Thursday, October 2, 2008

Maria Duval - Four Simple Steps to Less Stress by Taking Yoga “Off the Mat”

Four Simple Steps to Less Stress by Taking Yoga “Off the Mat”
It’s not hard to imagine Henry David Thoreau living in utter simplicity on his land at Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. Spending only $28.12 on a 10x15 square foot home and living a Spartan lifestyle, he went to the woods to live deliberately, learn life’s lessons and feel a sense of “having lived” when he died.

Nobody wants to go to the grave feeling as if life was wasted. We all want to live completely, fully. But for most of us, living like Thoreau is more of a fantasy. We’re busy earning a living, keeping family responsibilities and saving for retirement.

So here’s the question for those of us fully immersed in a typical 21st century day: rather than retreating to the woods, can we live deliberately, here and now, in the circumstances we currently find ourselves?

The answer is a conditional yes. Yes because the essentials, by definition, are always present. The most essential is your indivisible essence, the core of who you are. It’s impossible to be separated from it. The ‘yes’ is conditional, though, because we need more vigilance to stay focused on the essentials when our busy lives pull and push us off course.

Yoga cultivates that focused awareness to keep our minds here in the present moment. Rather than just a series of postures to open your hips, a yoga mindset can open your heart. By integrating principles of yoga into life on a daily basis, and not just in a weekly Hatha yoga class, a new world of opportunities can be found.

With the knowledge that this moment is inherently whole, relaxation appears. Just trust that where you are now has what you’re looking for. This is yoga. And with this definition, everything is yoga.

Taking Yoga “Off the Mat”

There’s a simple four-step process you can use to cultivate a yoga focus in everyday life. That process is called EASE, an acronym that stands for Experience, Awareness, Self-Reflection and Elect.

Step One: Experience

By watching your own experience closely, you can see the truth of the ever-changing nature of the world. During a in Hatha yoga class, the teacher instructs you to notice your feet connecting with the floor in Tadasana, or to see where your breath resides in Trikonasana. This same level of attention can be brought to everyday circumstances.
Try this exercise. While you are feeling angry, sad, happy or excited about the anticipation of something, notice the answers to these questions:

· What emotion is present?
· How is my breathing?
· What am I saying to myself?
· How am I behaving?
· What am I feeling in my body?
· What is my energy level?

The simple step of noticing your experience while it’s happening, or reflecting upon it later, can immediately illuminate where needless tension is being generated.

Step Two: Awareness

Awareness is the ability we have to broaden our perspective in a given moment. The interpretation of an event comes not from the experience itself, but from where attention is placed. Expanding awareness provides numerous choices for directing attention.
Notice yourself reading these words. What are you aware of? Now turn your attention to your big toe. Notice where it is and how it feels. Is it hot or cold? How does your sock feel against your toe? Can you feel your shoe pushing against it? Can you feel the contact with the adjoining toe?

A moment ago, you were probably oblivious to your big toe. The simple act of bringing your attention to it, however, has expanded your current experience to include these new sensations.

Ask yourself the question, “what else is there in this moment?” Then, relax. Soften your edges, let go of your grip on the rope slightly. Slow down. Step away from the problem.
Awareness holds infinite possibilities.

Step Three: Self-reflection

Self-reflection answers the question, “How do you want to be in this world?” We’re misled when continually asked, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Regardless of age, some of us still struggle with what we want to do for a living, which implicitly implies that some distant point in the future holds the key to our happiness. A much more present-oriented (and easier) question to answer is how we want to be, which of course could be lived in this very moment.

Answering the question of how we want to be focuses on the values we deem important. Do you want to be loving, courageous, compassionate, or adventurous? Pick one or two ways of being that resonate with you and then use your everyday life as the practice ground for bringing them to life.

Step Four: Elect

The last step of the EASE process is to elect or choose, in a given moment, to act consciously and in accordance with your values. Saying what we value is much easier than actually living it. Life is the testing ground for understanding at a very deep level what these values mean. What does it mean to be patient when your son comes home drunk? What does it mean to be loving when your boss is being demanding and arrogant? What does it mean to be courageous when the fear of rejection is paralyzing?
The practice of life gives us unlimited opportunities to explore the implications of our chosen values.

Life is messy. At times we feel lost, as if we’re wondering hopelessly through an impossible maze, stuck in a confining box. Life, though, is more like a labyrinth. We may feel disoriented, but there is only one path�"the one we are on. And the path leads to the center every time, without exception.

Adapted from the book Infinity in a Box: Using Yoga to Live with Ease ( ) by Megan McDonough. Megan helps you get clear in body, mind and spirit so you can get the results you want. Along with teaching yoga, she’s an award-winning writer, consultant and corporate trainer. She’s taught at the famed Kripalu Center, the largest site for yoga and holistic health in the United States and is on the faculty of the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Advanced Training. This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. The author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

How To Change Your Life In Just 15 Minutes
Meditation is a powerful process - very powerful. It has the power to transform your life but many people never try it because they don't know how to begin. The truth is that meditation is a simple, easy and natural process. And, to prove it to you, I’m going to teach you an easy meditation technique. Ready? Let’s get started. Every day for 10 or 15 minutes, sit quietly by yourself somewhere peaceful. Maybe under a tree, maybe in your car, maybe in the bathroom, just someplace where you are not going to be interrupted. Now, for this particular meditation technique, do your best to shut down your physical senses. Draw the curtains if it is bright and close your eyes. Put yourself in a place where there is not much sound. Some people play music in the background but even that can be distracting. However, something like the ticking of a clock, or the dripping of a faucet, or the trickling of a waterfall can be very soothing. And some music, it has to be said, does fall into that same category. But even then it must be something that does not stimulate your thoughts. Now focus inwardly, perhaps on your breathing. Be consciously aware of the air flowing into your lungs, and be consciously aware of air flowing out again. Concentrate on long breaths in, and then concentrate on long breaths out. When you breathe in and you think it is all your lungs can hold then try breathing even more air in until your lungs feel like they are almost ready to burst. Then, at a place of full expansion of lungs, take a long, slow, relaxing, breath to let all the air out again. Let your intention be nothing more than being in this moment right now, and just being consciously aware of breathing. Don't think about cooking breakfast, or combing your hair, or wondering how someone is doing, or thinking about yesterday, or worrying about tomorrow, or focusing on anything else in this moment except air in, and air out. Now, during this process, within a few days of doing it, you're going to begin to feel a kind of physical detachment from your body. A very common thing that you will feel is a sort of numbing sensation. Some describe that they cannot tell their toe from their nose. Some, if their eyes are closed, may begin to see movement of light around under their eyelids, or even flashes of color. There is no right or wrong in this meditation technique. There is nothing that you should be reaching for. This is a state of peace. This is a state where, for just a few moments, you stop running the show. You stop trying to make anything happen. This is a time when you just let everything go. Fifteen minutes a day of this will change your life. This is because it will put you in the state of letting your natural energy flow more strongly through you. You'll feel better in the moment. You'll feel more energized when you come out of it. This meditation technique is far more powerful than it might at first seem. In just a few days of consistent practice, you’ll begin to notice the powerful effect it is having on your life. So there you have it. This method will transform your life but there's one catch. It will only work if you do it!

For more Free Mind Power Knowledge, visit

Essence And Manifestation
Essence is the totality of who you are - the one - just as it is right here right now. Immutable; changeless; timeless; spaceless; depthless; completely independent of all arisings; block of rocklike solidity; infinite darkness; indescribable - none of these descriptions come anywhere near to what it is like - they fall abysmally short of the mark, and your interpretations of these descriptions does not even come close to these "pointers". There is no possibility whatsoever of being told of how exquisitely rich this one is, that who you are is. You are going to have to experience this for yourself. You are going to have to travel the "journey of self discovery" yourself. You can be this essence because who you are is this essence. It is the "motion of seeing" that is flowing through your very eyes right now. This "motion of aliveness" is the "central point" of itself - essence - writing itself out into its play of manifestation through the mindbody that you find yourself driving around through, day in and day out. Of course, this one is all things everywhere. Without it - who you are - there would not be any manifestation. It is the fullness of nothingness that gives life to all. There is no "gradual" about this essence. It is and it is right here right now. It is complete - changeless. It is not a growing thing. It is not unfolding. It is finished - it did not begin and nor will it end. It is - isness ising. There is no "one" in the driver's seat. You cannot compete for that position because it does not exist. Duality does not exist in this essence. Everything is this one. All creatures, great and small, are this one. All humans are this one. Not only it is who you are, it is also who everyone is. Manifestation is the ground of duality. It is where polar opposites play themselves out, where variance has such "scope," variation. Manifestation was born and it will die. Accordingly, all things within manifestation - all minds, all bodies, all sensations, all emotions, all "heavens and hells", all visions, all feelings, all "toys", all arisings, all subtleties, all grossness, all creations, all worlds, all celestial beings, all human beings, all "shmee" beings, - will die. They were born, they live for a time and they die. Your mindbody - this vehicle that you drive around through - is a part of manifestation. It is an arising that was born and will die. It is not who you are Until you come to realize who you already are you are going to believe yourself to be who you think you are which is just a part of manifestation - not who you are. Who you are is the essence that is flowing through and sustaining this manifest existence - this is who you are. You are not your mind even though you cannot conceive of how you could not be your mind. You may well believe that you are not your mind because of concepts that you have come across about how you are not your mind. But these concepts have not relieved you of the bondage, entrapment, estrangement and imprisonment of this mind that you take to be your "guiding light" in life. This mind is part of manifestation. Who you are is not. Concepts are of this mind - manifestation - and cannot deliver you of who you are, which is beyond not only of this mind but beyond all manifestation - beyond beyondness. Manifestation is the playground of love. Love coming to know itself from within its own dance.

Elysha is a self realized teacher of the heart. Elysha is available for satsang in New Zealand for those who are ready for a change in spiritual consciousness.

The News is Good News - And There Is Peace
The good news is that the good news is no longer "The Secret". The Law of Attraction has been spoken about and written about during all times, and yet the cultural barriers like organized religion and feudal political power (which we still have today, we call it corporate) placed the information in the inner circles.

If you've attracted the "Secret" or The Law of Attraction to yourself in any way shape or form, then you know. Information about it is everywhere right now. The world is ready for an overhaul towards peace, it seems.

If any of the desired outcomes in your life are related to peace, whether that means absence of war, or tranquillity or quiet at home when you want it, where is your peace at?

Do you feel peaceful right now?

Do you feel peaceful when your child loses it and calls you a @#$%&& moron before he/she slams their door?

Do you feel peaceful when your car doesn't start or the washing machine just stops?

Do you......okay, you can finish the list for yourself, specifically for you.

The next good news is, the proportion of race consciousness that is rooting for everyone to have peace, fulfillment, riches, not to mention edible food and drinkable water in their lives, is HUGE.

I checked out a few blog carnivals yesterday that had to do with "good", and I would need a month to read them all, and I mean 12 hours a day! The piece of the pie that is focused on good outcomes for this planet is a big piece and it is mind boggling!

The hundreds and hundreds of squidoo lenses that have been written share their adsense and sales income from internet marketing with charities - the details don't matter. The goodies are getting circulated.

Goodness is increasing.

Many celebrities are putting more and more of their resources toward alleviating world hunger and distress.

Even Paris Hilton wants to do social good, so let's support her and not be mean about her past. She certainly has the ability to help others change their lives if she proceeds with her plan. James Hillman who wrote "The Soul's Code" explains that we all enter our lives with a guiding force, who arranges circumstances so that we can head toward our greatness. He doesn't say "except heiresses".

The good news is for everyone. Take a moment every day to think about the good in your life. (It's kind of an insurance because of all the good chemicals that flow into our bodies when we do that).

Also, just contemplating the good news in your life is your gift to the rest of us. It's a one mind thinks all deal.

Dianne M. Buxton is a ballet teacher, and a writer. If you find these ideas useful, you can find out more about them here.

5. The Importance Of Being Grounded (2)
- Do you know what it feels like to be grounded? - Do you know how you can achieve better grounding in your life? I remember that, although I was meditating for quite a long time already, I had difficulties in feeling what it was to be grounded and to me it was very helpful to work with the meditation technique that I am going to tell you about: My teacher and mentor Christopher Beaver (Telluride-CO) taught me that: “Each individual possesses a natural rhythm that is as unique as their fingerprints or DNA. Staying connected to Mother Earth creates a change in your own personal energy field, so that you can re-align to a more natural way of being.” I have experienced that by becoming grounded you take the first step in evolving your consciousness towards change. Please be aware that these self motivation tips are the key to change and growth. Therefore I recommend you to practice this self motivation exercise in order to obtain the necessary self motivation skills. To achieve better grounding in your life, I share this meditation with you. I am convinced that it will be of great help to you too: 1. Find a quiet place and sit, either in the Lotus posture, or in a chair with your back straight and both your feet on the ground, your hands resting on your thighs with the palms up. (This helps you to be open) 2. Close your eyes and breath, while your jaws are unlocked and your tongue touches the back of your lower front teeth. 3. Take 3 slow deep breaths to let your body know that you are going into meditation. 4. Start breathing-in through your nose and- out through your mouth and open yourself to receive Mother Earth’s energy. Feel this energy surround you like loving arms, sending you nurturing and unconditional acceptance. 5. Feel an imaginary cord opening up underneath your body and visualize it to roll out to the centre of the earth. 6. A red colored grounding energy enters your body at the base of your spine. Let it flow into your pelvis and the lower part of your body. Then direct it up the back of your spine and let it go up to the top of your head, after which you let it flow down the front of your spine. 7. Keep breathing-in through your nose and- out through your mouth, while you feel this energy moving up and down your spine and into the lower part of your body. This meditation will truly help you to: - feel connected to the Earth - balance - create a deep inner peace - become stress-resistant - feel energized - bring you to your deepest internal information - feel what you REALLY want So, give yourself a gift, take action and repeat this exercise for 20 minutes every day.

Ab van Deemter ( is a Personal Growth specialist and a spiritual person, who believes in sharing his knowledge of personal perseverance. He has studied metaphysics and other holistic methods for many years and embarked on a life of success. With successful tools for personal freedom he has made it past a life full of obstacles and now mentors and teaches business owners, their staff, his own employees, as well as a large group of private individuals.

Universal Law Series - Law Of Attraction
Our thoughts, emotions and feelings act as a powerful magnet, attracting circimstances into our lives. Whether these circimstances are positive or negative, is completely dependent on how we think!

This is the sixth of seven articles in our continuing series covering the core seven Universal Laws. The focus of this article is the sixth Law ? the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction

Simply stated, the Law of Attraction says that we attract into our lives, that upon which we place our dominant thoughts. In other words, if we focus predominantly on abundance, solutions and positive outcomes then that is exactly what we will attract back into our lives. Nice!

There is a dangerous flip side to this law however - if we focus on lack, problems and negative outcomes, then that is exactly what we will attract.

You may have heard of Earl Nightingale. Known today as the father of modern day self-help, Earl, while working in the insurance business back in the mid 1950?s, cut a record called ?The Strangest Secret?. The purpose of this record was to provide some training for his staff while he was traveling on business. Earl?s strangest secret was simply this:

?We become what we think about most of the time!?

This ?secret? aligns perfectly with the Law of Attraction and acts as a constant reminder that we must learn to control our thoughts. Truthfully, our own thoughts are the only things in life over which we have complete control. The challenge is to keep them in control and not let them run rampant with negativity.

For an example of the power of the Law of Attraction, you need look no further than your own life. Have you ever had one of those days, where everything seems to go wrong? From the cold shower to the burnt toast to the traffic ticket on the way to the office, to the grouchy boss, to the difficult customer, we have all experienced those days. It all starts with the way we think. Our thought patterns attract the first negative experience. This experience then puts us in a negative frame of mind which works to attract further ?bad? situations. The more we focus on the ?bad day? we are having, the worse things get!

The solution is to change our frame of reference. Take the negative emotions and change them to be either positive or at least neutral. Look for the lesson in every situation. Learning to laugh at ourselves is another great way to change our reference point. If we break the cycle of negativity, things will begin to turn around almost immediately.

What You Can Do

There are two things that you can start doing immediately that will help you to harness the awesome power of the Law of Attraction:

1. Ask yourself the question: ?Do I focus on Lack or Abundance (or stated another way, ?Am I problem-focused or solution-focused?)? If you answered, ?Lack / Problems? then set out to immediately change your frame of reference. Change your habits and thought patterns to be more positive and solution-focused.

2. Take full responsibility for whatever is happening in your life, be it good or bad. You have attracted the good as well as the bad, so taking responsibility will allow you to make the choice to change your thinking.

Positive thinking on it?s own will not solve all of your problems, however it is one of a series of things that we all have the power to implement which will get us on the path to leading the life we want.

Tony Davies is a Business Consultant as well as an Executive, Business & Personal Coach. He is an expert in the areas of Leadership and Personal Development and in integrating these two, seemingly different, disciplines. To find out how Tony can help move your business or life forward, please visit his website at

Follow your bliss and get all the money, health, and happiness you deserve.
“Follow your bliss,” goes the quote. Ancient authors have held this to be one of the keys to wealth, health, happiness, and general success. Modern self-help guru's have also begun championing this phrase.

Why is this a key, what are the downfalls to doing so? Theoretically, none �" but if you don't know the theory, you can get into some pretty wild scenarios which aren't under your control.

Most people, however they try to remain in control are very much on automatic. The control they have in their lives is mostly through subscribing to other's opinions and concepts. Our habits are those we've chosen partially due to heredity, but a lot are due to our own learning. And the learning we've done is from those people we have experienced in our lives. Books, schools, colleges �" these teach only the mundane, regular theories which have served us for centuries. The wildest concept to break through since Christ has been that of the free market and related concepts such as a written constitution, which guarantees free speech and all the peripherals needed to having an open market.

However, most of the lies are still out there. Economics is based on a huge one, which is usually explained in the first few paragraphs of any basic text �" that there is not enough to go around. Unfortunately, this was disproved many, many years ago. Buckminster Fuller pointed out in the 60's and 70's how mankind had been able to feed the entire world since WWII. Our only problem has been in distribution. (And more recently, Wal-Mart has seemed to have solved that...)

Practically, natural laws described by nearly all religions and known by successful people throughout history have long held that there is enough of everything to go around, not just food. This is due to the simple concept and Law of Attraction �" which is based on the simple datum that “thought becomes things.” Whatever you think is what occurs in the world around you. If you are happy, you attract happy circumstances. Get critical and you will find yourself being criticized. This is, of course, the Golden Rule. But not because someone has told you to treat others like you would like to be treated, but more that however you treat people around you is exactly how you are going to be treated �" whether you know of that rule or not.

Before you treat others around you any differently, you should know one thing: you have to treat yourself like you would like to be treated. This is prior to even treating anyone else in any fashion at all. If you are constantly critical of yourself, you will get critical manifestations in the world around you. If you are loving and cheerful, even supportive of your own efforts, you will then get happy things happening around you. William James, Norman Vincent Peale, Plato, Aristotle �" all these knew that a person could change their attitudes at will. You can think of cheerful things, or just start laughing, and you will soon cheer up. By changing your own attitude, you can then attract whatever you want.

You then get closer to following your bliss. Bliss is very close, almost synonymous with your own personal purpose in life. Wayne Dyer very simply states that you find your purpose by letting it find you. Look around and find what makes you feel good. What do you like to do and what activities bring you real satisfaction? Start keeping track of these and doing more of these. Eventually, you will see a pattern to what is making you happy and constantly feeling good. This is what you should be doing. You might be able to put a name on it and describe it �" maybe not.

What you are finding is your bliss. You are finding what is sublime in your life, what brings you peace, what makes your serene.

If all your thoughts were serene, were happy, were confident �" then you would attract things in your life which bring you serenity, happiness, confidence and security. Fear will drop away and courage will build, as you build your faith in yourself and what you can and do create by changing what you are being.

Bliss, follow your bliss.

Try it for yourself �" make yourself cheerful, as Earl Nightingale long ago prescribed, for 30 days and go about doing things for people far beyond what you are expected to do. Do things which you expect no returns for. Simply do good deeds every chance you get �" for family, friends, total strangers. Be unreasonably cheerful in everything you do and hold this as a constant way of life. What will happen after 30 days is that you have now just developed a new pattern, a new chronic habit for yourself. You can support this by picking up self-help tapes and books which talk about this subject. Earl Nightingale's “The Strangest Secret” is one, while the DVD “The Secret” is another. Wallace Wattle's Science of Getting Rich, or Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich both have intense methodologies for changing your world around. Read them during this 30-day period, and/or listen to such tapes or DVD's daily, over and over. You will reinforce your bliss and refine it. And you will have a very different take on life.

You can have an incredible world around you, full of magic, miracles, and habitual success in all you attempt.

But you have to follow your bliss. You will then find the world around you assisting you in following that bliss. The more blissful you make yourself, the more the universe backs you up.

And tell others why you are “so damned happy all the time” when they ask. Encourage others to find and follow their own bliss.

Eventually, you will make islands of sanity and calm around you. Those islands can become the sea, and eventually take over the whole she-bang.

But it starts with you and your bliss.

Rev. Dr. Robert C. Worstell, M.Msc, MBA, PhD has published over three dozen books in his 35 years of studying and working in the self-improvement fields. Visit his website at

Know All That It Takes To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You
The basic underlying principle of law of attraction is like attracts like.
Often people complain of unusual things and experiences in their life. There have been instances when you get just the opposite of what you had expected. These events make us feel powerless. What‘s important for us to understand is the power and role of energy in the law of attraction. If emotions are added to it, the whole process of attraction is intensified and strengthened. Positive high frequency energy will attract positive things and experiences and vice versa.

The Law of Attraction Never Fails:

We all know that there is a certain degree to which the law of attraction functions. We have also seen the results when this attraction works. It is a universal law and always functioning. When you are attracted to others, the results cannot always be positive. This is not the failure of the law of attraction. Infact, the law of attraction is functioning perfectly. These circumstances arise as a result of your thoughts and beliefs, emotions, yearnings and feelings and so on.
Experts have devised several techniques in order to make the law of attraction work for you. There are several factors which you need to take care of to make it work for you. Clearly lay down what you expect from your life. Always remain focused on areas you really want to change. Always visualize the thing you desire. The stronger the emotions and feelings towards the desire the greater will be the pull. Moreover, identify and pursue your negative emotions and find out what they want to convey and what you are trying to avoid. Negative emotions are always present and associated with some basic fundamental belief. Visualize what you do not desire in life. Ask yourself what circumstances have led to this negative emotion and carefully examine them. It is also good for you to write about each of these in a book and revise the beliefs in order to form a more positive affirmation.

A movement towards positive affirmation allows you to accumulate only positive thoughts in mind which is the core of your creative properties. Always make it a point to think about experiences and circumstances that have had a positive impact in your life. The law of attraction will always work when you want to make it work in the right manner. A harsh critique of your emotions will enable you to live within the reality of each positive affirmation. Then the law of attraction will always work positively for you.

Article Written By J. Foley

Act As If Your Life Was Perfect
Most of the time we live so far away from our ideal life that we even don’t notice. We either accept without complaining and live a life of silent desperation, or we don’t accept and fight against our own misery. Both ways lead us to exhaustion and fatigue. In this article I will propose very powerful ways to discover your ideal life and to start living it. You need to take pen and paper and a half an hour of your time. Aren’t you worth it? Here we go. This is an exercise of imagination. No need to be realistic, no need to resist, just have fun with it. Imagine for a second that you are walking around in a store called “The Store of Your Dreams.” Everything is for free, take anything you want. Beware: the store is open only for half-an-hour, so do not hesitate! Don’t start thinking about if what you are asking for is feasible, that’s not the issue right now. Also do not wonder if you will one day receive what you are asking for. Just let yourself be carried away to the “LAND OF ENDLESS OPPORTUNITY” and take whatever you wish, without limits. Remember, you’re in the dimension of imagination, not reality. In this store there are different parts : in one alley you can “take” your most happy relationship, in another alley your perfect children, in still another your dreamjob, your dream house, your best friends, the income you long for, and so on. Write down what is your greatest, most beautiful vision about these ten subjects : an intimate relationship, the relationship with your kids, your parents, your friends, your boss, your dream job, your dream house, your health, your wealth and your creativity. Write for every of these headings a few lines. Write in the present tense, and in a positive way, as if you had already what you wanted. For instance (for your intimate relationship) : I live a happy, respectful and passionate relationship with a tall, beautiful man (or woman); we have a lot of complicity together, we laugh a lot, we have an open confident communication; each of us has his own activities and freedom and we share a lot together; we give each other support and love flows freely and abundantly between us. For instance (for your income) : I receive so much wealth and money by doing what I really like that I can afford to offer myself everything I dream off and to offer my beloved ones everything they need. So you see, you write in the present time and don’t use sentences as “we have no problems” or words as “not, don’t, never, without…” Make positive statements. Take some time to write this down on paper. It really matters. Now you can give a score from 0 to 10 for every heading, telling how close your reality is to your dream. If you already live a relationship with your partner that fits entirely your description, you give it 10/10. If your relationship is lousy and far away from your ideal, give it 1 or 2/10. If you don’t have a relationship at all at the moment, it will be zero. It is immediately clear which parts of your life need to be worked at: those with the lowest score. It’s also clear which parts of your life are satisfactory already: those with the highest score. What you have written down here provides a vivid picture of the real you, and what your life could be like in reality. It is the blueprint of your life. Reality could be just like you have described it here, and even better! What can you do to accelerate the manifestation of your dreams? I propose you five different techniques : The best thing is to write your happiest vision down every day again (it only takes 15 minutes a day, aren’t you worth it?). Second best thing is to read your vision every morning and every evening, when your subconscious mind is open to receive this new information. You also could repeat short positive phrases in your head, like affirmations. You can make a “collage” of pictures representing your different dreams, and paste it on your wall so you can lay eyes on it every day. This will be a reminder for your subconscious mind to manifest your dreams. Every day, you should visualize in all details, with your eyes closed, how it would be if you had already your happiest relationship, job, house, and so on. Try to feel how it would be, and pretend you already are in this state of being. Act as if your dreams are already reality. You will notice very soon how your life resembles more and more your happiest vision. Anyway, the fact that you have made these very notes means that all of it exists, it just has not manifested yet. The more you occupy yourself with your real life plan, the one you have just written down, the more your environment will resemble it. You can repeat this exercise every six months and monitor your progress. It is fun and very efficient to bring your dreams to reality. Ineke Van Lint is an expert in helping you in a quick and efficient way to discover the real you and to create a life filled with passion and enthusiasm. Take her free course here and become the happy successful person you were ment to be!

Ineke Van Lint is an expert in helping you in a quick and efficient way to discover the real you and to create a life filled with passion and enthusiasm. Take her free course here and become the happy successful person you were ment to be!

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