths. The sooner you employ this, the less stress chemicals will be flooding your bloodstream and brain, and the faster you'll recover your good feelings.

Number 2: eat if you are hungry, preferably no sugar. If you have passed your snack time or mealtime, you have set your nervous system up for a negative response to anything.

Number 3: ditto for hydration. Do you always have a bottle of water handy? At your desk, in the car, walking the dog, etc.

Number 4: daily meditation. (But I don't have time...!!) Here's a method. When your alarm goes off, hit the snooze button. Sit up, drink some water, and then for the next few minutes, deep breathe and count as you exhale. This is a focusing tool to get your mind off your early stressful thoughts. Just for a few minutes every morning, to make it a habit.

Number 5: develop the scenario of your desired outcome in life. Be it home, partner, finances, get the overall picture and express it to yourself, emphasizing how it feels deep inside. Exactly in the spot in your body where your stressful thoughts attack, you want to feel a deep peace, warmth, quiet thrill, energy, or whatever it is for you. Write this on an index card and keep it with you at all times. If you're not an expressive writer, do it in point form. This is an effective way to remind yourself of your outcome, as you run the gauntlet of your day.

Number 6: exercise. We are made to move and stress ourselves a little physically, every day. You know you can't park your car for a few months without something needing a tune up. What about your body? If you have physical problems, consult your doctor. If you're out of shape something like Slow Burn, a super slow motion method, is great. And whatever makes you feel good - walking, yoga, weight resistance. There are a lot of ways to learn for free if your cash flow is low right now. Library books, internet - there is a glut of info waiting for you. Biochemically, exercise is necessary to release endorphins, your feel-good chemicals. Not to mention the cascade of other healthy cellular events exercise triggers.

Number 7: if your stressful states are persistent, there are energy methods of reversing your nervous system's response to thoughts and feelings. Simple to learn and do in minutes. These will keep you on the path to be using The Law of Attraction to the max.

This simplification is deliberate. The simpler the better. Whatever you formulate to be your 7 highly effective habits to stress releasing and fullfillment, I wish you the best, and even better.

Dianne M. Buxton is a ballet teacher, and a writer. If you find these ideas useful, you can find out more about them here.

The Quantum Law of Attraction
Our beliefs not only affect our physical health but also events and even aspects of our physical world. For many this will be hard to accept; however, there have been numerous documented stories that give credence to the theory that we can literally bend reality by changing our beliefs.

There have been many instances during my own life where I have experienced what can only be termed as miracles that have challenged my whole view of what we call reality.

After being made "redundant" and let go from my job, I used a goal-setting process to secure a new position for exactly the salary and career path I wanted, within three weeks--despite the fact that the unemployment rate was at record levels and the country was in deep recession.

On another occasion I purchased a home that matched the exact details of my goal--including the price, the location and even the size of the rooms--within two weeks.

Another amazing example of the power of manifesting occurred when I secured contracts for my training firm within 20 minutes of setting a goal (that one still sends shivers up my spine).

Despite having these experiences I was never quite able to create these results on a consistent basis. Only after studying a variety of texts on metaphysics was I able to finally connect the dots and discover the true cause.

The universe and the world in which you live is made up of matter. This matter can take the form of solid matter such as plants, trees and human beings, liquid matter such as water, milk or blood, and gases such as oxygen, methane or hydrogen.

If we examine each of these different forms of matter we will discover that they are made up of molecules, and if we look deeper still we will find that these are made up of atoms, which are made up of subatomic particles (pure energy).

Everything in the world around you is made up of these subatomic particles: the ground you stand on, the body you have, the food you eat and the stars you gaze at in the night sky. This energy is all around and you are affecting it simply by existing within it.

Thoughts are also energy, which registers as electrical impulses within the brain. This energy not only has an incredible impact on our body's physiology, it also affects our external world.

As the universe is merely a giant hub of energy interacting with itself, we are all on some level connected. Think of lights on a Christmas tree and imagine that every living being on the planet is an individual light powered by a central energy source.

It is this deep connection that allows us to create the circumstances to manifest the results that we desire in life, and it is our beliefs as the creator of our thoughts that directs the flow of energy to create positive results or negative ones.

Our beliefs are like lightning rods attracting events, circumstances and people into our life experience. It doesn't matter if you wish to achieve great wealth, develop a new product idea, or see an improvement in your health--if your beliefs are not in alignment with what you consciously desire, you will experience immense difficulty in having what you want in life.


T.D.McKenzie is the creator of the McKenzie Mastery Process: Discover The Secret Word That Allows You To Erase Any Limiting Belief Permanently From Your Mind Within 90 Seconds...Even If It's Been A Part of Your Life Since You Were 5 Years Old!

Use Meditation to Overcome Short Term Memory Loss
Use Meditation to Overcome Short Term Memory Loss Meditation is a wonderful method of helping the entire body to relax. Through a system of breathing exercises the body naturally feels the stress being released and for many people it allows them to be much more open and receptive. Meditation can also aid in helping to overcome short term memory loss. When a person feels relaxed the memory seems to function much better. Through the use of breathing and concentration the memory feels alive and vibrant once again. Remember the last time you forgot someone's name or their birthday? It was probably during a period where you had a great deal on your mind or you were feeling stress. Upon realizing your forgetfulness this generally stirs up even more anxiety which again leads to more memory problems. It's a cycle that some people find themselves constantly in. By employing some of the techniques of meditation that people have been using for years, you can help open up your mind and memory thus allowing it to function better. It's wonderful to imagine having the ability to recall names, numbers and important dates without having to look for pieces of paper or check a calendar. Instead it would all be there within your memory. Meditation does not need to be a complicated process. There are simple exercises that anyone can do for a few moments each day that will help boost the memory. The key to using meditation as a memory booster is that it will help build concentration which works hand in hand with improving your short term memory. Finding a quiet spot is very helpful when you want to meditate. Some people also feel that having essential oils or candles burning adds to the necessary ambiance. If that does help you relax than it's going to beneficial to the entire process including helping you to reenergize your mind. There are also certain scents of oils and candles that are said to be beneficial for memory functions. Meditation can be taught in a class and there are usually classes offered at natural health care facilities and often even at regular gyms. Some of the classes are geared towards helping the memory to function. For a person who feels as though their mind isn't as sharp as it once was, taking one of these classes will benefit them for years to come. Building up a regular routine of meditation to aid in improving short term memory loss will also build self-esteem. Feeling as though you are on top of your game mentally is a wonderful self-image booster. For someone who feels less comfortable within a class of people learning meditation, there are many books and manuals that offer substantial information on mediation as a method of empowering the memory. Some offer illustrations of body position and along with descriptions for the breathing exercises. Following the methods outlined daily will open the person up to the benefits of meditation. By using the techniques described they will not only be relaxing their bodies but fueling their memory as well. Having a relaxed and clear mind is one of the most important aspects to overcoming short term memory loss.

By Chengsi Gu. Learn more about how to improve your memory by checking out my blog Short Term Memory Loss

Your Enlightenment
Throughout your entire life you have been learning, growing and evolving. Everything you have experienced has been teaching you something about yourself. All the books you have read, courses you have taken and things you have done to develop yourself are the result of an innate intelligence, or spirit, that has been guiding you to further evolve yourself, to realize your full potential, to self-realize. The volition to read these words comes from your spirit. The answers lie within you, and from this inner knowing you gain the impetus to explore, to understand, to find greater meaning, purpose and peace. So as you are reading these words I invite you to check in with the part of you that is curious to learn more. This path of self-discovery is guiding you to enlightenment. You have been called. You are being guided, and that with draws your attention to these words is guiding you to take that next step in your development. The same volition that compels me to write these words draws your attention to read them. We are all being guided, by spirit, to realize our full potential through self-realization. As you enlighten you come to realize who you are and why you were born so that you may fulfill your destiny. The fact that you are reading these words is the proof that your spirit is guiding you to full enlightenment. The primary reason I am writing these words is to acknowledge that part of you that already knows this innately. We are all being called to enlighten. We live in an age where masses of people, such as yourself, are learning more about what consciousness is and are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve their consciousness. You are ahead of the learning curve of humanity, you have realized that there is something to be realized and are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve yourself. It is your destiny to enlighten. The Self Awareness Institute is a gathering place for those ready to live in the light, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within us. Welcome home. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

The Law of Attraction Accelerator
The Law of Attraction ...

"You get what you think about"

"Your thoughts determine your destiny"

It is often said that emotions are the factor that increase or decrease the speed of attraction relative to how much you feel about the subject you are attempting to attract.

One of the critical steps to the Law of Attraction is visualizing exactly what you want. All of the experts interviewed agree - the more precisely you visualize - the better the Law of Attraction works. But the opposite is true as well. The less you visualize, the less noticeable the results. And even worse for most folks - if you are unable to visualize exactly what you want, the Law of Attraction can give you the opposite of what you desire and you never see the results you want.

Once you are able to visualize, the Law of Attraction works wonders for everyone who sincerely follows its simple formula. Better than that, once you discover it works in one part of your life, you'll be able to apply it everywhere.

And best of all, you'll bypass the roadblocks that stopped the Law of Attraction from bringing you all the success you deserve. You can reverse the negative and fatal attractions you are experiencing in your life.

Regardless of whatever happened in your past, financial problems, bankruptcy, never managing to make ends meet, the past is over. Your future begins as soon as you begin to use the Law of Attraction.

And you may not recognize your future based on your past.

Imagine for a moment you are driving your car but instead of looking ahead - you are only looking through the rear view mirror. It would be a disaster waiting to happen!

But the Law of Attraction is going to change all that as you manifest your financial success.

How surprised will you be to discover how simple it is to reach and even exceed your goals?

Not only is your past irrelevant here, even what is going on in the present. The only thing that matters is...your future when you sit back and let the Law of Attraction go to work for you.

Are you ready to taste and enjoy the success you deserve? Are you ready to show all those people who made fun of you for trying to harness the Law of Attraction that it really works.

The Law of Attraction isn't just about going from barely making it to the level of survival; it's about experiencing life to the fullest as every single one of your dreams becomes true.

Terence Tan is a Trainer who coaches people in the fields of Business Success, Personal Development and Entrepreneurial Thinking. He has used the Law of Attraction to create multiple businesses spanning more than 6 countries. Learn more about the Law of Attraction he uses on this site:

Your Beautiful Mind
What if you could think whatever you want whenever you want? What if you felt joy, love and peace all the time, or even just most of the time? Can you think of some old feeling that you would rather not be carrying around, or a behavior that just doesn't serve you anymore and you would like to let it go? Now is the time. Your mind thinks as it was trained to. Over the years you have downloaded from your senses various thoughts, feelings, opinions and beliefs that rule over your life. Some of them may be quite helpful to you while others may be keeping you from realizing your full potential, or just being happy and prosperous. You can consciously decide how you want your brain to work, and if there is something in your mind you no longer want to think you can now change it. Your own mind may not believe this, and may even fear the idea, but if you would like to change what goes on in your mind and body the first step is in realizing that you can:absolutely. The second step in this process is in realizing what your thoughts and feelings are and how they are affecting your life. What thoughts serve you and which ones don't? The next step is to consciously decide in what ways you want to think and which ways you don't. The clearer your mind is as to what you want it to think, the easier it is for your mind to think it. Once you have gained clarity as to what you want your mind to think it is simply a matter of programming your mind to think that way. This is where I can help you. Just like learning a language, as you repeat ideas and feelings they become ingrained into the neuro-physiology of your brain and become adopted into your own personality and behavior. Thought-forms can be created in your mind and firmly established so your mind becomes the perfect servant to your own consciousness. Where there was negative you create positive, where there is fear you create courage and strength, where there is discord you create harmony. Look how enslaved most people are to their mental and emotional conditioning. There is absolutely no reason to stay in a contracted mental or emotional state, you can start shifting and reprogramming your mind once you decide to. This choice is the power that makes it happen. Your spirit is guiding you to make those choices, just as it guided you to be reading these words. I will be conducting a series of three one hour teleconferences this month called The Enlightened Mind Series ( During these teleconferences I will guide you into deep states to access your subconscious and provide you a series of templates for your mind to consider and adopt if you choose. Emotionally, physically and mentally let us create those thoughts and feelings that bring greater prosperity, happiness and peace into your life and to those in your life. Why settle for anything else? From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir "Who decides what state you're going to be in?"

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

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