Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maria Duval - How To Use Meditation For Improving Short Term Memory

How To Use Meditation For Improving Short Term Memory
Meditation can be a excellent technique to aid your whole body to relax. With the support of meditation and practice of breathing exercises your entire body will soon start to feel the pressure being relieved. This kind of system enables many of us to be much more open minded and friendly because meditation has established advantageous result on peoples mental condition. Relationship between tension and memory loss has long since been scientifically proven. So the more you are relaxed the better will your mind and memory function. With the support of correct breathing and deep concentration your memory is going to receive a major boost. Can you bring to mind the shame you felt the last time you forgot a colegues name, or a birthday of a person close to you? Most likely it happened during time when you very going through a very stressful period. It is possible that you lost a job or something else went wrong. When you start to comprehend that this is happening to you it will just add yet more pressure on your mind. This is an really difficult condition which you will have a awfully difficult time getting out off. But, by means of meditation approach which many of us have been using with great success for years, you can unlock your memory and just let all this stress out. This is going to allow your brain and memory to work much faster. All of a sudden your brain is going to start working like a super computer, and you will find it effortless to bring to mind any name, date or phone number. Every single information is still there, in your brain only it was misplaced due to the improper use. Many people think of a meditation as a complicated and a bit enigmatic practice. Meditation has scores of truly easy exercises that just about anyone of us can spare a few minutes every day to help you increase memory. The method in which meditation increases your memory is that it helps you to your concentration which again assists to increase your memory. So how to do it? Make an effort to find a small silent part of your house to meditate. Usage of essential oils and scented candles can also help you with meditation. If you observe that it does help you meditate, it can be off large help as selected oils and candles have scents that are proven to support relaxation and memory functions. There are lots of ways in which you can begin meditating or learning to meditate. You can enroll in a seminar, many of those simple to come across. If you do not know of any meditation class close to you just go online and look for it. You can even come across various groups specializing in memory improvement techniques. This sort of lessons can result in long-standing benefits for anybody who believes that his or hers brain is not working as it should any more. This is particularly useful for students. Inch by inch, you will build up your memory improvement and meditation system and along the way, you will also build up your complete mental state and sense of worth. Unsurprisingly many among us that are not keen on courses. No problem as there are plenty of books that can support you with thorough information and bit by bit support. Whatever you decide it is really important to pick the one right for you, because meditation will bring you many benefits. By using the techniques described in this books or classes, you will be equally relaxing your body and improving you memory and brain functions. Well-rested, stress-free mind is the imperative for having a good memory.

Better-Me.com is dedicated to present you the most up to date information in memory improvement. Pay us a visit and find out all about causes of short term memory loss.

Let's create some intentions for this coming year. As we think about it, visualize and feel what we would like to create, our mind aligns with these intentions and we begin to realize them. What we think we create, and we create what we think. Let us begin by intending to evolve ourselves to realize our highest potential. Let us envision that everything we experience is teaching us something that is serving to help us to learn, and grow and evolve ourselves and bring about greater prosperity, happiness and peace. Let us decide to let go of anything and everything that has been keeping us from realizing our full potential; and consciously decide to release any limiting beliefs and fears our mind might have created. Let us drop any and all negativity, and stories we have created about others, or our past, and live fully in the present moment. This coming year represents a new beginning. This coming year you are beginning a new chapter in the book of your life. If you could write a chapter in the book of your life, what would it say? If you could play any part, any character, what character would you be? What would it be like to fully awaken your consciousness, to fully enlighten? Imagine what it would look like, sound like, feel like? Imagine feeling total love, peace and joy all the time for no reason? Imagine you were an actor in the play of your own life and rehearse the part of one who had found peace within and lived to help others find it. Imagine that you were awakening from a dream and beginning to remember who you are and why you were born. Imagine you had been led to these words by your spirit and even as you are reading them your own spirit is making conscious contact with your mind and as your mind is pondering this you are awakening even more. Imagine you lived your life as the spirit that you are and that you began to see the spirit alive in everyone, and in everything, everywhere, all the time, every day. Imagine you were part of a movement that was uplifting the consciousness of humanity so we could all live together in happiness and peace. Just imagine. From the heart, Steven "Your own potential is realized when reflected upon."

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit http://www.SelfAwareness.com for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Understanding Truth Aids in Overcoming Faulty Thinking
Creating a manualized cognitive restructuring program that is effective in helping people overcome thinking errors and self-defeating conduct is an art form that few have mastered. Is it possible to go into the subconscious mind and alter thoughts? YES! The secret lies in a book by Dr. David Hawken on truth vs. falsehoods. The truth has a power that has the ability to break through the veil of self-imposed false beliefs and help people find the truth about themselves. That is, help them realize they are so much greater than they believe they are. Creating a cognitive restructuring curriculum requires a profound knowledge of the truth, if this is lacking the written words will have no penetrating energy. In effect untrue words tumble off of the page and right onto the ground. There they curl up and die and are forgotten along with millions of other untrue words. True words raise people to higher whereas untrue words can discourage. True words contain a force that excites energies that vibrate at a frequency that people accept. It is this cognitive energy that has the ability to change faulty thinking. After years of helping victims of domestic hostility it is still enlightening to sit in class and see this self-actualization process change lives. The majority of abused women believe that they have less value than they really do. By the time they get to the 3rd or 4th session of applying true words, the truth starts to have its affect. This reprogramming is shown in their physical, psychological and emotional exhilaration. The changes for most people are extraordinary and enduring. However let us remember that cognitive restructuring counseling is an invitation to change, not a force. Change is the responsibility of the client. The main reason counseling programs are unsuccessful is because they are not structured appropriately and they contain little penetrating truth. This is because the person or people who wrote it lacked truth. People can attend psychotherapy sessions for years and years and not change because the therapist is not aligned with the truth. The truth has the ability to have a life-changing impact on people in only a matter of hours, but it must be available.

Lifeskills Counselor, Larry Lloyd, is the director of the American Community Corrections Institute (www.accilifeskills.com/contactinfo.php) which produces truth-filled cognitive restructuring programs(www.accilifeskills.com/cognitiverestructuring.php). See also their blog at www.cognitivelifeskills.com

Meditation The Easy Way To Relieve Stress
Have you ever been so stressed out from work, kids, relationships or the other millions of things that you just want to pull your hair out? I know you have, we all have. When we are upset by someone at work or in society, danger signals are sent to our brain and our heart starts beating faster and our blood pressure rises. However, we don’t usually run away and we usually don’t start fighting physically. We hold it all in, perhaps showing a smile on the outside. If this is kept up all day, the stress builds and if it continues over a long time it can damage our heart. There is a very easy, relaxing solution to relieve the pressures of modern day life, and it has been there the whole time, its meditation. Many people all around the world use different techniques to meditate but the end result is very similar - “Relaxation”. One of the most popular ways is by listening to meditation cds. You may be thinking you just don’t have time to meditate, but trust me if you just start making a few minutes a day to lock yourself away and find the peace within yourself it will be well worth its weight in gold. If you just start out meditating for a few minutes at a time and stick with it you will find that it is so enjoyable and relaxing you will find it is hard to pull yourself away from it. You’ll soon find that you look forward to grabbing your favorite meditation cd and sitting back to seek peace and harmony. To practice meditation we don’t need to follow a particular religion; anybody can meditate, the only requirement is our conscious aspiration to silence the thoughts of the mind. In fact, one of the important aspects of meditation is that it is a form of sense withdrawal. When you become adept at this technique it relieves stress and is just as effective as going away to the top of a forested mountain or sitting alone on a sandy beach. You’ll find that many meditation cds will take you away to beautiful special places in your mind…more beautiful than you can imagine without experiencing it yourself. There are many positive results that you will get from meditating, besides just a relaxation tool. If you can teach yourself to focus on goals you would like to achieve or something you would like to improve about yourself you will find many answers to a great number of things in the silence of meditation. For thousands of years people have been using this method to obtain the things that they want and the things that they dream of. Many great leaders in history and very successful people have been using meditation to do their most productive thinking and soul searching. Some say there is no connection to the universal energy like the one you will find when develop the skills of a very deep relaxing meditation. Walking meditation is also becoming more popular these days because you can get both mental and physical benefits and some say it is more effective as it is easier for most people to be more intense and more easily aware of their bodies while walking, as compared to sitting. It is truly amazing some of the story’s I have heard about people that have overcome illness and many other disorders with simple meditation. A real possibility of a compassion and wisdom-based world exists, replacing the fear-based world that we find ourselves living in, but it has to begin with each of us taking the time to understand our “selves.” It is one thing to talk about peace and love but it is only when we meditate that we can experience these qualities as a living reality. Our ability to meditate is not some special skill out of human reach. Every human being looking for peace in life should practice meditation and experience how it will relieve mental stress and suffering. To find out more about meditation and get some very helpful tools including some wonderful meditation cds to get you started in finding real inner peace go to www.easy-meditation-cd.com.

To find out more about meditation and get some very helpful tools including some wonderful meditation cds to get you started in finding real inner peace go to www.easy-meditation-cd.com

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique - A Most Effective Self Help Treatment
Gary Craig attended a course on TFT - Thought Field Therapy (Dr. Roger Callaghan) but considered it to be too complex. Through experimentation he developed EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques to make this self-development technique as easy as possible to use but without detracting from its power. So what exactly is EFT? EFT is a technique which involves the stimulation of various acupuncture points whilst connecting to (thinking or talking about) the issue that the person wants to resolve. In order to understand the principals beyond EFT it is useful to start off with an understanding of acupuncture. For many thousands of years, acupuncture has been used by the Chinese as a technique to help people overcome physical, psychological and emotional problems and blocks. In its simplest form our understanding of how acupuncture works is this: - 1) There are a number meridian lines or channels contained within the body. 2) Along the meridian lines flows energy which is called 'Chi' (pronounced chee) 3) The ends and beginnings and parts in between of each of the meridian lines (acupuncture points) are close enough to the surface of the body for them to be affected by physical manipulation. 4) If a person has an particular issue, an experienced acupuncturist will know which meridian lines will have a blockage in them relevant to the issue, will know the acupuncture points appropriate to use for the resolution of that issue. 5) Acupuncture needles, which are very thin and hollow, can be inserted in appropriate acupuncture points to help the flow of energy through a particular meridian line. 6) With the blockage in the flow of Chi gone the issue goes or improves as well. Now acupressure is the manipulation of those same acupuncture points on the body but instead of using acupuncture needles, the fingers and thumbs are used instead. Forms of acupressure that you might have experienced before are reflexology or shiatsu. EFT is similar to acupressure from the point of view that needles are not used but acupuncture points are manipulated. A series of light tapping with the fingers is used. The tapping can be done by the person with the issue for themselves or a practitioner can do the tapping for them. Now at the same time the person is asked to repeat a sentence which describes the issue. The idea behind this is that the person stays connected to the issue (by repeating the description of the problem). At the end of one round of tapping on various acupuncture points, the strength of the issue is checked with the person. Of the issue is still present more rounds of EFT (tapping) will be used. To complete one round of EFT takes about 60-90 seconds. The majority of people who have experienced EFT report a decrease in the strength of the issue. With EFT being a process that anyone can use on themselves, it can be a very useful tool to help anyone deal with any issue whether physical, psychological or emotional. The amazing aspect about EFT is that you do not have to have to believe in it in any way for it to be effective. The only thing you require is may be a sense of curiosity and willingness to do it. The rewards are high as the loss of that old issue often results even for the sceptic. Today, thousands of people have become regular EFT users and there are many EFT practitioners in the UK and worldwide now available to help people rapidly.

Steven Harold
EFT London Practitioner
EFT London UK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. I agree that you will need somekind of
memory technique to remember things. I recommend you to visit this website at www.photographic-memory.org as it has plenty of useful tips on memory techniques and ways to improve your memory.