Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maria Duval - Has TV helped the Online Psychic Readings Industry ?

Has TV helped the Online Psychic Readings Industry ?
Moonwhisper.com as well as many other psychic reading websites has proven that the internet is a viable venue for professional psychics to display their services and provide an obviously very lucrative service to the major players in the online psychic reading industry. With an increasing demand for high quality and affordable psychic advice rising daily smaller websites are finding it easier to break into this niche market and take psychic service promotions to the next level with a complete line of co branded services on the web. You will find that the fires of this rise in interest in the psychic readings niche has been fanned in part by the rise of popular TV shows that have really brought the paranormal and psychic ability into main stream American homes. These shows have really taken a lot of the taboo previously associated with psychics and turned them into heroic figures solving mysteries, crimes as well as helping those in need with their psychic abilities. You may be asking how has this helped online psychics? The answer is simple we are now more accepting and aware of these paranormal events that have always taken place and we have been desensitized to the previous stigma associated with psychics by the constant barrage of the paranormal on TV. It has now become normal to consult with psychics and to believe that a psychic has the ability to predict the future because we as Americans are so used to it from our exposure on television. May I add it is about time we have learned to accept psychic abilty instead of shy aware from it as the answers we seek could be just a click of a mouse away. In my opinion we can look at the rise of online psychic popularity in two ways either as a sad cry for help by the public at large who are desperate to find hope anywhere or as a beginning of an age of enlightenment where we are finally at place where we are accepting of a higher spiritual plane and are not afraid to seek advice from a realm that is intangible but nevertheless very real. I find the latter to be a more optimistic and open minded way of thought and I really believe that psychics will no longer be shunned and mocked but be sought after and accepted as a genuine professional service. I see the future of psychic readings to be very bright and something that will continue to grow and blossom as our spirituality becomes more accepting and our rational minds let go and let the psychic mind be released.

Marissa “Moonwhisper” is the webmaster and founder of Moonwhisper.com 1999 a huge directory of psychic readings and metaphysical resources as well as a professional psychic advisor. http://www.moonwhisper.com

Dream Interpretation: Numbers in Dreams
The symbolism of numbers is, of course, very ancient and has been codified in many ages and cultures. In general, dream numbers convey ideas, sensations and lines of force in the personality. Here is a brief synthesis of the hidden meaning of numbers as they appear in our dreams. ZERO - Zero denotes timelessness, super-conscious, eternity, and absolute freedom. It also symbolizes God. ONE - One stands for individuality, individuality solitude, the ego, leadership, originality, beginnings, and a winner. It also stands for a higher spiritual force. TWO - Two stands for balance, diversity, partnership, soul, or receptivity. It can also symbolize double weakness or double strength. There is a duality as in male and female, mother and father, yin and yang, etc. THREE - Three signifies life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, and self-exploration. Three stands for trilogy as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child, etc. FOUR - Four denotes stability, physical limitations, hard labor and earthly things, as in the four corners of the earth. It also stands for materialistic matters. You get things done. FIVE - Five represents your persuasiveness, spontaneity, daring/bold nature, action or the five human senses. This number may reflect a change in course. It is also the link between heaven and earth. SIX - Six is indicative of cooperation, balance, tranquility, perfection, warmth, union, marriage, family, and love. Your mental, emotional, and spiritual states are in harmony. It is also indicative of domestic bliss. SEVEN - Seven signifies mental perfection, healing, completion, music and attainment of high spirituality. Additionally, you are unique and eccentric. EIGHT - Eight stands for power of authority, success, karma, material gains, regeneration, and wealth. When the number eight appears in your dream, trust your instincts and intuition. NINE - Nine denotes completion and that you are on a productive path. Rebirth, inspiration and reformation. You are seeking to improve the world. TEN - Ten corresponds to closure, great strength, and gains. ELEVEN - Eleven stands for intuition, mastery in a particular domain, spirituality, enlightenment, and capacity to achieve. It is symbolic of your creativity and visions. TWELVE - Twelve denotes spiritual strength and divine perfection. THIRTEEN - Thirteen is a paradoxical number which means death and birth, end and beginning, and change and transition. It is symbolic of obstacles that are standing on your way and must overcome. You must work hard and persevere in order to succeed and reach your goals.

The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, tarot card reading, psychic and more.

An Introduction to the New Age �" Becoming a Psychic
People who accept the realm of the paranormal and unnatural are certain that people in the beginning are born with psychic powers but only few becomes a psychic. There are two types of psychics that we believe in; the “natural born” and those with little powers within them. The “natural born” psychics are said to be the gifted as they have great amount of psychic powers since birth. On the other hand, those who are born with lesser amount of psychic powers requires heavy practice and understanding in order to grow. In other cases, lots of psychics whose abilities are suddenly awaken by strong emotions or near-death experience, which results into having great amount of mental powers in an instant. Psychics are people with great mental abilities beyond the use of the five senses; clairvoyance / telepathy, cold reading, psychic reading, dream interpretation, palm reading, astrological reading and tarot card reading are just some of the abilities of a psychic. Here are some aspects that may help a person to develop his/her psychic skills or abilities. UNDERSTANDING. Spiritual development requires time, patience and understanding. In order to develop your psychic ability, you must first understand its importance and purpose, having a psychic powers also hold responsibilities; becoming a psychic means that you allow your mind and body to grow spiritually, set your goal into helping others, giving the precise information as possible and know that having a psychic ability is never to be abused. PATIENCE. Whether if you're a natural born with psychic powers or not, you will only be able to develop your psychic ability in time, so don't rush, the spirits will guide you through your journey. It is best to find a psychic group in your community or online to guide you, books and journals of other psychics are a great help too. FOCUS. Focusing first on one ability is good, choose which ability you would like to develop. It is important that you believe in yourself while doing a reading. Psychics have different types of reading and uses the most appropriate one for a client. CHOOSE YOUR TOOL. Always have the proper tool(s) before conducting a reading. * A Tarot Card is a divination tool that is used to gain insight and resolve issues regarding heath, relationships, career, and spirituality. * Numerology, from the word itself, uses numbers that correspond to each letter of the alphabet. With a mathematical formula, psychics use numerology to give past or future information on a person's life path. * Astrology and Horoscope, uses symbols and through the use of celestial bodies such as the moon, sun, and planets that represents events that occur on a person's life. * A Crystal Ball is used to aid in clairvoyance, a Greek word that means “clear seeing”, is a psychic ability that is beyond the five senses �" the transferring of information using only the mind. * There are other ways of reading without the use of a tool, these are clairvoyance, a Greek word meaning “clear seeing”, palm reading, cold reading, dream interpretation, and more. PRACTICE. Becoming a skillful psychic requires a lot of practice, nobody becomes a professional in any field in just a few days! When practicing your psychic ability keep in mind that what you're doing something good for someone, discard your doubts, no matter what your mind sees during a psychic reading take full trust in your ability. Lastly, if you've just begun to learn on how to develop your psychic powers, try some psychic ability test first to know the scope and limit of your psychic powers. Psychic tests are available in online and in a psychics' community.

The Writer Ei Mara used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer free tarot card reading, astrology signs, daily free horoscopes and more.

Colors in Dreams and Their Meaning
Dreams in colour are rarer in comparison to others. The question of colour in dreams has been proved of absorbing interest; and there has been much research into the subject. We often claim to have dreamed in colour but when we are questioned we fail to clearly tell which colours we have dreamed in or what was the colour of a particular object or so. This, to some extent, is because of our tendency to forget our dream once we are awakened. Every colour possesses its own symbolism for everyone of us. Colours play an important psycho-physiological role in our daytime lives. Hereunder we are giving details in regard to the different colours we see in our dreams and their significance. Red: Lighter shades of red can be representative of excitement (especially sexually), passion, energy, and life. However, deeper or "weighed down" shades of red may be indicitive of anger and vengence. Notice how the stop sign is red; possibly a hint from your subconscious to cease and desist in a certain activity? Orange: Orange is considered to be a color of warmth, thoughtfulness, wisdom and sociability. Muddier shades of orange may be representative of pride or vanity, while golden orange denotes self-control. Yellow: A bright yellow color represents "sunniness," joy, optimism, and intuition and mental stimulation. Muddier shades of yellow may mean blocked intuition, betrayal, treachery, and faithlessness. This color may be used by your subsconscious to help ease you out of depression. Green: This is the color of nature. It is also the color of development and growth. Lighter shades of green tending towards blue represent healing. Darker, muddier shades of greens represent envy and greed, as well as a stubborn and/or self-opinionated attitude. This color is also representative of money. Blue: Blue is a cool, calming color, often used for relaxation and meditation. It is a very spiritual color, and is representative of truth, intellect, and justice. Muddy shades of blue may denote depression or moodiness. When this color appears in your dreams, it is probably a message from your subconscious telling you to relax and take things more slowly. Violet: Darker shades of violet may denote a person who feels misunderstood or has obstacles to overcome. It too is a spiritual color, and brighter shades help inspire and stimulate, especially in relation to dream activity. Black: Because this color is often regarded as the color of death, its appearance in our dreams may represent the death of old ideas or change. Another possible explanation is that it represents a hidden or rejected aspect of the dreamer. It is the color of mystery, the unconscious, and sometimes even protection. White: White is often regarded as the color of purity and truth. Seeing this in your dreams may be a message from your subconscious telling you to regard the truth of a certain situation. It is also the color of completeness and innocence.

The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic phone, psychic and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot card reading, dream interpretation, psychic phone and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer tarot reading, live psychic, psychic reading and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer online psychics, psychic readings, psychic advice and more. The Writer Rose used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer accurate psychic reading, psychics, tarot reading and more.

Good Luck Charms and Magic Amulets of Thailand
Thailand with its 60 million +/- people are very spiritual and superstitious.
Almost all Thai people you meet wear a Good Luck Charm or Magical Amulet on a necklace around their neck. Which kind of Charm or Amulet they wear normally, but not always, depends on several things: The part of country their come from and/or their occupation. They wear these Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets either for Good Luck and Prosperity or Protection. Sometimes these Charms and Amulets serve both situations. For example; people in the Armed Forces, police and people in a very dangerous work situation, i.e.; high rise construction, are primarily interested in protection, obviously. A high percentage of these same people even go so far as to have Magical symbols (yants) tattooed on their bodies, both front and back. Most of these tattoos are done by Buddhist monks at several well known Buddhist temples in Thailand. These are not your common basic tattoo parlors. These are done in elaborate ceremonies, with much chanting of blessings, candles, incense and lots of garlands of lotus flowers. I have been there and saw that these are a very highly charged, holy ceremony.

The Basic Question of course is;
Do these Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets work? Do they bring Good Luck and/or offer protection? A large number of Thai people swear they do. Many Thai’s attribute their winning the lottery, getting a major promotion or finding their soul mate because of the power in these Good Luck Charms/Magical Amulets. Many Thai people claim they were saved from being harmed in a major accident and many Thai policemen claimed to having been saved in a sticky situation from being either shot or stabbed because of the power in these Good Luck Charms/Magical Amulets.

So, do they “Really” work?
I know only this for sure. I have never seen a Thai soldier without one, a Thai policeman without one and every month when someone wins the Thai lottery, the person winning swears to everyone, that they won because of the power in their Good Luck Charm or Magical Amulet.

If all these people believe in these Charms and Amulets, who am I to say their wrong or crazy.

p.s. I wear one and I won a small lottery once and haven’t been shot yet. :-)

Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets of Thailand

William is a retired American living in Lopburi, Thailand. He was a ordained Buddhist monk for a period of time. He enjoys playing golf and investigating the phenomenon of Good Luck Charms and Magical Amulets of Southeast Asia.

An Introduction to the New Age — Becoming a Psychic
People who accept the realm of the paranormal and unnatural are certain that people in the beginning are born with psychic powers but only few becomes a psychic. There are two types of psychics that we believe in; the "natural born" and those with little powers within them. The "natural born" psychics are said to be the gifted as they have great amount of psychic powers since birth. On the other hand, those who are born with lesser amount of psychic powers requires heavy practice and understanding in order to grow. In other cases, lots of psychics whose abilities are suddenly awaken by strong emotions or near-death experience, which results into having great amount of mental powers in an instant. Psychics are people with great mental abilities beyond the use of the five senses; clairvoyance / telepathy, cold reading, psychic reading, dream interpretation, palm reading, astrological reading and tarot card reading are just some of the abilities of a psychic. Here are some aspects that may help a person to develop his/her psychic skills or abilities. UNDERSTANDING. Spiritual development requires time, patience and understanding. In order to develop your psychic ability, you must first understand its importance and purpose, having a psychic powers also hold responsibilities; becoming a psychic means that you allow your mind and body to grow spiritually, set your goal into helping others, giving the precise information as possible and know that having a psychic ability is never to be abused. PATIENCE. Whether if you're a natural born with psychic powers or not, you will only be able to develop your psychic ability in time, so don't rush, the spirits will guide you through your journey. It is best to find a psychic group in your community or online to guide you, books and journals of other psychics are a great help too. FOCUS. Focusing first on one ability is good, choose which ability you would like to develop. It is important that you believe in yourself while doing a reading. Psychics have different types of reading and uses the most appropriate one for a client. CHOOSE YOUR TOOL. Always have the proper tool(s) before conducting a reading. * A Tarot Card is a divination tool that is used to gain insight and resolve issues regarding heath, relationships, career, and spirituality. * Numerology, from the word itself, uses numbers that correspond to each letter of the alphabet. With a mathematical formula, psychics use numerology to give past or future information on a person's life path. * Astrology and Horoscope, uses symbols and through the use of celestial bodies such as the moon, sun, and planets that represents events that occur on a person's life. * A Crystal Ball is used to aid in clairvoyance, a Greek word that means "clear seeing", is a psychic ability that is beyond the five senses — the transferring of information using only the mind. * There are other ways of reading without the use of a tool, these are clairvoyance, a Greek word meaning "clear seeing", palm reading, cold reading, dream interpretation, and more. PRACTICE. Becoming a skillful psychic requires a lot of practice, nobody becomes a professional in any field in just a few days! When practicing your psychic ability keep in mind that what you're doing something good for someone, discard your doubts, no matter what your mind sees during a psychic reading take full trust in your ability. Lastly, if you've just begun to learn on how to develop your psychic powers, try some psychic ability test first to know the scope and limit of your psychic powers. Psychic tests are available in online and in a psychics' community.

The Writer Ei Mara used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer private psychic readings, online psychics through chat, psychic advice and a lot more.

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