Thursday, October 30, 2008

Maria Duval - How To Use Magical Amulets

How To Use Magical Amulets
Magic amulets have long been associated with many different traditions. From the ancient Egyptians to the druids to modern day witches and wiccans, magic amulets are symbols of power that can not only be a focal point for your rituals and spells, but can be worn with you wherever you go. Magical amulets provide amazing value within wicca, the occult, and witchcraft. The energies contained within various different amulets can surround your body always whenever you wear them. Providing you a constant source of these energies. If you worship a certain deity you can use the amulets as a form of an offering. In this way you can take your magical amulet and as you hold it, say a prayer to your deity and then place it on your altar as an offering each night before bed, or each morning when you awake. The deities will be sure to smile down upon you for this act of good faith on your part. Amulets used in such a fashion can still be used in rituals and spells, and still worn. However, if you are going to use them as an offering it is best to cleanse and purify your magical amulet each time after you use it in a ritual, spell, or if you have worn it all day and night before making the offering to your deity. In rituals and spell work they can be used as a tool or as symbolic symbols to amplify your energies. They can either be used just for your rituals and spells as sacred objects, or they can be used, cleansed, then worn around your neck once again. Magical Amulet that involve protection are perhaps the most powerful ones you can obtain. There are many different types of protection amulets however, when worn, these amulets can help prevent negativity and dark entities from being drawn to you and attacking or draining your energies. The versatility and usability of magical amulets are incredible. Many amulets already come pre-charged and energized. Other amulets need to be charged and energized by you. Either way however, you can charge your magical amulets quite easily with the proper steps. Some of these steps will be outlined here, and with the many different amulets you can obtain, this post will just go into a few examples. Charging Your Magical Amulets The first way to use a magical amulet would be to wear it with you wherever you go. However, before you wear it is always best to charge and strengthen the amulet before you place it around your neck. In order to do this effectively, take the amulet and wait to perform this ritual when the moon is full. The best time is around 2am-4am and on a Friday night. Meditate while burning some incense that represents that of which you wish to obtain. For example if you wish to have a love amulet, you can use amber, dragon's blood, jasmine, or love named incense. Be sure you are holding your magical amulet in your hand this entire time, and while meditating imagine the energies that wish to have come to you flow through your body and being channeled into the amulet. If you wish for love then imagine love, joy, and fiery passion flowing through your body. If your amulet is meant for prosperity or money, imagine wealth, prosperity, and abundance flowing through you and into your amulet, and then use the appropriate incense for wealth(prosperity named, musk, high john the conqueror). Perform this and charge this amulet in this fashion for as long as possible(a half hour is ideal). Once the ritual is done, let the incense burn completely out and then place the amulet into a velveteen bag that is sprinkled with herbs that represent that of which you wish to use the amulet for. For example if you have a love amulet use herbs such as lavender, rose hips, rose petals, jasmine flowers, and ginseng. Place the velveteen bag in a safe place for a period of seven days. After seven days has passed, you can take your magical amulet out and then wear it around your neck and the energies will be within the amulet, all charged and ready to help you. The other way to charge and use a magical amulet would be to perform the above steps however instead of wearing the amulet, leave it in the velveteen bag and then carry it around with you in your pocket when you are out and about, and then when you sleep, place it under your pillow or within the pillow sheet when you retire at night. If you wish to use your magical amulet as a tool in your rituals instead of wearing it or using it to attract things into your life, one way you can use your amulets in your rituals would be as follows. If for example you are performing a ritual of protection to protect yourself or your home, you would open up your circle and perform your normal routine as you would any other ritual to begin with. During your ritual, hold your magical amulet in your hand as you meditate and perform the ritual and visualize protective energies coming out of the amulet and into your home or into you. In this fashion your amulet then becomes a ritual tool to be use during your rituals and spells instead of the ONLY item being used in a ritual or spell. Cleansing Your Magical Amulets Your magical amulet should be routinely cleansed and dowsed like any other ritual tool in your wiccan supplies, witchcraft supplies, and occult supplies collection. When cleansing an amulet there two simple easy ways to do so that is not very time consuming and doesn't necessarily need to be done within a ritual for cleansing(unless of course you prefer that method) The first way to cleanse your amulet would be to light some sage incense or a sage smudge stick and wave the amulet through the smoke a number of times. You can say a prayer as you perform this if you wish. The sage smoke will cleanse and renew your amulet. Another way to cleanse your magical amulet would be to make up a bucket or bowl with some water and salt. Ensure that the salt is completely dissolved and then simply dunk your amulet into the water a few times to begin with then place within the water and leave it in there for roughly 2-5 minutes. Do not keep your amulets in the water too long because the salt can damage the amulet and make them rust, tarnish, or become unusable.(do NOT perform this if your amulet is made of wood) Remember that magical amulets only are as good as their owner. If you want them to work properly and to help you bring that of which you seek, ensure to follow the steps above and they will bring you a constant source of strong energies for that of which you desire. Resources and Information: If you wish to view different styles of magical amulets, or if you would like to purchase one you can do so here:
Magical Amulets

Moon's Light Magic also has an information blog about ritual tools, wicca, witchcraft, the occult, paranormal, and divination where you can learn everything you need to know on these subjects:
Wicca & WitchCraft Information Blog
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EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique - A Most Effective Self Help Treatment
Gary Craig attended a course on TFT - Thought Field Therapy (Dr. Roger Callaghan) but considered it to be too complex. Through experimentation he developed EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques to make this self-development technique as easy as possible to use but without detracting from its power. So what exactly is EFT? EFT is a technique which involves the stimulation of various acupuncture points whilst connecting to (thinking or talking about) the issue that the person wants to resolve. In order to understand the principals beyond EFT it is useful to start off with an understanding of acupuncture. For many thousands of years, acupuncture has been used by the Chinese as a technique to help people overcome physical, psychological and emotional problems and blocks. In its simplest form our understanding of how acupuncture works is this: - 1) There are a number meridian lines or channels contained within the body. 2) Along the meridian lines flows energy which is called 'Chi' (pronounced chee) 3) The ends and beginnings and parts in between of each of the meridian lines (acupuncture points) are close enough to the surface of the body for them to be affected by physical manipulation. 4) If a person has an particular issue, an experienced acupuncturist will know which meridian lines will have a blockage in them relevant to the issue, will know the acupuncture points appropriate to use for the resolution of that issue. 5) Acupuncture needles, which are very thin and hollow, can be inserted in appropriate acupuncture points to help the flow of energy through a particular meridian line. 6) With the blockage in the flow of Chi gone the issue goes or improves as well. Now acupressure is the manipulation of those same acupuncture points on the body but instead of using acupuncture needles, the fingers and thumbs are used instead. Forms of acupressure that you might have experienced before are reflexology or shiatsu. EFT is similar to acupressure from the point of view that needles are not used but acupuncture points are manipulated. A series of light tapping with the fingers is used. The tapping can be done by the person with the issue for themselves or a practitioner can do the tapping for them. Now at the same time the person is asked to repeat a sentence which describes the issue. The idea behind this is that the person stays connected to the issue (by repeating the description of the problem). At the end of one round of tapping on various acupuncture points, the strength of the issue is checked with the person. Of the issue is still present more rounds of EFT (tapping) will be used. To complete one round of EFT takes about 60-90 seconds. The majority of people who have experienced EFT report a decrease in the strength of the issue. With EFT being a process that anyone can use on themselves, it can be a very useful tool to help anyone deal with any issue whether physical, psychological or emotional. The amazing aspect about EFT is that you do not have to have to believe in it in any way for it to be effective. The only thing you require is may be a sense of curiosity and willingness to do it. The rewards are high as the loss of that old issue often results even for the sceptic. Today, thousands of people have become regular EFT users and there are many EFT practitioners in the UK and worldwide now available to help people rapidly.

Steven Harold
EFT London Practitioner
EFT London UK

Self Realization
That which you are seeking is causing you to seek. Your true self is already realized and is directing your mind to read these words and think about them. The key to self-realization is for your mind to realize that you are NOT your mind. Observe that part of you that can observe what your mind is thinking as you are reading this. It’s a game, as well as a powerful way for your mind to connect with your spirit and the consciousness evolving you now. Connect with the volition that is compelling you to read these words. Where is this curiosity coming from? What compels you to read? Turn your awareness away from the light coming into your eyes and the thoughts floating through your head, and be aware of that which is aware. Reflect upon your own nature. Turn your awareness around 180 degrees and observe the part of you observing. Allow your mind to behold that there is something other than your mind observing your mind. Just take a moment to observe whatever you are thinking. Watch your mind as if you were watching a movie on the screen of your mind. Note that there is something other than your mind that is observing your mind. There is a subject and an object. Your thoughts are the object. The witness, or observer of the thought, is the subject. You are conscious of what you are thinking right now, just be conscious of that consciousness. There is a sixth sense of awareness evolving throughout humanity. The fact that you are called to read these words indicates that you have reached a critical point in the evolution of your consciousness where you are now ready to fully realize your full potential…you are being called to self-realization. You are ahead of the bell-curve of humanity, an early adopter that is taking that next big step in awareness and enlightenment. Enjoy the journey, it just gets better. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir P.S. My new book The Calling takes you through this labyrinth of the mind and back into a place of full consciousness. To order your copy now visit Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

You’re welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and send a copy of your reprint to

You Are Already Good Enough To Be Enlightened
Just as you are, right now, is good enough for you to be the enlightened one that you already are. Absolutely nothing more for you to do to get it "right." You are already "right." You are the living one itself, the beyondness itself in which all things are begotten from, sustained by, and die back into. It is the "motion of seeing" that is flowing through your very eyes right now. The moment that "you" are aligned as this "motion of aliveness" - that is you - you are no longer under the illusion that you are the person - the summation of the mind and the body that you drive around through day by day - that you think you are. You are freed immediately from being bound by an activity that was never ever true of you. You only get lost in "notyou" because you fail to realize just who you are. Once you realize just who you are is - energetically so, not as a "mantra," an ideal, a philosophy or a concept - you will never be fooled again in the same way. Many of today's teachers have come to this place where they have "experienced" a moment of who they are but they do not simply abide here. They do not lose who they think they are in the moment by moment beingness of their self, their heart. They talk all "about" what it is like to be the one that is true of everyone. They do not truly "know" who they are and they do not "draw" those who are suffering the illusion of their own creation and sustenance into the "well of being." This of course, suits their listeners as they do not want to be the big "nothing" that they are, either. "Talking school" is where they feel relatively comfortable, with the "hope" that someday they will "get there," meanwhile suffering the belief of who they think they are. The immediacy of the heart is ignored - and refused - by the very same one that thinks it is. Fascinating, this play of the world that is sustained in your own imagination, which is relinquished every night that you lay your head down on the pillow and close your eyes.

Elysha does not travel around giving talks or lectures. He has made Himself available to anyone who desires to come home to the heart, from 9:30am through to 6pm seven days a week in Patea New Zealand.

Methods Of Divination And "Seeing" The Future
Learning to do Divination may take a little more practice for some people than others, but it can save you from many of the pitfalls of life. However, some people have a more natural affinity for it and can begin to "see future events" much easier than others.

Alsoi, it is important to remember that the visions will not always be crystal clear - you may have to learn how to interpret what you see in your divinations. Any additional materials you need can be acquired from any wicca supplies shop on the Internet (or in your local area).

Now then, here are a few different types of divination that you can begin to practice now - and a description of each.

Square of Mercury - This is a cabalistic form of divination. It is usually used as a base for other forms of divination. It draws the power of Mercury, the Great Diviner into strengthen and better unfold future events.

Scrying/Crystal Balls/Magick Mirrors - These are general focus tools used to see into the future. Sometimes full images and scenes will play themselves out in the depths of the reflections. Sometimes you will only see symbols. Other times it may be a fog or clouds that move one way or another in answer to your questions.

Necromancy - This is a form of divination used to communicate with spirits of the dead, and must not be entered into lightly. The spirits of the dead are said to have answers to past and future, because the have pierced the veil of living in linear time and have the ability to see all things at all times.

Bibliomancy - This is a form of divination where you take a Bible (but any other book or tome of wisdom may suffice), ask your question, open the book at random and start reading where your eyes fall on the pages to receive your answer. Another method is to take a needle and open the book, pinpointing the place where you should begin reading for your answer.

Auguries - Simply put, the signs of nature and other happenings around you. This was the method employed by many of the ancient shamans. A question is asked and then they waited to see what symbols appeared in nature, which way the clouds moved, or the birds flew. These were all ways that they determined the answer to their questions, and gauged what was to unfold for the future.

Ouija Board - I wanted to add this in here, because so many people have played with Ouija boards as a game to ask questions of the spirits. It is a method of finding out answers for the past, present, and future. As with necromancy, must not be undertaken lightly. One thing that people fail to recognize in their “game playing” with the Ouija board, is that you are, essentially, opening a gateway between the worlds to communicate with spirits. I recommend staying away from them. If you feel this is a tool you would like to use, then set your basic circles of protections in place and treat the use of the board with the care and respect that you would with any ritual.
The art of Divination is one of careful practice. You will find an entire section in the Home Academy �" complete with step-by-step divination using pendulums, scrying, Magick mirrors, and more. You’ll be able to see exactly how to use divination to see into the future successfully with the included DVD demonstrations.

Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on wicca supplies visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Site"

Who's Who in UFology Today
Below are ten names of the most educated, respected UFologists alive today. By studying their theories and published works, you will be on the forefront of UFology research.

Jerome Clark: Researcher and writer. He attended South Dakota State University and Minnesota State University, becoming interested in the UFO phenomenon in the 1960s. He initially embraced the interdimensional hypothesis to explain UFOs, but then turned to Extraterrestrial Hypothesis as the best explanation. His focus is on UFO cases with multiple witnesses, or those which leave physical evidence. He is an active board member of CUFOS, and has served as the editor of the CUFOS journal, as well as The Journal for UFO Studies. In the 1990s he published a massive three volume UFO Encyclopedia, which earned him the 1998 Benjamin Franklin Award in the Science category. He has written and co-written several books on UFOs.

Stanton T. Friedman: Nuclear Physicist. He received his BS and MS from University of Chicago, and worked for 14 years on advanced, classified projects such as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space. He is possibly the best-known UFO lecturer in North America, having been the first promoter of the Roswell incident, and the most significant voice of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. His written testimony has been used in Congressional hearings, and he has appeared before the UN twice. He has published two books covering his work with the MJ-12 documents and the Roswell incident.

Richard F. Haines, Ph.D.: Research Scientist for NASA from 1967-1988. He received his MA and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Michigan State University. He investigated aviation accidents and incidents for FAA, NTSB, and attorneys. For 37 years he has specialized in pilot sightings, amassing more than 3,000 reports. Other special interests include analysis of photographic evidence and data on Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind. He has written two books and numerous UFO articles.

Bernard Haisch, Ph.D.: Astrophysicist and President of Digital Universe Foundation; Chief Science Officer for ManyOne Networks, Inc; Director of California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics; and editor of numerous scientific journals. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Self-described as a “UFO skeptic, standing somewhere between the majority rejectionist view of mainstream scientific community and the majority accepting view of the general public,” Haisch advocates personal research of phenomenon while suspending judgment.

James A. Harder, Ph.D.: Professor of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering and Professor Emeritus at University of California at Berkeley. Harder received his BS at Caltech, and his MS and Ph.D. at University of California in Berkeley. From 1969-1982 he was the director of research for Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, one of the first civilian organizations to study UFOs. He was the primary investigator on a number of classical UFO cases, mainly related to alien abductions. He is a strong advocate of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis and the government cover-up theories.

John Keel: Parapsychologist and Journalist. Keel is best-known for his ideas that there is a direct relationship between UFOs and psychic phenomena and demonology. He is one of the most widely read and influential UFologists since the early 1970s. His 1967 book, The Mothman Prophesies�"about a strange winged creature reportedly seen in West Virginia by numerous witnesses�"was loosely adapted into a 2002 blockbuster.

Bruce Maccabbee, Ph.D.: Optical Physicist. He received his BS in physics from Worcester Polytechnical Institute, and his MA and Ph.D. at American University in Washington DC. He has been active in UFO research since the 1960s, when he joined NICAP. After its demise he joined MUFON and is now state director for Maryland. He was instrumental in establishing the Fund for UFO Research. He is the author and co-author of numerous technical articles and books.

John E. Mack, Ph.D.: Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and Pulitzer-prize winning biographer. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School after his undergraduate years at Oberlin. He graduated from the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and was Board certified in child and adult psychoanalysis. He was a professor of psychology at Harvard until his untimely death in a car accident in 2004. (We include him in this article of contemporary UFologists, since his work is relevant today.) Mack’s clinical work focused on the exploration of dreams, nightmares, and teen suicide. In 1990 he published his research on alien abduction encounters, concluding, “There is compelling powerful phenomenon here that I can’t account for any other way, that’s mysterious…it seems to me that it invites deeper, further inquiry.”

Peter A Sturrock, Ph.D.: British Scientist. He studied mathematics at Cambridge University where he earned his Ph.D. Much of his career has been devoted to electron physics, particle accelerators, plasma physics, solar physics, astrophysics, and scientific interference. He was appointed professor of applied physics at Stanford University, where he is now professor emeritus. Gaining interest in UFology, and curious about the general attitudes toward the field, Sturrock conducted two major surveys involving more than 2,500 scientists. Upon learning that a majority of scientists favored better research of UFOs, Sturrock helped establish the Society of Scientific Exploration to provide a forum for the subject. His studies have since been published.

Jacques Vallee, Ph.D.: French-born Computer Scientist and Astronomer. After receiving his BS in Mathematics and his MS in Physics, he came to the US 1962 and began working in astronomy at the University of Texas. He worked at MacDonald Observatory on NASA’s first project making a detailed informational map of Mars. He then received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Northwestern University, where he was a student of renowned UFologist, J. Allen Hynek. Initially he promoted the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, but later modified it, introducing the Multidimensional Visitation Hypothesis. His exploration of the commonalities between UFOs, cults, religious movements, angels, ghosts, cryptid sightings, and psychic phenomena contributed to his change in ideas. He was the model for the UFO researcher in Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and served as a consultant on the set. He has authored numerous books and articles on various subjects, including UFOs.

About the Author: Francesca Black a long time science fiction buff, manages content for UFO Gifts and Science Fiction Corner

A Simple "Flick Of The Switch" Of Your Attention From The Inattention Of Unconsciousness To Conscious Attention by Elysha
You will not see who you are - this "you" of you - while you keep on persisting in believing this mind that is busily informing the mindbody that you think you are. You are not this mind informed mindbody that you find yourself travelling around through. No amount of thinking is going to deliver you of the beauty of your self - the heart of existence. You are literally going to have to surrender, let go of and leave alone your ongoing and momentary attempts to try and be who you think you are to come to the clarity of who you already are - there is no getting around this one. Who you are is this "motion of seeing" that is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, right now. Who "you" are is already here, in this very moment. You can actually and truly be completely free from the bondage of this prison of your own making, if you are so wanting. Letting go of what was never true of "you" and consciously being this one that is this "you" of you is completely available to you, right here and right now. If you do not want to be who you are then you need not do anything differently to what you are currently up to and doing in your daily and momentary living. However, who you are is already true of you and this "you" of you is the "motion of aliveness" that is flowing through the very eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself so intimately involved with. You are to find this one that is seeing through your eyes - the seer - by consciously aligning your focus of attention to this very "aliveness" that is flowing through your eyes in this moment. Then you are to stop at and as this one that is "you". This you can do because it is "you". Learning to move from this "you" of you is what frees you up to this "you". Who you are is already here. You need not "try" to be who you are; you simply need to realize that "you" already are; you need to "be" this amness of you. It is a simple "flick of the switch" of your attention; from you believing yourself to be who you think you are to the realization - energetically - that "you" already are; from the inattention of unconsciousness to conscious attention; this on a momentary basis. Because who you are already is, you can actually "stop and drop" what you are not and "see and be" who you already are. Will who you think you are help you along with being who you are? No. Not at all. Au contraire. Who you think you are works flat out in distracting you from the "seeing and being" of who you already are. This running commentary of your mind is an adept at the art of distraction - it is what it does. It will have you looking at anything, anything at all, rather than have you "seeing and being" this "you" of you. Of course, an ever growing of uncaused happiness is not the result of living this attempt to try and be something that is notyou, either. Pain and suffering, falsehood upon falsehood, fear and desire, guilt and doubt is what is served up as the daily menu. All the while, "you" are already right here and flowing through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, closer to you than the nose on your face. The heart of existence, the beauty of the divine one, is this "you" of you.

Elysha sits at The Elysium Ashram daily from 10am - 6pm. Anyone who is interested in learning to get past the resistances that have you bound to the notyou-ness that you are suffering: interested in being the freedom of the heart; are welcome to come along and sit with him.

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