Thursday, October 2, 2008

Maria Duval - The Truth About Adult ADD and Follow-through

The Truth About Adult ADD and Follow-through
If you are an adult with ADD, chances are that at some point in your life, you've felt that you are not "living up to your potential." This judgment often manifests itself when you take stock of all the great ideas you've had that have never gone anywhere, and all the unfinished projects that you have started but never completed. The overwhelming number of these things that have not been "followed through" can lead you to believe that you are not living up to your potential. This is simply not true. By nature, ADDers are visionaries and idea generators. If only someone would pay us to think up great ideas all day long - we'd all be rich! But we get so many great ideas all the time that it would be absolutely impossible to follow through on every one of them. Think about it. If you tried to implement every good idea you ever had, would you have time to eat, sleep, or even breathe right now? Probably not. But this is not an indication that you're lazy, unable to follow through, or not living up to your potential. Successful ADDers know that they are always going to have great ideas that never come to fruition. It's just our nature to be constantly thinking, creating and innovating. We can't shut off this part of ourselves even when we try. But we simply don't have the physical or mental capability to follow through on every great idea we get. Embrace this concept as truth. Realize that some ideas are worth following through on, and some are not. Let go of the guilt. Refuse to listen to the internal dialogue that tells you you're lazy and not living up to your potential, simply because you have too many good ideas to keep up with! Instead, ask yourself what's practical to follow through on in the present, instead of putting pressure on yourself to do it all. Keep a notebook in which you write down your great ideas so that you can come back to them if you want to. Focus on a few great ideas that you actually did follow through with, and let these be your motivation moving forward. And don't forget to acknowledge this special talent that you have. The ability to generate many great ideas makes you a visionary!

Jennifer Koretsky is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of the ADD Management Group, LLC. Jennifer and her team work with ADD adults who are overwhelmed with everyday life in order to help them simplify, focus, and succeed. For free resources and more information, visit

How To Build Your Positive Attitude
This article seeks to give you a solid knowledge base regarding the subject matter at hand, no matter what your previous experience on the topic. I am untaken to ask you to something very uncanny right now. First of all, I want you to snoop to your judgment. Now tell me, what judgment soak your advance? Would you marker them as positive, or damaging? Now let's say you are walking down the avenue with these judgment. Do you think everyone who would encounter you would be able to tell you what�s on your brains? The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be beautiful generic. while people will not be able to tell you just what you think, they will more or excluding have an idea of how you are concern. As we take the journey through the final part of this article, you can look back at the first part if you need any clarifications on what we have already learned. Here's another subject. When you input a troop soaked with links, do they all accident silent as if something terrible had transpireed? Or does everyone there profit up as if waiting for something exciting to transpire? You know what? The answer to all these depends on your support of brains. judgment are very strong. They involve your broad attitude. The attitude you transfer reflects on your appearance, too � unexcluding, of course, you are a great actor. And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also involve people around you. The mode of attitude you transfer depends on you. It can be each positive or damaging. solid judgment have a soaking provoke. They are admittedly invigorating. advantage, the people around the qualities transfering positive judgment are commonly thrilled by this mode of attitude. downbeat judgment on the other hand have a sapping provoke on other people. away from making you look overcast and sad, damaging judgment can curve a jovial gathering into a funeral stir. A positive attitude attracts people, while a damaging attitude repels them. People cultivate to shy away from those who transfer a damaging attitude. We can also describe attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you elect to focus on the damaging effects in the world, more or excluding you have a damaging attitude brewing up. However, if you elect to focus on the positive effects, you are more possible transfer a positive attitude. You have greatly to advantage from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have revealed that a positive attitude promotes better fitness. Those with this kind of attitude also have more links. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to alias stress and evils better than those who have a damaging attitude. A positive attitude begins with a fitnessy person-aura. If you will honey the way you are and are cheery, solid, and person-solid, you also make others are around feel the same way. A damaging attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an reverse provoke. So, transfering a damaging attitude has a twin drawback. You feel bad about yourperson, and you make others feel the same way. If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to highlight fitnessy judgment. This is doubtless very hard to do nowadays because, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but damaging judgment. A inquiry shows that for every 14 effects a father says to his or her product, only one is positive. This is sincerely a saddening thought. If you want a fitnessier outlook in life, you essential to think cheery judgment, and you have to learn positive effects as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a hilarious show, you could play with productren, expend some time forceful jokes with links. All these activities soak you with positive stimuli, which in curve promotes positive attitude. while it is impossible to keep ourselves from the damaging effects around us, you can still transfer a positive attitude by focusing on the good effects, the positive effects in life. And this positive attitude you now transfer can be of profit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing people regularly do is try to give them opinion. But sometimes, all they essential is someone to sit by them, and snoop to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up lacking even having to say something. If positive attitude is sincerely great, why do people elect to adopt a damaging attitude instead? One who carries a damaging attitude may be actually transfer a gesture for notice. Before you get me harm, concern sad, outraged, or overcast is not harm itperson. But residence on these judgment for far too long is not fitnessy each. There is a time to bewail. As forever, if you are inundated by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good effects in life, you will forever have wish. evils become something you can overcome. You do not have greatly to evade by adopting a fitnessy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually retards aging, makes you fitnessier, helps you widen a better stress coping method, and has a very positive provoke on all the people you encounter every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude? Adopt one nowadays. Over time, you will begin to understand how these concepts really come together if you choose to venture into this subject further.

Dechen Lau is an Author, Speaker, and Consultant specializing Marketing Change Your Mind,Change Your Live

A Change of Focus
Changing Focus: Approximately 290 million people in the U.S. are coping with a chronic medical condition that results in impairments, disabilities or alters their way of living. Often, this level of disability is a result of three things; the medical condition itself, the environment or support systems and thirdly, the individual’s focus. Anyone who is coping with a medical condition has an opportunity to improve their level of function and ability. That should be their focus, as this is something they can control. In success of any kind, it is really all about focus. Often times, when an individual is coping with a disabling injury, disease or chronic illness, they are focused on the negative impact, the losses and the new disability or lack of ability to do things that they were once able to do. Anyone learn to focus on their abilities or “difabilities”, as opposed to their disabilities. This change of focus can bring about higher levels of function, advance recovery and provide them with tools to help them achieve things they did not think they could achieve. Common Negative Thoughts: One of the most critical steps in recovery of a chronic illness or injury is changing the chronic ways of thought. It is these chronic, negative thoughts that often are what keeps people ill. When one is preoccupied with health, when it is all one talks about and focuses on, it remains. If one explores the most common thoughts and emotions an individual has when coping with a chronic illness, injury or disease, one will see that the majority of these emotions are negative emotions. Negative emotions do not make us feel good. These negative emotions can be detrimental to a patient’s recovery if they remained focused on them. Some of the negative emotions that one can experience when coping with the loss of health or function are described below. Powerlessness: Chronic illnesses and accidentally injuries can often times appear uncontrollable and unpredictable. People may feel as if they have lost control over their bodies and their future. Loss of control feels like powerlessness. When people feel powerlessness, they may also feel hopeless, anger and fear. However, if one learns how to change the feelings of powerlessness and replace them with positive thoughts, such as passion, optimism, hope and enthusiasm. They can see that they are indeed capable of many wondrous things, and that they have control and power over many aspects of their health and body. You can also take control of your health by improving your finances and finding ways of creating passive income so you have more time and flexibility to heal yourself. I recommend studying the science behind success and work at home network marketing opportunities, and for free resources. Fear: Fear plays a big part in the emotional pain of chronic illness, injury or disease. A person may become afraid of many things, including the progression of a disease, the increasing loss of control or increasing disability, the outcome, the relapses or re-injuries. A person may be afraid of their how family members, friends and co-workers feel about them, now that they have an injury or illness. They may have financial fears, fear of losing the ability to work or not sustaining a current income or position. Finding new ways to generate income or work at home opportunities can allow the individual to have more time to heal and recover and reduce any fear over finances. Free resources are available on and Additionally, they may fear not being able to support their loved ones. Fear can sneak up on them and fear can overwhelm them on a continual basis. It is important to learn how to replace feelings of fear with good emotions and to learn to focus on abilities and good health. Fear is said to be the expectation that something bad will happen, learning to replace this emotion with expectations of something great will indeed bring about abundance. Anger: Individuals with a disease or condition may experience anger. There may be anger against their bodies for “failing” them. There may be a sense of betrayal. There may be anger at the meaningless of their disease, injury or condition. Or they may blame themselves or others for their condition and current situation. They may express anger at life, the medicine they take and their side effects, the doctors for not curing them and their friends and family members for not understanding them or responding to them the way they would like at that exact moment. There may be anger when people make allowances for them and then when they do not. It is important to understand that anger is a very powerful negative emotion. If a person does not harness this emotion, the negativity may turn into self-destruction. However, if a person can learn to harness and control it and turn it into positive energy, such as determination, passion, optimism and hope, the rewards can be staggering. It is really all about a change of focus. Jealousy: Envy, resentment and jealousy are emotional reactions that are hard to separate from one another and are difficult to eliminate from our thought patterns. To be envious, is to wish you had something that someone else had. To be resentful, is to be angry and bitter because you do not have something that someone else has. For those with a chronic illness, injury or disease the thing that they want and do not think that they have, is health and full function. Because our culture is competitive in nature and there is such an emphasis on perfection and images that reflect the “perfect” person in magazines and in movies, when a patient is coping with an illness or condition, these feelings and emotions can be a monumental influence on their lives. A patient will need to learn to stop comparing themselves to what others have and what they look like and take themselves out of the competitive plane and focus on the abilities and strengths that they do have. Grief: When coping with the onset of a chronic illness, injury or disease, grief can be one of the stages a patient may go through as they progress towards acceptance. There are typically three phases of grief: 1) Denial, 2) Emotional pain, 3) Acceptance. Change can involve loss. Grieving involves focusing and feeling sad for our losses. Grief becomes a debilitating emotion when one cannot get through all the phases to the acceptance phase, but rather adopts a chronically negative way of thinking instead. There is a blessing in the grieving process. As one goes through the three phases, one feels pain and agony and then finally the peace of acceptance. To go through the entire process, gives us a deeply rooted faith that all bad things do pass, that there is some way to deal with everything, no matter how hard or how bad it is, and that we will come out in the light. We are left ready and fully prepared to start over and rebuild. The chronic injury or illness experience can be a good thing. In David Letterman fashion, I have created my own top ten list of the positives of the chronic injury or illness experience: 10) Your pharmacist knows you by name. 9)Otherwise complete strangers are your instant friends, as they now share a common bond of the injury or illness experience. 8) You find an inner strength and sense of empowerment that you never knew existed. 7) You grow closer to those who love and support you. 6) You find out who your true friends are. 5) You have an opportunity to re-invent your self. 4)You explore and create new work skills and talents, that otherwise may have been left undiscovered. 3) You simplify your life. 2) You slow down and start to focus on the things that are really important to you. 1) You have an opportunity to explore and expand your current balance of the mind, body and spirit. You can become more resilient. When seeking better health or self improvement, a change of focus is often required in order to live fuller. Changing focus can be easy, once you learn the process of acquiring hope. To learn how to change your focus and attract good health, please visit for free resources and read “Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment”. Ref: “Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment” book and The Secret to Getting Rich:

Nicole Matoushek, MPH, PT has 15 years of experience in clinical managed care and disability management. She is founder of Nicole has broken the disability cycle herself while battling Myasthenia Gravis and several other autoimmune diseases. She has authored two books "Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment" and "365 Days of Abundant Hope" both available on and Nicole lives each day in hope and is passionately dedicated to helping others succeed in obtaining abundant health, wealth and a fuller life!

The Secret Law of Attraction Tips and Tricks.
Looking for a simple explanation? Don’t have the time to read the book or look at the movie? But are you like to know about the Secret Law then this article is for you. It is not difficult to understand I can explain it to you in five minutes. Ok, your still reading so you really wane knows more about it? I will not to disturb you, with not important details only the simple facts. Your mind is a very powerful tool only you have to use it the right way. But it is easy to learn and easy to use, it takes only five minutes a day. If you are willing to spend that every day then it works very well for you. I have written these tips and tricks about the secret law of attraction for only one reason. It can really work, I know because it works for me, but why pay for it? Yes the movie and books are great and fun to read but you do not need them. I will explain it here for you in just a few simple steps, easy to read and understand. Let’s start now; it takes you five minutes a day to make this work. First thing a want you to know is how your mind works, do you think that your mind saves information in words or pictures? Here is the important key, it works with pictures. Just like a computer it’s saving pictures, but it’s not understand the difference between good or bad pictures. But your mind and body is always going to react on it. So if you show it only bad pictures it can make you unhappy or even sick. Just like a computer works, if you give it good input you will get a good output. So you can use it the good way or the bad way is a simple as that. But let’s be focus on the good way of using the secret law of attraction. Here is the three step way method you can use simple free but it really works. First find pictures form the things you wane have or goal that you wane reach. Do it with your search engine on internet and save them on your computer. Second make a slide show of all the pictures that you have found. Maybe put some music with it, if it is soft music it can be extra helpful to focus. Third and most important, every morning you wake up take the first five minutes to watch the slide show that you have making. Do that as long as necessary, days, weeks, months. Do not expect it works in one or two days, it will take some time before it works. It is really a great tool, just give it a try and find out for yourself. Sceptical? I was to but it is free and takes only five minutes a day so why not? And it is always nice to start the day with favourite pictures so you can’t lose. Now you know the secret law of attraction, us it well.

writer: Jeroen Kaslander business director of: Jarvers Ltd websites: and feel free to use these sites to start your online business.

Appreciating Life Itself
"We want the spring to come and the winter to pass. We want whoever to call or not to call, a letter, a kiss, a raise �" we want more and more and then more of it. but there are moments, walking, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the window glass, say, the window of the corner video store, and I am gripped by a cherishing so deep for my own blowing hair, chapped face and unbuttoned coat that I’m speechless: I AM LIVING. "
—Marie Howe from What the Living Do

All that we want, all that we do, all that we have, all that we like….our looks, our moods, our family, our friends, our jobs, the weather, our political leaders, our cars, our homes…..all of this……a moot point without LIFE. It sounds pretty basic, like, "No kidding!" Many of us all too often forget to appreciate the basics. And the most basic element of our life is…..that we have been blessed with one!

Being alive is probably the number one thing we take for granted. Okay, we were born, we’re breathing…now let’s do, do, do, buy, buy, buy, fix, fix, fix! In the midst of our hectic ‘gotta get ahead’ world, we are losing touch with appreciating life itself. How many of us are truly alive? How many are simply existing, you know, going through the motions robotically? The answer is…too many. What does a person’s best life look like? Of course, the answer varies from individual to individual. My experiences have convinced me that there are a few global concepts that all of us can consider in creating our own best life. All of them relate to a genuine appreciation for the opportunity to experience life with all its ups and downs and twists and turns. This idea transcends personality, ethnicity, age, and so on. Below are the top four ways you can learn to appreciate your very existence. Incorporating any ONE will change your life for the better. But why not try all four?! Remember to be patient, but practice, practice, practice.

  1. Notice and appreciate every inch of your body inside and out. Do you realize that most of your body functions through no effort of yours? You think, you get from point A to point B, you breathe, your heart beats, your organs do their thing nonstop, and you wake up in the morning. Your senses either enhance your life or protect you from harm. The list could go on and on. As far as your outside goes, is there any good that comes from disliking it? Appreciate the fact that you are alive and beautiful. This beauty must be acknowledged by YOU. Once you choose to see yourself as a spectacular vision, others will notice it as well.
  2. Notice and appreciate every person you come in contact with. Each one of us has redeeming factors. Commit to discovering at least one for each person you meet. If this ever seems to be a daunting task, choose one of yours and share it with that person. (Examples: your smile, your patience, your respectfulness) A funny thing may happen. It may become easier to notice something great in that other person.
  3. Notice and appreciate every element of nature. Yes, even the hurricanes and other ‘natural’ disasters. Why? Because the sheer power, unpredictability, and majesty of the forces in this universe are to be admired. We certainly would not cheer about the loss that may result. However, if we can see beyond this aspect that occurs relatively infrequently, there is so very much beauty in and assistance from nature that we can marvel over. Sometimes, we take these for granted. Appreciating the oxygen that ‘happens’ to flow from trees in exactly the amount we need to breathe, the rains that draw life from a lonely stem by producing a perfect blossom, the magical song of baby birds in the spring, or the almost surreal blanketing of snow on the earth in winter can make all the difference in the quality of your life.
  4. Notice and appreciate those events you perceive as bothersome or unfair. What?! Why would anyone appreciate a broken leg, getting fired, or losing a loved one? Of course, I am not suggesting that you should love these things. But I am suggesting that you, at an appropriate time, look at any such event in your life and find its message for how you can get even closer to truly living your best life because of it. THIS is what you can appreciate.

So, take a deep breathe in and exhale slowly allowing a soft release of appreciation for simply being alive!

Judi Debus has been motivating others for all of her career and is now sharing her experiences with a larger audience. Read more about her and her thoughts at

Discover Your Passion
Many times when it comes to discovering your passion and what it is that you truly want, we become caught up. Caught up in our heads as to what it is that we think we should be doing or what our parents told us we should do with our lives. My Mom (like many others) wanted me to become a doctor. Wasn’t she surprised? Finding your true passion may not be what you think. Most people feel that they have to “do” something or “attain” something in order for them to find their true path. Consider the possibility for just a moment that you don’t have to “do” anything at all. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Just like you don’t have to try to hear. Just like you don’t have to try to see. If what you are doing feels like you have to effort at it, then you are meeting resistance and could be getting in your own way. I’m offering a free 6 part email course entitled, Discover Your True Passion. My goal is to help you move your mind in the direction of discovering for yourself what it is that you want to do in life. The material that I cover in this course is what I cover with my coaching clients. Using my psychic abilities and The Sedona Method, I have been swamped with emails asking me, "What if I don't know what I want? Is that a bad thing?" Most people are scared because they can't figure out what it is that they want to do. I say, “It's okay! Give yourself a break." And the rest of my response is this course. During this 6 part series you will learn: *Why what you are doing now doesn't work *Why it's okay that you don't know what you want *What thoughts you have control over *How to effectively phrase your goal statements *The way you sabotage yourself without even knowing it Sign up today and receive a free meditation audio program from my SpiritSpeak series. To sign up for this course, just sign up pasting the link below in the "to" field in your email program:

Bobby Marchesso is a former television host who has helped thousands to connect with their loved ones on the other side. Bobby uses various techniques to help facilitate healing such as The Sedona Method.

1 comment:

Ousizch said...

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My friend, I hoped you always got the sparkling idea for the progress this blog. May your efforts be successful.

From: Ousizch