Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Maria Duval - Identifying Your Purpose In Life

Identifying Your Purpose In Life
What is your purpose in life? Or what is your mission in life? Or why do you exist in this world? What is the meaning of life to you? What is the reason for being here in the world?

Are you able to come out with an answer to the above questions? Or your answer is just a simple, "Don't know!"

If you are not able to answer the question right now, don’t worry for you are surely not alone. It also took me quite some time before I really know what is my true purpose in life.

“We are here on earth to do good for others. What the others are here for, I don’t know.”
~~ W. H. Auden ~~

Personally I believe everyone comes to this world with a purpose. To some, their purpose is to honor and serve God. To others, it is to bring smiles to the faces of the unfortunate people, like Mother Theresa.

You may have a total different purpose. Everyone comes to this world to provide different services to their community. Scientists contribute by inventing and innovating new and better technologies to aid mankind while entrepreneurs create more job opportunities for the society.

Like what W. H. Auden said, you need not concern yourself with the other people's purposes. You just have to identify your purpose and live up to it.

Your purpose of life is surely NOT only about you. Rather is the the type of service you offer to others.

“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.”
~~ Victor Frankl ~~

Real happiness and fulfillment comes not from taking, or getting or waiting to be served. Instead, it is about contributing to the society, providing valuable services to other people and to give away freely.

Identifying your true purpose in life helps you to break away the “Me, Me, Me” mentally. It requires you to throw away the self-centered and selfish you.

“Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”
~~ Helen Keller ~~

Seeking purpose is not about seeking self-gratification. It is not to seek pleasure, richness or power. It is to give, to contribute and to provide wealth, abundance and love.

Your rewards in life is in fact in direct proportion to what you can contribute to life.

Many successful people in life have worthy, wonderful and big purpose in life.

Examples of some successful people's purpose:


Robert Allen: “To inspire and empower people to achieve their destiny.”

Anthony Robbins: “To humbly serve the Lord by being a loving, playful, powerful and passionate example of the absolute joy that is available to us the moments we rejoice in God’s gift and sincerely love and serve all of his creations.”

Mark Victor Hansen: “To create and inspire one million millionaire who each give $1 million to their church or charity.”


As you can see successful people don’t become successful because they take from others. Instead, it is because of the amount of contribution they make to the society.

Also, it is their worth-dying-for-purpose that helps them to face all adversities they in their lives. It also helps them to persist and preserve through all challenges and obstacles along their route to success.

Therefore by having a worthy purpose and truly understanding the WHY, you’ll be able to continue through your route of success no matter how difficult it may seem for in front of your purpose, obstacles are nothing but stepping stones to help you fulfill your purpose in life.

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”
~~ Edgar Cayce ~~

So what type of purpose are you crafting for yourself?

Zach Kong is the faciliator of a personal development site which focus on building a community to support, inspire and motivate succeed. For more information click on: http://www.ZachKong.com

Malice In “I Wonder Who I Am” Land
For many years I maintained confidence in my personal identity. I knew exactly who I was and was quite comfortable in my skin. Although, I must confess my skin used to fit me better than it does these days. Recently several things happened to shake this confidence in my person. I don’t know about anyone else, but I take pride in my personal mettle. About two months ago my credit card company informed me somebody hacked into their records and stole my identity, along with approximately one million other customers. They went on to assure me that my account would be safe. It wasn’t my money I was worried about at the time but my identity. How can anybody steal someone else’s identity? More important than that, why would anybody want to steal somebody else’s identity? Especially somebody like me. In thinking about this I wondered, how much can I charge someone for borrowing my identity? I might have a cottage industry here in the making. Or, perhaps it’s just cottage cheese. I could understand if I were a good looking, rich tycoon with more dollars than sense. I’ve been looking for money all my life and have been unsuccessful. I am so poor some church mice have loaned me a dollar or two over the years. And if I ever see those mice again I aim to repay those loans. The way I feel about it is if anyone can get money out of my account, good luck to them, because I can never get money out of my account when I need it. In fact, I have a good mind to find these identity thieves and ask how they’re getting money out of my account. I’d pay good money to find the secret to that puzzle. The ATM at my bank stands for Automatic Thief Machine. It holds me up from getting to my next appointment with cash and never returns my card. A second incident furthered my identity malaise. A few days ago, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and Yours Truly were in a little bit of a tight spot. Actually, it was I in the tight spot, which is nothing new for me. I can’t remember the events leading up to the spot I found myself but my wife looked at me, placed both hands on her hips and declaimed, “Who do you think you are?” At the time, I did not know quite how to answer that philosophical inquiry. I mean, she has known me for over 35 years ,and for her not to know who I am at this point is just a little bit puzzling to me. At the time, I must confess, I was a little confused about who she thought she was. Being the gentleman I am, I kept my befuddlement to myself. My selfhood perplexity deepened. One day this week, I was going about minding my own business n which is a full-time job with part-time pay and no benefits n when I bumped into an old friend. After we exchanged a few pleasantries, he looked at me and said, “Is there anything wrong? You don’t look yourself today.” Now, the question plaguing my mind was simply, if I don’t look like me, who in the world do I look like? I simply smiled and mumbled something to the effect that recently somebody had stolen my identity. Frankly, I was surprised someone noticed it. In thinking about this, I wondered when someone’s identity is lost where does it go? Is there a lost and found department somewhere for lost identities? Then an awful thought tugged at my mind. What if someone lost their identity, went to the lost and found department and, by mistake, picked up someone else’s lost identity? How do I know it hasn’t happened to me? What proof do I have that I am who I say I am? The evidence before me is quite overwhelming. A major corporation in the United States has informed me that someone has stolen my identity; my wife asked me who do I think I am; and a friend I’ve known for years tells me I don’t look like myself. Talk about having your reality check bounce. I must confess to times when my mind does wander a trifle. But I refuse to accept the judgment that I am absent-minded. I grant you my mind, on the odd occasion, does take a little break every now and then, but it is never absent. This recent identity crisis caused me to do a little evaluating about my personhood. Who am I really? I jotted down a few notes: son, brother, uncle, husband, father and grandfather. Although I’m not old enough to be a grandfather, I do accept the privileges of this position. After all, I’m living with a grandmother, so it is easier just to go along with the program, if you know what I mean. Then a marvelous thought poked its way into my mind. How it got in with all the clutter is beyond me. The thought was simply this; I am also a son of God. This is based upon a wonderful verse of scripture. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” (John 1:12 KJV.) I’m unsure about many things, but one thing I am confident in is my relationship to God.

James L. Snyder is an award winning author and popular columnist living with his wife, Martha, in Ocala, Florida and can be contacted at jamessnyder2@att.net.

Discover Little Known Secrets for Successful Living!
Being lucky in life is the result of putting yourself into action for good luck to happen to you. You've probably heard the statement "The harder I work the luckier I get". Another way of putting it is "Whatever you are ready for is ready for you."

Are you satisfied with your life, the job you have, or the amount of money you're making? Or are you not satisfied with the feeling that life is somehow passing you by? Chances are one of these reasons fits you because most people aren't satisfied with their lives, and usually one of those reasons is the cause.

Success is not a spectator sport, something that just happens before your eyes. It's an experience, a game that must be played to be enjoyed fully. You need to get involved with life. You'll need to get more involved with your family, friends, people you see every day. Because in that involvement, you'll find you have everything you need to succeed.

You have within you, right now, at this very moment, all that is necessary for you to become the happy, successful person you've always wanted to be. All you need to do is unlock the riches that have been locked away with-in you.

Are you ready for a more abundant and happier life? If you are, then you'll need to know how to put yourself into action to achieve it.

Consider these discoveries for successful living:

• Convert your hopes and dreams into physical reality. Train your inner vision to transcend outer world stimulation, and become a true master of your fate. An example of this is the experience of being immersed in a dream while sleeping and being certain that the dream is real. This apparent reality is brought on by the fact that the mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. Thus this emphasizes the power belief has over the believer. "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

• Expect increased achievement and assured success. Unlock yourself from limitations of your own making due to impressions received from family, friends and associates. Break free to create new self-images formed from your own reasoned conviction. Don't fall into the trap of unreasoned convictions about yourself; belief in something about you that is not true is destructive. Remember the power belief has over the believer.

• Become a good friend to yourself, and stop trying to be perfect. Most children were brought up to do things the right way and it seemed that the natural way was always the wrong way. You were either right or wrong… there wasn't any in-between, and you started out wrong and had to learn to be right. Right was perfect, wrong was not, and as a result, you were trained to be perfect all the time.

You probably know that you can't be perfect, but you may have this deep down feeling that you ought to be. So you're not perfect, well welcome to the human race. Take a good look at yourself as you really are, you have a lot of good qualities, including some that other people haven't even seen yet. In fact, when you're honest with yourself, your good qualities outnumber and outweigh your shortcomings, don't they?

Visualize your future in dimensions of color, sound, and pulsating life. The objective here is to train your subconscious to obey you. In this way it will be possible for you to become free from frustration, failure, and even disease. That's when you will begin to stop letting things happen to you and instead start making things happen for you. As you set out on the journey into your future, I wish you joy, and success beyond your hope and dreams, but above all, I wish you love.

© 2003-2006 Rupert Mamby, Owner of ViewBiz Marketing. This article has been provided courtesy of Dimensions4Living, http://www.dimensions4living.com

Spring Cleaning For The Mind
A look at how mindless tasks help us connect to the universe You know the feeling you get right after spring-cleaning your whole house. I don’t mean just the routine cleaning. I mean a real reorganization of your entire household complete with moving furniture and elbow grease. What a great feeling it is when you’re all done and you sit back for the first time and just relax. This good feeling comes not just because you have a freshly cleaned house. Nor is it just a feeling of self-gratification for accomplishing, what is in my case, a monumental task. It is also the result of your recent connection with the universe through your own subconscious thoughts. You may not realize it but as you focus your attention on physical activities you are actually allowing your subconscious mind to surface with new ideas. When you really focus on something as mindless as cleaning your kitchen or garage you are actually distracting yourself from all the external influences that surround us all the time. It is this distraction that allows your subconscious mind to rise to the level of awareness with new ideas fresh from the universe for you to act upon. Ever have any great ideas in the shower or while shaving? As the master teachers of mindscapes when I’m faced with uncertainty. It helps me clear my head and focus on what my creative side is trying to tell me. I try to let my subconscious mind create the images and shapes as I draw, without expectation of what will come of the art. I enjoy the “now” moments that come with the creation as I draw and it is in those moments of connection with the universe that I project a mental image of what I really want to attract. Occasionally those images end up in the art. In some cases it’s pretty obvious what I wanted to attract at the time of “the doing” but finding the answer to what it is that you really want is half the battle of getting it. So many people believe that the answer to all their problems is money, especially if they don’t have any. I think it’s funny how we humans spend so much of our time following some grand fortune to bring us bliss, when it doesn’t cost anything to be happy. Happiness can be found just about anywhere you care to look for it. I’ll bet if you take a look around you right now you can easily find something or someone close by that makes you happy. There is nothing wrong with believing that it’s easier to be happy when you’re rich. The irony is, very few people realize that the opposite is true. It’s easier to get rich when you’re happy. People make things too hard. Have a Happy Day. www.neopoe.com

neopoe is a rouge scholar with absolutely no credentials, just a freethinking individual with nearly 30 years of study in personal development and metaphysics. See http://www.neopoe.com

Thomas Alva Edison - Inspiration And Perspiration
Almost everyone knows who Thomas Alva Edison is. Does anyone know that Thomas Alva Edison created more than eight hundred light globes before he made one that finally worked? By a small carbonized filament and an improved vacuum inside the globe, he was finally able to produce a reliable, long-lasting source of light on lower current electricity. When Edison was seven years old, he has already developed a fascination for anything involve mechanically and chemical experiments. At the local schoolhouse, after enduring his persistent questioning and self-centered behavior, his short-tempered teacher eventually declared that his brains were either addled or scrambled. His furious mother quickly took him home and began to tutor him herself. She was convinced that her son unusual demeanor and hyperactive behavior were just signs of his remarkable intelligence. Although Edison had only three months of formal schooling, it did not deter him from finding ways via independent self-instruction to appease his ever huge appetite for knowledge in contemporary mathematics, physics and engineering. Before he began his career as an inventor, he sold newspaper and candy on trains running from station to station. He became a skillful telegrapher after being trained for only three months. Telegraphy related inventions were some of his earliest master pieces. Armed with an immeasurable patience and a kaleidoscopic mind teamed with photographic memory, his highly individualistic style of acquiring knowledge led him to scores of experiments and eventually his own related theories. By the turn of the 20th century, Thomas Alva Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history. He had developed hundreds of devices and gadgets that improved lives around the world. In addition, he was often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory which was build in Menlo Park, New Jersey. Among Edison's most famous inventions is the first practical and long-lasting light bulb. He also refined and developed other gadgets such as the phonograph, typewriter and the motion picture projector/ camera. All these happened despite being partially deaf. In fact, his handicap did not hinder him from pursuing his dreams to invent. Instead, his deafness allegedly aided him because it blocked out noises that disturbed him and his work. How often are we faced with difficulties and problems in our daily life? And how often did they slow us down in our progress? Did we treat them as challenges and play them to our advantage like the way Edison has done? Or did we stop what we are doing and give up trying?

Eric Chay of http://www.ericchay.com providing some motivational writings on positive thinking and personal development at http://www.lawofattractionfree.com

Discovering Your Life Purpose-Unveiled Keys For Success And Greatness
Dear Friend, The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Do you have a purpose that you are living for? I mean living to the full. Life purpose is your passion for something. It is something you love to do so much that you would pay for the privilege of doing it. It is also about serving and giving to others. When you know that your work makes people happy and liberated, you have the power to move mountains. The joy of being of valuable service to others and the world gives you power. You really need to discover your life purpose, until then there will always seem to be some thing missing in your life. There is always an inner discontent that paints a picture of hopelessness, emptiness, rejection, insecurity, fear, and vulnerability. However finding your life purpose is something that you need to work towards. You do not find them in libraries or ads. You discover or create them. It is something you bring forth out of desire, decision and determination. -What are you passionate about? -What do you love to do and naturally good at? -What turns you on? -What do you love doing that makes others enjoy it. -Do you take pride and joy in making a contribution? And what type of contribution will you like to make? -What would you love to do if you know you would not fail? We are uniquely made in nature. We all have our individual gifts, talents, potentials and our life purpose is the full expression of these gifts. Living your life of purpose make you feel fulfilled. You love what you do and you know that you make a difference in life’s meaning and direction. The natural expression of who you are defines your life’s purpose. You are good at what you are and love what you do, the very essence of you. Sometimes feeling what we want can bring great hope, anticipation and excitement. It may also bring us sadness and disappointment as we feel what we do not have or how far we have to go to get there. You need to use that contrast to deepen your resolve and move forward, in discovering what your life purpose is and actually doing it. One single step toward your dream puts you into action, moving you from daydreaming to realities. The desire, decision and determination of someone to live a life of purpose uncovered the mystery about the shape of the earth, allow these and other virtues to inspire you to unveil the path, nature and shape of your success and greatness. See you at the top All the best! Stanley Joshua Kudolo Copyrightã2006 All rights reserved

Stanley Joshua Kudolo is an intuitively endowed motivational and inspirational practitioner who believes in a higher calling to spread the gospel of each identifying and unleashing our greatness. Joshua believes that the time is nigh for all to possess our possessions, OUR SUCCESS AND GREATNESS. He is of the strongest conviction that IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL IT IS ALL OVER. Inspired And Motivated For Greatness is fashioned to provide the best resource base we need in equipping us, adding value to lives and offering the power base for achieving success and greatness. He is a coach with a burning desire to help you unveil and manifest your greatness. _____________________________________________________________________ Please you may kindly share or send this to a friend or family copyright©2006 Stanley Joshua Kudolo. All ights Reserved

What Is Guided Meditation?
Meditation in essence is about helping you to develop inner peace, calmness, a sense of tranquillity but also it is about helping you to grow as a person. Too often people perceive meditation as a hippy thing, or something for those marijuana smoking duds but really what meditation is about is helping you with your mind and the way your mind influences your life. Guided meditation really involves someone guiding you through the process of meditation and helping you to achieve an outcome of some description. Most people associate meditation with simply sitting on the floor with your eyes closed going Ummm. Ummm. Which I can certainly say is not the outcome we are looking for and would in essence be totally useless. Meditation just like anything you do must have a purpose. For example, what is the purpose of getting a job? Well essentially the purpose of getting a job is to help you gain money so that you can buy a house or car, get food to eat or go on a holiday. If you did not have a purpose for a job, why would you work? You would not! Meditation is exactly the same. You need to have a purpose when you meditate. The purpose for meditation can be varied for example you could meditate to �" #1. Find Inner Peace #2. To Bring About Focus #3. To Relax #4. To Help You Change Your State of Mind #5. Improve Creativity and Learning #6. Help Build Your Confidence and Self-Esteem #7. To Focus on Self-Healing #8. To Help Control Internal and External Pain #9. Meditate to Overcome Your Fears There really are unlimited reasons for why you would want to meditate. The objective of guided meditation is to help you take the right meditation path to achieve those objectives. Choosing a Meditation Guide is really an important step you need to make. For example different meditation experts and practitioners will have different techniques and will guide you through different paths depending on what you are trying to achieve. The majority of meditation practitioners will teach you deep breathing meditations when you first start because if you do not know how to relax and maintain focus, then the other meditation paths will certainly not work. Remember one thing, every meditation guide will be different and I recommend that before paying a meditation guide to help you, try to see if they will give you a free lesson. What I have found in the past is that every meditation practitioner is different and I have even found the meditation practitioners from the one meditation centre can vary dramatically in the guiding process, so you need to find the guide who best works for you. Let me give an example of what I mean. I am always on the lookout for new ideas and thoughts when it comes to meditation and I recently purchased a Chakra meditation cd which included a guided meditation program. I put the cdrom into my computer and within the first five minutes of listening to it, I burst out laughing simply because the voice was digitally altered and was totally unreal. For me this guided meditation tool was never going to work as I could not take it seriously. Now for some people this particular meditation cd may have worked and they may think totally differently about the meditation cd. For me it did not work. There are many different style of guided meditation. If you goto your local bookstore or check out the internet you will find an abundance of guided meditation cd’s, dvd’s and videos. Before you rush out and buy them, I strongly encourage you to see if there is sample of what they offer just to see if their guided meditation is what you are after. Any good quality meditation programs, will offer you some sort of limited look at their products so that you can see if they will work for you. If you are going to a health retreat or meditation centre for a guided meditation experience, find out if they offer a Free Introductory CDROM of their program. Always try these out first because there is nothing worse to go to a meditation retreat only to find out it does not suit you. One thing I recommend to everyone is to try out meditation before you goto to any of these retreats even if you just try out the Deep Breathing Meditation exercises. Meditation does take practice and the more practice you do the better you will get at it. Some people when they first go to guided meditation programs do not get the outcomes they expect, not because the programs do not work, but simply because they do not realise it does take practice to master meditation.

Chris has Baroque Meditation Music available at - Meditation Meditation 2 (Baroque Music) and a simple six step meditation program - Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management

Online Dating's Top 5 Myths
Many lonely singles are afraid to try online singles sites because they have listened to the many misconceptions about internet dating. Matchmaking sites are among the fastest and easiest to find people who share your interests, politics, and ideals, and we’ll show you the truth behinds the myths of online dating.

1. Bigger is Better
Everyone should know not to believe this myth when it comes to finding true love, and yet it persists when it comes to dating sites. Some online dating sites boast 12 million members and more, which sounds impressive. But millions of members is actually a disadvantage, when most of them don’t share your ideals or interests. A smaller site that is targeted to your kind of special person is more likely to help you find love quickly and easily.

2. Online Dating is Expensive
While it’s true that some dating sites charge an arm and a leg for the privilege of using their service, that doesn’t mean that you have to fall into that trap. Many good dating sites offer basic services absolutely free, and advanced features for less than the price of a cup of coffee every month.

3. You Can’t Find Good Singles Online
There are a whole lot of rumors that fall into this subcategory, but they boil down to the belief that people who use online dating sites are all desperate liars, weirdoes, or losers. In actuality, the people who look for love online are exactly the same kinds of people that you’ll meet offline. Just about everybody is online these days, from progressive singles looking for lovers who share their political passions to busy doctors who have little time for dating games.

4. Long Distance Relationships Don’t Work
With the entire dating world at your fingertips, it’s easy to fall in love with someone who lives far away, and everyone knows that path leads to heartbreak. Better to date close to home, right?

Wrong. Studies have shown that long distance relationships actually tend to be stronger and last longer than average couples. LDRs foster frequent communication, patience, and honesty

5. People on Online Dating Websites are Only Looking for One Thing
Even if you’re not ready to jump into dating, online matchmaking sites are a great place to meet friends and companions. Whether you’re looking for a partner to debate politics or to take with you to protests, or a friend who’ll play board games and go to the movies, you can find them on singles sites. And who knows? What starts as a friendship might end up being a true romance.

Singles sites are a wonderful place to meet people who hail from around the corner or on the other side of the world, who share your interests, and who are looking for friendship or love. Why not give it a try today, and see for yourself how it can be to find your true love?

Sandra Grauschopf is a firm believer in true love. For a great place for liberals to meet other democratic singles, she recommends DemocraticMatch.com, the internet's top free meeting place for progressive thinkers.

Appliance repair ideas for busy home owners
Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of having a piece of appliance broken all at once, and no money for a new one? You would think that there is no other solution but to buy a new one, and this does not fit in your budget. As a matter of fact, this is not an issue. All pieces of appliance can be repaired and you won’t be bound to spend a great amount of money for a new piece. So, it doesn’t matter if your you’ve got a broken dryer, washing machine, a stove that is not working or an oven, your refrigerator is not doing its job, the garbage disposer is no good, the dishwasher does not do the dishes anymore, the freezer is making a weird sound or the air conditioner is idle. The best solution for you is to resume to appliance repair specialists, and they will solve your problem in no time. The brand or the model of your broken piece of appliance is not at all important; a high percentage of broken pieces of appliance can be fixed. Just contact an appliance repair specialist and your broken domestic device will be as good as new. The person who will repair your device will also be able to give you a guarantee for a few months or even years, so you may be sure nothing bad can happen in the near future. The expert will also give you advice on how to better preserve and handle your home appliance, so as to avoid other incidents. Recently, a lot of appliance repair help has been introduce online on several websites. So, when there is a problem in your home with any device, just go online and identify the trouble and ask for online help or call for someone at your home to come and repair your broken piece of equipment. However, pay attention to all the specifications and warnings from these websites so as to avoid accidents from happening, and wait for a professional to fix your washing machine or fridge. Therefore, when you think you have a problem with any of your domestic devices, let all these issues in the hands of the appliance repair specialists. You can call them right away and benefit from assistance, plus you will save a lot of money, because by doing this, you won’t have to buy a new piece of appliance.

Find out more about Appliance Repair in Los Angeles by visiting our website, where you will also find information on Refrigerator Repair in Orange county and Appliance repair in Orange County.

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