Monday, October 13, 2008

Maria Duval - Positive Thinking Phrases �" Upbeat Phrases to Boost Your Optimism

Positive Thinking Phrases �" Upbeat Phrases to Boost Your Optimism
Let’s face it. We all want a little credit, even just the tiniest bit of recognition for a new haircut, a fetching sartorial ensemble, or a job well done. But when compliments are lacking, or words of encouragement nonexistent, then positive thinking phrases are the next best thing. Use positive thinking phrases like the ones below and give yourself a friendly pat on the back. Positive thinking phrases, or positive affirmations, are like mantras you repeat over and over to yourself. Hopefully, by some mystifying subliminal process, the power of these words will be able to condition you to positively influence your way of thinking and as a result, your way of living. Here are some examples: Phrase #1: Hey, Gorgeous! Admit it. Getting complimented for your looks is a wondrous tonic for the ego. So get out of bed, face the mirror and give your ego a boost. Nothing beats a greeting like that first thing in the morning to get you revved up for the stress of the day ahead. Don’t worry about sounding a bit vain or conceited, as long as you do it in private and out of anyone’s earshot. And when you feel good inside, it’ll reflect on your outer person, making you even more attractive. It won’t be long before others will notice and compliment you as well. Phrase #2: Yes, I can! Another variant of this is, “Ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it,” as mentioned in the show, Hey Arnold, on Nickelodeon. In order to accomplish something, you must first believe in your heart that you are fully capable of success. You’ll find that it’s usually the hardest part of any endeavor�"mustering enough courage. Without this belief in yourself, you can get easily discouraged and prone to quitting. Have faith. Remember, the only thing that can stop you is yourself. Phrase #3: Here I am, World, do your worst! It may sound like you’re inviting bad luck and catastrophe, but what this really means is that you are welcoming life’s challenges with open arms and are willing to bravely take them on. Like a proud sentinel in a storm, you stand firm against anything flung at you. And no matter how muddied and besieged you emerge from the battle, you emerge nonetheless, ever ready to fight and live another day. Plus, it’s a really cool motto, don’t you think? Try these positive thinking phrases on for size and get yourself in the mood for life.

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at so take advantage now before it's too late!

Importance of Visualization in LOA
Visualization is an easy tool that is used to create reality through daydreaming, mental rehearsals, imagination and fantasizing. However with the lack of power of these images, visualization is usually used to created unwanted experiences where the greatest fears are mentally rehearsed over and over in the minds.Many people use the power of visualization in visualizing the type of response that would be given on being robbed or attacked or perhaps the death of a loved one. This is where the power of mental imagery is being used to create unnecessary things in one’s life. It was recently that the power of visualization techniques was taught widely in the society for better reasons.Employers now train their employees to use visualization in the improvement of performance and production. Coaches consider mental rehearsal a great means of increasing athletic performance while students use visualization in the improvement of test scores. People following diet programs are encouraged on visualizing a thin and beautiful body. It is also found that the power of mental imagery increases the immune system and lowers a person’s blood pressure and heart rate. This is why medical professionals teach patients to use visualization techniques to aid them in the currently ongoing medical treatments. As it can be seen, visualization techniques can be applied in many areas of one’s life where they are used to create the experience you wish to experience. Positive visualization is composed of two components where you develop a clear image of what you want to create and combine this with a strong positive emotion. It is not necessary to have a picture as a mental image; it can also be words, thoughts or sensations.The first step to positive visualization lies in deciding what exactly you wish to create in your life; if this is not decided upon, you can create using ‘broad brushstrokes’. This is a concept where you define the general events in your life, while omitting specific details. So if you don’t know have an idea of a life partner, you envision a harmonious, joyful and romantic relationship. With this image, you generate feelings of love and joy in your mind. Once these board brushstrokes are developed, you wait till the universe fills in the details of the picture you had created. Once you are sure of the details you want in your image, you can imagine these events in your mind’s eye. You can create something specific, but its manifestation comes in quickly if you leave all responsibility of filling up of the details in the creation to the Higher Self. So if you wish to have a new car, you can believe that God will get you the best car possible. You just have to imagine yourself driving a car of no particular model and car and you will find God surprising you with something much better than you had imagined. So it can be said that visualization is a very powerful tool of the consciousness where you combine visualization and prayer, love or faith to overcome any crisis that you may face.

Rhonda Byrne (creator behind The Secret movie and book) began her television career at the Nine Network under one of Australia's best, Peter Faiman, with her creative skills and enormously high standards a true reflection of this close association.Since Prime Time Productions conception in 1994, Rhonda has created and executive produced The World's Greatest Commercials, Great Escapes. OZ Encounters - UFO's in Australia, Learners, Australia Behaving Badly, Marry Me, Loves Me Loves Me Not and Sensing Murder.Following the release of the world wide feature event The Secret,Rhonda Byrne now operates out of the United States creating film and television projects designed to entertain, uplift and inspire. Please visit:

I Saw God Today! What has God to do with The Law Of Attraction?
I saw God today! Did you? I see God every day and all the time. But what has God to do with The Law Of Attraction, you may ask? I see God in every person, every animal, every plant and in every stone on the earth. I see God as Pure Light, Pure Love and Pure Life, penetrating all and everything. Your life is a gift of Love from God, but you have also been given freedom. You are free to worship and you are free to destroy. You are free to be happy and you are free to feel miserable. I see God within me and within you... All the time! I saw God today! Did you? I will tell you from my point of view, about the connection between God and The Law Of Attraction, but first a sweet little story: An old man died and came to God. When he stood in front of Gods throne, he asked: "Where were You God, when I needed You most in my life, when I suffered most, when I could not manage myself?" God answered him with a loving smile: "I was always by your side, I never left you alone." The dead old man did not believe that and said: "How come that when I look down at my footsteps on Earth, there are two pairs during the good times but only one pair during the bad times?" "Well my precious and beloved child", God answered, "it is because I carried you in my arms." God is always present even if it sometimes does not feels so. When you realize that God is Pure Light, Pure Love and Pure Life penetrating you and everyone and everything, always - then you will understand that your natural condition is to be healthy, wealthy, loving and peaceful. This is when The Law Of Attraction supplies you and makes your life prosperous and delightful. When there is lack of health, wealth, love or peace in your life , it is caused by disconnection to God and the Pure Source of Light, Love and Life. This is when The Law Of Attraction works against you. The purpose is not to be punished but to learn. Even then, God will still love you and carry you in his arms. There are a few exceptions from this law. Enlightened persons that are fully spiritually cleansed and connected to God, can during a lifetime make a special sacrifice. They can voluntary expose themselves to specific sufferings in order to make people around them learn. This voluntariness is arranged in the spiritual world, before birth and can in most cases not be remembered. Sometimes this is the case with disabled, handicapped, invalid or seriously ill persons that are depending on other people. But most of the time anything can be healed and most of the time anyone can learn how to use The Law Of Attraction to live a happy and prosperous life. That is because God is within you as Pure Light, Pure Love and Pure Life. I saw God today! Did you? Be Well! Lily OnEarth Spiritual Life Coach and Psychic Healer Lily On Earth offers a step by step guide in how to master The Law Of Attraction at

Spiritual Life Coach and Psychic Healer Lily OnEarth offer step by step guidance in how You can use The Law Of Attraction for Your own Life Success. Enjoy her knowledge at l

Simple Steps to Developing a Positive Attitude
Are you the 'glass is half full' type of person? Is it your nature to look on the bright side of things, or do you relate more with the "if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" crowd? While some psychologists believe genetics largely determines whether or not we have a positive or negative outlook towards life, the reality is that we can to a large degree alter our outlook by changing our attitude. Realizing a few years back that my attitude left a lot to be desired, I decided to try and improve it by reading positive books and applying some of the techniques I came across. While the individual authors all had their own particular take on it, much of what I read came back to developing a sense of self worth and gratitude. I have used several of the exercises that follow to help me develop these qualities, and have also found them useful in creating a positive mental state at will.

How often to you take the time to give thanks for all the blessings you have? No matter how good or bad things may seem at the present time, we all have numerous things to be grateful for. Developing an attitude of gratefulness will help you to become a more positive person. A simple way to accomplish this is take a notebook, put it beside your bed, and one of the first things you do upon waking is to list a couple of things that you are grateful for today. This sense of appreciation doesn't have to be anything stupendous, but can be something as simple as gratitude for a great cup of coffee, expressing appreciation for people in your life past or present, good health, a walk in the park, good food, or anything else that comes to mind. The point is, make it personal, and allow yourself to experience the feeling of gratitude. You will soon find that starting the day with a spirit of gratitude helps to put you in a positive frame of mind for the rest of the day. After doing this for thirty days, take a look back at everything you've listed. You will be amazed at just how much you have to be grateful for!

Another technique that helps to build positive feelings about yourself is taking some time to list all of your accomplishments. Too often we focus on what we haven't yet accomplished and fail to take the time to give ourselves a little pat on the back regarding the many things we have already achieved. Again, it doesn't have to be earth shattering, but can be anything that you get a sense of accomplishment from. For example, a few of the accomplishments that I listed was; teaching myself how to play guitar, being the first in my family to graduate from high school and go to college, becoming an excellent athlete, overcoming a debilitating struggle with self esteem, overcoming my shyness, etc. Take a couple of minutes everyday to list one accomplishment in your life that makes you feel good about yourself. When you think about the accomplishment, spend a brief time lingering on the feeling that you experience when you think back to it. Experience it again as if it happened yesterday.

Finally, do you take some time everyday to laugh? I'm talking about a good old belly laugh, the kind that makes the back of your head hurt. One of the ways I've found to bring a little humor into my life everyday is to recall some of the funniest moments in it! We have all had funny and embarrassing things happen to us in life, and the process of thinking back to those moments is guaranteed to put a smile on your face as you recall humorous events from your past. Take a little time each day to recall one of those moments. For me, a lot of the funniest times go back to my childhood days and the pranks we pulled on each other. Sometimes I was the victim, and in others I was the one pulling the prank, but whatever the case, I can't help but smile when I think back to those times. A friendly warning to you; if you do this little exercise while out in public, like while riding the train to work, you may find that your sudden outburst of laughter will have others gazing at you with apprehensive stares. Be prepared.

In life, there are many things beyond our control. Fortunately, one of the things that we do have control over if we chose to exercise it, is our thoughts and consequently our attitude. Try using some of these techniques or some of your own to help bring moments of positive thought into your daily life. You'll be glad you did, and of that I am POSITIVE!

Bill Thomas is actively engaged in Internet Business pursuits. He contributes articles on this and other topics. His current website is..Create Lifetime Income from Home With Your Own.. Internet Business

The Secret to Abundance �" Pitfalls When Putting The Law of Attraction to Work in Your Life
Okay, if you are reading this, you probably have watched the #1 DVD The Secret or you are interested to know how you can manifest abundance and wealth in your life. The secret lies in 3 simple steps need to take to get the things you want: Ask Believe Receive These 3 steps embody the Law of Attraction that is the underlying basis in The Secret, and is the universal law to manifest the things you want in your life. After watching the movie, I was very excited and decided to immediately put the Law of Attraction to work in my life, at least in the best way I know how! Along the way, I discovered some pitfalls that most people (including myself!) fall into when applying this universal law. I hope by sharing those pitfalls here, my fellow explorers with the desire to master the Law of Attraction as I have, will benefit. **********Pitfall Number 1 �" In Asking********** Most of us will think, what can be easier than asking right? Wrong! Because this step is so simple, it is also the step that trips so many people. Why do I say that? Because most people ask for what they think the can get and not for what they truly desire and want! When I first heard this, I ask myself: How is it possible? However, on closer examination through self-reflection, I realized how true this is. Very often, our upbringing, mindset and our sense of “worthiness” prevent us from asking for what we really want. Instead, we settle for “what is realistically possible”, making do and not experiencing the abundance that we want and deserve in life. **********Pitfall Number 2 �" In Believing********** Have you got yourself into a position to receive? This position is in the step 2, believing. Because no one is ready to receive until they believe they can acquire what they want to receive. It all boils down to one word �" Belief. I rushed into Step 3 �" Receive without much thought for Step 2. Big mistake! I thought I believe and I discovered I did not. In one of Bob Proctor’s interview (yes, he is one of the Teacher in the hit movie The Secret), he talks about having a high degree of self-awareness as a starting point to Step 2. **********Pitfall Number 3 �" In Receiving********** The most unbelievable truth about receiving is that most people are getting their money through the keyhole, when they should open the doors and the windows and accept it from all sides! This truth hits me hard when I learned it. At this point, I am examining the different barriers in my life that I’ve put up that stop my abundance from flooding in (sound silly, but it is true! All, if not most barriers that stopped us from getting and receiving are put up by us!). And I hope that the insights which I have learned from Bob Proctor will start you on this journey too. I hope that by highlighting the pitfalls and overcoming them together, our abundance will soon flood in without ceasing! Jean Giam

Jean Giam is an ardent student of the Law of Attraction and the power of the subconscious mind. She is also a PhotoReading and Accelerated Learning coach. Jean is on the journey of her life – putting her passion to action and supporting others to do the same. You can email her at or visit her web site To access a free copy of an interview with Bob Proctor,you can go to

Law Of Attraction FREE EBOOK
Press Release After a long journey of discovering Law of Attraction and The Secret and reading many books on the subject, The Law of attraction finally clicked into place for me. I realized that to really get the Law of Attraction to work I had to apply a step by step formula from all the knowledge I had learned , that would be successful every time . Six months ago I came up with a goal achieving formula inspired by all the literature and constructed a clear seven step law of attraction plan of how I could achieve my goals 100% . At the time I had no money, lived in a small bed-sit and had no idea how I would get my business up and running. Using this simple but incredibly powerful formula I now have a Life that I have wanted for years. One at a time I conquered my goals. And I am still using the formula today and will continue to use it for the rest of my life. Its simple, takes around an hour to read and apply and if you follow it with dedication it can only but work. Educating your mind to positively Law of Attract only the things that you want in life instead of worrying and attracting things you don’t want is the most important and useful skill you could ever teach your self, for nothing else in your life will ever truly works without becoming aware of this. If for any reason your life is not how you want it in anyway then your mind needs to be trained to positively law of attract as without this basic training of the mind you could be forever running around in circles and never getting any where and something needs to be done NOW. Please let me share with you my seven step Law of Attraction formula for FREE. Just sign up here and I will send you the link. This could be the most well spent hour of your life. Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

Living a meaningful life is about living a happy life. Living a happy life is about living your personal truth. The more you live your life in accord with what's true for you, the happier you will be and the better the things that you will attract. Don't confuse your beliefs with truth. Beliefs are learned, truth just is. When we attract what we really want out of life, we are very, very happy people. Makes sense, huh? And this brings us full circle because being happy is the point of life, isn't it? When we understand and employ the incredible power of the Law of Attraction, (when we live as our true selves, we are able to attract anything we really want into our lives) we no longer need to worry. About anything. We know that the universe will provide everything we want. And life is very, very cool. The Law of Attraction is one of the most important of the laws of the universe.Some facts are given below: Everything in the Universe is composed of Energy, including you and me. Even our thoughts are Energy. Through Energy, everything in the Universe is connected. The Universe creates without effort, and in abundance. Just look around you. Trees, rocks, air, planets, etc. all were created without stress, effort, or over-analyzation. The Force you choose to believe initiated the creative process doesn't matter. They are all there and were created effortlessly. You ARE a part of the Universe and through the power of thought, have the same creative power that manifests everything you see. The only thing that limits your potential is your own belief system! If you want to attract money, happiness, relationships into your life, read the report called "Attraction Accelerator".

If you want to attract money, happiness, relationships into your life, read the report called "Attraction Accelerator".

Choosing Faith, Choosing Fear, and Field of Dreams — A Personal Story
Before "What the Bleep" . . . before "The Secret" and any other similar movie since . . . there was a film that provided The Key. And, it was so subtle (yet obvious, now) I only just got it nearly two decades later. And, just when I needed it.

If you're not familiar with the movie, "Field of Dreams," I suggest you get it. The lead character, Ray Kinsella, is a man who has a wounded heart and mind. The wound filters into most areas of his life: though he has a loving relationship with his wife and daughter, he doesn't think much of himself or how his life has played out, isn't motivated by more than basic passions, and feels the dullness of an unfulfilled spirit.

Ray hears a voice that tells him, "If you build it, he will come," and sees a vision to plow some of his planted corn and build a baseball field. No one hears the voice but Ray. It nudges him until he finally tells his wife that if he doesn't follow this crazy impulse, he's terrified of becoming just like his father: old and worn out before his time. He builds the field; and baseball greats appear out of the corn that's still planted, and the magic really unfolds.

Ray has removed and built what was necessary at the outer level; but there's more to be done at the inner level.

Finances are tight for Ray's family; and having less corn to harvest and sell makes it even tighter. Plus, he's making spontaneous, costly-for-them trips to find people he's led to find through dreams and other means. When he returns home, he's watching a baseball game going on in his field . . . a game being played by beings only he, his wife and daughter, and a famous author who returned with him, can see. His brother-in-law arrives with a contract for Ray to sign that turns over his home and farm to the new mortgage owners. Ray holds the contract and pen and looks at the players on the field, then shifts so he can go eye-to-eye with Shoeless Joe Jackson. Shoeless Joe does what he always did (while alive) when the game was tight and a player was at bat: He shifted his position into a half-crouch and focused his attention to watch every nuance of the batter to anticipate the batter's next move, in this case, Ray.

The reason this movie and one particular moment is being shared here with you is because of something that happened during my morning meditation. The Law of Attraction has worked for me for . . . well, always, if you understand the Law; but my conscious awareness and use of it started several decades ago. However, something was missing. Evidence of this was in my life experiences. Several weeks back, I stated to myself, "There's a switch that needs to be flipped inside me, and I'm going to find it."

The last several weeks have been amazing, frustrating, scary, and filled with an intense inner exploration to find the switch. I did discover that doubt negates any affirmation we make; and I knew I had to find the key or switch that helped me remove doubt . . . which, based on how the Law works, meant I had to find a way to only hold doubt's opposite: faith.

I'm visual by nature. My mind plays with images at all times when I read or listen to someone speak. Naturally, when I meditate, I find it's stronger for me if I play a movie in my mind with however many characters I need to cast. In my vision (which I use often) I have a cast of gazillions of ethereal, somewhat embodied beings that cheer me and support me. This morning, as I "went" to that space to discuss faith and fear with my primary helper, I found a contract awaiting my signature.

The contract was my agreement to embrace fear, worry, doubt, concern, dullness, lack, and any and every not-good experience and feeling you can imagine. This was a brilliant way to present this to myself because I know that faith and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time, and that I'll manifest some or all of whichever is strongest inside of me.

The choice seemed clear, don't you think? Before I continue, in whatever way works for you, imagine that contract in front of you now. Since no one is reading your mind, what are your honest feelings about signing it? Remember, this is a life-long commitment you're about to make. Think of the implications. How will you have to behave if you sign it? This includes how you choose, hold, and live your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. You're on the verge of signing up for Absolute Faith, always and in all ways.

This moment in my meditation is when the movie memory was triggered. You see, my gazillion team members, as a whole, took the position Shoeless Joe Jackson did when Ray stood there holding the contract (waiting and watching to anticipate my next move). I looked at them, then back at the contract. I felt the hesitation. It was that realization we believe we understand Ray to face: Sign and end the "struggle" of the moment OR risk the lenders taking his property, everyone in the county who already thinks he's not "dealing with a full deck" believe he's crazy and irresponsible, and trust what he's already seen and experienced that defies "reality." The moment Ray refuses to sign, another message is delivered to him. Because he made his choice for absolute faith rather than fear, all that he needed, all that was waiting to come to him began to arrive.

Faith and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

Your contract is in front of you, the pen is in your hand.

Joyce Shafer is a Spiritual Empowerment Coach and writer (jls1422 at Get one or more PDFs of her books (two in paperback and e-book formats) and e-books (including her just-released �Law of Attraction Alchemy�) at or at a huge discount at her Web Store

Dream Interpretation in the Online Age
In the mind of us humans, there is an intangible yet almost interchangeable border between dreams and reality. It is said that blessed are those who dream in color and great sensory detail, and especially blessed are those who vividly remember everything, or almost everything, from their dreams.
Others, however, may not be as fortunate. These people wake up clueless or confused, wanting to remember the night before but are helpless about it. Dreams are the doorways and trapdoors to our Unconscious. We don't just dream just so we can have a leisurely adventure time during our sleep. We dream because it is our Unconscious mind's turn to process everything we have experienced during our waking hours.
This is why dream interpretation is a very crucial act. By finding out the meanings of our dreams, we are doing ourselves a favor. We can't help but make assumptions when it comes to “signs” in our dreams. From the olden days, dreams have been regarded as portents, as warning signs, as special messages, as promises of good things to come.
This desire to find meanings in our dreams is inherently in our culture. We are after all, meaning-makers. This is what separates us from other living things: the ability to make and derive meanings from everything. Honestly, have you ever met someone who has never read a single text from their horoscope, or even gotten curious about it? In their whole life? No one. We are forever curious, haunted, fascinated, and dependent on meanings and messages. Even something as trivial as a falling leaf or a passing cloud. This is called poetry. And what better fusion is there than dreams and poetry. The more complex our dreams, the more colorful are lives, we think.
Come to think of it, when was the first time you heard about dream interpretation and analysis? In fact, at an early age we were already exposed to this desire of knowing meanings in our dreams. Children are perhaps the most vivid and active dreamers. As children, we sleep at night and dream of lots of things, and the morning after we immediately ask our parents about these. Our parents will try their best to interpret our dreams as if they're some kind of psychics. And eventually they will clear out our questions at some point.
What it is about the psychic realm, astrology, or even a basic tarot card reading that makes us treat them as such a basic, almost necessary, part of our daily lives? It's their mystery and the act of finding their answers. Admit it: it's peculiar trying to remember the world before them.
Consider this: you dream about loosing a tooth. Obviously, most people already know the meaning of this. Bad luck. But if you want to be sure and read it with your own eyes, you might search the Internet and find an appropriate dream interpretation for losing one's tooth. Here's what you might find: “For one tooth to fall out, foretells disagreeable news; if two, it denotes unhappy states that the dreamer will be plunged into from no carelessness on his part. If three fall out, sickness and accidents of a very serious nature will follow.” Shock would be your first reaction. But, more importantly, your response should be to live carefully starting from that day. After all, we make our own good and bad luck.
Even though we are in a technology-driven world today where everything evolves fast, somehow from the inside of our body, we still have enough time for taking chances with a professional psychic. Whether we need an advice from love, career and life. Eventually their advices will neither make your lives better nor make it worse. It all depends on how you handle things and on how you apply them to your everyday life. Nonetheless, if you seek for the betterment of your life, it's all up to you if you make it or not. You can't force the fundamental meaning of life. It will all happen again in exactly the same way if you don't learn from your mistakes. Dream interpretation does not offer happiness, nor instant change. Only enlightenment. In the end, it's still up to you to take the right path.

Ade Perillo writes for PsychicGuild. There is common theme in most of her stories; she thinks that she's living in a wondrous strange world and not even the rain is commonplace. Though she stills descend to cliche, she believes that having a full day of unbroken thought gives one a remarkable clarity.

TACT - The Manifestation - The Secret Law of Attraction
I want to tell you the Ultimate Secret of Law of Attraction to conclude TACT formula as below: T - Thank you - "The Beginning" A - Attracting - "The Inner Process" C - Creating - "The Inner Process" T - Thank you - "The Manifestation" In the last step "Thank You", it is not the same as "Thank You" on first step. The first "Thank You" is that you are grateful for what you are today, and you are grateful for what you have now. While "Thank You" in the last step is that you are grateful for what you have just achieved and received in your visualization of your dream in "The Inner Process" step. "Thank You" in the last step, is when you have visualized that you have got what you want in your life right now, and you are grateful for that. This is The Manifestation of everything that you have visualized. Be grateful, because it has happened to your life right now. The Manifestation process is most important step of TACT formula. It is the moment where Universe will say "Your Wish is my Command" Be happy and celebrate the joy of getting what you want in your life. The feeling of happiness, beauty, love, success, and abundance is over flowing to your life. Above all, You must remember "The Ultimate Secret of Attracting whatever you want is to want it without needing it". It means, there is no limit to get what you want in your visualization, but you must make sure that you are not addicted to it. When you have a feeling of addiction, or you feel you must have it. You are actually pushing the manifestation process away. Beware on this. Just let the universe bring it to you. You just let go, and watch The Manifestation happen naturally. In other words, in the world of everyday reality, struggling to achieve something causes the opposite forces within yourself to kick into play. But when you come from an inner place of serenity and you go with the flow toward your wishes, you have upped the odds of your achieving them. Your peace will attract peace. You fully activate the Secret Law of Attraction when you are not attached to it. You come to this message is of no coincidence at all. Your life is so special and unique. You are born with a purpose. Since you have known The Secret Law of Attraction, and the complete step of using TACT formula to achieve it, you have the power to get anything you want in your life. You can have all: + You can have more money that you ever want + You can have your dream house + You can have your dream car + You can have the best of everything + You can have unexpected cheque + You can ask for anything you want + You can have a perfect life TACT - The Secret Law of Attraction is working all the time, no exception. It happened in the past, It happens now, It will happen in the future... Again...Again...and Again Let me tell you this: May today be the best day for you! Be awake, Be energize, Be alive, and Live with passion.

Suwandi Chow is a Practitioner of The Secret Law of Attraction and the owner of The Science of Getting Rich Wattles. The Law of Attraction helps each individual by helping more people to accelerate the success of their dream life. You can instantly download FREE Attraction Accelerator by visiting

1 comment:

Josten Aka Jobie said...

I still am amazed at How the science of getting rich changed Rhonda's life. After i finish the current book im reading i think im going to give the science of getting rich another read.