Sunday, October 5, 2008

Maria Duval - What Attracts You

What Attracts You
Every now and then some new concept or high tech tool comes along and tantalizes the minds of the multitudes. Depending on the magnitude of impact, often what effectively results vary from great strides and changes on personal levels to global scales. When it comes to the movie The Secret and its teachings about the law of attraction , there have been many people jumping on board as if it were a new and unheard of concept.

Positive affirmations and positive thinking and even the law of attraction, is not new to us. So why have so many people jumped on the ban wagon of manifestation this time around? One key factor might be the new way of explaining the scientific aspect behind the old idea.

Relating the power of though energy to the energy vibrations of everything around us is the skeptics smelling salts for many eye opening modes of thinking. Scientific discoveries, much like law, are fixed factors that stabilize and ground possibilities into sound beliefs. Thus getting the skeptic to understand the concept becomes the only challenge. Although we are continuously learning more, science has its undeniable concrete grounding effect.

Aside from the original movies teachings, another popular scientific discovery on this subject matter comes from a Quantum Physics ( discovery of how electrons change their behavior in reaction to being observed. Again, the science is proven and what remains is the understanding of it in relationships to manifesting.

In addition to the science of it all, titling the movie The Secret provoked curiosity as to when, what and where was the hidden concept in the first place. In response this may have been why it turned the heads of many Holy Doctrine devotees. Many found themselves seeking truth and proof of the science in scriptures in order that they might compare the potency of The Secrets message with Bible teachings. Some spiritual leaders sought to warn people to beware of false teachings and disprove it while others looked to enhance awareness for better understanding it.

Once knowing what the law of attraction is on the level of science, relating it to Biblical doctrine is easy. It is undeniable that thought effectualness is what Jesus was teaching when he said, when praying for something behave as if you have already received it. This was also what Jesus was trying to convey when he spoke to those he healed in saying, it was because of their belief that He was able to heal them. Another interesting interlocking of the law of attraction in relation to belief and biblical teaching is when Jesus told His disciples that if only they believed, they could tell a mountain to move itself into the ocean and it would. The amazing man Jesus who walked on water spoke of how our thinking was able to do much more than we imagined. This is confirmed again in His teaching that sinning in our thoughts is the same as sinning in the flesh. As a Master of masters, many religious scholars would not deny that Jesuss words are significant evidence that Bible teachings support the law of attraction concepts.

Another interesting perspective as to The Secrets depth of success should in deed be attributed to the makers of the film themselves. Surely they believed what they wanted to teach and utilized energies of visualizations, feelings, and thoughts for the movies success to reach the multitudes in understanding, applying, and changing the world for the better. Once the idea was conceived and great thinkers put into action, manifestation of a film that illuminated harmony and clear understanding was thus inevitability born.

In order to understand why The Secret has had such a powerful impact on the minds of so many who already knew the secret, one could say it is due to powerful impacts of new science, old religion and present day applications. Apparently this combination has shaken awake the giants of incredulity and shed the blankets of the dormant believers. We have only to wait and see what dreams may come of it all.


Traveling life's journey one step at a time as I practice law of attraction techniques. Unfolding lasting effects in living life purposely.

Traveling life's journey one step at a time as I practice Law Of Attraction techniques to cause unfolding effects for self improvement.

Metaphysical Reflections
Nature holds bountiful undiscovered-as-yet secrets for humanity. Normally, we seek to unveil them through scientific means--through our laboratory equipment, processes and methodologies; however, the conventional, material methods of probing into Nature's treasure storehouse may only take us to a certain point beyond which it is difficult for three-dimensional instruments to record, and the physical senses and mind to follow and apprehend. And yet, humanity unconsciously feel that it is possible to wrest from benign Nature her many hidden arcana or esoteric laws and principles. Could it be that we are investigating the more subtle aspects of Nature through the wrong approach, through the wrong channels and processes? Could it be that we are being misled by our senses in regards to our perception and conception of time, space, and matter and that paradigm shifts from the old Corpernican, Newtonian and Einsteinian models are required in order to break through scientific humps? There are many brave scientists who are working out this problem to the ridicule of their more orthodox colleagues.

In order for Man and the Universe to be understood as well as all the phenomena that occurs therein, it is necessary to consider the so-called "abstract" and "occult" principles that was once in the domain of Religion and Philosophy--and this should be conducted in a scientific, systematic, rational and metaphysical manner. If Science is to discover the Ultimate Truth, it must not neglect its investigations into the subtle realms. By claiming that these realms or soul-phenomena do not exist for they cannot be perceived by the objective senses or monitored by instruments is prejudicial and scientifically irrational, as there are many things such as electromagnetic energies, certain gases, cosmic rays, etc. that we are unable to directly perceive and was once undetectable by instruments. By restricting its probing and search for the Ultimate First Cause solely on the physical plane Science does itself an injustice, for life here and physical phenomena are simply a fragment of a whole. Our senses only perceive a limited range of phenomena in the energy-spectrum. Scientific devices may only extend our range of perception a little further and aid us to record a little bit more. What is beyond our perception vibrates in astronomical frequencies. What we are unable to detect physically may well exist beyond the range of our senses. The investigation of Nature's more subtle aspects is not beyond the line of reason or scientific analyses if several principles are taken into consideration :

1) The higher realities must be investigated through the higher faculties of the soul, through a higher consciousness or through an altered state of awareness.

2) That which is not perceived through the objective senses does not imply its non-existence, even to a psychic's failure of perception, for they may simply be "out-of-range."

3) That the diversity and inconsistency of recorded paranormal phenomena do not indicate its non-validity as it may well be that the nature of the higher worlds reflect the influential instability or fluctuations of the investigator's mind, thoughts, and feelings.

4) That the mind moulds reality, whether physical or non-physical out of the energies of its internal and ambient environment.

5) That Cosmic or natural laws with possible mathematical formulation apply in the subtle realms as they apply here in the physical.

6) That the linear time-space continuum may not apply in the higher dimensions as they do here.

7) That the mind is not the sole faculty of knowing.

8) That some metaphysical phenomena goes way beyond our earthly concepts and the apprehension of the mind and is difficult to explain using conventional language.

9) That metaphysical phenomena are repeatable even in controlled laboratory conditions should all the natural laws factors, and variables involved in the phenomena's manifestation be taken into account.

Science is aware that the physical world as we perceive it is an illusion and yet our senses delude us by informing us that it is real with the "power to affect us in some way." If this is considered to be a criterion of "reality" then the "imaginary" worlds too are real for they likewise affect us in some manner, as psychologists would undoubtedly concur. Of metaphysical interest, one vital question emerges: is the existence of these other so-called imaginary worlds, these other "realities," part of the "Gupta Vidya," or the secret teachings that spiritual preceptors sought to convey to humanity?

Gautama Buddha once referred to the amount of teachings that he revealed to the world by comparing them with the few leaves of a tree that he had clasped in his hand. The bountiful leaves that he pointed out, still clinging to the boughs of the tree constituted that which was yet undisclosed to humanity. Several centuries later, almost at the end of his exoteric ministry, the Master Jesus said to his disciples that he had further teachings to convey to them but they were unprepared as yet for their reception. Why? What were these advanced precepts? These secret doctrines, if ever existed, are unrecorded in the New Testament. They would have been verbal--oral teachings for the selected few. Are these oral teachings still in existence or are they "lost"? Are they perhaps preserved in the consciousness of the Magi, the wise men of every ancient culture? Are they carefully guarded in certain temples and underground vaults hidden from prying eyes? Are they so spiritually scientific in nature that men unprepared with the proper moral, intellectual, and rational basis were not able to fully grasp their principles and significance? It takes a great mind to know another; it also takes a great mind to understand the great principles and laws of Nature. In the early days of recorded history only the few had attained to the desired level of understanding and were prepared to develop the greatness necessary to grasp Nature's hidden laws and principles.

How does one attain greatness, how does one become great enough to apprehend the "higher" teachings that the spiritually enlightened have to offer? We have always been advised by spiritual teachers to walk with God; to tread the strait and narrow way or the ancient path; challenged to go where angels dread; or to go where no man (mortal) has gone before, and yet, most of us feel not up to the task. The one thing that prevents us from doing so is fear--fear that has been instilled in us by superstition, religious dogma, propaganda, and other false teachings.

What is the nature of these occult principles and doctrines that the spiritual teachers throughout the ages wished to convey to humanity but had to withhold for the lack of "preparation" on the part of man? Were these secret teachings eventually given out to select persons who subsequently became the spiritual pioneers and leaders, reformers, and prophets of future generations?

Life is a mystery, however, the more we partake of the higher spiritual consciousness the more we come to understand this "mystery of mysteries." This is the unveiling of the secrets of the Egyptian goddess Isis who declared truthfully that no mortal shall ever unveil her. Isis, as the personification of Nature, was right: no man has ever or will ever unveil her to behold her naked beauty. Only when the mortal mind--which is representative of man--is displaced in favor of the immortal God-mind will we ever come to be aware and understand All That Is, all that Isis, the Divine Mother represents. Is this concept strange? The Bible states that no man shall see God and live. Indeed, the spiritual Masters tell us that no man shall see God and live--as men. The perception of God entails embodying all that God is, all of His virtues, attributes, and consciousness. To truly understand a thing we must become that thing. This is the Law of Empathy or Identification. This is what separates saints and prophets from the Cosmic gods and men-made-perfect. Saints may lead a pure and holy life; but by separating themselves from their fellow men by secluding themselves and maintaining a consciousness of duality, they do not advance to a higher spiritual status. In order for their consciousness to be raised to a higher evolutionary level, it is necessary for them to transcend all dualistic opposites, illusions and errors in mortal thinking. This we personally call Divine thinking. How shall this transition from manhood to godhood be accomplished? Spiritual teachers have always been present on Earth to direct and help uplift humanity to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Teachers but point the way. It is up to the aspirant or disciple to tread the Path that leads to enlightenment and illumination.

In every religion there is an oral tradition--secret doctrines given out to a few. These were called "esoteric teachings." The few were privileged to receive these wisdom teachings because their mental, spiritual capacity and level, and their morality far exceeded those of the average person and were spiritualized enough to comprehend and be receptive to abstract verities. The privileged few, having duly prepared themselves spiritually, had eliminated many of the egoistic tendencies that would have caused them to misuse and abuse sacred knowledge. These secret teachings empowers one. They give tremendous powers over the forces of Nature; this was the reason for the careful guardianship by the forces of Light over them. This is sometimes portrayed in classical myths as dragons protecting gemstones or other treasures in their lair. In esoteric teachings dragons often represent wise, enlightened men. In Hindu tradition, these men were the Nagas who lived in their caves of meditation and rock temples. They were called dragons or serpents for their innate energy coiled at the base of their spine, otherwise known as kundalini, was permanently raised and wed to its higher counterpart in the crown chakra. This counterpart is the dove, the Holy Ghost. The serpent is Shakti while the dove is Shiva. About two thousand years ago the Master Jesus admonished us to be as wise as the serpent and harmless as the dove. Esoterically, he was telling us to stimulate kundalini to ascend and the dove of love, purity and the Christ-Consciousness to descend. When kundalini meets her mate she must crown him with the jewel that she ought to carry with her. Those who are familiar with esoteric and occult concepts will understand what all of the above signifies. In ancient Egypt the pharaohs wore head-dresses or crowns with the serpent, the sacred "Uraeus" protruding from the area of the Ajna chakra, the etheric energy-center located between the eyebrows. In those days it was a prerequisite for candidates to ruler-ship to be spiritually enlightened before ascending the throne; the candidates had to undergo spiritual training that would prepare them for their exalted task; however, this practice was later neglected and it subsequently caused the degeneration and corruption not only of the Egyptian rulers but the priesthood as well.

In bygone days, sacred knowledge concerning Man, Nature, the Universe and God were taught in those institutions called the Mystery Schools. In these temples of knowledge and wisdom the candidates were initiated into the Ancient Wisdom that existed long before the foundation of this world. Before such occult teachings were taught the candidates had to undergo certain tests and trials to prove their worthiness. When these tests were successfully completed and certain trials overcome the candidates were initiated into the sacred Mysteries of Life. They were taught how to acquire the gnosis, or sacred knowledge through personal soul-experience. The control of the forces within man was also taught to the novices by the Kheri-Hebs, the hierophants, or Masters. These accomplished beings instructed the novices how the subtle body of man may be exteriorized to experience the higher dimensions. Many methods were used to accomplish this by the Wise Ones such as the careful use of certain hallucinogens, hypnosis, acoustics, concentration, mesmerism, meditation, etc. The King's chamber of the Great Pyramid was particularly used as a portal of initiation into higher worlds. The immortality of man and reincarnation were basic principles taught in the sacred teachings of the Mystery Schools.

In the early days of our unrecorded history, the creator gods, the Elohim, the Lords of Mind and the Lords of Flame, walked with man in everyday life and nurtured the divine spark within him. The Spiritual Elders gave teachings to their disciples and they eventually became the rulers of civilizations and the leaders of humanity. These enlightened rulers were the God-kings and Priest-kings still talked about by students of occultism. They inaugurated our fabled Golden Ages. What we would like to mention here in passing is that some of these spiritual beings are back in physical incarnation in our present era spreading metaphysical teachings and a higher spiritual pragmatic code of life.

The higher laws and operations of Nature may be investigated through the utilization of one's soul-faculties. These inner senses of the soul must first be awakened and unfolded to a certain degree of efficiency before they may be safely applied. Metaphysics teaches man the way to personal development, to spiritual advancement, and occult unfoldment. Metaphysics as a whole, is the modern repository of the ancient and ageless secret teachings. Its more sacred doctrines belong in the field of esotericism.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore
Leonard Lee aka Luxamore
Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.
Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc.
Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.

Breaking the Tinnitus Habit - A How-To Guide
In regards to breaking the tinnitus habit, I recently received an email from a reader who writes…

“I try to keep myself busy and do things that i enjoy but it seems that my mind is always locked onto the sound. Are there any tips you can give me that helps break this habit? I’m at the point where I’m truely trying to accept my tinnitus and sometimes I can and other times I can’t. I know it can’t hurt me, but I fear that I will have to suffer the rest of my life with it.”

In answer to this question, “Are there any tips you can give me that helps break this habit?” I must first say that, most definitely, it is a habit to focus on Tinnitus. In fact, I suspect you’ve gotten so used to focusing on it all the time that it’s a habit that would be incredibly hard to break. But, not impossible!

So, how do you break a bad habit?

There is only one way to do this. Add habit forming positive routines to your day that are equally habit forming. When you do this, your new habits will override your old ones.

This process is much much easier when you are fully aware of your destination. Even though life is not about the destination but about the journey, knowledge of your true destination makes it easier to focus every day on doing something that leads you to that destination. When you do this your mind will turn away from the negative tinnitus and be turned towards doing what it is you really want to do.

What do you want? I mean really want? ie: fame, fortune, peace, success, money, companionship etc etc…. Take some time and figure out what it is you really want and then make daily habits that lead you to that destination. Good habits. Because, good habits are just as easily formed as bad ones.

Let’s step away from tinnitus for a second and talk about another easily formed bad habit. “Lack of Exercise” which is a big problem in Western Society. You know it amazes me when I ask people at the gym, “how are you?” or “how’s it going.” Most of the time I get the response, “not bad,” or “I’ll feel better when I’m done” or “I hate the gym and I can’t get out of here fast enough.”

For those people I know that I will see them very very infrequently. Why? Because, you can’t be good at something you hate. It’s impossible. When I first started going to the gym it was hard at first but I made it into a habit. Now, everyone around me knows that from 8:15 am to 10am every Monday, Wed and Friday I’m at the gym. No one questions that. Why? Because it’s a habit and everyone respects that. As a result, it’s something I can count on to give me time away from work, from family and friends to be by myself and doing something good for my body.

That’s how to make anything a habit. Learn to love what it is you don’t necessarily like to do, because it’s good for you! And, it is leading you to the destination of healthy living.

Now, let’s take a look at life. If I have a really big goal it makes it so much easier for me to form habits that chase that goal. What is my goal? To play at Carnegie Hall! Now that’s a big goal. Will I ever get there? Who’s to say, but I believe I will. But, even if I don’t, I’ll get 5,000 percent further than if I never adopted that goal or ever learned anything about actually achieving it. And, it doesn’t matter anyway. Why? Because I’m focused on the goal and forming good habit to meet that goal that takes my mind of the negative stuff like Tinnitus.

What’s the really good news? You tinnitus will actually get better (lower in volume) by not focusing on it. Trust me, I know this works.

One final word. Avoid saying things like, “I fear that I will have to suffer the rest of my life with it.” This is the worst thing that you can do is say something like that. Why? Because you’re focusing on what you don’t want…and you’re just going to get more of it whether you like it or not.

Right now, form a new habit by putting your intention forward and adopting new phrases like…”somewhere someone has been cured from their tinnitus, tomorrow it could be me.” The universe understands what you want and what you don’t want equally. When you weigh your statements on the side of what you really want you’re going to get more of it!

I noticed that you downloaded my “6 Top Ways to Reduce the Ringing” eReport. You’re only on chapter 2. Have you adopted the first 2 lessons? Can and will you make them a habit? I promise that if you make them a habit you will heal over time.

Lessons 3 through 6 are also new habits to be formed. You must do them. If you do not take the initiative because of your “fear” then there is little I can do for you. But, I have a feeling that you can and you will adopt these habits. Your sanity depends on it.

Have a most happy, joyous and tinnitus-free day!

Paul Tobey

~ ~ ~ Paul Tobey is a concert pianist, composer and touring artist who has suffered from chronic tinnitus for over 7 years who found a path to recovery without medical intervention. He is also author of “A Practical Guide to Tinnitus Free Living”. For more information visit ==> Ringing In The Ears - Help For Ringing Ears ~ ~ ~

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