Saturday, October 4, 2008

Maria Duval - The News is Good News - And There Is Peace

The News is Good News - And There Is Peace
The good news is that the good news is no longer "The Secret". The Law of Attraction has been spoken about and written about during all times, and yet the cultural barriers like organized religion and feudal political power (which we still have today, we call it corporate) placed the information in the inner circles.

If you've attracted the "Secret" or The Law of Attraction to yourself in any way shape or form, then you know. Information about it is everywhere right now. The world is ready for an overhaul towards peace, it seems.

If any of the desired outcomes in your life are related to peace, whether that means absence of war, or tranquillity or quiet at home when you want it, where is your peace at?

Do you feel peaceful right now?

Do you feel peaceful when your child loses it and calls you a @#$%&& moron before he/she slams their door?

Do you feel peaceful when your car doesn't start or the washing machine just stops?

Do you......okay, you can finish the list for yourself, specifically for you.

The next good news is, the proportion of race consciousness that is rooting for everyone to have peace, fulfillment, riches, not to mention edible food and drinkable water in their lives, is HUGE.

I checked out a few blog carnivals yesterday that had to do with "good", and I would need a month to read them all, and I mean 12 hours a day! The piece of the pie that is focused on good outcomes for this planet is a big piece and it is mind boggling!

The hundreds and hundreds of squidoo lenses that have been written share their adsense and sales income from internet marketing with charities - the details don't matter. The goodies are getting circulated.

Goodness is increasing.

Many celebrities are putting more and more of their resources toward alleviating world hunger and distress.

Even Paris Hilton wants to do social good, so let's support her and not be mean about her past. She certainly has the ability to help others change their lives if she proceeds with her plan. James Hillman who wrote "The Soul's Code" explains that we all enter our lives with a guiding force, who arranges circumstances so that we can head toward our greatness. He doesn't say "except heiresses".

The good news is for everyone. Take a moment every day to think about the good in your life. (It's kind of an insurance because of all the good chemicals that flow into our bodies when we do that).

Also, just contemplating the good news in your life is your gift to the rest of us. It's a one mind thinks all deal.

Dianne M. Buxton is a ballet teacher, and a writer. If you find these ideas useful, you can find out more about them here.

The Secret to Abundance �" Pitfalls When Putting The Law of Attraction to Work in Your Life
Okay, if you are reading this, you probably have watched the #1 DVD The Secret or you are interested to know how you can manifest abundance and wealth in your life. The secret lies in 3 simple steps need to take to get the things you want: Ask Believe Receive These 3 steps embody the Law of Attraction that is the underlying basis in The Secret, and is the universal law to manifest the things you want in your life. After watching the movie, I was very excited and decided to immediately put the Law of Attraction to work in my life, at least in the best way I know how! Along the way, I discovered some pitfalls that most people (including myself!) fall into when applying this universal law. I hope by sharing those pitfalls here, my fellow explorers with the desire to master the Law of Attraction as I have, will benefit. **********Pitfall Number 1 �" In Asking********** Most of us will think, what can be easier than asking right? Wrong! Because this step is so simple, it is also the step that trips so many people. Why do I say that? Because most people ask for what they think the can get and not for what they truly desire and want! When I first heard this, I ask myself: How is it possible? However, on closer examination through self-reflection, I realized how true this is. Very often, our upbringing, mindset and our sense of “worthiness” prevent us from asking for what we really want. Instead, we settle for “what is realistically possible”, making do and not experiencing the abundance that we want and deserve in life. **********Pitfall Number 2 �" In Believing********** Have you got yourself into a position to receive? This position is in the step 2, believing. Because no one is ready to receive until they believe they can acquire what they want to receive. It all boils down to one word �" Belief. I rushed into Step 3 �" Receive without much thought for Step 2. Big mistake! I thought I believe and I discovered I did not. In one of Bob Proctor’s interview (yes, he is one of the Teacher in the hit movie The Secret), he talks about having a high degree of self-awareness as a starting point to Step 2. **********Pitfall Number 3 �" In Receiving********** The most unbelievable truth about receiving is that most people are getting their money through the keyhole, when they should open the doors and the windows and accept it from all sides! This truth hits me hard when I learned it. At this point, I am examining the different barriers in my life that I’ve put up that stop my abundance from flooding in (sound silly, but it is true! All, if not most barriers that stopped us from getting and receiving are put up by us!). And I hope that the insights which I have learned from Bob Proctor will start you on this journey too. I hope that by highlighting the pitfalls and overcoming them together, our abundance will soon flood in without ceasing! Jean Giam

Jean Giam is an ardent student of the Law of Attraction and the power of the subconscious mind. She is also a PhotoReading and Accelerated Learning coach. Jean is on the journey of her life – putting her passion to action and supporting others to do the same. You can email her at or visit her web site To access a free copy of an interview with Bob Proctor,you can go to

The Psychic Universe
Are you fed up with all those so called psychics? who offer fix it all solutions for a price?. Well believe me when I tell you there are no such quick fix spells or amulets, or any other form of hocus pocus.
How would you like a true and honest psychic reading? by a true fully tested and certified psychic who can give you a honest reading along with the help and advice you need to help and guide you through any problem, with no hocus pocus or extras.
Visit our website today and learn about one of the most ethical and longest running services now available.
We have been running now for well over 10 years and never had a complaint.
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A place wher you can find true ethical and certified psychics to give you the help and guidance you need.

Kissing tips, advice
We've all had those moments where we were with someone we liked and somewhere on the back of our mind we kept wondering how do we kiss that person? Do we ask them? Do we just go for the kiss? Do we wait? If so, how long? These questions can be quite discouraging due to not knowing exactly what to do next to bring yourself closer to that special someone. There are, however, a few key steps and signs that we can watch out for and do to increase the probability of bringing ourselves closer to that special someone. For guys: When you're out with a girl on a date and you and her walking around or just talking, you have to understand that you're the one who has to make a move! Girls are told by society that they have to be passive and receptive (not as much after shows such as Sex and the City). Thus, she is expecting you to take charge in escalating the touching that will eventually lead to a kiss. When you're out with her, be the first one to take her hand! Taking her hand is the first step towards bringing yourself closer to her. If she's comfortable, you can escalate non-intrusive touching a little later, such as touching her shoulders or hugging her. As you progress doing this and watch her grow more and more comfortable with your touch, you have much better chance of kissing her successfully, rather than just going for the kiss out of the blue. When you built this kind of touching comfort, get her and yourself into some sort location where two of you could either sit or stand and talk comfortably. As two of you talk, start stroking her hair softly and look into her eyes. If you feel that she's comfortable with that, move in closer and closer. If she doesn't withdraw, go for the kiss, since if she's comfortable with you touching her hair and standing so closely, most likely at that point she already wants to kiss you anyway. If she withdraws or acts weirded out, relax for a bit and continue building comfort with her. Resume normal conversation and try again later. For girls: Usually girls are viewed as the ones who are kissed, rather than the ones that kiss. It's really a matter of personal preference and personal set of beliefs as to how you want to go about this. Most guys are very shy about kissing a girl for the first time, so you might try to make him feel comfortable by accepting his touch or even initiating non-intrusive touching yourself, such as holding his hand or hugging him and being close to him. If he feels like you're accepting him and enjoy his company and being close to him, he'll most likely go for the kiss. If you want to kiss him, it's going to be rather tricky, since some guys might feel you're too aggressive to hang out with. If he's super shy, you can simply tell him you want to kiss him, and let him kiss you. This way you preserve his male ego and still get kissed :) For both: Kissing should be light and bring pleasure to both partners. Don't rush too fast and start shoving your tongue down his or her throat. Just relax your tongue and softly touch your partner’s lips and tongue. Just barely touching, almost sliding. The kiss should feel light, yet passionate. As two of you get comfortable kissing, you can progress to more aggressive and deep kind of kissing, such as French kissing. French kissing is essentially the kind of kiss where there is lots of tongue and sucking action. Conclusion: Just let if flow and let it come to you naturally. Build touch comfort over time and when the time is right, try to move closer to your partner so that the kiss can naturally happen. Visit Kissing tips, advice for more information.

Follow your bliss and get all the money, health, and happiness you deserve.
“Follow your bliss,” goes the quote. Ancient authors have held this to be one of the keys to wealth, health, happiness, and general success. Modern self-help guru's have also begun championing this phrase.

Why is this a key, what are the downfalls to doing so? Theoretically, none �" but if you don't know the theory, you can get into some pretty wild scenarios which aren't under your control.

Most people, however they try to remain in control are very much on automatic. The control they have in their lives is mostly through subscribing to other's opinions and concepts. Our habits are those we've chosen partially due to heredity, but a lot are due to our own learning. And the learning we've done is from those people we have experienced in our lives. Books, schools, colleges �" these teach only the mundane, regular theories which have served us for centuries. The wildest concept to break through since Christ has been that of the free market and related concepts such as a written constitution, which guarantees free speech and all the peripherals needed to having an open market.

However, most of the lies are still out there. Economics is based on a huge one, which is usually explained in the first few paragraphs of any basic text �" that there is not enough to go around. Unfortunately, this was disproved many, many years ago. Buckminster Fuller pointed out in the 60's and 70's how mankind had been able to feed the entire world since WWII. Our only problem has been in distribution. (And more recently, Wal-Mart has seemed to have solved that...)

Practically, natural laws described by nearly all religions and known by successful people throughout history have long held that there is enough of everything to go around, not just food. This is due to the simple concept and Law of Attraction �" which is based on the simple datum that “thought becomes things.” Whatever you think is what occurs in the world around you. If you are happy, you attract happy circumstances. Get critical and you will find yourself being criticized. This is, of course, the Golden Rule. But not because someone has told you to treat others like you would like to be treated, but more that however you treat people around you is exactly how you are going to be treated �" whether you know of that rule or not.

Before you treat others around you any differently, you should know one thing: you have to treat yourself like you would like to be treated. This is prior to even treating anyone else in any fashion at all. If you are constantly critical of yourself, you will get critical manifestations in the world around you. If you are loving and cheerful, even supportive of your own efforts, you will then get happy things happening around you. William James, Norman Vincent Peale, Plato, Aristotle �" all these knew that a person could change their attitudes at will. You can think of cheerful things, or just start laughing, and you will soon cheer up. By changing your own attitude, you can then attract whatever you want.

You then get closer to following your bliss. Bliss is very close, almost synonymous with your own personal purpose in life. Wayne Dyer very simply states that you find your purpose by letting it find you. Look around and find what makes you feel good. What do you like to do and what activities bring you real satisfaction? Start keeping track of these and doing more of these. Eventually, you will see a pattern to what is making you happy and constantly feeling good. This is what you should be doing. You might be able to put a name on it and describe it �" maybe not.

What you are finding is your bliss. You are finding what is sublime in your life, what brings you peace, what makes your serene.

If all your thoughts were serene, were happy, were confident �" then you would attract things in your life which bring you serenity, happiness, confidence and security. Fear will drop away and courage will build, as you build your faith in yourself and what you can and do create by changing what you are being.

Bliss, follow your bliss.

Try it for yourself �" make yourself cheerful, as Earl Nightingale long ago prescribed, for 30 days and go about doing things for people far beyond what you are expected to do. Do things which you expect no returns for. Simply do good deeds every chance you get �" for family, friends, total strangers. Be unreasonably cheerful in everything you do and hold this as a constant way of life. What will happen after 30 days is that you have now just developed a new pattern, a new chronic habit for yourself. You can support this by picking up self-help tapes and books which talk about this subject. Earl Nightingale's “The Strangest Secret” is one, while the DVD “The Secret” is another. Wallace Wattle's Science of Getting Rich, or Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich both have intense methodologies for changing your world around. Read them during this 30-day period, and/or listen to such tapes or DVD's daily, over and over. You will reinforce your bliss and refine it. And you will have a very different take on life.

You can have an incredible world around you, full of magic, miracles, and habitual success in all you attempt.

But you have to follow your bliss. You will then find the world around you assisting you in following that bliss. The more blissful you make yourself, the more the universe backs you up.

And tell others why you are “so damned happy all the time” when they ask. Encourage others to find and follow their own bliss.

Eventually, you will make islands of sanity and calm around you. Those islands can become the sea, and eventually take over the whole she-bang.

But it starts with you and your bliss.

Rev. Dr. Robert C. Worstell, M.Msc, MBA, PhD has published over three dozen books in his 35 years of studying and working in the self-improvement fields. Visit his website at

Occult Fiction: Novels for Your Private Collection, Part 1
For years I’ve heard complaints about a lack of Occult fiction portraying Witches realistically in a contemporary setting. And it’s true. As a Wiccan and novelist writing Occult fiction, I’m just as much a fan of the genre as any reader. However, I have found if you search carefully, there are dazzling gems awaiting discovery, novels that should be a part of your contemporary Occult fiction collection.

To find these novels I have narrowed my search criteria to dark urban fantasy novels set in contemporary times or in the near future. At least half the rituals, magick, or sorcery used by the main character must be based on real magickal principles. The main character must be human, and the plot not overshadowed by trendy leagues of vampires.

Having set those guidelines, I want to present my first recommendation for must-read Occult fiction. All I can say is if you’ve never read Lilith Saintcrow’s “Dante Valentine” series you are in for a treat!

Saintcrow is best known for her paranormal romance novels, the “Watcher” series, featuring elemental Witches and their handsome guardians. However, Dante Valentine was created from an entirely different cut of cloth.

There are five novels in the series. The first two, “Working for the Devil” and “Dead Man Rising” have already been published. The last three novels are scheduled for publication in 2007 and 2008.

Dante Valentine is a Necromance, who works for lawyers, raising the spirits of the dead when wills come into question. She also takes a few bounty hunting jobs on the side to help pay her mortgage. “Danny” is a wise-cracking whirlwind of energy with a haunting past that won’t quit. Devoted to the Egyptian god Anubis, she entertains Pagan readers with plenty of rituals, spells, and magick.

The series takes place in the near future, as the plot races from one high to the next at lightning speed. This is contemporary Occult fiction at its finest, the kind of book you can’t put down until you finish it. And one you’ll still be thinking about months later.

Saintcrow is a master at creating memorable characters and deftly plotted novels. If you’ve been searching for awesome Occult fiction to add to your personal collection, this should be the first series on your list. You won’t be disappointed!

Laura Stamps is an award-winning novelist, as well as a Wiccan and feral cat rescuer. The recipient of a Pulitzer Prize nomination and seven Pushcart Award nominations, she is the author of a popular series of Occult Novels for Women found at

What Jay Abraham And Napoleon Hill Taught Me About 'Wealth Attraction'
This article is a little different from some of the previous ones I?ve written about success principles.

Let?s go back to when I was first starting out as an entrepreneur. In fact, I wasn?t even an entrepreneur yet. I was trying to become one.

I?d been listening to tapes of Napoleon Hill?s ?Your Right To Be Rich? seminar?over and over and over. I listened day and night.

As soon as I opened my eyes in the morning? Napoleon Hill.

During the day? Napoleon Hill.

While I slept? Napoleon Hill!

It didn?t matter to me that I?d listened to it 5?10?20 times in a row. And this wasn?t a 1-hour CD either. It was 14 hours of only Napoleon Hill!

Imagine what that?s like: wanting to succeed so badly that you?d be willing to listen to the same talk every day until you made a difference.


I completely saturated my consciousness with Dr. Hill?s message.

After a few weeks, I reached a state where I no longer needed a motivational shot in the arm; I now had within me an overwhelming desire to take ACTION.

Only there was a problem:

I had a ROADBLOCK in my life.

My roadblock was that I had this wealth of information around me; tons of personal development books, cds and tape sets?yet I didn?t know exactly what I should be doing.

I was motivated to take action but I had no idea what action to take.

I didn?t know how to convert ideas into dollars.

I was stuck.

I remember sitting at my desk, looking at all these titles by Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, Harv Eker, Robert Allen and so many others. This wealth of knowledge and wisdom surrounded me and I didn?t have a clue what to do with it all.

All I could do was ask out loud?WHAT DO I DO? WHAT DO I DO NEXT?

Let me tell you: when you ask the right questions, you?ll get the right answers.

The next thing I did was I pulled out a tape set by Jay Abraham called ?Your Secret Wealth? and started listening to it..

On the tapes, Jay spoke about ?Seeing Opportunities Around You?.

Opportunity is everywhere and there are SO MANY different ways to make money.
You just have to be able to recognize them.

So I started trying to ?see? opportunity. I looked for it everywhere I went.

What was the value of things around me?

And was I perceiving a greater or lesser value in them than other people?

Training my mind to perceive opportunity opened my awareness and I was then able to see opportunities where I never would have seen them before.

In fact, I went on to become a PowerSeller on eBay for 2 years because of this. And I didn?t even start out with any merchandise!

That said, what I?m going to share with you now is a simple technique you can implement immediately to make extra money for yourself.

However, this technique is so simple and easy to put into practice that there?s a good chance you will take it too lightly. That you?ll say, ?that?s not a big deal. I know that already.?

This would actually be a mistake on your part because then you won?t reap the rewards either.

Ok, are you ready for an exercise that is guaranteed to quickly and easily bring you more money in your life?

Here?s what you do:

Up to 15 times each day, I want you to ask (out loud): ?How Can I Make Money??

That?s it.

Don?t ask 15 times in a row like you had to when you were caught chewing gum in school.

Ask once at a time, throughout the day, with all your attention and with sincerity:

?How Can I Make Money??

Then Listen.

Listen, because the answer will come to you.

And so will the money!

Have a Great Day and Let?s Make This Your Year!

Keith Matthew

Our ?Limitless Wealth Attraction? CD provides a 4-step process for attracting as much wealth as you need. We've included some valuable bonuses and even made it very affordable. Get It Here: Limitless Wealth Attraction CD.

How to Manifest Dreams
How to Manifest Dreams
by Jimmy Roos

Words: 528
CPL: 65

Lets face it, we all have dreams. And we all want to know
how to manifest dreams.

We had dreams since we were young and since that time we
wanted to know how to manifest dreams. We lived our dreams
in our imagination. We were brimming with confidence and
were sure that one day we would manifest our dreams.
However sadly for most of us, it all ended when we grew up.

Why? Because the world and all its instruments, including
our parents and teachers told us that our dreams are just
not possible. So we gave up on our dreams and followed the
paths that were laid out for us.

Some became doctors, others became teachers and some others
followed other professions. However there were those who
were determined to manifest their dreams.

They defied the establishments and followed their passion.
They became sports stars, musicians and still others became
artists and actors.

When we look at these people they show us something which
is a key ingredient in learning how to manifest dreams.
They all have a passion for what they are doing. They have
discovered what they love and they started doing it and
found that they are actually good at it.

And very soon other people noticed it too and started
supporting them by wathing their games and movies and buying
their music.

There's something else that these people have and that we
too had when we were young. It is "imagination." They
imagined their dreams, which is necessary if you want to
know how to manifest dreams.

Imagination is very important for manifesting dreams,
because it allows you to experience something before you
can actually have it.

If you want to know how to manifest dreams you must
realize that all reality starts in the mind. The architect
cannot construct a building if he hasn't designed it. And
he cannot design something if he hasn't seen it in his mind.

Similarly you cannot manifest your dreams if you cannot
see it first. But seeing is not enough. It needs to become
tangible. You need to hear it, feel it and touch it.

Next you need to affirm it with emotion in the present or
past tense. That indeed it is so.

Another thing that is necessary if you want to know how to
manifest dreams is to listen to yourself and following your
gut. That small voice inside you that may tell you to go
left when everybody shouts, "go right!"

Following your dreams seems daunting, especially if you're
surrounded by negative people. However, if you give up
on your dreams you may end your life with regrets.

Isn't it better to see how far you can go. Where you may
end up? In case you're thinking who am I to want to be
great and famous, let me remind you of the famous words
of Nelson Mandela. Who are you, not to be great and famous.

Now that you know how to manifest dreams, you have no
excuse not to manifest yours.

Jimmy Roos has failed most of his life. After much trial and error he finally discovered how to manifest his desires. Now he wants to help you, manifest yours. Visit his website,

Scents to Make You the Center of Attention
The sense of smell is perhaps the second most influential organ every man has next to sight. Our noses can recognize more than 400,000 different smells, and some aren't even known yet. In fact, we are able to recognize and select certain fragrances even if we take a whiff of all of them at just one time. Because of this stated truth, perfume makers make it a point to give lots of time and analytical research to be able to satisfy every lifestyle that exists. Impressions usually rely on how you smell during the first meeting. That's why men and women alike never dare to underestimate and challenge its power by showing up at any affair without first making sure that they smell fragrant. In the world of scents, designer perfumes are the ones that get the most attention. Not only are they designed to smell differently great, they are also the ones that linger longer. If you're at a party and you're wearing designer perfume, expect to gain the attention of several people in the gathering. On the contrary, if you smell bad but has nice tales to tell, relaying them for a whole day won't alter the fact that you smell bad. Of course, not all of the perfumes from designer brands are suitable for all. If you are a woman at the peak of your career and social life, perfumes like Nou can help intensify the variation between an impression of meekness and an air of influence. Nou is a combination of forest scents, specifically those of fresh-cut verbena, Mandarin zest, and Chinese ginger. You probably think that the belief that perfumes help in making someone confident is highly exaggerated. Why would it be important when it is just a perfume right? Wrong. Since the sense of smell has such a vast range, you'd best expect that it has quite large influences on how you behave towards different situations. For instance, Nou's root of iris and cinnamon scents afford an air of class and elegance to the person who wears it. So if you're feeling sad, perhaps a spritz of your favorite Nou fragrance or any perfume would boost your spirits. Scents definitely have the power to indicate whether you are getting along with society well. People often judge us by how we look and smell, at least, at first, so starting off on the right note is very crucial. Perfumes aren't just for the pretty, if you want to develop your personality, you can start choosing the designer scent you like the most.

Visit now, and learn about the new NOU < a href="">women's perfume and it’s perfume ingredients that every woman is talking about.

Is Childishness a Social Problem?
You will acknowledge that immaturity does not do much damage. You will also be in agreement that it often makes some people quite sweet as long as they do not go beyond it. Of course it is quite charming most of the time, but only as long as it does not hinder with the individual’s point of view of reality, or come in a way of crisis solving and resolution making tasks that need to be handled with some degree of maturity. You must come across the woman who refuses to wish a hearty farewell to her infancy. She wears pigtails and gorges on candy bars, adores soft toys and bursts into peals of high-pitched laughter at the slightest provocation. She just can’t resist being called lovable, mushy. She loves nicknames. She is quite cute, very cute. Sickeningly cute, some might go so far as to say. Why, oh why can’t some people just grow up? Take that 25 aged public relations executive with a respectable firm example. Her problem is that she just does not get taken seriously. “I hate it. Just because I joke and laugh and am always getting teased does not mean I am not a professional. Why don’t people judge me by the quality of my work rather than my personality?” she asks. Unfortunately for her, she’s found out too late that her early childhood habit of frivolity has been silently working against her. “No matter what I do now, people still look upon me as a kid,” she complains. She believes she’s corrected the issue by toning down her hairstyle, losing the baby talk, and dressing more professionally. But perhaps she does not realize just how deep the habit has seeped into her system.” How do you sit down and a serious brainstorming session with someone who is always giggling and joking?” asks one of her colleagues. “It is so irritating. Besides, it certainly does not give clients a good impression. What is worse is the way her voice lowers into the childish tone when you get angry with her. Who does she think, she is fooling?” But she finds it bewildering that her colleagues don’t think she’s interesting. After all, her boyfriend just loves her behavior, her mother adores it and so do all her friends. She’s been pampered and hugged and kissed silly. But it just won’t work in the office, and it’s getting difficult to play down what’s become a habit. A clinical psychologist explains that people who behave in a childish manner are fully aware of what they are doing, no matter what they might lead you to think. It’s merely an attention-getting device; they want you to notice them. But that, she explains, is one way of looking at it; the other being that the individual is falling into what is known as the “Peter Pan Syndrome” (for more, you may read ‘’), the “Peter Pan Syndrome” which happens when the individual is afraid of growing up. “Childishness is a defense mechanism that people use to escape their responsibility, afraid of being blamed when something goes wrong and who are intrinsically insecure. It is that fear that drives a woman to act childish, hoping that someone else will take over.” For a teenager, passing into her mature years means a threatened loss of innocence. For someone who has cultivated the image of being cute and adorable, being protected and defended becomes a part of life. The clinical psychologist explains that when a woman fears losing the protection that she always had, and is faced with having to take decision, act responsible and mature, she sometimes resorts to pouts, tears and giggles. The transition not only means giving up the dependence, but it is difficult since it’s always easier to let someone else make decision and take responsibility for you; besides it also involves a sudden role reversal �" till now you were protected and cared for, now you have to do it �" and sometimes for others. Some men fail to understand that their wife’s childish behavior is in fact plea for attention. When she does not get it, she often buckles it and takes charge. He is on the other hand, can’t understand how this once immature, childish woman can take charge of her own life. Inside it all, the woman has been very mature and rational, while externally exhibiting signs of immaturity. However it is important to know that the whole childish act is not restricted to woman alone. “Have ever seen a guy show off his new car?” A lot of guys behaving childishly in social situations and it is understood that it’s probably because they missed out on something when they were young, were too busy studying, or because of too much parental pressure. That’s why; men go ‘gaga’ over a new music system, a car, or a girlfriend. It’s like a toy they couldn’t enjoy when they were young. The Psychology - MauriTravel

About the author: André Lee is the Internet Marketing consultant, Advisors to Tour Operators and Ticketing Agents. More of his articles are available at

Copyright, All Rights Reserved. Reprints acceptable ONLY if the entire article remains the same, including this author resource box!

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