Monday, October 13, 2008

Maria Duval - Meditation Exercise - Breath Meditation

Meditation Exercise - Breath Meditation
Breath Meditation

Your breathing is one of the easiest things to concentrate on during meditation. It is always there providing a solid life force whether you are aware of it or not. During this meditation technique we are going to focus solely on the breathing. This is a great way to relax and as a little side benefit you become more aware of how your body functions and hopefully have a little more respect and gratitude for the amazing job your body does..

Ok lets start by finding a comfortable, calm place to meditate. If you can change the lighting set it to a nice, low, unobtrusive level. Sit in a position where you feel comfortable and relaxed. Close your eyes and rest your hands in your lap.

Now I'd like you to bring your attention to your breath. Concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing. Don't try to force it, just let it come naturally. Feel the air as it moves in and out of your body. When you feel nice and relaxed I'd like you to direct your attention to your nose. Concentrate on this spot for a few minutes, feel the movements of the air as it passes through your nose. Think about the sensations it makes. Does it feel cool? Does it tickle slightly? Take note of everything you feel and be aware of the air passing through your nose at that exact moment.

Now I want you to direct your attention to other parts of your body. Move your attention down to your throat. Concentrate on this area, does your throat move when you breath? Can you feel the cold air pass over your throat? Think about any sensations that you feel and just be aware of how the air feels as it moves through your body, nourishing all your organs and keeping you strong and healthy.

Concentrate on your throat for a few minutes then move down to your chest. Become aware of your chest rising and falling with each steady breath. How does this feel? Is it calm and relaxing? Does your chest move more than you expected it to? Or is your breathing more shallow? Feel the air as it enters your lungs. Is there any movements or vibrations in your chest that you weren't expecting? Continue to concentrate in this area for a few more minutes.

Now I'd like you to move onto your solar plexus, or navel area. How does your breathing effect this area? Perhaps there is a lot of movement down here, or there may be no movement at all. It's ok if there's no movement, just take a note of this. Concentrate on this area for a few minutes then move on.

Repeat this process for every area in the body that you have time for. You can concentrate on any area of the body at all from your hands to your feet. Try your back or shoulders, does your shoulders move when you breath? How about your thighs, can you feel any movement there? Move around each area in turn concentrating slowly on that particular area for several minutes. Think about the muscles in that area. Is your breathing helping to relax those muscles? If you feel tense simply release that muscle and let it relax.

Once you have covered all the area's that you want to cover bring your attention back to your chest. Concentrate once more on the rising and falling of your chest as the air enters and leaves your lungs. Then slowly begin to release your concentration. Begin to see your body as a single unit, notice how the air travels the entire length of your body and is not specific to just one part. Feel the air as it enters your body then travels to all the muscles and all the organs within your body.Relax and enjoy this feeling for a while. Then when you feel comfortable slowly bring yourself out of meditation and enjoy the rest of your day.

Brenda Mayhew writes on self development related issues. You can learn more by visiting her website, Meditation Basics.

Hypnosis - FAQ by Performance Hypnosis
What can hypnosis be used for?
Hypnosis actually has well over 300 uses. Dramatic positive changes happen every year for people that seek out and use Hypnosis. Most associate hypnosis with weight loss and smoking cessation. However hypnosis is also good for stress management, pain management, grief management, nail biting, hypertension, self image, motivation and attitude, public speaking, pre-op preparation, post-op recovery and rapid healing, memory recall, sports abilities enhancement, finding lost objects, stuttering, self sabatoge, self improvement, intimacy concerns; the list goes on and on and on.

What is regression therapy?
Regression therapy is taking one back subconsciously to re-live a past event.

Will I be able to wake up?
Most definitely! As I said hypnosis is a natural state between being awake and being asleep. If you do not wake up when I tell you to you will sleep restfully and wake up on your own feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Who can be hypnotized?
Anyone who sleeps (everyone does) and can concentrate can be hypnotized. As a matter of fact the more intelligent and imaginitive a person is the easier they can be hypnotized. Hypnosis is only contraindicated in some individuals with psychological conditions and the very young. The reason for this is their lack of ability to concentrate for a period of time. Also some heart condition clients would not be good candidates to undergo regressive hypnotherapy.

What exactly is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the state of mind between being wide awake-alert, and being in a very light sleep. Basically we are dealing with the subconscious. I use your conscious desires to change your subconscious actions. Thus making your conscious desires reality.

What does hypnosis feel like?
Hypnosis is a very relaxed feeling. In most instances you know what is going on around you, unless you are really deep. It feels like you are just ready to fall asleep. That feeling of shutting down and going out at night.

Is hypnosis safe?
Yes. Going into hypnosis is as safe as getting into your own bed and falling asleep at night. Suggestive (change) therapy is safe for practically everyone. There are those with some psychological conditions that hypnosis is contraindicated. Also some heart condition patients are not good candidates for regression therapy only. However, they can handle suggestive therapy just fine. I will take a brief history and will tell you right away if you are or are not a good candidate for Hypnotherapy. Most probably you are a great subject to under go hypnosis."

Can you make my husband/wife quit smoking?
No. The person who wants to make a change must have the desire and be willing to change; and being willing to under go hypnosis. You nor I cannot make someone do something they do not want to do."

Will I do or say anything weird?
No. You will not reveal any secrets, nor do anything that would be against your morals or religious beliefs.

What is the hypnosis process?
First- There is the client interview at which time we will go over your history. I will administer several evaluations to help determine what techniques will work specifically for you. We go over your new goals and come up with suggestions and ideas that will help change your behavior, or get you the information you are seeking. Second- I will do what is called an "Induction." You will become very relaxed. Third- Deepening techniques are used to make you more relaxed than you have ever been. Fourth- The suggestions we come up with are given. Fifth- I wake you up.
Lastly we have a post-hypnotic interview . I will make sure you are wide awake, alert, and you are on your way.

How many times do I have to do this?
This of course depends on you. Although a few people will only have one or two sessions, to be most effective a program normally consists of four to six sessions, it depends on how deep seated the persons problem is, and whether they really want to deal with the issues that come to light. The last session is usually thirty to sixty days from the initial visit depending on the frequency of the sessions. This is the final wrap up to make sure you are happy with your change(s). This is the usual format of course some individuals and programs are different. Such as for weight loss this is a six week program, one visit every other week. People of course did not become the way they are over night. Some habits take longer to change even at the subconscious level.

For more information or to order your hypnosis mp3 download visit Performance Hypnosis at

Georgina Powell, CCHt is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the National Guild of Hypnotist, the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the International Association of Counselors and Therapist and the American Alliance of Hypnotists. She has also been profiled by Psychology Today.

Your Enlightenment
Throughout your entire life you have been learning, growing and evolving. Everything you have experienced has been teaching you something about yourself. All the books you have read, courses you have taken and things you have done to develop yourself are the result of an innate intelligence, or spirit, that has been guiding you to further evolve yourself, to realize your full potential, to self-realize. The volition to read these words comes from your spirit. The answers lie within you, and from this inner knowing you gain the impetus to explore, to understand, to find greater meaning, purpose and peace. So as you are reading these words I invite you to check in with the part of you that is curious to learn more. This path of self-discovery is guiding you to enlightenment. You have been called. You are being guided, and that with draws your attention to these words is guiding you to take that next step in your development. The same volition that compels me to write these words draws your attention to read them. We are all being guided, by spirit, to realize our full potential through self-realization. As you enlighten you come to realize who you are and why you were born so that you may fulfill your destiny. The fact that you are reading these words is the proof that your spirit is guiding you to full enlightenment. The primary reason I am writing these words is to acknowledge that part of you that already knows this innately. We are all being called to enlighten. We live in an age where masses of people, such as yourself, are learning more about what consciousness is and are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve their consciousness. You are ahead of the learning curve of humanity, you have realized that there is something to be realized and are now consciously seeking ways to further evolve yourself. It is your destiny to enlighten. The Self Awareness Institute is a gathering place for those ready to live in the light, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within us. Welcome home. From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

TACT - The Manifestation - The Secret Law of Attraction
I want to tell you the Ultimate Secret of Law of Attraction to conclude TACT formula as below: T - Thank you - "The Beginning" A - Attracting - "The Inner Process" C - Creating - "The Inner Process" T - Thank you - "The Manifestation" In the last step "Thank You", it is not the same as "Thank You" on first step. The first "Thank You" is that you are grateful for what you are today, and you are grateful for what you have now. While "Thank You" in the last step is that you are grateful for what you have just achieved and received in your visualization of your dream in "The Inner Process" step. "Thank You" in the last step, is when you have visualized that you have got what you want in your life right now, and you are grateful for that. This is The Manifestation of everything that you have visualized. Be grateful, because it has happened to your life right now. The Manifestation process is most important step of TACT formula. It is the moment where Universe will say "Your Wish is my Command" Be happy and celebrate the joy of getting what you want in your life. The feeling of happiness, beauty, love, success, and abundance is over flowing to your life. Above all, You must remember "The Ultimate Secret of Attracting whatever you want is to want it without needing it". It means, there is no limit to get what you want in your visualization, but you must make sure that you are not addicted to it. When you have a feeling of addiction, or you feel you must have it. You are actually pushing the manifestation process away. Beware on this. Just let the universe bring it to you. You just let go, and watch The Manifestation happen naturally. In other words, in the world of everyday reality, struggling to achieve something causes the opposite forces within yourself to kick into play. But when you come from an inner place of serenity and you go with the flow toward your wishes, you have upped the odds of your achieving them. Your peace will attract peace. You fully activate the Secret Law of Attraction when you are not attached to it. You come to this message is of no coincidence at all. Your life is so special and unique. You are born with a purpose. Since you have known The Secret Law of Attraction, and the complete step of using TACT formula to achieve it, you have the power to get anything you want in your life. You can have all: + You can have more money that you ever want + You can have your dream house + You can have your dream car + You can have the best of everything + You can have unexpected cheque + You can ask for anything you want + You can have a perfect life TACT - The Secret Law of Attraction is working all the time, no exception. It happened in the past, It happens now, It will happen in the future... Again...Again...and Again Let me tell you this: May today be the best day for you! Be awake, Be energize, Be alive, and Live with passion.

Suwandi Chow is a Practitioner of The Secret Law of Attraction and the owner of The Science of Getting Rich Wattles. The Law of Attraction helps each individual by helping more people to accelerate the success of their dream life. You can instantly download FREE Attraction Accelerator by visiting

Live Life, Be Positive
The ability to understand that things and events around us, that impact on our lives, happen for a purpose, is one of the keys to accepting that there are forces operating around us, over which we have no control. We can hide away from the past heartaches, embarrassments and failures or we can take control and learn from them. They are and do become the tools for our future success, provided we do learn from them. OptiMindzation Acceleration is a new process of using the latest research into how our mind works and builds on the principals of the “Law of Attraction” to develop our inner strengths. The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed on a project, in a specific situation or in a position at work. There is always the next time, so make room in your life and use the Law of Attraction to build your self worth. Call in from the universe the things that are rightfully yours, by being specific in your requests. Keep them positive and you will gain. Be negative and you will attract negativity into your life.. Download the Attraction Accelerator Report from the following web based URL site so you can read up on how to undertake the necessary steps to understanding your self worth.

Ken Triat has a masters degree in Business Administration. Currently reviewing personal development centred around the power of the mind

Wishes Do Come True and You Hold the Magic Wand
There is a great deal of revelation about the law of attraction in this era of time. I, for one, do adhere to the belief that you can control your destiny through your thoughts and emotions. What you focus on daily is what is manifested in your life. In essence, what you wish for will be your reality. When pondering on 'The law of Attraction' and how it's principals can be explained, I find myself thinking about children's stories. In fairy tales and kid's movies the hero/heroine is taught that their wishes can come true if they meet certain criteria. The character is taught to close their eyes and wish very hard for the thing or experience they desire. Then the child is told to have faith, that they must believe for their wish to come true. Lo and behold the desired thing is realized. This does not always happen as first try. The character is told that they may not be believing wholeheartedly or perhaps they are not wishing hard enough. The fable generally ends with the hero/heroine realizing the fulfillment of their wish after they have learned to desire and believe with all their might. These children's stories which convey that wishes do come true through a strong desire coupled with a deep faith in its reality are actually teaching children the concept of the law of attraction. The child is learning first to make a wish (have strong desires), then to believe in its conception (faith) and close their eyes and imagine (experiencing it's culmination). Most of your old spiritual books teach that we should become like children. Somehow in moving from childhood into adulthood we become disbelievers. We lose that ability to trust in the strength of our wishes and the faith in the universe to carry them out. No longer do we believe that wishes do come true or that we have control over our destiny. I love children's movies. I sooner go to a kid's show then an adult movie. We are the substance of what we feed upon. Today's media is steeped in negativity, hopelessness and violence. If you focus your thoughts on negativism and pessimism daily the law of attraction can only mirror the same elements into your life. The law of attraction exists whether we believe it or not. What you think and feel in your mind and heart determines what you experience in your life. If you find yourself in a pool of despair, experiencing one trauma after another it is time to readjust your thoughts. You are in the drivers seat. You can change your experiences. Become like a child and wish for the stars. Wish for good things with strength of desire. Have unbreakable faith that through the law of attraction you will attain the things wished for. Close your eyes and imagine the results of your desire. Follow these steps and your wishes will come true.

Doran Roggio provides resources and articles for success in life and business at: and

What Do You Want?
What do you want? What do you want from life? Do you know that you can create whatever you want? If there is any part of you that doubts that, the first step is to clear that limiting belief out of your mind. It doesn't serve you anymore. The more open you are to receive, the more you will receive. Over the past few years we have seen this principle work for thousands of students. From lack to prosperity, from struggle to ease, from tension to peace, from ignorance to enlightenment, it's all up to you. It's a choice.

What you think you create and you create what you think. What do you focus your attention on? Are you clear as to what you really want? Are you focused on what you want to create, and are you excited about it? Or, are you focusing on what you don't have, what you don't want, or something that happened to you in the past? Your intentions are broadcasted into the world like a radio transmission and what you "put out" through your thoughts, words and actions you attract. Like a magnet you are drawing into your life whatever you need to learn and grow and evolve to realize your full potential.

The clearer you are as to what you want to manifest, the easier it is to manifest it. If you are not clear, the power is weak. If you do not have energy behind your intention your power to manifest is weak. If you are focusing on what you don't have or want, you create experiences that will teach you what you need to let go of in order to manifest what you want. To develop the power to manifest you need to be clear as to what you want, develop the inner strength to transmit your intention and develop the focus to move through any limiting beliefs and fears that have been keeping you from all the prosperity, happiness and peace you deserve.

The biggest hurdle for most people is moving from "yes, I know this already" to actually living it. They deny themselves the opportunities to manifest by staying stuck in some negative mental state and not taking the steps to create what they want. Are you living with all the prosperity, happiness and peace that you want? Are you enlightened, fulfilled, feeling bliss in this moment? If not, why not? What are you telling yourself right now? What is your mind doing with this message? In this moment an opportunity is presented to take the next step. All the resources you need are right here on this page. Come join our field of prosperity, happiness and peace. It begins by asking yourself this question: What do you want?

From the Heart,
Steven S. Sadleir

Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization. Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!

Meditation: Choosing the Right Music for the Right Meditation Technique
Many people when they begin learning meditation find it hard to really get into the swing of it. They will purchase books and cd's on meditation but nothing really seems to work. Most meditation kits that you buy either on the internet or at a bookstore will come with at least one style of meditation music, but be warned if you use the wrong type of meditation music for the meditation technique you are using during your meditation session all that will happen is that you will get frustrated and you will not achieve the outcome you are looking for. There are many different types and styles of meditation but I want to categorize them into three core groups: 1. Relaxation Meditation Techniques 2. Reflective Meditation Techniques 3. Affirmation Meditation Techniques The style of meditation music used for the relaxation meditation technique is dramatically different to that used in the reflective meditation technique and affirmation meditation technique. Let me explain … The core object of relaxation meditation is too simply so down, relax and allow the stress in your body to simply flow away. It is crucial with this style of meditation that the music you use for the meditation technique is easy to listen to and has elements in the music that your accentuate peace and harmony. For example the meditation music may be played on a flute with water flowing in the background. Alternatively, the meditation music might be based on noises in a rainforest or in the bush. The music being used must reflect the object of the meditation session. For affirmation meditation techniques the best style of meditation music to use is something that has a beat. One of the best meditation music styles I like for this technique comes from the Sound track of Kundun. The music used in the sound track is written based on the sounds used in Tibetan Monasteries. The beats or drums within the music can help you in setting a rhythm for learning and empowering your affirmations. Where as the style of music that you should be using for the reflective meditation techniques should have a beat of 60 beats per minute. Baroque music played at 60 beats per minute is the best style. It has been shown through a range of studies that because our heart rate is designed to beat at 60 beats per minute, when the music is played at this rate it heightens our ability to learn. Essentially the research showed that the baroque meditation music causes your brain to produce more alpha or calmness waves when listening to this style. This calmness happens on both the left and right sides of your brain. This simply results in you calming down and relaxing in a similar way to when you whistle a happy tune. The "alpha" state of mind is ideal for learning and creativity, which is what you are trying to achieve during a reflective meditation session. If you were to use say the a strong beat mediation music say from the Kundun soundtrack during a relaxation meditation session you would find that it would be difficult to relax and in fact you will most likely find that you are unable to focus on your meditation. Choosing the right style of meditation music for your meditation is absolutely crucial to ensure that your mediation session delivers the results that you would expect.

If you are looking for quality meditation music to help you with your meditation sessions then simply check out our website. Asthma is a terrible disease and using meditation with the Buteyko Breathing Method can help in treating your disease. If you want to learn the 13 secrets of how millionaires get and stay rich then I recommend reading - Think and Grow Rich


Anonymous said...

I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than attempting to satisfy them.

A. J. Marr said...

Permit this one comment on meditation. A primary emphasis in meditation is on the reduction of rumination, but non-conscious distractive events are also implicitly reduced but have never been separately controlled in the literature of meditation. If they were, it would engender a new procedure that would could produce many of the benefits of mindfulness without the control of rumination.

The following argument and procedure is derived from an article in the International Journal of Stress Management in 2006.

Rest in Peace (and Quiet)

In the literature of stress, stress is commonly attributed to a monolithic ‘flight or fight’ reaction that accounts for all attributes of the stress response, from fear and anxiety to the tension that is elicited in a distractive day. Yet for minor or small scale choices or distractions, this ‘stress’ response begins with merely the slight yet sustained activation of low threshold or Type 1 muscular fibers. These muscles are activated easily and rapidly, deactivate slowly, and when sustained quickly fail and cause pain and exhaustion. (This is why at the end of a distraction filled working day we commonly report not fear or anxiety, but merely a state of exhaustion) This activation pattern does not entail fear or anger and is generally not reported as anxiety. Because of the neuro-muscular characteristics of this type of muscular activity, reducing the salience or frequency of distractive events is not enough to disengage this sustained or tonic tension. Distractions instead must be totally eliminated for a sustained period of time, and this is what is implicitly done in meditative practices. The question, yet unanswered, is what is the relative role of rumination and distraction in the maintenance of these low level stressors.

The Cinderella Effect
A common truism is that distractions not only cause us to get tense and remain tense during the day, but that tension ‘builds’ until we are sore and exhausted. However, the neuro-muscular processes behind this event are not widely known. Named after the fairy tale character who was first to awake and last to sleep, this ‘Cinderella Effect’ represents the fact that slight but continuous distractions (e.g. the continuous choice opportunities of surfing the internet or accessing email instead of working) elicit the continuous activation of low threshold units (also called Type 1, slow twitch, or Cinderella fibers) of the striated musculature, which unabated will lead to their failure and the successive recruitment of other muscular groups to take up the slack. The result is pain, exhaustion, and often a literal pain in the neck. (To elicit a similar result, try lightly clenching your fist for a minute or so.) In addition, as the name Cinderella underscores, this muscular activity does not immediately cease when distractions cease, and is sustained even when we take a break or rest.

Thus, even slight or intermittent distractions will elicit sustained or ‘tonic’ muscular tension, and usually to harmful and painful effect. It follows logically that only a radical and sustained reduction in distraction can result in a totally relaxed state. Thus, to be relaxed, a reduction in distractive choices is not enough, distraction must instead be totally eliminated or deferred, and that is what meditative practices implicitly do but ironically never explicitly concede. The problem is that meditation also entails a radical reduction in rumination as well as distraction, and the emphasis in meditative disciplines on the control of rumination obscures the distinctive influence of distraction in maintaining tense or anxious states. (Indeed, the respective roles of rumination and distraction have never been separately studied in the scientific literature on meditation.) However, if distraction and only distraction can be monitored and avoided in the many environments that are stressful primarily because of distraction, then one can achieve the means to be relaxed, even if the level of rumination is not altered. Thus one can learn to become relaxed even in workaday environments.

The Cinderella Method

The procedure:

First: Take a mental or physical inventory of all the minor unessential judgments in a working day that would entail minor avoidable gain/loss. These 'distractions' included doing one's work vs. reading the newspaper, watching TV, chatting on the phone, internet surfing, or other diversions. This provides a comparative or base rate to which to compare future behavior, and trains you to notice or attend to distractive choices.

Secondly: Set aside fixed times during the day (e.g. 8-9 am, 1-2pm) when you will completely avoid these choices. Then simply perform your rationally considered behavior (i.e., your work), or if not, just sit.

That's it.

By continuously eliminating these distractive choices from major portions of the day, you can still anticipate and be aware of them, but you cannot be stressed by choosing between them. By deferring irreconcilable choices, tension falls, relaxation occurs, and you can go about your day more relaxed, more alert, more productive, and without the painful regret that occurs from a day misspent. Finally, by providing a feedback function to train attention and to compare behavior across days, you can compare corresponding emotional behavior (i.e., tension) across behavior or 'trials', demonstrate the efficacy of the procedure, and be reinforced for the overall effort by that feedback.

What the Cinderella Method Does

The Cinderella Method is essentially a method of exercising a control over tension in its often initial form as a subliminal behavior that escapes conscious awareness. This method allows one to sustain a natural or homeostatic resting state that otherwise is disrupted in even a slightly distractive environment. Since for small distractions the proprioceptive stimuli which alert one to tension only indicate the presence of tension after tension has been sustained for some time, the isolation and control of the discriminative stimuli that are correlated with the initiation of slight or minor tension allow for tension to be avoided before its sustained occurrence taxes the musculature and autonomic nervous system. Conversely, the method also trains one to mentally recreate or ‘learn’ the proprioceptive stimuli associated with relaxation, and thus be able to ‘voluntarily’ induce relaxation. Since relaxation as a voluntary response (actually, what is learned is the inhibition of tension, since relaxation is not a response but is technically the non-activity of the musculature) is incompatible with tension, it will also mitigate tension caused by distraction and rumination even when both are not avoided.

Finally, the Cinderella Method sharply contrasts with prevalent stress control procedures, which emphasize the modification and control through psychotherapy and other means large scale or molar distractions or problems, such as domestic or other workaday difficulties and the rumination they entail. The Cinderella method is based on the premise that stress is predominantly caused by small scale or molecular problems or distractions that in contrast to rumination are far more frequent yet are more easily controlled. Because control is easy, time consuming therapeutic intervention is not required.

Marr, A. J. (2006) Relaxation and Muscular Tension: A Bio-behavioristic Explanation, International Journal of Stress Management, 13(2), 131-153

(A PDF copy of this paper is available free upon request: stassiagalenkova at

Anonymous said...

The biggest challenge I have when trying to meditate is staying in the "special spot," the place where you fall into deep mediation. I will fall into this moment only for a moment until my brain shift or gets distracted.

Have you read The Complete Vision Board Kit by John Assaraf yet? He does a good job of explaining how to use a vision board mixed in with meditation. You can check it out here: