Saturday, October 25, 2008

Maria Duval - The Law of Attraction and the Secret Science of Getting Rich

The Law of Attraction and the Secret Science of Getting Rich
The Law of Attraction reveals The Secret to Everything you've ever wanted. Ever since the world found out about the Law of Attraction through the phenomenon of the movie, people from every corner of the globe have been asking Bob Proctor for more.
Millions of people are already using the Law of Attraction to make their lives successful. It's no longer a secret, but a household term that is rightfully being given the attention it deserves.Anybody can learn how to use the "Law of Attraction" to create whatever one wants in life - be it money, love or happiness - and generate abundance.

Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you. If you don't like the results in your life, you need to change your thoughts. That's ALL that the Law of Attraction is about. But If the Law of Attraction is as simple as that, why aren’t more people wealthy, even gratified about the state their lives are in?

The Answer is a Simple One.There is an Exact Science to Applying the Law of Attraction to Build the Life You Seek. This Exact Science is called The Science of Getting Rich. The Law of Attraction as explained in "The Secret" movie, and even in much greater detail in The Science of Getting Rich Program, will teach you whatever it is that you may want or need to manifest in your life.

The Science of Getting Rich was first introduced in 1910 when Wallace D. Wattles released his book by the same title that was the inspiration for the film "The Secret". What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Therefore, any man or woman who learns how to do things in this certain way will eventually get rich." The Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching you how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.

In the Science of Getting Rich seminar - Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, two of the teachers in the secret, will personally guide you to develop the mind-set of the wealthy. Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have taken this Science into a Whole New Era. This is what everybody have been waiting for,Exact Instruction on How To Work with The Law of Attraction! Anybody can now start from today to replace what you don't want by Attracting what you DO WANT. Here is now a step-by-step instructions showing you how to begin applying the Law of Attraction in your daily life -- How to move beyond the theory into action.

Article by Robert Chen Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers featured in "The Secret"

Appreciating Life Itself
"We want the spring to come and the winter to pass. We want whoever to call or not to call, a letter, a kiss, a raise �" we want more and more and then more of it. but there are moments, walking, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the window glass, say, the window of the corner video store, and I am gripped by a cherishing so deep for my own blowing hair, chapped face and unbuttoned coat that I’m speechless: I AM LIVING. "
—Marie Howe from What the Living Do

All that we want, all that we do, all that we have, all that we like….our looks, our moods, our family, our friends, our jobs, the weather, our political leaders, our cars, our homes…..all of this……a moot point without LIFE. It sounds pretty basic, like, "No kidding!" Many of us all too often forget to appreciate the basics. And the most basic element of our life is…..that we have been blessed with one!

Being alive is probably the number one thing we take for granted. Okay, we were born, we’re breathing…now let’s do, do, do, buy, buy, buy, fix, fix, fix! In the midst of our hectic ‘gotta get ahead’ world, we are losing touch with appreciating life itself. How many of us are truly alive? How many are simply existing, you know, going through the motions robotically? The answer is…too many. What does a person’s best life look like? Of course, the answer varies from individual to individual. My experiences have convinced me that there are a few global concepts that all of us can consider in creating our own best life. All of them relate to a genuine appreciation for the opportunity to experience life with all its ups and downs and twists and turns. This idea transcends personality, ethnicity, age, and so on. Below are the top four ways you can learn to appreciate your very existence. Incorporating any ONE will change your life for the better. But why not try all four?! Remember to be patient, but practice, practice, practice.

  1. Notice and appreciate every inch of your body inside and out. Do you realize that most of your body functions through no effort of yours? You think, you get from point A to point B, you breathe, your heart beats, your organs do their thing nonstop, and you wake up in the morning. Your senses either enhance your life or protect you from harm. The list could go on and on. As far as your outside goes, is there any good that comes from disliking it? Appreciate the fact that you are alive and beautiful. This beauty must be acknowledged by YOU. Once you choose to see yourself as a spectacular vision, others will notice it as well.
  2. Notice and appreciate every person you come in contact with. Each one of us has redeeming factors. Commit to discovering at least one for each person you meet. If this ever seems to be a daunting task, choose one of yours and share it with that person. (Examples: your smile, your patience, your respectfulness) A funny thing may happen. It may become easier to notice something great in that other person.
  3. Notice and appreciate every element of nature. Yes, even the hurricanes and other ‘natural’ disasters. Why? Because the sheer power, unpredictability, and majesty of the forces in this universe are to be admired. We certainly would not cheer about the loss that may result. However, if we can see beyond this aspect that occurs relatively infrequently, there is so very much beauty in and assistance from nature that we can marvel over. Sometimes, we take these for granted. Appreciating the oxygen that ‘happens’ to flow from trees in exactly the amount we need to breathe, the rains that draw life from a lonely stem by producing a perfect blossom, the magical song of baby birds in the spring, or the almost surreal blanketing of snow on the earth in winter can make all the difference in the quality of your life.
  4. Notice and appreciate those events you perceive as bothersome or unfair. What?! Why would anyone appreciate a broken leg, getting fired, or losing a loved one? Of course, I am not suggesting that you should love these things. But I am suggesting that you, at an appropriate time, look at any such event in your life and find its message for how you can get even closer to truly living your best life because of it. THIS is what you can appreciate.

So, take a deep breathe in and exhale slowly allowing a soft release of appreciation for simply being alive!

Judi Debus has been motivating others for all of her career and is now sharing her experiences with a larger audience. Read more about her and her thoughts at

Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You?
Music �" Are You Tuned in to What Your Music is Doing to You? I was in a nice boutique the other day and noticed a song playing that basically said “My girlfriend is a jerk” repeatedly. Then the next chorus was I love my girlfriend and I’m going to stay with her forever. This wasn’t even a country song, it was current pop music. Mixed messages in those lyrics, or what? Is it any wonder we have such confusion about relationships? Stay in ones where someone treats you badly, yet love the person you don’t like. Now that IS confusing. We are becoming so conscientious about our lives and our health. Some of us are even saying no to television. What about our music? We should really pay attention to WHAT we listen to as it can definitely put us in a good mood or a weird mood. It can even sway our feelings about our partner. I’m not saying it can put you into a bad mood because why would we consciously listen to music that is going to put us in a bad mood? The lyrics to songs definitely play on our subconscious and it does it repetitively. Remember a time when you couldn’t get a song out of your mind? Well, those songs are really placed somewhere in our subconscious for us to hook onto, particularly when we’re feeling low. One of my students asked in a class recently if the music she listens to is going to affect her. She asked this out of the blue after an offhanded discussion at lunch about what we hear affects our body, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. I asked her what she listened to and she sheepishly said “country western”. The entire class simultaneously said “Uh Oh”. Now country music is quite depressing as they are always talking about lost loves, drinking and other dastardly deeds. Imagine what that will do over prolonged periods of time for someone who already has a tendency to be negative. This type music can tend to make someone act more from the negative aspects they already have. Really, any music that has lyrics about lost love, hating someone, getting revenge, etc. all impact us on the subconscious level. A pregnant mother wanting a calm child will spend time listening to calm music and trying to be in a peaceful place. Why not take this into our adult lives? Masuru Emoto, author of “Message from Water”, demonstrates, visually, exactly what classical music does for water with a contrast to what hard rock music does to water. Wayne Green, founder of CD Review Magazine, founded the magazine with the purpose of getting small labels with more eclectic and balanced music out into the public and more press coverage. In the book The “Secret Life of Plants” there is documented evidence that the group of rats exposed to rock music began killing each other. Our bodies are made of mostly water �" isn’t it time to take action with what songs we listen to? I recommend to my meditation class that they turn off the music for one week while they are driving. The purpose of this is to get the students who truly wish to have peace through the aspect of meditation to realize that quiet in the car is actually very soothing. The reports back from the students are that they generally find is that they want to continue to drive more often without the radio on because they feel more relaxed. Join us in making your energy shift and listen to more happy, fun, relaxing music and see what happens to your life and your body.

Sheevaun O. Moran – author of the book Learn to Meditate in 2 Minutes, the book Shotgun Shopping – Adventures in How to Materialize Anything Through the Metaphor of Shopping and 13 Meditate and Transform CD’s. She is the founder of Energetic Solutions, I Am Success Now – Paramitas, and Good to Go Restaurants. She has authored hundreds of articles, been featured on CBS News, Japan’s version of Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and many other publications. Sheevaun has personally worked with over 7,000 individuals and businesses worldwide. Her techniques are powerful energy tools to transform health, create opportunity and she always helps her clients get results FAST.

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